1: A little child and weaned 1. A little child and weaned, Upon its mother’s knee, A loving mother’s mind and will, Is all it needs to see. 2. How peacefully it rests, That tender loving child, The silent tears of pleasure fall, To see it reconciled. 3. O, soul of mine be still, And learn this lesson well; The souls thus weaned and quietened In peace with Jesus dwell. 4. Within the heart resigned, God shall His will reveal O’er thy whole being thou shalt find, The peace of Heaven steal. 5. God claims the right divine, To mould and form the will: Until its chief delight shall be, His pleasure to fulfill. 6. O, soul of mine take heed, Shun not the chast’ning rod, All labour is entirely vain, Unless you work with God. 7. The haughty heart and mind, The lofty eyes brought low, Would humbly seek the mind of God, And nothing else would do. 8. In Israel’s God I hope, From henceforth evermore, With willing heart and mind I shall, His will obey, adore. 9. ’Tis all I ask, beloved, A heart and mind set free, As turns the needle to the pole, To follow after me. meter→ 5, 4, 6, 6 2: A little while to bear the cross 1. A little while to bear the cross, And share with Christ reproach and loss, To face the world, its scorn and frown, Before we lay our armour down. Chorus Our little while will soon be gone; For us eternity will dawn; Redeem the time, O watch and pray! Labour for Jesus while you may. 2. A little while to fight the fight, Strong in His strength and Spirit’s might; The Lord is on our side, and we, Through Him, shall gain the victory. 3. A little while the course to run, And then eternity begun; We’ll see His face and share His bliss, Receive the crown of righteousness. 4. A little while the faith to keep, And on the mountains seek His sheep, His precious gospel to proclaim, And glorify the Master’s name. meter→ 7, 7, 8, 6, 7, 5, 7, 6 3: Abide in God’s most holy will 1. Abide in God’s most holy will, Let nothing tempt you to depart, Obedient, confident and still, Serve Him with undivided heart. Chorus Make room for Him whose name is Love, And let His mind and will control. Grace brought your Saviour from above, To pay the ransom for your soul. 2. Let all His choice and will be thine, Sustain you in the wilderness, For Jesus sake earth’s joys decline, He is your crown and righteousness. 3. The way of life unfaltering, Still follow on as Jesus leads, Obey His voice unquestioning, For you He lives and intercedes. 4. Abide in Him thou shalt prevail, Cast not away your confidence, His promises shall never fail, How great will be your confidence. meter→ 6, 6, 4, 5, 8, 7, 6, 7 4: Abide in Him, with patience run the race 1. Abide in Him, with patience run the race; To overcome, the Lord will give you grace. 2. Abide in Him when tempted by the wrong; Keep firm and true: the weak in Him are strong. 3. Abide in Him when trials press you sore: His grace will prove sufficient o’er and o’er. 4. Abide in Him, the cross for Him endure; And make your calling and election sure. 5. Abide in Him, though others turn aside; The living branch will in the vine abide. 6. Abide in Him, obedient to His will; His purpose in your life He will fulfil. 7. Abide in Him, consider Him alone And let Him rule your heart and take the throne. 8. Abide in Him, continue to the end, The Shepherd true will all His sheep defend. 9. Oh let Him not bestow His grace in vain, Abide in Him, until He comes again. meter→ 8, 8 5: Afar from all the world apart 1. Afar from all the world apart, Within the temple of my heart, I worship God, My feet shall follow all the way, My Saviour trod till endless day, Breaks on my view. 2. With prayers and fastings day and night, To serve Him now my chief delight, My sole employ, For one unworthy it is meet, That I should fall and kiss His feet, And weep for joy. 3. He gave His all so willingly, He sacrificed His life for me, That I might live, My every ransomed power I bring To honour and to serve my King, My life I give. 4. From Him I never shall depart, His love has sealed me on His heart, For evermore, O, blessèd joy when I shall see His face and serve eternally, His will adore. 5. O service true for ever blest, To cease from self in God to rest, And let His will, Accomplish all His work begun, Until the image of His Son, My soul shall bear. 6. With prayers and fastings I shall serve, And from His service never swerve, Sustained by grace, My highest joy to give my all, Till with adoring hosts I fall, Before His face. meter→ 6, 6, 3, 7, 6, 4 6: All my life I yield to Jesus 1. All my life I yield to Jesus, As an offering glad and free: Under His control and guidance, Henceforth I desire to be. Chorus Keep me free, Keep me free, Free to spend my life for Thee. 2. All my life I yield to Jesus, He will keep me by His power. In the time of fiery trial He will be my strength and tower. 3. All my life I yield to Jesus, He will keep me in the way Undefiled to serve Him only, By His grace from day to day. 4. All my life I yield to Jesus, I will trust His love and grace. In His mercy stand before Him, Serve Him in the Holy place. 5. All my life I yield to Jesus, All my powers and all my will. I will labour for His glory And His righteous law fulfill. meter→ 7, 6, 5, 5, 6, 7 7: All my springs arise in Jesus 1. All my springs arise in Jesus, He my inmost need supplies, Satisfies my heart’s deep longings, Quells the fears which oft arise. I sit down beneath His shadow, Resting there with great delight; Sweet refreshing in His presence, Songs He giveth in the night. Sweet refreshing in His presence, Songs He giveth in the night. 2. All my springs arise in Jesus, Love empow’rs the highest choice; Though I sleep, my heart awaketh At the sound of His dear voice. Come to me, my Wellbelovèd Gloom departs when Thou art near Source and fount of living waters, Joy and health and hope and cheer. Source and fount of living waters, Joy and health and hope and cheer. 3. All my springs arise in Jesus, I have found Him whom I love; He has kindly looked upon me, Fixed my heart on things above. He is chief among ten thousand, My Redeemer, Saviour, Friend; In His eyes I have found favour, Loved with love which knows no end. In His eyes I have found favour, Loved with love which knows no end. 4. All my springs arise in Jesus, In His favour there is life; In His wondrous love abiding, There is rest from sin and strife. He will keep me free from evil Till the dawn of endless day; I shall see Him in His beauty When the shadows flee away. I shall see Him in His beauty When the shadows flee away. meter→ 6, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6 8: All that Thou sayest 1. All that Thou sayest I will do. My Master and my God. In this surrendered heart of mine. Thy love now shed abroad. Let love constrain me to obey, Thy word of counsel now alway. 2. All that Thou sayest I will do. With grateful heart and mind. I’ll follow on, forsaking all, And leave myself behind, Thy faithful servant I will be, To serve one Master only Thee. 3. All that Thou sayest I will do. Moved by Thy love Divine; Thy will shall overpower my will, And make it wholly Thine. Work Thou in me Thou Holy One, Let Thine own will in me be done. 4. All that Thou sayest I will do. Obeying from my heart. Thy voice Thy word most willingly, I’ll choose the better part. O, let Thy will be done in me, Reign now and reign eternally . meter→ 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6 9: Alone, yes all alone I struggle on 1. Alone, yes all alone I struggle on, Heartsore, footsore, wearied, Strength almost gone, Who, who shall hear my cry, Man’s help is vain, None careth for my soul, None feels my pain. 2. Alone, yet not alone, Sorrow and dread, Compass me round about, On this I’m fed, Nothing to soothe my heart, No balm to heal, Overwhelmed by weakness, No one to feel. 3. Alone, yet not alone, Hope lends her ray, Shining in friendliness, O’er life’s dark way, Faith whispers tenderly, Faint not, but pray, Thy God will be with thee, With thee alway. meter→ 4, 3, 3, 3, 6, 4, 5, 4 10: Alone with Jesus in the secret place 1. Alone with Jesus in the secret place My soul delights to dwell; The hunger of my heart is satisfied, He speaks and all is well. How calm and peaceful is the rest He gives, And every voice is still. In silence deep within that fair retreat I learn His Holy will. 2. No friend like Him can sympathize and feel His heart can understand, Those blessèd feet have marked the rugged path Across the desert land. That face so marred still beams with tender love His chosen souls to lead. And for His ransomed ones He ever lives At God’s right hand to plead. 3. Deep calleth unto deep my prayers ascend Like incense to His Throne, God’s heart is moved to meet my every need, While waiting there alone. In bliss profound within the holiest My will is lost in Thine. I fall to worship at Thy pierced feet Impelled by love divine. 4. The God of grace and truth is near my side His voice so still and clear Within that sacred place alone with Him Is music in my ear. The spirit of His truth He there imparts, It fills my inmost soul. Myself and former things forgotten now All cares on Him I roll. 5. My heart possessed, my life controlled by God, Purposed to do His will, Against the world the flesh and devil is Thus made invincible. No powers can shake the tranquil mind that’s stayed On the eternal one. In perfect harmony with Him they go Until the race is run. meter→ 7, 5, 7, 6, 9, 5, 7, 5 11: Another day in which to prove 1. Another day in which to prove, A Father’s love and tender care; He will impart sufficient grace, As patiently the cross we bear. 2. Another day to face the foe, Strong in His strength and spirit’s might; In armour clad with shield of faith, We put our enemies to flight. 3. Another day in which to strive And hope the mastery to gain; The life of self to mortify, And let the Saviour rule and reign. 4. Another day in which to live, And prove the riches of His grace; The poor and contrite heart is meet, To be the Master’s dwelling place. 5. Another day of grace is mine, To sit and learn at Jesus’ feet: His work within my heart begun, He will continue and complete. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 6 12: Another day is ended 1. Another day is ended, How soon it passed away, Another day has ended, Which shortens my brief stay; I too must end my journey, My pilgrimage must cease, ’Tis nought the toil and conflict, If but the end is peace. 2. See how the shadows lengthen, The night is coming on, All nations now are slumb’ring, The night will soon be gone; The darkness will surround me, Hush, hush, my soul be still; There’s light beyond this bound’ry, It gleams on yonder hill. 3. I close my eyes in slumber— I sigh, ’tis not a moan; An unseen hand sustains me— I know I’m not alone; I rest, I cannot help it, Unconscious of the night— I wake, the sun is shining; How radiant is its light. 4. Eternal is the morning— I rise to sin no more; Immortal life’s my portion, On Heaven’s blissful shore: The night of sorrow ended— My earthly race is run, My mortal life is finished, My life has just begun. meter→ 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 6 13: Another step, Oh, faint not by the way 1. Another step, Oh, faint not by the way, Remember Jesus said we ought to pray, The prayer of faith will heal your weary soul, The eye of faith can see the heav’nly goal. 2. Another step, my Saviour is ahead, The path He went; thy willing feet must tread, Then follow in His footsteps faithfully, Eternal glory is awaiting thee. 3. Another step, thy Saviour’s welcome voice Shall bid thy soul forevermore rejoice, The desert past; the patient watchings o’er, The former things shall trouble thee no more. 4. Another step, His pleasure to fulfill, Another step according to His will, Another step to finish in the race, And then the joy of home— thy Saviour’s face. meter→ 8, 7, 9, 9 14: Are you oft discouraged, sore oppressed within 1. Are you oft discouraged, Sore oppressed within, When you lose the vict’ry Which you fain would win, Haste away to Jesus Though your doubts pursue, Power He will impart to you. Chorus Let His power now work in you, Permeate you through and through, Keep you ever faithful, Strong, courageous, true, Let His power now work in you. 2. Tell Him all your sorrows, Shattered hopes and fears, He was sore afflicted And will surely hear, Wearied well nigh fainting He will strength renew Power He will impart to you. 3. He like you was tempted And in all points tried, Tender is His mercy You won’t be denied, Every fiery trial He will bring you through, Power He will impart to you. 4. Satan’s power resisting God will take your part, He will cleanse you daily Keep you pure in heart, His Eternal glory Ever keep in view, Power He will impart to you. meter→ 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, 4, 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 7 15: Arise! Thou sun of righteousness 1. Arise! thou sun of righteousness With healing in thy wings; Flood all my soul, and fill my heart, And touch the secret springs That I may worship and adore, With raptured saints above; Who laud and praise thy holy Name, In pure and perfect love. 2. Arise! thou sun of righteousness Let thy life giving rays; Pierce through the gloom, dispel the night, And lead me in thy ways, Thou source and fount of purest life, Draw me, that I may be Set free from sin, self found no more, Lost, swallowed up in Thee. 3. Arise! thou sun of righteousness Arise, no more go down; Thy gentleness shall make me great, Thy lovingkindness crown: Keep thou the vineyard of my soul, I would the world should know, Though black, but comely, I am thine, The sun hath made me so. 4. Arise! thou sun of righteousness In all thy glory shine; And by thy mighty power transform, This willing heart of mine: My mother’s children then shall see Thy life in me begun; In Thee, made perfect and complete, My centre and my sun. meter→ 5, 5, 8, 5, 6, 4, 7, 5 16: As you journey home with Jesus 1. As you journey home with Jesus, On the heav’nly manna fed, Let your heart go out to others: With the hungry share your bread. Chorus Break your bread with hand unsparing, Rich the harvest you shall reap; Prove your heartfelt love for Jesus: Feed His lambs and feed His sheep. 2. Are you bearing fruit for Jesus, Or a cumb’rer of the ground? Those who seek to succour many, Rich in fruitfulness abound. 3. “Give, it shall to you be given” Prove this golden rule is true. Well pressed down and running over, Thus the Lord will give to you. 4. Let your life be one of service In the Master’s harvest field, Sacrificed for Him unsparing; Rich and sure will be the yield. meter→ 6, 5, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7 17: Be it unto me Lord Jesus 1. Be it unto me Lord Jesus, Just according to Thy Word. I would be the empty vessel, That Thy name might be adored, Dwell within me by Thy Spirit, Keep me sanctified and still, Doing only Thy good pleasure, Yielding to Thy Holy Will. 2. May I never grieve Thy Spirit Thou hast sealed me as Thine own, Keep me spirit, soul and body, Thine and only Thine alone, Free from every power of evil, Daily under Thy control, Planted by the Living Waters, Prospering within my soul. 3. Lord when heart and flesh would fail me, May I prove Thee near my side Be my strength and habitation, Shepherd, Counsellor and guide, ’Mid the scenes of desolation, Earthly lusts on every hand, Lead me on a pilgrim stranger, Safely through the desert land. 4. We have no abiding city, None beneath the glowing sun. Soon our days of toil and labour For the Master will be done, All our night of grief and sorrow, Care and pain will pass a way, And with Jesus in the glory, We shall dwell in perfect day. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5 17: Be it unto me Lord Jesus 1. Be it unto me Lord Jesus, Just according to Thy Word. I would be the empty vessel, That Thy name might be adored, Dwell within me by Thy Spirit, Keep me sanctified and still, Doing only Thy good pleasure, Yielding to Thy Holy Will; Doing only Thy good pleasure, Yielding to Thy Holy Will. 2. May I never grieve Thy Spirit Thou hast sealed me as Thine own, Keep me spirit, soul and body, Thine and only Thine alone, Free from every power of evil, Daily under Thy control, Planted by the Living Waters, Prospering within my soul; Planted by the Living Waters, Prospering within my soul. 3. Lord when heart and flesh would fail me, May I prove Thee near my side Be my strength and habitation, Shepherd, Counsellor and guide, ’Mid the scenes of desolation, Earthly lusts on every hand, Lead me on a pilgrim stranger, Safely through the desert land; Lead me on a pilgrim stranger, Safely through the desert land. 4. We have no abiding city, None beneath the glowing sun. Soon our days of toil and labour For the Master will be done, All our night of grief and sorrow, Care and pain will pass a way, And with Jesus in the glory, We shall dwell in perfect day; And with Jesus in the glory, We shall dwell in perfect day. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 18: Be not silent O, my Saviour 1. Be not silent O, my Saviour, Let me hear Thy tender voice, Look upon me now with favour, Speak and bid my soul rejoice. Chorus Be not silent O, my Saviour, All my soul I now outpour, Speak to me O, God of Israel, Speak that I may love Thee more. 2. Let me see Thy face Lord Jesus, Meet Thy kind and loving eye, Over power and fill my being, With Thy love that cannot die. 3. Be not silent O, my Saviour, Speak, Thy word shall quicken me, Feed my soul and clear my vision, Strength impart to follow Thee. 4. Be not silent O, my Saviour, Speak, and touch my stony heart, Soften and subdue my spirit, Grace and gentleness impart. 5. Be not silent O, my Saviour, This I earnestly implore, Let Thy love in me abounding, Teach me how to love Thee more. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7 19: Be still and know that I am God 1. Be still and know that I am God, Cease from thyself and sin. In silence wait and thou shalt hear, God’s still small voice within. 2. Be still and know that I am God, And hearken to my voice. In quietness and confidence, Thy soul shall then rejoice. 3. Be still and know that I am God, In stillness thou art blest. Thy restless soul would intervene, And keep thee from Gods rest. 4. Be still and know that I am God, Let light and glory shine. On Thy dark heart and thou shalt know, That life which is divine. 5. Be still and know that I am God, Though doubts and fears dismay. Cleave solely to the God of truth, Thy refuge strength and stay. 6. Be still and know that I am God, When fierce temptations try, Stand fast with faith unwavering, The Lord of Hosts is nigh. 7. Be still and know that I am God, Fear not, the subtle foes, Wait patiently, rest in the Lord, In deep, profound repose. 8. Be still and know that I am God, Steady and fixed thy will With humble heart subdued and meek, God’s purpose to fulfill. 9. Be still and know that I am God, ’Tis but a just demand, Passive, forgetful of thyself, Stir not beneath God’s hand. 10. Be still and know that I am God, Keep silent O, my soul, Thy meat to simply yield to Him, Pliant to His control. 11. Be still and know that I am God, My heart, my mind, be still, Lowly and pure, detached from all, But God and His good will. 12. Be still and know that I am God, And seek not to be great, The empty vessel God will fill, Regard Thy low estate. 13. Be still and know that I am God, Calm, peaceful and apart, Enclosed, concealed and hid with Him Who dwells within thy heart. 14. Be still and know that I am God, Abase self will and pride, The flowers and fruits of virtue grow, When self has truly died. meter→ 8, 5, 7, 5 20: Be ye immovable 1. Be ye immovable, steadfast in heart, Strength for the conflict the Lord will impart. Great is His faithfulness; He cannot fail. Keep on pursuing; His arm will prevail. Keep on pursuing; His arm will prevail. Chorus Faint, yet pursuing, own no defeat; Faint, yet pursuing, never retreat. Jesus is anxiously watching the fray: Keep on pursuing till close of the day. 2. Be ye immovable facing the foe, Courage and wisdom the Lord will bestow. War a good warfare, and cease not to fight, Strong in the Lord and the pow’r of His might. Strong in the Lord and the pow’r of His might. 3. Be ye immovable, quit not the field, Trust in the Lord, and our foes then must yield. Press on to conquer, and never gainsay, Steadfastly minded to go all the way. Steadfastly minded to go all the way. 4. Be ye immovable, firm to the end, Patient endurance the Lord will extend. Tender, compassionate, heart full of love, Faithful the One interceding above. Faithful the One interceding above. meter→ 6, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 5, 6, 8 21: Before the throne my Saviour stands 1. Before the throne my Saviour stands, By faith I see Him pleading there, My heart is softened and subdued, To see His constant gracious care. 2. For all Thy tenderness and love, What shall I render Saviour mine, All Thou hast purchased with Thy blood, Shall be forever wholly Thine. 3. Thy tender mercies over all, My heart and spirit shall incline, That I may see and understand, The magnitude of love divine. 4. How great the love that tasted death, And drank that awful cup for me, God’s wrath appeased was swallowed up, My soul is justified and free. 5. God’s justice fully satisfied, My Saviour’s sprinkled blood I see, Is speaking, cannot be denied, Before the Throne continually. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 6 22: Behold the King of love 1. Behold the King of love At your heart’s door; His gracious, holy will, Resist no more. Chorus He lingers, oh, He lingers, By your side He lingers; Admit the King of glory, To dwell with thee. 2. Oh, love surpassing sweet, So long to wait! His grace, how rich and free, Exceeding great! 3. Forsaken of His God, He drank the gall; His deathless love, how strong! It claims your all. 4. His love can never fail; O trust Him now; To all His heart demands, In silence bow. meter→ 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 5, 4 23: Behold the Lamb of God 1. Behold the Lamb of God Who came to this dark world of sin, He opened wide the gate of Heav’n That we might enter in. 2. Behold the Lamb of God Who died upon the cruel tree, His hands, His feet, His wounded side Proclaim His love for thee. 3. Behold the Lamb of God Arose triumphant from the grave, He saves unto the uttermost, He ever lives to save. 4. Behold the Lamb of God Shall come to judge the quick and dead, Then where, Oh where, shall you appear When Heav’n and earth are fled. 5. Behold the Lamb of God Who pleads before the Father’s throne, Oh say, will you be found in Him Saved by His blood alone? meter→ 5, 8, 7, 5 24: Blessèd words, “Found in the Spirit” 1. Blessèd words, “Found in the Spirit,” On that barren, lonely shore; Blest his ear, thrice blessed his vision, Blest indeed for evermore. 2. Nothing can dissolve the union, None can separate or part When the spirit joins with Spirit, And the heart beats true with heart. 3. Blessèd, those who in the spirit, ’Mid scenes dark and desolate, Are found ready, waiting, serving, High and noble their estate. 4. Blest the reader, blest the hearer, Those who shall observe and do; Keep their first love ever burning, And their Master’s will in view. 5. Blessèd record God has given, Of His well beloved Son; Blessèd those who keep His sayings, Till the crown of life is won. meter→ 6, 5, 7, 4 25: Body, soul and spirit, Unreservedly 1. Body, soul and spirit, Unreservedly All my powers and being I resign to Thee, Nothing now withholding, Till Thy work is done, Let Thy power unhindered Make me like Thy Son. 2. Let the powers of darkness Evermore oppose, Subtle and deceitful Hard and cruel foes, Ruthless and relentless, Seek to claim my heart. In Thy lovingkindness Bid them all depart. 3. All the works of Satan In my mind destroy, In Thy holy service All my powers employ, Father, Son and Spirit, Marshalled by Thy grace Keep me ever faithful, In the lowly place. 4. Truth cannot be broken, Jesus for my sin Gave Himself a ransom. Now I enter in, Into God’s own presence, Where my Saviour pleads, Full of grace and mercy, He supplies my needs. 5. Truth which cannot perish, Neither change not fail, Dwell in me for ever O’er my foes prevail. Then in countless conflicts I shall surely win, Since the “More than Conqueror” Is enthroned within. meter→ 4, 1, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 5 26: Body, spirit, soul, Lord Jesus 1. Body, spirit, soul, Lord Jesus, Unreservedly I commit without gainsaying, Wholly unto Thee, I am Thine since Thou hast bought me, With Thy sacred blood, O how great the ransom given, Sinless Son of God. 2. I can never comprehend it, That my Lord should die, O, the boundless love which brought Him, From His home on high His great heart was moved with pity, For the sons of men Dead to God that He might raise them, Up to life again. 3. In unutterable anguish, Did that no man could, To appease God’s wrath forever, Interposed His blood, None may know how great the sorrow, When the Saviour died: All God’s highest sense of justice, Fully satisfied. 4. In undying deep compassion, Spotless without blame, Tasting death, hell’s utmost fury, On the cross of shame, See God’s Holy One forsaken, Silent Heaven’s above, Conquering hell’s eternal darkness, With Almighty love. 5. “It is finished,” hear the victor, Loudly now proclaim, Love has triumphed, life is given, In the Saviour’s name, Lord Thy tender love has broken Down my stubborn heart, Love’s unfailing bond now binds us, Never more to part. meter→ 5, 1, 4, 3, 8, 4, 6, 4 27: Bow down my inmost soul 1. Bow down my inmost soul, And gratefully adore. The Lamb of God who died for Thee, Now lives forever more. 2. I know He intercedes, At God’s right hand for me. He pleads my cause with His own blood, Affirming I am free. 3. My sins are washed away, I rest on holy ground. O let my love and gratitude, Continually abound. 4. Accepted now in Him, My soul shall live in peace. The incense of my heartfelt praise, To Him shall never cease. 5. The cloud has been removed, I bear my sins no more. My heart is reconciled to God, My banishment is o’er. 6. The blood of sprinkling speaks, The Sinless One has died, God’s awful wrath is now appeased, His justice satisfied. 7. In all humility, O, heart of mine be still, And learn in quiet confidence, God’s righteous Holy will. 8. How can I comprehend, The greatness of His love, He gave His love that I might gain, A home in Heaven above. 9. I shall behold His face, His glory I shall see, My joy to serve and bear His name, When time has ceased to be. meter→ 5, 3, 8, 4 28: Bow down Thine ear 1. Bow down Thine ear to me: No place of rest is nigh; O Lamb of God, I come to Thee; In mercy hear my cry. 2. Bow down Thine ear to me: My heart is sore oppressed; I come to Thee in all my sin; I come and long for rest. 3. Long in the desert ways My feet have loved to roam; The dreary waste I leave behind And turn to Thee and home. 4. Earth’s passing pleasures vain, How soon they fade and die! I sought for bread, but found a stone, Which could not satisfy. 5. The darkness gathers round: Forsake me not, I pray; A humble, contrite heart I bring; O turn me not away. meter→ 6, 6, 8, 5 29: By night I sought with wearied mind 1. By night I sought with wearied mind, My soul’s Beloved to find; I sought for many weary days, In city streets, in the broad ways; But O, I found Him not, But O, I found Him not. Chorus Now I have found my soul’s Beloved, I will not let Him go: What God has joined no power can overthrow; I will not let Him go. 2. The watchmen could not tell me why, And so I passed them by; ’Twas but a little that I passed, When lo! I found Him– held Him fast; I would not let Him go, I would not let Him go. 3. His love a most vehement flame, All my whole being claims; The Song of Songs is mine to sing, Adoring Thee my Saviour, King: I will not let Thee go, I will not let Thee go. 4. Set as a seal upon His heart, We never more shall part; Nor life nor death can separate, For love so strong, exceeding great: He will not let me go, He will not let me go. 5. His glorious face mine eyes shall see, When time has ceased to be; My joy to worship at His feet, For evermore in Him complete, For all eternity, For all eternity. meter→ 7, 5, 6, 7, 6, 6, 7, 6, 8, 6 30: Called of God to follow Jesus 1. Called of God to follow Jesus, From this world of sin apart; Walk with Him, where’er He leadeth, Let this thought possess your heart. Separating, sanctifying, Cleansing from all doubt and sin; This our hope of Life eternal, Yielding to the Christ within. 2. Called of God to follow Jesus, And His footsteps daily trace; Proving that His grace eternal, Makes us victors in the race. All things under His subjection, All of self now crucified; Living for the One who bought us, And for Him who lived and died. 3. Called of God to follow Jesus, Seeking for the Heavenly prize; Gain the Crown of Life eternal, Through the strength which He supplies. Learning in the sternest conflict, He our all sufficiency, Over all, through God’s anointed, We shall gain the victory. 4. Called of God to follow Jesus, When our race on earth is run; When life’s day is passed forever, And eternity begun, We shall share His joy forever, And with Him we then shall be, In His Father’s Home and glory, Satisfied eternally. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 6, 2, 6, 6, 5 31: Careless soul, the world’s Redeemer 1. Careless soul, the world’s Redeemer Came on earth to live for thee, God the Father’s heart disclosing, That you might enlightened be. Chorus O how great His tender love, O how boundless, strong and deep, Dying for His lambs and sheep. 2. Careless soul, behold your Saviour, Praying in Gethsemane; How exceeding great His sorrow, All alone in agony. 3. Careless soul, for your transgressions He was wounded on the tree; Think, it pleased the Lord to bruise Him, All for your iniquity. 4. Careless soul, in shame dishonour’d, Crown’d with thorns He shed His blood; Sore oppressed, He died forsaken, All to bring you nigh to God. meter→ 5, 7, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6 32: Christ is coming 1. Christ is coming. When that day appeareth, Shall you then among His faithful be? Will he lay His kindly hand upon you, Saying, “Come for I have need of thee?” Chorus Come and reap; the harvest fields are waiting. Rise my fair one, rise and come away. Will you hear this message from the Master, On that bright, that glad millennium day? 2. He is coming soon to claim His chosen; Free them from this narrow sphere of life. Oh, what joy to reign with Him as victors: Hushed forever is sin’s deadly strife. 3. He is coming; go ye forth to meet Him, Soon the cry may fall upon your ear. Be not weary, but be ever faithful, For ye know not when He may appear. 4. Many say, “My Lord delays His coming;” Pleasing self, they fail to see His claim. At the end how sad will be the awakening They shall rise to everlasting shame. 5. Are you watching for the Lord’s appearing? Does it fill your mind, possess your heart? Are you fearful lest you prove unworthy, In the harvest fields to take a part? meter→ 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7 33: Clad in your armour 1. Clad in your armour, firmly you stand, Loins girt with truth at your Leader’s command; Forth to the conflict, led by His hand, Onward to vict’ry go! Chorus Watching, praying, never quit the field! Prayer prevailing, do not faint, nor yield; Christ is your leader, faith is your shield— Faith in the living God. 2. Sound in His statutes— truth must prevail— Heart right and willing, you will not fail; Feet shod and ready when foes assail, Onward to vict’ry go! 3. Safe with your helmet, humble in mind, Christlike, obedient, self far behind; God’s sword and spirit nothing can bind, Onward to vict’ry go! 4. Clad in your armour, whole and complete, All prayer prevailing, who can defeat? Faithful to Jesus, never retreat, Onward to vict’ry go! meter→ 7, 8, 8, 4, 6, 7, 8, 5 34: Clean through the word 1. Clean through the word he has spoken, Made clean by taking good heed; Clean in my heart, mind and conscience, Clean in my thought, word, and deed. 2. Purified now through His spirit, The Pure one, dwelling within; Gracious, and loving, and tender, Saving, redeeming, from sin. 3. Faithful for He who has promised Will never that trust betray; Faithful today, and tomorrow, On to the end of the way. 4. True, for the truth is possessing, The vessel, His hand hath made; Truth that can never be broken Nothing can make me afraid. 5. Walking each day in His statutes, Living, His word to obey; Guided alone by my Shepherd, He will not lead me astray. 6. Doing my masters good pleasure Onward rejoicing I go; He is my light and Salvation, Nought can His power o’erthrow. 7. Serving, and watching and waiting, Seeking God’s honour and praise; Hidden, in secret delighting, In His most wonderful ways. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 7 35: Come boldly to the throne of grace 1. Come boldly to the throne of grace, Where mercy can be found, Your great High Priest is waiting there, The place of holy ground, Come trusting in His precious blood, And He will meet your need, He ever lives at God’s right hand, For you to intercede. 2. With confidence draw near and you His mercy shall obtain, No needy heart has ever sought The throne of grace in vain, His word is sure and cannot fail, Be not of doubtful mind, In every time of need you will His grace and mercy find. 3. Opposing forces would distress The timid, struggling soul, As with sincerity of heart They seek to reach the goal, But there is no necessity Nor reason for dismay, For He who knows the tempter’s power Will fit you for the fray. 4. In full assurance and in faith, Approach the place of prayer Where Jesus waits in tender love And knows thy heart of care, He feels for your infirmities, And will not say you nay, The one who suffered in the flesh Will teach you how to pray. meter→ 7, 5, 7, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4 36: Come, sing to me of Jesus 1. Come, sing to me of Jesus, The spotless Lamb of God Who came on earth to die for me, Redeem me by His blood. Chorus Come, sing to me of Jesus, O, tell me of His love, How He is intercedng now For me in heav’n above. 2. O, tell me how they nailed Him Upon the cruel tree, The Lamb of God must bleed and die, That I might ransomed be. 3. O, tell me of His sorrow, The Father hides His face, To make atonement for my sins, He took the sinner’s place. 4. Must Jesus die forsaken, Was there no other way? The sinless one must be made sin To purge my sins away. 5. Come, sing to me of Jesus, That I may love Him more, Hold fast my hope and confidence, Until this life is o’er. 6. I know that I shall see Him In His fair home on high, And worship Him for evermore Where love can never die. meter→ 6, 5, 8, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5 37: Come to Jesus He is calling 1. Come to Jesus; He is calling— Do not linger, do not wait; You may never see tomorrow: Hasten ere it be too late. Chorus Hearken to the Saviour’s warning, Ere the lamp of life grows dim; While His heart for you is yearning, Come to Him, O come to Him! 2. Life is only as a vapour— It will swiftly pass away; Here you have no certain dwelling; Death’s cold hand you cannot stay. 3. Listen to His kind entreaty; Come and make Him now your friend; In the path of life He’ll lead you, Safely to your journey’s end. 4. O be reconciled to Jesus, Ere your day of grace is past, And, outside the door of mercy, You are left to mourn at last. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 7, 7, 7 38: Come to me, O Holy Spirit 1. Come to me, O Holy Spirit, Teach, O teach me how to pray; Lead me forth to follow Jesus, Since He is Himself the Way. 2. Come to me, O Holy Spirit, Bid all useless thoughts depart; Hide the truth as seen in Jesus, Hide it deeply in my heart. 3. Come to me, O Holy Spirit, Speak and banish nature’s strife; Let me find my life in Jesus, Since He is Himself the Life. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 6 39: Come, ye weary, heavy laden 1. Come, ye weary, heavy laden, There is rest for every one; There is cleansing and forgiveness, Freely found in God’s dear Son. Chorus He has borne your grief and sorrow, He was laden with your sin; It has pleas’d the Lord to bruise Him, Your eternal soul to win. 2. On the cross for you He suffer’d. Heavy laden, sore oppress’d; Now He pleads with you in mercy, “Come and find eternal rest.” 3. Know ye not that He may never, Never plead with you again; Should the Lord withdraw His Spirit, All your pray’rs would be in vain. meter→ 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 6, 8, 5 40: Come, ye weary ones, to Jesus 1. Come, ye weary ones, to Jesus; Come and find abiding rest; Take His yoke and learn in meekness That His holy will is best. Chorus Was there ever friend so tender, One so patiently to wait? See those hands that bear the nailprints, Holding open mercy’s gate. 2. Jesus waits, the meek and lowly, Full of mercy, truth and grace; His own precious blood redeemed you; Make your heart His dwelling place. 3. “Come to me, my yoke is easy,” He entreats you as a friend; If you miss His great salvation, Oh, what then will be your end? 4. Close your ear to reason’s whispers, Cease to look on earth’s vain show, Hasten now while mercy lingers, Flee from death and endless woe. 5. Say, Oh, whither art thou going, Pause and think, consider well, Why will you reject the Saviour, Choosing rather death and hell. meter→ 6, 5, 7, 6, 6, 5, 7, 4 41: Death, stamp thy image on the clay 1. Death, stamp thy image on the clay, Since that is all that thou canst claim. Thou hast no power to touch or harm Those who are sealed with Jesus name. In humble hearts He loves to dwell, To triumph over death and hell. 2. The resurrection and the life Is Christ revealed within the soul. Their life and being is in Him, The Prince of Life who has control, At His rebuke death must take flight, To seek the shades of endless night. 3. Death, stamp thy image on the clay, Since that is all that thou canst claim. Death, thou hast lost the power to touch Those chosen souls who bear His name, They are the riches of His grace, The heart of God their dwelling place. meter→ 7, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6 42: Deep calleth unto deep 1. Deep calleth unto deep, Longs with intensity; There’s nought on earth can satisfy But Thy immensity. 2. Let but one drop of love, Descending from on high, Fill all my longing, inmost soul With love which cannot die. 3. Then I am satisfied To follow where He trod. My Master’s lowly footsteps lead To heav’n and home and God. meter→ 4, 3, 6, 3 43: Deny thyself and all selfwill 1. Deny thyself and all selfwill, From all iniquity depart. The triune God will come and cleanse And dwell and reign within your heart. 2. ’Tis sin alone that separates From Him who dwells in light a bove. And love, pure love alone unites With Him whose attribute is love. 3. This love is found in God’s dear Son, Who died upon the cross of shame That we might see the Father’s face And stand before Him without blame. 4. Forsaking all we find our all In Him who consummates all strife. Die daily, ’tis the only way To gain the resurrection life. 5. O Lord, Thy richest grace impart, That I may now henceforth decrease. Let Christ alone be formed within And evermore in me increase. meter→ 5, 4, 7, 7 44: Do not fear the valley 1. Do not fear the valley, Light will shine for you, Linger not, pursue your journey, God will bring you through. 2. Do not fear the sorrow, This your portion now, God would have thee like thy Master, Humbly to Him bow. 3. Do not fear the shadow, Nor the darkness deep, God is faithful, He will never Leave His lambs and sheep. 4. Do not fear the evil, God is always near, With His rod and staff to comfort, Cast away your fear. 5. Do not fear the dying, Self love shirks the pain, Resurrection life receiving, Thou shalt live again. meter→ 5, 5, 5, 5 45: Do not fear to follow Jesus 1. Do not fear to follow Jesus, He will lead you safely through Every dark and dreary valley, And your failing strength renew. Chorus Do not fear to share His sorrow: When your earthly race is run, You will have His joy forever. His eternal glad, “Well done.” 2. Do not cease to bear the burden, Though the strife be fierce and long, Still enduring, God assuring, You will sing the conq’ror’s song. 3. Do not shrink, continue with Him; He was wounded for your sake. Those who share in His temptations, Of His glory will partake. 4. Seek to run the race with patience, For the everlasting prize, Gain the crown of life immortal, In the strength that God supplies. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 5, 7, 6, 6, 5 46: Do not resist the Spirit’s gentle voice 1. Do not resist the Spirit’s gentle voice; Jesus is waiting, make Him now your choice. Come and evermore rejoice, Safe in the kingdom of God. Chorus How shall you escape if you wilfully remain Outside the kingdom of God? Hasten to obey, while the Spirit bids you come: Enter the kingdom of God. 2. Heed now His voice while it is called today; Come in His own accepted time and way; From your heart you then can say, “Safe in the kingdom of God.” 3. Haste, haste away! the time is flying fast; Wait not until your day of grace is past And you weep and wail at last, Outside the kingdom of God. 4. Why should you let your priceless soul be lost And then awake, too late to count the cost?— Where the gulf cannot be crossed, Outside the kingdom of God. 5. Death and the judgment day are drawing near, What will you do in all your guilt and fear; With no hope your soul to cheer, Outside the kingdom of God. meter→ 7, 8, 4, 6, 8, 5, 9, 5 47: Down from God the Father’s bosom 1. Down from God the Father’s bosom To this world of pain and woe, Jesus came to dwell with sinners So that all His love might know. Chorus Oh, behold Him, your Redeemer, He who bought you with His blood. Hear Him calling, “Come and follow In the way that leads to God.” 2. Manifesting forth His glory, Truth and wisdom in His life, Clear and plain God’s way revealing ’Mid the darkness, sin and strife. 3. Light and life from Christ receiving, All may do the Father’s will, And His great eternal purpose Daily in their lives fulfill. 4. Give your life and let the Saviour Clothe you in His righteousness: Nothing else will please the Father, Nought can satisfy but this. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 7, 5, 7, 6, 7 48: Down in the valley where the fragrant flowers bloom 1. Down in the valley where the fragrant flowers bloom, Every grace and virtue is revealed unto me. There I meet with Jesus and His radiant beauty see, In the low, sweet valley of humility. 2. Down in the valley where the pure in heart now dwell, Jesus has prepared a place of rest e’en for me. In that place of greatness there is rest in serving Him, In the low, sweet valley of humility. 3. Down in the valley there’s no place of straitness found, There the love of Jesus is disclosed e’en to me. Losing and forsaking there’s no limit found in Him, In the low, sweet valley of humility. meter→ 9, 8, 10, 7 49: Draw not back unto perdition 1. Draw not back unto perdition, In the Lord of life believe, Grace to do His will with patience, From His hand you will receive. Chorus Live by faith, means yield obedience To God’s holy will and way, Clear and plain revealed in Jesus, None need stumble, none need stray. 2. Draw not back unto perdition, Many scorn to bear His name, Shun the cross and miss the glory, Reaping everlasting shame. 3. Draw not back unto perdition, Fearful of the scorners’ frown, Glory in the cross and follow, On to gain the victor’s crown. 4. Draw not back unto perdition, All your cares on Jesus roll, In God’s Holy One believing, To the saving of your soul. 5. Draw not back unto perdition And the way of truth deny, Jesus came the faithful witness, From the God who cannot lie. meter→ 5, 6, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 50: Eternal God my hope renew 1. Eternal God, my hope renew And keep me faithful, ever true. Preserve me, spirit, body, soul, Submissive, under Thy control. 2. Eternal God, bestow on me A deep profound humility. Destroy my pride, self love efface, That I may know Thy boundless grace. 3. Eternal God, my heart incline, To let my will be lost in Thine. From every selfish bias free, That Christ’s own life the world may see. 4. Eternal God, my strength and stay, O keep me in the narrow way. While hosts of sin against me rage, And Satan all his powers engage. 5. Eternal God, be this my tower, To know Christ’s resurrection power. Help me to suffer, face the strife, As death precedes the risen life. 6. Eternal God ,Thy love is strong, To keep and fill my heart with song. Thy love my theme, my vital breath, Unfailing, changeless, strong as death. 7. Eternal God, Thy work begun, Complete and make me like Thy Son. That I may stand on that great day When heav’n and earth shall pass away. meter→ 5, 6, 5, 4 51: Eternal Spirit from above 1. Eternal Spirit from above, Draw near and touch my barren heart, Quicken, refine and purify, The riches of Thy grace impart. Chorus Oh, come, thou sevenfold Spirit, come, So pure so changeless and divine. Oh, come and dwell for ever more Within this yielded heart of mine. 2. Oh, Thou who didst not spare Thy Son, Wilt Thou in mercy condescend And fill my soul with faith and hope, And perfect love which knows no end. 3. To scorn and shame and painful death, He was delivered up for all, And Thou hast promised for His sake, To freely give to those who call. 4. Oh, Lord, regard my low estate, Respect my importunity, My shame and need and helplessness, With one accord appeal to Thee. 5. What heart can comprehend Thy love In all its vast immensity, Thou didst not spare of Heaven’s best, The sinful sons of men to free. meter→ 4, 7, 4, 6, 6, 6, 7, 6 52: Eternal Spirit from on high 1. Eternal Spirit from on high, Descend and fill each longing heart. The law of love and righteousness, Of grace and truth to all impart. Chorus No love like Thine, O Lamb of God, On earth or in the heav’ns above. Eternal Spirit, teach us now To dwell in God, for God is love. 2. Thou art the true and living God, In Thee alone our souls shall boast, God’s own anointed Holy One, Who saves us to the uttermost. 3. Redeeming love, how great Thy power To draw our souls from things of earth And fix our hearts and minds upon The joys which are of Heav’nly birth. 4. Our great Redeemer pleads His blood Before the High Eternal Throne. O Holy Father, sanctify The souls redeemed by blood alone. meter→ 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 7, 5, 8 53: Evermore consider Jesus 1. Evermore consider Jesus, Think upon His faithful life; This will heal your soul’s deep sorrow, Nerve your heart to face the strife. Chorus He will never, never fail you, God’s anointed, chosen One; Sacrifice and suffer with Him, Till the crown of life is won. 2. Sin in every form opposing, Selfishness on every side, True in heart, in mind and purpose, Follow Him, the faithful Guide. 3. Without spot to God He offered His pure life in sacrifice, Gladly gave the whole burnt off’ring, Precious in His Father’s eyes. 4. Live above the gloom and darkness, Walk in God’s unclouded light, Hate the world, its sin and folly, Keep your garments clean and white. meter→ 3, 5, 7, 7, 6, 4, 5, 7 54: Evermore pressing on with the Saviour 1. Evermore pressing on with the Saviour, Never ceasing to labour and pray; You will soon reach the end of the journey; Do not weary or faint by the way. Chorus Pressing on, pressing on. Evermore seek to labour and pray; Keep your heart and your life On the altar of service alway. 2. Evermore pressing on, do not linger; See the shadows are falling around; With the Saviour no evil can harm you, Though the pitfalls and snares may abound. 3. Evermore pressing on in the footsteps Of the Master who journeyed before, And the faithful who now share His glory, Where they hunger and thirst nevermore. 4. Evermore seek the friendship of Jesus, All your life’s little day here below; In the glory and rest He is waiting— Let your praises unceasingly flow. meter→ 6, 6, 9, 8, 4, 6, 6, 6 55: Exceeding great and precious 1. Exceeding great and precious Are the promises of God To those who humbly follow In the path the Saviour trod. The riches of the living Word Are now in Christ unsealed, The beauty of His holiness To honest hearts revealed. 2. Exceeding great and precious Are the words of life divine That come from my dear Saviour To this thirsty heart of mine; Then His sweet consolation In this world of sin and strife Will bear me on and homeward To eternal peace and life. 3. Exceeding great and precious Is the comfort from on high, When fierce temptations try me, Then my Saviour draweth nigh: His tender words of counsel Bring me sure and sweet release; He fills my soul with gladness And a deep abiding peace. 4. Exceeding great and precious Is His, “Come to me and rest.” He soothes my troubled spirit When I’m weary and oppressed; Amid the toil and conflict He is ever by my side— My great High Priest and Counsellor, My faithful Friend and Guide. 5. I know that I shall see Him When I stand on that Great Day, When trials and afflictions Have forever passed away; Life’s pilgrimage is ended And I reach the other side— To waken in His likeness, I shall then be satisfied. meter→ 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4 56: Except a corn of wheat 1. Except a corn of wheat shall fall Into the ground and die, It must remain alone, and none Shall benefit thereby. 2. But if it die how great the gain: The seeming barren ground Shall bud and blossom like the rose And much fruit shall abound. 3. He that will love His life will lose The glorious heav’nly prize. He that will hate His life shall gain The fruit that never dies. 4. If any man shall serve the Lord Then let Him follow me, And where I am, hid in God’s heart, There shall my servant be. 5. My Father— He shall honour all Who serve and freely give Their corn of wheat to fall and die That other souls might live. 6. O Holy Spirit, teach me now This awful mystery. That I must fall and I must die, If I would fruitful be. meter→ 7, 5, 6, 3 57: Faithful and true are the sayings of Jesus 1. Faithful and true are the sayings of Jesus, Seek for them, hide them away in your heart, Words of pure gold and abiding forever, Spirit and life they will surely impart. 2. Search for the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, Hidden away from the prudent and wise, Deep in the heart of the Father eternal, Babes shall receive them while others despise. 3. Treasures unfailing are found in the Saviour, He who came down from our Father and God Made full atonement. In Him now accepted, We have redemption through His sacred blood. 4. Faithful and true are the sayings of Jesus, Sound is the teaching that came from above, Hearken, take heed, let it dwell in you richly, Walking in truth and abounding in love. meter→ 8, 9, 7, 7 58: Father, in Thy mercy 1. Father, in Thy mercy, Hearken to my prayer, Make Thy servant worthy Jesus’ name to bear. He is meek and lowly, These great gifts impart, That they may forever Dwell within my heart. 2. Mourning, poor in spirit, Cause Thy face to shine, Open wide Thy kingdom To this heart of mine. Thine the pow’r and glory, Thine the grace I need, Loving, serving, sowing All my life as seed. 3. Father, at Thy footstool This great truth I own— Those who fail in dying Must remain alone. Let the love of Jesus In my heart now reign, Bringing forth abundant Fruit that will remain. 4. Gracious Holy Father, Hear me from on high, Teach me, like my Master, How to fall and die; Naught from Him withholding, Naught I now retain: I shall bear His image When He comes to reign. meter→ 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4 59: Father, make me more like Jesus 1. Father, make me more like Jesus By Thy power and grace divine. In the ways of understanding Let my footsteps now incline. Chorus More like Jesus, tried and faithful, He was loyal to the end. Father make me more like Jesus, One on whom Thou canst depend. 2. Father, make me more like Jesus, Count me with Thy faithful few. Thine the kingdom and the glory, Thine the power to will and do. 3. Father, make me more like Jesus, Ever conq’ring in the strife. Keep me humble and obedient As I journey on through life. 4. Father, make me more like Jesus, For my sins He did atone. He has suffered to redeem me, Henceforth I am His alone. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6 60: Father, Son and Holy Spirit 1. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Take possession of my soul, Come and dwell and have dominion, Exercise complete control. 2. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Save me to the uttermost, Keep me undefiled and holy, Temple of the Holy Ghost. 3. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Come, oh, come and dwell in me, Thine alone the power and glory, That I may Thy temple be. 4. Temple of God’s own creating, When His mighty work is done, I shall through eternal ages, Bear the image of His Son. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 3 61: Fear not, my beloved 1. Fear not, my beloved, abide thou with me, The foe is pursuing thee hard, He that is seeking thy life is seeking mine, But with me thou shalt be in safeguard. Chorus But with me, But with me, But with me thou shalt be in safeguard. 2. Abide thou with me, do not wander away, ’Twas for thee my visage was marred, For the world hated me and will hate thee too, But with me thou shalt be in safeguard. 3. Abide thou with me, there is nothing to fear, All foes that approach are debarred, A man’s fiercest foes his own household shall be, But with me thou shalt be in safeguard. 4. When friends they entice me I will not consent, My Saviour I cannot discard, For me He has trodden the winepress alone, And with Him I shall be in safeguard. 5. I’ll go with the Lamb wheresoever He leads, And gaze on the brow for me scarred. But of weakness made strong to sing the new song, Evermore, evermore in safeguard. meter→ 8, 6, 9, 8, 6, 8 62: Fear not, O soul, I am thy shield 1. Fear not, O soul, I am Thy shield And thy exceeding great reward. Let this assure thy confidence, And rest of heart to thee afford. 2. I am the great Almighty One, My words of truth shall never fail. Although thine enemies are strong, Have faith in me, thou shalt prevail. 3. Walk thou before me, keep thy ways, And serve me now with perfect heart. Hold fast to thine integrity, Strong in the Lord to take thy part. 4. The mighty powers of self and sin, And Satan’s host shall sure assail. Thy soul shall feel the tempter’s power, And oft infirmities bewail. 5. My chosen ones are tried as gold To purge away all earthly dross, The furnace heat must be applied To save them from eternal loss. 6. Fear not, beloved, I am thy shield, O, let thy choice and will accord With Mine and I shall surely be Thine own exceeding great reward. 7. God is my shield, I will not fear, On His sure word I can depend, The love which claims and binds me now Shall keep me steadfast to the end. meter→ 8, 5, 5, 7 63: Fellow pilgrims, as you journey 1. Fellow pilgrims, as you journey, Do not cease to pray. Watch and wait each fleeting moment, Every passing day; Dwelling now with God the Father In the secret place. Oh, redeem the time, beloved, Seek His Truth and Grace. 2. Countless dangers are around you, Hosts of sin are nigh, Pray for strength to face the conflict, God will hear your cry. Jesus trod this selfsame pathway, He will be your guide, Though unseen, He’s always present, Ever by your side. 3. Follow where the Master leadeth, Do not shun the cross, Suff’ring comes to save His chosen From eternal loss, Take thy cross and bear with patience All that comes from God, Cheerfully resigned and humble, Love the chast’ning rod. 4. Faint not when the Lord rebukes thee, Thou art still His child, He would have thee like Thy Master, Lowly, meek and mild, God is anxious to accomplish His own work begun, And conform you to the image Of His own Dear Son. 5. Flee your carnal mind and reason, Jesus is your life; Guided by His mind and Spirit, Face the daily strife, Let Him rule the mighty Conq’ror, Let His life control, Jesus will preserve you blameless, Body, spirit, soul. 6. Self forsaking and forgetting, Childlike weaned and still, He will clothe you with His beauty Your whole being fill, Satisfy your ardent longings, Meet your soul’s deep need, Thus rejoicing in His freedom, Thou art free indeed. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 3, 6, 4, 5, 5 64: Fellow pilgrims, God is calling 1. Fellow pilgrims, God is calling In His tenderness and grace; Always set the Lord before you, His own blessèd footprints trace. Whom have you in heav’n but Jesus? There is none on earth beside; Loved with love so true and tender, His redeemed and chosen Bride. Chorus Do not rest on your attainments, Keep the full reward in view. Know ye not that God’s high calling, Is His Son revealed in you? 2. Fellow pilgrims, run with patience, Shun the sin of unbelief; When the powers of darkness gather, God will surely send relief. Think how God remembered Jesus, By His side an angel stood To uphold Him in His suff’ring, Still resisting unto blood. 3. Fellow pilgrims, pressing forward, Do not lose your full reward; Seek to gain the heav’nly birthright God has promised in His word. Heirs of God, conformed to Jesus, O! how great the glorious prize! Know that every other image, God will surely then despise. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 7, 6 65: Fix your single eye on Jesus 1. Fix your single eye on Jesus, Gaze on Him with motive pure, Let His light dispel your darkness And the path of life ensure. 2. In your holy contemplation, Fix your heart on Christ alone, Self and every sin denouncing, He will claim you as His own. 3. Christ, God’s Holy one anointed, Is well pleasing unto God. Is your heart now wholly yielded? Let His love be shed abroad. 4. Light and life and true salvation You will find in Him complete,. Let His Spirit breathe upon you, Sit in silence at His feet. 5. While your heart is filled with gladness, Drinking in His truth divine, Heark’ning to His Holy counsel, Claim and make His precepts thine. 6. Let your love be pure and simple In the temple of your heart, Learning from the lips of Jesus How to choose the better part. 7. Let there be no reservation. Give and God shall give to thee, In thy quiet heart surrendered, His salvation thou shalt see. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 6 66: Follow the Lamb where e’er He goes 1. Follow the Lamb where e’er He goes, He will not lead astray. Keep yielded to His Holy will, His gracious words obey. 2. Follow the Lamb, the shame despise, Bearing His worthy name. Before a world He died to save, Kept spotless without blame. 3. Follow the Lamb and yield your all, In word and thought and deed. He’ll save you to the uttermost, He lives to intercede. 4. Follow the Lamb and let His mind Be in you and control, Preserve and keep you all His own, Your spirit, body, soul. 5. Follow the Lamb, in Him abide, The source and fount of life. Nurtured and fed, strong in His grace, To conquer in the strife. 6. Follow the Lamb, resign your will, To Him, the undefiled, And He will save you from the snare, When oft by sin beguiled. 7. Follow the Lamb, and let Him choose, His choice is always best. Riches and wisdom He will give, With perfect peace and rest. 8. Follow the Lamb, obey His voice Which speaks so loud within, And in His strength deny, forsake, Self love and inbred sin. 9. Follow the Lamb, with virgin heart, Cleansed in the Saviour’s blood, Made white and tried, with motive pure, To serve and honour God. 10. Follow the Lamb, His own redeemed, And learn the victor’s song— Of triumph over every foe, With all the blood washed throng. 11. Follow the Lamb, forsake and lose Thy life and thou shalt gain An hundredfold and life divine, With Christ Thy King to reign. 12. Follow the Lamb, His first and best, His chosen and His own, Bearing His image, free from guile, Faultless before His Throne. meter→ 7, 5, 6, 4 67: From God the Father’s loving heart 1. From God the Father’s loving heart The Saviour came to dwell on earth, The inn no shelter could afford, A stable was His place of birth, In tenderness He sought His own, His Father’s loved and chosen seed, Those who revered His written word, The word incarnate would not heed. 2. He opened wide the door of life, Yet they refused to enter in, Despised His counsel while He wept To see them still go on in sin, Revealing all the Father’s mind, Fulfilling all His righteous will, His gracious and convincing words, They set at nought, refused Him still. 3. Where all His mighty works were done, Their hearts still destitute of love, They would affirm His origin Was from beneath, not from above, That voice from heaven they refused, God’s Holy One despised, denied. A robber was His people’s choice, The Lord of life they crucified. 4. While hang ing on the cross of shame, His heart still pleaded for His own, Forgive them Father, Oh, forgive, My blood shall for their sins atone Love’s mighty sacrifice divine, Its length and breadth and depth and height, Eclipsed the golden orb of day And changed its brightness into night. 5. The rocks were rent, the dead arose When He expired upon the tree, O’er all the powers of death and hell, Love conquered, triumphed gloriously, No power could hold the sinless one, Love set Him free from death’s embrace. As prince and Saviour now enthroned, He pleads before His Father’s face. 6. His blood avails, God’s awful wrath Is swallowed up for evermore, God’s justice fully satisfied, No man can shut the open door, God now invited the whole world To enter in through Jesus blood, Those who receive Him shall obtain Pow’r to become the Sons of God. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6 68: Gentle Spirit, do not leave me 1. Gentle spirit, do not leave me, Make my heart Thy dwelling place, Let Thy light dispel my darkness, Fill my soul with truth and grace. Come, possess this earthen vessel, Other lords I will not own, Make me meet to be Thy Temple, Thou must reign and Thou alone. 2. “Be ye Holy,” this Thy message To Thy ransomed chosen seed; Thou alone canst make me holy, True in thought, in word and deed. Give me now a quickened conscience, Keep me pure and free from sin, Come thou swift refining spirit, Purge my heart and dwell within. 3. Lord, for Thee my soul is thirsting As a dry and thirsty land, When shall I appear before Thee, Meet within Thy courts to stand. In Thy presence is salvation, In Thy favour life is found, Blest indeed with every blessing, Thus to stand on holy ground. 4. Honoured thus to be Thy servant, In Thy temple day and night, Serving though the least and lowest, Strengthen’d by Thy spirit’s might. Conscious of Thy sweet forgiveness, All I am to Thee I owe, All the heart’s deep joy and gladness, None but ransomed souls can know. 5. Serving with a constant spirit: With a lowly, quiet mind, Ever to Thy will obedient, To Thy Holy law inclined. Having nought, possessing all things, In that life which is divine, Christ, the Father’s heart disclosing, Such a heritage is mine. 6. Here and through eternal ages, Bliss no human tongue can tell, Heirs of God, joint heirs with Jesus, In the Father’s heart to dwell, Depths of glory none can fathom, Boundless, vast, beyond degree, Wealth beyond all comprehending, Mine, yes mine, eternally. 7. Here on earth a while to labour Bearing His reproach and scorn, Looking for His blest appearing, Bright will be that happy morn, When this mortal life is ended, Our appointed task is done, Then resplendent with His glory, We shall shine forth as the sun. 8. Gentle Spirit, still possessing, Do not now withdraw the flame, Lend Thine aid that, still pursuing, I may glorify His name, Run the earthly race with patience, Keep the faith and win the Crown, Showing forth the Master’s praises, Till I lay my armour down. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 6 69: Give me the Bible 1. Give me the Bible, since God has spoken, That I may read and meditate and pray, The holy scriptures cannot be broken, And nothing can the truth gainsay. Chorus While I am reading and meditating, My spirit praying. I clearly see. To be like Jesus and bear His image Is God’s unchangeable decree. 2. Give me the Bible, I want to hearken, My soul would hear what God to me would say; The powers of evil would seek to darken My mind and lead my feet astray. 3. Give me the Bible, God’s word believing, Conformed to Jesus I shall surely be; His life and nature, His mind receiving, This is the will of God for me. 4. Give me the Bible, I need its teaching, To clear my vision, make me truly wise; That onward pressing and forward reaching, I gain the mark the highest prize. 5. Give me the Bible, all Heav’n is pleading That I may know God’s counsel and obey; The blood of sprinkling for me is speaking Before the throne of God alway. meter→ 8, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 4 70: Go work today in My vineyard 1. Go, work today in my vineyard, Hear now the call and obey, Jesus is seeking for lab’rers, Why should you longer delay. Chorus Lab’rers for Jesus, Lab’rers for Jesus are few, Precious the fruit that will perish, God is appealing to you. 2. Go, work today in my vineyard, Much will be lost if you wait, Hear now the call of the Saviour, Truly the harvest is great. 3. Go, work today in my vineyard, Hark, He is calling again, Grieved lest the harvest should perish, Why do you add to the pain? 4. Go, work today in my vineyard, Hasten, the night cometh on, Jesus is anxiously waiting, Soon will your priv’lege be gone. 5. Go, work today in my vineyard, God is appealing to you, Why in the marketplace linger? Wholehearted lab’rers are few. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 5, 3, 5, 6, 5 71: God a body has prepared me 1. God a body has prepared me, He in it desires to dwell; I will yield, I cannot longer His unequalled love repel. Chorus Mine the privilege to labour With the lowly Nazarene; Mine to climb the heights where others Through their faithfulness have been. 2. I’ve surrendered all to Jesus, I delight to do His will; Anxious all His own good pleasure In my life He may fulfil. 3. I am purposed naught shall hinder, God shall have my very best; How to gain His loving favour, This my eager, earnest quest. 4. Mine to share in His rejection, Mine to suffer for His sake, Mine to bear the cross with patience, Mine His glory to partake. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 4, 5, 4, 7, 5 72: God did not spare of Heaven’s best 1. God did not spare of Heaven’s best That you might know His peace and rest, He gave His only Son, In lowliness He came to earth, The stable was His place of birth, God’s pure and Holy One. Chorus Hear Him call, Hear Him call, O soul what will you do? Hearken now, Hearken now, While God is calling you. 2. Give earnest heed while God is nigh; What loss if He should pass you by! Because you slight His call, How sad and solemn on that day, When God shall call your soul away And judgment shall appal. 3. He waits so long and patiently, His heart with pity moved for thee, So full of tenderness, Draw near and see His form so marred, His beauteous head thorn pierced and scarred, To bring you life and bliss. 4. He lingers still, how grieved His heart, How sorrowful when He must part, With one He died to win. Oh matchless love, His voice once more Is heard beside the open door; Will you not enter in? 5. O soul, can I now give thee up? For thee I drained the bitter cup, While anguish marked my brow, Deliver’d up to scorn and shame, God’s sinless One, I bore the blame That you might enter now. meter→ 7, 8, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 4, 5 73: God has chosen me in Jesus 1. God has chosen me in Jesus; Therefore I am not afraid, Chosen ere the world’s foundation By His mighty hand was laid. Chorus How exceeding great His mercy. Higher than the Heaven’s above. God has chosen me forever, Holy, blameless, in His love. 2. God has chosen me in Jesus, He has sealed me as His own, To the praises of His glory I am found in Him alone. 3. God has chosen me in Jesus, Nothing now the Truth can dim, In His well Belov’d accepted, God has chosen me in Him. 4. God has chosen me in Jesus, His own Word immutable, To conform me to His image, He most surely will fulfill. 5. God has chosen me in Jesus, He has willed that I should be Found in Him in peace and blameless, Nought can alter God’s decree. meter→ 6, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5 74: God hath before me set an open door, into 1. God hath before me set an open door Into the Holiest for spirits poor; By faith I enter in that sacred place, With boldness I approach the Throne of grace. 2. I see my Saviour’s face and leap for joy, His presence speaks sweet peace without alloy; O heart of mine, be still, say, “Can it be, At God’s right hand He pleads His Blood for me?” 3. I see it sprinkled there before the throne, Unutterable love— for me alone; The ransom price is paid, Lord, I am Thine, No more to part— betrothed— by Love Divine. 4. The bond securely sealed eternally, No power can separate my soul from Thee; Adoringly I fall to kiss His feet, All conquering love has claimed my heart complete. 5. The door is open wide, I am within The chambers of the King, set free from sin; I bow my head and weep and own His claim, Engraved on His hands He bears my name. 6. I lean on my Beloved with confidence, No tongue can ever tell my recompense; Rejoice my soul and sing— God’s open door No man has power to shut for ever more. meter→ 8, 6, 8, 8 75: God hath before me set an open door, where 1. God hath before me set An open door, Where I may enter in, my heart outpour, In Jesus name, before His face, Who sits upon the throne of grace. 2. In the most holy place, before the throne, Through Jesus blood I meet with God alone, Since God in Christ is reconciled, O glorious truth, I am His child. 3. With confidence I come, and there obtain Rich mercy from His hand, how great my gain, Sufficient grace in time of need, He gives to all His chosen seed. 4. A Father’s heart and home through grace are mine, I hear Him say all I have, in Christ are thine, O blessed hope, I shall prevail, My Saviour pleads within the veil. 5. God, who began the work, will sure maintain His work, I know I shall His image gain, Though most unworthy I may be, He will complete His work in me. 6. Although with weeping sore mine eyes are dim, Unworthy, vile, unclean, I come to Him, His cleansing blood has reached my heart, His love is filling every part. 7. How shall I praise the name of Him who died? In Jesus I am saved, and sanctified, Made meet to join with saints above, And serve Him perfected in love. meter→ 8, 8, 6, 7 76: God in His mercy pleads with your heart 1. God in His mercy pleads with your heart, Eagerly waiting peace to impart; Yield to His pleading, do not gainsay, Grave is the danger if you delay. Chorus No eye to pity, no arm to save, Moved with compassion, His life He gave, For your transgressions died on the tree, Pour’d out His life’s blood, lost one, for thee. 2. God in His mercy, moved by His love, Sent the Redeemer down from above, He paid the ransom, none other could, For your redemption shed His own blood. 3. God in His mercy bids you arise, His invitation do not despise, Slighting the Saviour, O soul, beware, Satan will lure you down to despair. 4. God in His mercy offers you life, Freedom from bondage, turmoil and strife, Yield now to Jesus, let Him control, You will find gladness, rest in your soul. 5. God in His mercy waits at the door, Heart filled with pity, calling once more, Why do you linger laden with sin, No peace of conscience, no rest within? 6. God in His mercy waits by your side, Ready to pardon; He will not chide, Come while He lingers, make Him your choice, Safe in the Kingdom thou shalt rejoice. meter→ 8, 5, 7, 7, 8, 7, 7, 9 77: God in tender love sent His only Son 1. God in tender love sent His only Son To redeem and set you free, O receive Him now and you shall rejoice In His light and liberty. Chorus He is waiting, waiting patiently, Do not bid your Lord depart; He is longing, longing, oh, so earnestly, To possess your willing heart. 2. He will give you life and a living hope, That forever will endure: Those who come to Him will not be deceived, For His promises are sure. 3. Do not close your heart to the Son of God, Since He died your soul to win; Shed His precious blood that you might be saved From the guilt and pow’r of sin. 4. O be reconciled to your dearest friend, He was smitten for your sake: Let Him enter in, you will know His peace, And the joys of heav’n partake. 5. In His matchless love He is waiting still, For He longs to dwell with thee, You will need this Friend when your life is o’er, And you face Eternity. meter→ 8, 6, 8, 5, 5, 6, 7, 5 78: God is anxious now to make you 1. God is anxious now to make you Like unto His Holy One, That you may reflect His glory While this life’s short race you run. Chorus Let Him now create unhinder’d, Till His noble work is done. And the Lord can see the image Of His well belovèd Son. 2. Seek to keep resign’d and humble Under His Almighty hand, Patient, willing, always ready To fulfil His least command. 3. Serving Him with joy and gladness, Love pervading all your soul, One in heart and mind and spirit, Give Him absolute control. 4. He will mould and make you perfect, Question not the Master’s skill; Silence all your thoughts and reas’nings In subjection to His will. 5. Yield unmurmuring obedience, Waver not, nor turn aside, When you waken with His likeness, You shall then be satisfied. meter→ 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5 79: God is faithful, God is faithful 1. God is faithful, God is faithful, Let His Word burn in your heart, Cleave to Him with steadfast purpose, Never from His truth depart. 2. God is faithful, He will never Let you be unduly tried, Holding fast to your profession, Faithfully in Him abide. 3. God is faithful, Jesus suffered, Paid the ransom: thou art free, Evermore give thanks and follow Him who died on Calvary. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 5 80: God is faithful, never changing 1. God is faithful, never changing; Sound this glorious truth abroad! We shall overcome and conquer, Trusting in the living God. Chorus God shall faithfully accomplish His great work of recreation, We shall shine as stars forever When His mighty work is done. With what joy His saints shall waken In the likeness of His Son! 2. God is faithful. Fiery trials Are our portion here below, Fixed upon the Rock of Ages Gates of hell cannot o’erthrow. 3. God is faithful sending sorrow, Fierce temptations manifold, In the furnace of affliction, He refines the choicest gold. 4. God is faithful: He hath promised To complete His work begun, In His great eternal Kingdom, We shall shine forth as the sun. meter→ 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 6 81: God is calling! Wand’rer, do not longer roam 1. God is calling! Wand’rer, Do not longer roam, Jesus wants to lead you On to heav’n and home, Come while He is pleading, Do not faint or fear, He will walk beside you And your spirit cheer. Chorus “Oh! what might have been,” This will be your cry, When, too late, you see Jesus has pass’d by: Long with you He pleaded, But you would not hear; Now He cannot help you, Though you faint with fear. 2. God is calling! Wand’rer, Will you then refuse, All His tender mercy And His love abuse? Grasp the hand He offers, Think what it will mean, Left to mourn for ever, Oh, what might have been! 3. God had almost won you, When your friends drew near— “You shall lose our friendship;” Whispered in your ear; With the flesh conferring, Soon your heart grew cold, Then you turned against Him, And your birthright sold. 4. God is calling! Wand’rer, Come without delay, Hand outstretched to save you, Do not turn away; Lose no time, oh wand’rer From your sin now part, While today He’s calling, Harden not your heart. meter→ 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 82: God is now speaking 1. God is now speaking, His message you hear, Pause and consider while He is so near; If you refuse Him, His love cast away, Oh, how will you stand on the great judgment day? Chorus Oh, be in earnest, Pause and consider, Carefully counting the cost. God is in earnest, anxiously waiting, Grieving lest you should be lost. 2. Great is His mercy, His patience and love, Faithful the Saviour now pleading above. Grieve not His Spirit, still striving with thee, Awaiting your answer; oh, what shall it be? 3. Leave now the pathway that leads to despair; Death and the sorrows of sin dwelleth there, Open your heart to the Saviour tonight, Oh, turn from the darkness and walk in the light. 4. What will you answer? He waits for your choice, Say yes to Jesus while angels rejoice Over the lost one secure in the fold, Whose name in the Lamb’s book of life is enrolled. meter→ 8, 8, 8, 10, 7, 4, 6, 6 83: God most Holy in Thy mercy 1. God most holy in Thy mercy Hearken to my cry, In the worthy name of Jesus I would now draw nigh. Chorus If I perish, I must perish, This is all my plea, Father, see the blood of sprinkling Jesus shed for me. 2. Lo, the holiest is open, There before Thy Throne, Christ the Holy One is speaking, Claiming me His own. 3. Though the least and most unworthy, Hear me graciously, This alone is my salvation— Jesus died for me. 4. Lord, my broken heart needs healing, Whither shall I flee? There is none on earth to succor, None in heav’n but Thee. 5. All my hope and expectation Is in Thee alone, All my poverty of spirit Unto Thee is known. 6. Lord, I fain would be like Jesus, Filled with love divine, Grace and truth o’er me prevailing, Lost, my will in Thine. 7. Let Thy Kingdom come, my Father, Let Thy word be done, When my heart this prayer can utter Henceforth we are one. meter→ 6, 4, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 4 84: God sent His well belovèd Son 1. God sent His well belovèd Son Down from His home above; He came that we might understand The depth of His great love, He left His Father’s home on high, And for our sins He came to die. 2. What depth of pity moved His heart For sinners dead in sin, That they through Him might grace receive, And have His Life within. The path to Calvary He trod, That we might know the love of God. 3. That quenchless zeal consumed His life, To do His Father’s will And satisfy His just demands, And righteousness fulfil, He finished all God’s heart had planned, And then sat down at God’s right hand. 4. He pleads that sinners now might live, The mighty work is done; By His own blood the world redeemed; Eternal glory won. Yet few will heed the gospel call And own the Saviour Lord of all. 5. His saints, though few, adore His name, Those by His Spirit sealed, And love the mysteries of grace To His own babes revealed. And oh, what joy and endless bliss To see His face in righteousness. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8 85: God will bring you into judgment 1. God will bring you into judgment; Do not let the world deceive! Hear the voice of wisdom calling, Come to Christ, on Him believe. All your past will be forgiven; Jesus now is waiting here; Stifle not the voice of conscience, Do not turn away your ear. 2. God will bring you into judgment, When your days on earth are o’er; Life for you is swiftly passing; And returneth nevermore. Do not waste the precious moments; Hearken to the Saviour’s voice; Come and find in Him a refuge; He is waiting for your choice. 3. God will bring you into judgment; You cannot escape the day, When you shall appear before Him— Him, whose love you cast away. You may seal your doom for ever, If you still go on in sin; Open is the door of mercy, Hasten now and enter in. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6 86: God’s fellowship, how sweet the sound 1. God’s fellowship how sweet the sound, To my poor struggling soul, His fellowship— how possible, When Jesus has control, I shall indeed walk in the light, Which leads me out from nature’s light. 2. God’s cleansing from all sin is great; Surpassing great the thought, I can obey the light and claim, This gift His blood has bought. Light leads to fellowship divine, Then cleansing from all sin is mine. 3. God cannot lie, His word is pure, His voice I shall obey, Walk in the light in fellowship, With Christ my joy alway. He is my life, He dwells within, I know in Him there is no sin. meter→ 6, 5, 4, 4, 7, 7 87: God’s glorious Kingdom is within the heart 1. God’s glorious Kingdom is within the heart, The poor in spirit claim a goodly part, The mourning souls God’s comfort shall obtain, Exceeding great, unsearchable their gain. 2. The meek inherit all that God can give, The hung’ring thirsting souls are filled and live, In them the fruits of righteousness are found, Still more and more God’s love in them abounds. 3. The merciful excel in boundless grace, The pure in heart behold the Father’s face, Peacemakers in the path their Master trod, They follow peace, those chosen sons of God. 4. When persecuted for His righteousness, The kingdom glories in their life and bliss, Sealed with His name, His sufferings they partake, Reviled and set at nought for Jesus sake. 5. How blest are they who bear these marks, yea more— Their cup of blessing full and running o’er, They are God’s salt, His light upon a hill, To glorify His name and do His will. meter→ 7, 8, 7, 5 88: God’s heavy hand upon me laid 1. God’s heavy hand upon me laid, Distressing situation! His Spirit whispers, “Know ye not, This is for your salvation?” 2. Beneath His hand His mighty hand, In deep humiliation, Low in the dust I put my mouth, In hope of His salvation. 3. God’s heavy hand upon me laid: With serious contemplation, In His pure light I search my heart, And bow to His salvation. 4. My heart respondeth tenderly To His kind exhortation. My son in no wise now despise, The work of your salvation. 5. God’s heavy hand upon me laid, There shall be no cessation Till He accomplish and fulfil In me His great salvation. 6. I dare not ask the reason why The chast’ning and privation. I do not faint at His rebuke, But long for His salvation. 7. God’s heavy hand upon me laid; Affliction with temptation, Is now my portion till I trust And trusting is salvation. 8. While prostrate in the dust I lie, This is my consolation, Mine eyes behold the Lamb of God— In Him is my salvation. 9. God’s heavy hand upon me laid, In silent resignation I kiss the hand that bears me down, The hand of my salvation. 10. How great is God, how mean I am In this consideration; I lay my hand upon my mouth, Acknowledge His salvation. 11. God’s heavy hand upon me laid, There must be tribulation; To bear His image on that day Shall consummate salvation. 12. ’Neath His Almighty hand I pray With earnest supplication, Let not my will, but Thine be done, Thou God of my salvation. 13. God’s heavy hand upon me laid Completes my desolation, But from the dust there shall arise A glorious new creation. 14. There is none Holy as the Lord In princely exaltation, He lifts the beggar to the throne, To show him His salvation. meter→ 6, 2, 6, 5 89: God’s Holy Spirit dwells in me 1. God’s Holy Spirit dwells in me, This certain truth no power can dim, Oh, gift of God unspeakable: He dwells in me, I live by Him. 2. God’s Holy Spirit dwells in me, My heart is now His resting place, With mind renewed I daily prove The power of His transforming grace. 3. God’s Holy Spirit quickens me, Renews my strength along the way, In love He guides my feet to walk The path which leads to perfect day. meter→ 6, 7, 5, 8 90: God’s Spirit itself interceding 1. God’s Spirit itself interceding, Who then can His Spirit gainsay? Before the great Throne in His Kingdom, Consuming and burning alway, All powerful, appealing, atoning, Its prayers and unspeakable groaning. 2. Beloved, Oh, cease not your praying, And let not your vision grow dim. The Lamb the midst is the conqueror, And we are accepted in Him, The Heavens declare the atoning, Attest the unspeakable groaning. 3. Behold in the midst there is standing God’s pure spotless Lamb that was slain. Continually all are reminded, He died, but He liveth again, No pow’r can deny the atoning, Nor stop the unspeakable groaning. 4. God’s sevenfold Spirit is pleading According to His Holy will. All Heaven with earth is uniting, His pleasure alone to fulfill, The Lamb has prevailed in atoning, The Spirit prevails in its groaning. 5. The Truth over all is most pleasant, The Blood of the Lamb shall prevail. The prayers of God’s sevenfold Spirit, Are constant, they never shall fail, The love which constrained the atoning, Inspires the unspeakable groaning. 6. Love is the foundation of all things, Immutable, steadfast for aye. Expressed in the Lamb is the image, Of Love which shall never decay, The love which prevailed in atoning, Prevails with unspeakable groaning. meter→ 4, 6, 7, 4, 4, 5 91: God’s tender mercies are new every morning 1. God’s tender mercies are new every morning, Great is His faithfulness, strong is His love; Kindly His eyes are beholding the righteous Journeying on to His Kingdom above. 2. God’s tender mercies are over the faithful, He is their shield and exceeding reward, Waiting to bless and to comfort His people, Ready to serve them— their Master and Lord. 3. God’s tender mercy and goodness will follow Those who obediently walk in His way, Patiently doing His righteous commandments, Seeking alone for His honour and praise. 4. God’s tender mercy will follow His children On to the end of this pilgrimage life; His precious truth is their shield and their buckler; Strong in His grace they shall win in the strife. 5. God’s tender mercy endureth forever, Sweet is the thought to the upright in heart; His precious precepts can never be broken, His loving kindness shall never depart. meter→ 7, 8, 7, 6 92: God’s time is now, O do not wait 1. God’s time is now, O do not wait Until another day is born; His Spirit, grieved, may take His flight, And leave you never to return. Chorus Today if you will hear His voice, Respond and harden not your heart; Wait not a more convenient day. His Holy Spirit may depart. 2. God’s time is now, O linger not. The shades of night are falling fast, And still you undecided stand. What if today should be your last? 3. God’s time is now, consider well How much it cost your soul to save! Will you despise the Saviour’s call, And fill a Christ rejecter’s grave? 4. God’s time is now, yet you rebel, And wait a more convenient day; While angels bow their heads and weep, You cast the Saviour’s love away! meter→ 8, 5, 7, 6, 7, 6, 6, 5 93: Gracious God, my soul is longing 1. Gracious God, my soul is longing, Sighing after Thee; Come, O come and take possession, Live and dwell in me. Chorus Heart and mind and will is yielded Unreservedly; Take possession, take possession, Come and dwell in me. 2. Lord, to Thee in full submission All my life I give; Come and fill the empty vessel, Let me live in Thee. 3. All my mind resigned and humble, All my will I yield; Henceforth I would walk with Jesus, By Thy Spirit sealed. 4. Now made willing and obedient, Lowly, meek and still, My whole being I surrender To Thy Holy Will. meter→ 6, 3, 6, 5, 7, 1, 4, 5 94: God’s word is so pure 1. God’s word is so pure and so precious to me; Its precepts I love and adore; A lamp to my feet, and a light to my path, Till pilgrimage days are no more. Chorus ’Tis better than thousands of silver and gold, More precious than rubies can be, To sit at the feet of my Master divine, And hear when He speaketh to me. 2. How peaceful and pleasant the ways of the Lord; When under the Saviour’s control; The word that He speaketh is spirit and life, Refreshing and sweet to my soul. 3. I hear and obey, and my soul is set free; To follow my Saviour and King; I cherish His word deeply hid in my heart, Rejoicing, His praises I sing. 4. Oh, Lord, let my heart in Thy statutes be sound; Thy law is my joy and delight; Incline now the heart of Thy servant I pray, To ponder therein day and night. meter→ 10, 6, 11, 6, 8, 6, 9, 7 95: Going forth with weeping 1. Going forth with weeping, Bearing precious seed, Hearts moved by the Love of God To feel the world’s great need. Sow beside all waters, Fear not cloud or rain. You shall doubtless come rejoicing With your sheaves again. Chorus Labour on in patience, Harvest time is sure, Sowing seed beside all waters, To the end endure. Coming home rejoicing, Songs of joy we’ll sing, Bearing precious golden sheaves To lay before the King. 2. Going forth with weeping, Bearing precious seed, Casting all your care on Jesus As you onward speed. God will give the increase, Do not fail to sow. Earnestly disseminate the seed Where e’er you go. 3. Going forth with weeping, Till the day is o’er, With a ceaseless hand dispensing All your bounteous store. Sowing in the valley, In the fertile plain. You will surely reap the harvest, Sheaves of golden grain. 4. Going forth with weeping, Sowing in your might, Harvest time is coming on, With fields of gleaming white. “Well done good and faithful,” You will hear Him say, Burdened down with sheaves, Returning on the Harvest day. meter→ 4, 3, 7, 6, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 5 96: Gracious Saviour, I am weary 1. Gracious Saviour, I am weary, And my heart is sore with care, Heavy trials laid upon me Ofttimes seem so hard to bear, Lord, on Thee I cast my burden, Thou hast promised to sustain, Oh, impart Thy strength lest, sinning, I should murmur and complain. Chorus I am Thine, wholly Thine, Claimed and owned by love divine. Oh, fulfill all Thy will, In this poor, contrite heart of mine, Oh, fulfill all Thy will All Thy Holy Will. 2. Gracious Saviour, I am hung’ring, Thirsting for Thy righteousness, In Thy mercy, Oh, remember, Nought can satisfy but this, Vain my thoughts and aspirations, Fruitless all that does not tend To create a deep heart yearning After Thee, my soul’s true Friend. 3. Gracious Saviour, grant Thy quick’ning, Oh, renew my spirit’s mind, Carnal nature, sense and reas’ning, I would leave them far behind, Take me in— my heart implores Thee, Nought have I of earthly store, All forsaking, let my will be Lost in Thine forevermore. 4. Gracious Saviour, Thine forever, By Thy precious blood made nigh, Poor in spirit, meek and lowly, All my need Thou shalt supply, Thus partaking of Thy nature, Others in my life may see Thy fair beauty and Thy Spirit, Clothed in true humility. meter→ 5, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5, 7, 5, 4 97: Gracious Saviour, lead me safely 1. Gracious Saviour, lead me safely Through life’s every changing hour; In the gloom of dark temptation, Let me feel Thy strength’ning power. Lead me forth to strong assurance Through the shades of doubt and fear; On to hope in Christ, my Leader, Light in every valley drear. Chorus Lead me gracious Saviour, I Thy path adore; Lead me safely onward To a life for evermore. 2. Round me surge earth’s troubled waters— Darkness, anguish and dismay; Lead me onward through the twilight, To the break of endless day. High above the raging billows Reignest Thou who rules the sea; Lead Thou gently, Lord Almighty; Peace bring Thou eternally. 3. When through death’s dark valley passing, Be Thou with me, leading there; Let Thy consolation comfort, When I breathe my final prayer. Then when life has dawned— immortal, In Thy temple with the blest; Led to ever living fountains, I’ll be Thine for aye at rest. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5 98: Gracious Redeemer, Thou art my salvation 1. Gracious Redeemer, Thou art my salvation, Naught but Thy blood could for my sins atone; Give me the grace of holy resignation That I may henceforth do Thy will alone. 2. Oh, how this cruel self would seek to hinder, And keep me bound in sin and misery, O Lord bestow the grace of self surrender That I may evermore Thy servant be. 3. How hard and cold is my poor heart without Thee, I need Thy love and mercy every hour; Grant me, O God, Thy blessèd Holy Spirit That I may know His gracious, quick’ning pow’r. 4. I would excel in every grace and virtue, Cleanse and possess this yielded heart of mine; Thou didst in mercy shed Thy blood to save me; Thy love has conquered, I am wholly Thine. 5. Help me to walk in Thy most holy presence, Perfect in heart, before Thee without blame; Subdue each thought and quell each stormy passion That I may magnify Thy glorious name. meter→ 6, 9, 7, 8 99: Great peace have they which love Thy law 1. Great peace have they which love Thy law, And nothing shall offend. Their love for that which perfect is Preserves them to the end, God’s love and law their hearts employ, How very great their peace and joy. 2. Great peace have they which love Thy law, And nothing shall offend. Naught can disturb the peace of those Who on Thy grace depend, Thy perfect law converts the soul Of those who love Thy law’s control. 3. Great peace have they which love Thy law, And nothing shall offend. Thy perfect law as counsellor Their spirits shall defend, The Spirit of Thy law their guide, They faithfully in Christ abide. 4. Great peace have they which love Thy law, And nothing shall offend. He reigns within, the Prince of peace, A just and faithful friend, At His rebuke, strife must depart, His presence sanctifies the heart. 5. Great peace have they which love Thy law, And nothing shall offend. One with the Father, one with Christ, As one their spirits blend, They love His law, God’s law is love, Foundation of His throne above. meter→ 8, 4, 7, 5, 7, 7 100: Hark! It is Thy voice 1. Hark, it is Thy voice, my Saviour, Hush, be still, my soul and hear, Silence wandering thought and reason, See the Lord of hosts is near. Chorus Poor and needy, weak and helpless, Lord, I bow before Thy face, Oh, enrich me from Thy bounty, With Thy free abounding grace. 2. “Take my yoke,” I hear Him saying, “I am lowly, meek and mild, Learn the rest of true obedience, Like a tender loving child.” 3. All thy wisdom and thy prudence Must be firmly laid aside, Henceforth then eternal wisdom Evermore shall be my guide. 4. Mysteries of the Heavenly Kingdom, Unto babes are now revealed, Those who bear His yoke in meekness Learn of Him whom God has sealed. 5. Teach me how to learn of Jesus, Sit in silence at His feet, Cast on Him my care and burden, Then my rest will be complete. meter→ 7, 7, 5, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5 101: Hark to the message 1. Hark to the message of infinite love, Jesus, Emmanuel came from above, Born in a stable, God’s sent One so fair, Shepherd they found Him, and worshipped Him there. Chorus Infinite LOVE: Worship and bring All to the Saviour, Your best to the King. 2. Dwelt He in Nazareth, obscure and unknown, Lived for His Father’s honour alone, Anointed to preach the Gospel so free, God’s Way, Truth and Life the whole world could see. 3. Out to the slaughter God’s pure One was led, Suffering in anguish, thorns crowned His head, Scourged by the rulers, rejected, denied, God’s Son so holy on Calvary died. 4. For our offences, delivered and slain, Jesus the Just One, He rose again, Now He is pleading that sinners might live, His great salvation to all He will give. meter→ 7, 5, 9, 8, 5, 9 102: Hasten to the place of refuge 1. Hasten to the place of refuge, Do not linger on the plain; If you hope to dwell with Jesus, You must needs be born again. Do not build your hope on theory, Righteous acts will not avail, Christ in you, the hope of glory, Is the Rock which cannot fail. Chorus Heed the warn ing, come to Jesus, Of all friends He is the best; Do not grieve His Holy Spirit, Come and He will give you rest. 2. Come and drink the living waters, Bread of life is free to all; Do not slight the invitation, Hearken to the Saviour’s call. Full salvation Jesus offers, Vict’ry over self and sin; At the door of hope He’s waiting, There to bid you, “Welcome in.” 3. Time is ever speeding onward, Here you cannot hope to stay; Death is ever drawing nearer, And the call you must obey. In His tender love and mercy, Jesus waits to lead you home; From His light and love and presence, Why will you in darkness roam? meter→ 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 5, 7, 6, 7, 7, 6, 7 103: Have faith in God 1. Have faith in God: Oh, wondrous words Conveying truth divine. Those faithful souls who trust in Him, Their love shall not decline. Have faith, trust on His Word is sure, To those who patiently endure. 2. Let faith and hope your safeguard be, The anchor of your soul. Immovable the heart remains When Jesus has control. His word shall be your strength and stay, To keep you in the evil day. 3. Faith is the sure and certain way To overcome the world. This trusty shield is God’s defence, When Satan’s darts are hurled. Faith works by love and stronger grows, Though dwelling in the midst of foes. 4. Have faith in God, His truth shall stand, When all things pass away. He cannot lie, believe His Word, Though nature shall decay, Hold fast, retain your confidence, And great shall be your recompense. 5. Have faith in God, and rest content, Obedient to His voice. To do His will your chief delight, His choice your only choice, With heart made pure and spirit free, Walk then with Him in harmony. 6. Take heart, brave soul, and bear the cross And keep thy motive pure. The single eye shall light your path, The crown of life ensure, Press onward with thy Lord divine, And never from His steps decline. meter→ 7, 3, 7, 5, 8, 5 104: Have you the faith of God’s elect? 1. Have you the faith of God’s elect? That faith which will not be denied, Though in the fiercest furnace heat, It has been oft severely tried? 2. Is yours the faith that soars above The things of time and sense and space, And sees the prize at God’s right hand, To speed you onward in the race? 3. Is yours the faith that will comply With God’s requirements and His will? When manifold temptations try, Your faith is found unconquerable. 4. God gives the faith to see beyond The narrow limits of this life, Earth’s short and transitory joys, With all its turmoil, sin and strife. 5. Have you the faith that will surmount All difficulties which arise, The King in all His beauty see, The Lord, where all your treasure lies? meter→ 7, 7, 6, 6 105: He calls you now, oh, hear His voice 1. He calls you now, oh, hear His voice! And linger not, but haste away, The Kingdom now is nigh at hand, Oh! enter in without delay. Chorus He calls you now, oh come away, Where death awaits no longer stay His life divine He offers free, The Son of God is calling thee. 2. He calls you now to follow Him Along life’s path, the chosen way, Which leadeth on to things unseen, To God’s undimm’d, unclouded day. 3. He calls you now from paths of wrong, Which lead to death, and endless night. Oh, hasten then from joys that fail, To rest and peace, and pure delight. 4. He calls you now, refuse Him not, No longer His kind Spirit grieve; With lowly contrite heart draw nigh, And God’s eternal life receive. meter→ 8, 6, 7, 5, 7, 6, 6, 7 106: He dwells within, O, do not fear 1. He dwells within, O, do not fear, Thy foes shall not prevail. He is thy Rock, thy sure defence, He will not, cannot fail. 2. He dwells within, Thy God is near, He will preserve Thy soul, Trust thou in Him continually, Thy burden on Him roll. 3. He dwells within, in silence rest, Resigned, submissive, still, Content to suffer patiently According to His will. 4. He dwells within, though hard and keen The conflict now may be, His arm will triumph gloriously, Thy God will fight for thee. meter→ 7, 5, 7, 5 107: He found me in a desert land 1. He found me in a desert land, A waste and howling wilderness; His loving heart was pained to see My lost estate, my helplessness; “Fear not,” said He, “thy Lord is nigh, No ransomed soul need ever die.” Chorus Oh love supreme, Oh sov’reign grace Which brought my Saviour from on high To seek His sheep, and bring them home; Dear as the apple of God’s eye. 2. He soothed and bound my bleeding wounds, And bore me gently to the fold; His tender care dispelled my fear And filled my soul with joy untold; Beloved of God forevermore, My days of banishment are o’er. 3. I pass my days in sweet content Within the chambers of the King. I hear His voice and see His face; His love inspires the song I sing In harmony with heav’n above, One spirit with the God I love. meter→ 7, 5, 7, 5, 8, 6, 6, 7, 8, 7 107: He found me in a desert land 1. He found me in a desert land, A waste and howling wilderness; His loving heart was pained to see My lost estate, my helplessness; “Fear not,” said He, “thy Lord is nigh, No ransomed soul need ever die.” Chorus Oh love supreme, Oh sov’reign grace Which brought my Saviour from on high To seek His sheep, and bring them home; Dear as the apple of God’s eye. 2. He soothed and bound my bleeding wounds, And bore me gently to the fold; His tender care dispelled my fear And filled my soul with joy untold; Beloved of God forevermore, My days of banishment are o’er. 3. I pass my days in sweet content Within the chambers of the King. I hear His voice and see His face; His love inspires the song I sing In harmony with heav’n above, One spirit with the God I love. meter→ 7, 5, 7, 5, 8, 6, 6, 7, 8, 7 108: He is calling you home 1. He is calling you home, will you hearken to Him? You are straying afar from the fold, To the river of death with no hope in your heart, Its waters lie sullen and cold. Chorus The Saviour is calling you home, A welcome is waiting you there: He laid down His life your soul to redeem And save you from hopeless despair. 2. There are dangers untold in the path you now tread, With no hope of escape for your soul; Then, oh, turn while you may and give ear to His voice! Come under the Shepherd’s control. 3. He will lift all the gloom which is shrouding your life, Growing darker each step as you go; All the guilt of the past He will freely forgive, His infinite love you will know. 4. To His comfort and rest, then, oh, hasten away! Lose no time, lest your soul should be lost; With no Christ in your heart, drifting on to your doom, Oh! say, have you counted the cost? meter→ 10, 7, 11, 6, 6, 6, 9, 6 109: He left His fair home in the Glory 1. He left His fair home in the glory, Came down to the world He had made, No place was prepared for the Saviour, The babe in a manger was laid. Chorus Oh, make room in your heart now for Jesus, Your Saviour and Prince He will be, Make haste and prepare to receive Him, The King of all Kingdoms is He. 2. The wise men went down to the stable, Their gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh, Proclaim Him divinely appointed The sins of His people to bear. 3. He dwelt in the village of Naz’reth, A carpenter humble, unknown, Anointed to preach the glad tidings, Rejected, despised by His own. 4. The rulers for envy delivered Him over to judgment and death, “Oh, Father most Holy forgive them,” He prayed with His fast failing breath. 5. Attended by kind sympathisers, His body was laid in the tomb; His loving disciples, heart broken, Were shrouded in darkness and gloom. 6. The Kingdoms of darkness were shaken On that happy morn when He rose, Triumphant o’er death and forever, A conq’ror to reign o’er His foes. 7. Our faithful High Priest interceding Will one day return for His bride; His chosen shall dwell in His Kingdom, Forever with Him satisfied. meter→ 8, 8, 7, 7, 9, 7, 7, 7 110: He lives at God’s right hand 1. He lives at God’s right hand, The One who died for me; He pleads the merits of His blood With God continually. Accepted now in Him, And found in Him complete; His love bows down my inmost heart, To worship at His feet. 2. His hands, His feet, His side Proclaim undying love, Love never failing, pure, divine— His gift from Heaven above. His wounds on Calvary Reveal His inmost soul; Afflicted, bruised and dying there His stripes now make me whole. 3. Fly to His bleeding wounds, O soul of mine and see The refuge in His riven side Love opened up for thee. O pure and spotless Lamb— Thy willing sacrifice For me in my unworthiness Is sacred in mine eyes. 4. I would not grieve my Lord, I will obey His voice; Strong in His grace, I’ll follow Him, His will my only choice. Yes! “Of a truth I know,” It shall be surely well With those who fear and honour God And in His presence dwell. 5. Songs in the night He gives, In Him my springs arise; In my poor heart He sheds abroad His love that never dies. A beggar from the dust— He raised me to a throne, My robe of spotless righteousness Washed in His blood alone. meter→ 6, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 7, 5 111: He loved me unto death 1. He loved me unto death, The holy Son of God. All my iniquities He purged with His own blood. 2. I see Him on the cross, Atoning for my sin, His arms extended wide His sheep to gather in. 3. The door is open now To all who on Him call, A place of rest prepared, Forgiveness free to all. 4. Oh, come, in Jesus’ name, Thou shalt not be denied, Your ransom price is paid, For you the Saviour died. 5. He lives to plead your cause, At God’s right hand above, He ever lives to plead In never failing love. meter→ 5, 5, 3, 6 112: Hear my prayer, most Holy Saviour 1. Hear my prayer, most holy Saviour, In Thy mercy graciously Send me help, that I may never Turn my heart away from Thee. 2. Thou art all my hope and comfort, All my soul’s expectancy, Patience, grace and perseverance, All must come, my Lord, from Thee. 3. I am oft perplexed and troubled, Often in adversity; Let me prove Thy grace sufficient, Let me find my strength in Thee. meter→ 6, 4, 7, 6 113: Hearken, consider, incline now thine ear 1. Hearken, Oh consider, incline now thine ear, Jehovah is calling, the King waiteth near Forget thine own people, let earth’s joys grow dim, Forsake thine own pleasure and worship thou Him. 2. Wouldst thou to a place of high honour aspire? Turn with thy whole heart, all thy will and desire To Him who can make you all glorious within, And clothe you in beauty and freedom from sin. 3. Then greatly desiring thy beauty to see, The King shall rejoice when He looketh on thee, Thy clothing wrought gold which shall never grow dim, Thy light and thy glory reflected in Him. 4. The palace is ready, the garments are fair, There’s naught in creation with thee can compare, Thou shalt be remembered when time is no more, Eternal thy glory with Christ evermore. meter→ 7, 7, 9, 8 114: Hear the voice of Jesus calling 1. Hear the voice of Jesus calling! Come and work while it is day; Ere the darkness overtake you, Oh! arise and haste away. There’s no time for idle dreaming, Look upon the fields now white; Let it move your heart to labour Soon will fall the shades of night. Chorus Calling thee, calling thee, Hear the lowly Man of Sorrows, He is calling, calling thee. 2. Hearken to the voice of Jesus, He is calling once again; Are you still unmoved with pity? See the light is on the wane. And the harvest still is waiting— Few to gather in the sheaves. Will it perish? Will it perish? How the heart of Jesus grieves! 3. Haste! the night is fast approaching, Rise and work while yet you may; You have seen the fields all rip’ning, And their crying need display. You have heard the Saviour calling, And the dearth of lab’rers plead; You have felt His claims upon you, And have seen the urgent need. 4. Hearken! He is calling, calling; Can you still at ease remain? Will you let the harvest perish, Shall His pleading be in vain? And the night is surely coming, Harvest days will soon be o’er; Soon your privilege to labour Will be gone for evermore. meter→ 6, 7, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4, 6, 5 115: Hearts are longing, hearts are sighing 1. Hearts are longing, hearts are sighing, Seeking rest they cannot find, In the wilds of sin they wander, Heart sore, footsore, weary, blind. Will you go and bring the message Of the one whose arm can save, From the snare of death and sorrow, From the power of sin and grave? Chorus Honest hearts to you are crying, God is list’ning to their cry. He is pleading, “Will you leave them, Leave them in their sin to die?” 2. Lost and lonely souls are straying, On their path no ray of light, Fear and doubt their hearts possessing, Can you comprehend their plight? They will perish, surely perish, Yet you linger, yet you wait; Hearken to their wail of anguish, Save them ere it be too late. 3. Loud and clear the call is sounding, Will you answer Yes or No? I am anxiously awaiting For your choice: Oh, will you go Forth to bear the joyful tiding Of salvation full and free? Many souls in darkness dying, And the Lord has need of thee. meter→ 6, 5, 7, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 7, 7 116: Heirs of wrath and going downwards 1. Heirs of wrath and going downward, Sad, how very sad your plight, Slighting God, refusing mercy, Loving darkness, hating light. Chorus Oh, escape to Jesus now, Linger not we would implore, God may shut the open door. 2. Jesus left His Father’s bosom, In a manger low was laid, Lived for you and in the garden Agonised and wept and prayed. 3. Heirs of wrath— but Jesus loves you, Gave His life your soul to save, He alone is your salvation, And your hope beyond the grave. 4. Jesus is God’s way to heaven, God’s eternal truth and life. Oh, forsake earth’s empty worship, Shame and form and deadly strife. 5. God is near in Spirit, striving, Oh, be earnest, count the cost. Come and taste His sweet forgiveness; Why, oh why should you be lost? meter→ 6, 6, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6 117: Here in Thy presence, Lord, we wait 1. Here in Thy presence, Lord, we wait, Thy spirit now impart, From self and all iniquity O help us to depart. We would be pure and true like Thee, To love and serve Thee faithfully. 2. Oh may Thy light and truth dispel All darkness, fear and dread And make us one, in heart and mind With Christ, our living Head. Redeemed, made nigh by His own blood, To love and serve Thee as we should. 3. Christ is our law and light and life, In this we now rejoice. We know Him as our souls beloved We hear the Bridegrooms voice; He will, He must in us increase, And bid self righteousness to cease. 4. We wait on Thee, the living God, O turn us once again From all that has dominion now, That Christ alone may reign. Then shall our spirits sweetly sing, When Christ alone is Lord and King. meter→ 7, 4, 5, 5, 8, 6 118: Hidden in the shadow, blessèd shadow 1. Hidden in the shadow, blessèd shadow, Of my Father God’s almighty hand, Who or what can harm me as I journey On with Him, unto the fatherland. Chorus Hidden in the shadow, safely hidden, Guided by the hand that rules the wave, Subject to His will, His holy counsel, Christ alone in mercy came to save. 2. Servant I will be to Him who loved me, Bought me with His own most holy blood. I will glorify Him in my body, Magnify His name, the Son of God. 3. Body, soul and spirit His possession. Sanctified in word, in deed and thought, Holy, blameless is my soul’s Beloved. All my boast is, “See what God hath wrought.” 4. By His Spirit sealed and overshadowed, Safe protected from my every foe, I am proving this is life Eternal, Father, Son and Spirit here to know. meter→ 6, 6, 9, 6, 6, 8, 7, 7 119: Hide not your talent in the earth 1. Hide not your talent in the earth, This is the Lord’s command, Your life and all that there pertains Leave in the Master’s hands. How can the Lord increase and bless That which you do not give? The life of self must fall and die If you would truly live. 2. Hide not your light, let others see In you His power to save, Lest they should perish without hope And fill a Christless grave, Then seek to manifest His name In all you say and do; Their hope of everlasting life May now depend on you. 3. Your talent God will multiply, And to your mind unfold The riches of His precious truth, And treasures new and old. The agents of the evil one Rejoice with fiendish mirth At those who carefully conceal Their talents in the earth. 4. You say God is an austere man, And yet you do not know He reaps that which He hath not sown, But have you proved it so? You judge Him by your carnal mind, Your heart devoid of grace Has never yet been yielded up, To be His dwelling place. 5. O, come and prove His yoke is sweet, His burden light to bear, A loyal, faithful friend is He, Who will thy sorrows share. Yield Him your heart, your life, your all, And let His mind control, God’s love and peace will satisfy, His rest will fill your soul. 6. O, come and buy of Heaven’s gold, So precious, tried and pure, And raiment white, God’s righteous robe, Which ever shall endure. Let God anoint your eyes to see How rich His boundless store For those who serve and honour Him, Both now and evermore. meter→ 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 6, 8, 5 120: Hope on and walk by faith in Him 1. Hope on, and walk by faith in Him Who ever lives to intercede; His covenant He cannot break, And He will meet your soul’s deep need. 2. Hope on, though enemies reproach, Grieve not at what the scorners say; Leave all to Him who hath declared, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.” 3. Hope on, though others may blaspheme, And let not this your soul appal; God’s righteous retribution will Be meted out to one and all. 4. Hope on, and glory in the cross, And do not think to turn aside; But cleave to Him who bore the shame, And in the way of truth abide. 5. Hope on, let nothing dim thy view Of that fair visage marred for thee; His love divine will never fail, In time or in eternity. meter→ 8, 5, 5, 8 121: Hope on, hope ever, struggling soul 1. Hope on, hope ever, struggling soul, By fears and failures undismayed; The God who rules the raging sea, Will hold thy hand, be not afraid. 2. Hope is an anchor of the soul The storms of life can never move And reaches far within the veil, The depths of His great love to prove. 3. Hope on, and sing amid the gloom, Though lone and drear the desert way— Faith sheds her radiant light afar, Leads on to God and cloudless day. 4. Hope on, a better day will dawn, The day of Christ is nigh at hand— When righteousness and peace shall reign In every clime, in every land. 5. Hope on, hope ever to the end, Though fierce and long the battle strife; How sweet to hear the Master say, “Well done, come enter into Life.” meter→ 6, 5, 7, 7 122: How blessèd are the undefiled 1. How blessèd are the undefiled Amid sin’s waste and barren land, Who walk God’s lowly way of life, Led by a loving Father’s hand. Chorus By precious blood made nigh to God, They follow where the Master trod. 2. How blessèd are the undefiled Who love His holy will and way, Wholeheartedly they walk therein, Their Father, God, their strength and stay. 3. How blessèd are the undefiled Who will not be enticed aside. With eyes anointed they behold And walk with Jesus crucified. 4. How blessèd are the undefiled And pure in heart, who see His face, With love unfeigned they worship Him, Rejoicing in His truth and grace. 5. How blessèd are the undefiled Who follow with their Saviour, Friend; God’s Word is hidden in their hearts, To safeguard, comfort and defend. 6. How blessèd are the undefiled, Whose yielded lives are chaste and fair; By precious blood made nigh to God, They know a Father’s tender care. 7. How blessèd are the undefiled, Loved with a pure unchanging love, Fervent and true, as strong as death, Sure as the Throne in Heaven above. 8. How blessèd are the undefiled, Sweet is their rest and faith is strong, With praise their loyal hearts o’erflow In sweetest melody and song. 9. How blessèd are the undefiled Who now revere the Saviour’s name, And follow where the Lamb may lead, And glory in His cross and shame. 10. How blessèd are the undefiled, When toil is o’er and sinks life’s sun, How full their joy, how deep their bliss, To hear the Master’s words, “Well done.” meter→ 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6 123: How clear the call of Jesus 1. How clear the call of Jesus, In accents low and sweet: “Come now ye heavy laden, And rest your weary feet; My peace and sweet forgiveness Your troubled heart will know, And I will gently lead you Where living waters flow.” 2. Your only hope is Jesus, O do not turn away. For you must stand before Him On that great judgment day; When those of every nation Before Him will appear; All who despised His mercy, In awful guilt and fear. 3. How kind the heart of Jesus, His voice is calling still; Grieve not the Holy Spirit; Do not resist His will. Your days and years are passing Spent, as a tale that’s told; Will you remain a stranger And lost outside the fold? 4. So very near the Kingdom, Since God hath brought you nigh; How sad if unrepenting, In all your sins you die, O heed the Saviour’s warning, Outside no longer wait, God’s call may cease forever, And you may call too late. meter→ 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 4 123: How clear the call of Jesus 1. How clear the call of Jesus, In accents low and sweet: “Come now ye heavy laden, And rest your weary feet; My peace and sweet forgiveness Your troubled heart will know, And I will gently lead you Where living waters flow.” 2. Your only hope is Jesus, O do not turn away. For you must stand before Him On that great judgment day; When those of every nation Before Him will appear; All who despised His mercy, In awful guilt and fear. 3. How kind the heart of Jesus, His voice is calling still; Grieve not the Holy Spirit; Do not resist His will. Your days and years are passing Spent, as a tale that’s told; Will you remain a stranger And lost outside the fold? 4. So very near the Kingdom, Since God hath brought you nigh; How sad if unrepenting, In all your sins you die, O heed the Saviour’s warning, Outside no longer wait, God’s call may cease forever, And you may call too late. meter→ 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 4 124: How few are entering in 1. How few are ent’ring in! So many turn away, Despising God, His boundless grace, And wasting life’s short day. Chorus Will you not enter in? Hark! hear the Master say, “I am the door, O enter now; There is no other way.” 2. How few are ent’ring in! O come we would implore; How sad if you should stand and knock, When God has shut the door. 3. How few are ent’ring in! Will you reject His love, His only way, His truth and life Revealed from Heaven above? 4. How few are ent’ring in! Beware, O soul, beware, Lest you neglect the call of God And end in dark despair. meter→ 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5 125: How fresh and green the pastures fair 1. How fresh and green the pastures fair, Where the good Shepherd leads His sheep; The river of God’s pleasure there Flows on forever, still and deep; Afar from all the strife and gloom He resteth with His flock at noon. Chorus The Shepherd and the sheep rejoice, How still and sweet those pastures fair; The desert blooms as paradise, For God is with His people there. 2. How sweet the fragrant vale of prayer Where Jesus loved to watch and pray; We love to trace His footprints there, No clouds obscure, no fears dismay; Our prayers and praise and songs of grace Like incense fill the holy place. 3. From all the world, its toil and care, To watch with Him we turn aside; Our Shepherd true is waiting there, And every need will be supplied; He speaks, how pleasant is His voice, Our satiated hearts rejoice. 4. Made meet His suff’rings here to share, Our heav’nly gain is earthly loss; Content if Jesus leads us there, To labour now and bear the cross, And manifest His life and name, To all the world His love proclaim. meter→ 7, 7, 6, 6, 7, 7, 6, 7, 5, 7 126: How great, how strong, how deep the love 1. How great, how strong, how deep the love Which led my Saviour from above. To sacrifice His life for me Upon the Cross of Calvary. Chorus God’s wrath appeased and swallowed up, My Saviour drank the bitter cup, God’s justice satisfied for me, When He expired on Calvary. 2. God loved the world and gave His Son, That life eternal might be won. Amazing love, He died for me Upon the Cross of Calvary. 3. He gave His own most precious blood, The holy, harmless Son of God. He paid the ransom price for me, God’s sinless One, on Calvary. 4. He loved me even unto death, And with His last fast failing breath, He bowed His head and prayed for me, The Lamb of God on Calvary. meter→ 8, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5 127: How kind was the heart of the Saviour 1. How kind was the heart of the Saviour of men, His grace and salvation to show, He came from the bosom of God to reveal The way, truth and life here below. Chorus How kind was the heart of the Saviour in living His life as a light for thee, O, lift up your eyes and behold your Redeemer, Bearing your sins on the tree. 2. How kind was the heart of the Saviour of men To leave those fair mansions on high, And bear in His body the sins of the world, In anguish to suffer and die. 3. How kind was the heart of the Saviour of men, In triumph to rise from the grave, A Prince and a Saviour exalted of God, His chosen almighty to save. 4. How loving and kind is the Saviour of men His nature and life to impart, To all who will come and acknowledge Him Lord, And give Him a place in their heart. meter→ 10, 6, 9, 7, 10, 7, 9, 6 128: How much it grieved the heart of God 1. How much it griev’d the heart of God, No tongue can ever tell, To bruise His pure and Holy Son, The one He lov’d so well. O soul! There was no other way Sin’s awful debt to pay. Chorus For you, for me, He died on Calvary. 2. How much it griev’d the heart of God To send Him from above To manifest His truth and life, His pure and perfect love. O awful grief! How sad their lot, Him own received Him not. 3. How much it griev’d the heart of God: All heaven was moved to see His bitter cup, those drops of blood In dark Gethsemane, Exceeding sorrowful, alone, For sin He must atone. 4. How much it griev’d the heart of God, Man mocked Him while He prayed; His crown of thorns, His bleeding wounds, The world’s sins on Him laid: God hides His face, O bitter cry, Forsaken Christ must die. meter→ 8, 5, 7, 6, 7, 5, 4, 4 129: How noble my estate 1. How noble my estate— my happy lot; I have a friend in Christ who changeth not. I meet Him daily at the throne of grace To hear His voice and look upon His face, In God’s immediate presence there for me His blood of sprinkling speaks continually. 2. The veil has gone, God’s new and living way Appears before my mind, clear as the day. At His kind Word, my soul with awe draws nigh, With heart assured, I, “Abba Father,” cry, There face to face at God’s right hand for me, My Saviour pleads, He is my surety. 3. I bow with rev’rence at His blessed feet, My heart is full, in Him I am complete. Yes, sanctified and filled with love divine, Redemption, wisdom, righteousness is mine, His blood of sprinkling speaking now for me Has sealed His truth which cannot cease to be. 4. O heart of mine, be loyal true and brave, Faithful to Him who triumphed o’er the grave. The single eye will keep your vision clear, And perfect love will cast away all fear, O Lamb of God, Thy sacrifice for me Shall be my glory everlastingly. 5. With tender mercies crowned, I rest in peace, The love wherewith He loved shall never cease. With love’s unspeakable bond I am bound To Him who reigns on high with glory crowned, His rainbow circled throne reveals to me God’s covenant shall last eternally. meter→ 7, 9, 9, 9, 7, 6 130: How precious is the word of God 1. How precious is the word of God To contrite hearts and pure; How gracious are His promises, So steadfast, safe and sure. Chorus When I’m decreasing Self love is ceasing, Christ is increasing, Filling all my heart. 2. How full of joy and sweet content The souls who seek His face; And weaned from self His fullness prove, Receiving grace for grace. 3. Thus joyful in the place of prayer Their hearts like incense rise, An offering, pure, acceptable, A willing sacrifice. 4. How rich is the abundant store To those who freely give Without reserve, the life He bought; Receiving life they live. 5. All grace and truth in fullness dwells In God’s anointed One, All that pertains to Godliness In His beloved Son. meter→ 7, 5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4 131: How sweet the name of Jesus 1. How sweet the name of Jesus, That name above all names; With His own blood He bought me, And my whole being claims. I love the name of Jesus, My Saviour and my King: And while I have my being His praises will I sing. 2. There is no name in Heaven Or earth I love so well: He has prepared in glory A place where I may dwell. I shall show forth His praises, The riches of His grace; And worship my redeemer Within the holy place. 3. To bear the name of Jesus Shall be my joy and crown The cross is now my portion; Soon I shall lay it down. Set free from tribulation, All sorrow, grief and pain; Within His courts to serve Him, How great will be my gain. 4. His grace is all sufficient To speed me in the race, And keep me still enduring Until I see His face. How great my consolation, My anchor shall not fail Till I am safe for ever At home, within the veil. 5. I shall behold my Saviour His hands, His feet, His side: I shall fall down and worship The Lamb of God who died. Engraven on my forehead To bear His name divine, This highest height of honour For ever shall be mine. meter→ 6, 5, 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5 132: How sweet to trace my Saviour’s steps 1. How sweet to trace my Saviour’s steps Along life’s desert way: His self denial, faith unfeigned, His love and zeal each day, As on this earth for me He trod, Revealed in flesh the Son of God. 2. Led captive I will follow Him, Obedient to His voice. Henceforth my will no more my own, His will my highest choice, Until I hear His glad, “Well done,” The battle fought the victory won. 3. How sweet to hear those gracious words, “If thou abide in me And let my words abide in you, Then thou shalt fruitful be,” For thou must ask just what thou wilt, It shall be surely done. Thy life within inspires this prayer, “Lord make me like Thy Son.” 4. The Comforter who dwells within, Thy love, thy mind and will. Are working in me mightily, God’s pleasure to fulfill. The riches of Thy grace I prove, The sovereign power of love. To speed me on until I see, Thy glorious face above. meter→ 7, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7 133: How tenderly our Shepherd kind 1. How tenderly our Shepherd kind Would lure our souls to stay Beside the quiet waters now, Where we might rest and pray. 2. Drawn by His Spirit I would seek That life of hidden rest And prove the sweetness of His yoke When wearied and oppressed. 3. Much coming and much going proves How weak our faith and love, Reluctantly the life of self Yields to the life above. 4. From self and all that self holds dear For ever turn away, And into God’s most tender hands, Yield all thy life as clay. 5. The potter then with heav’nly skill Will mould and fashion you, Conform your life that you may bear His image clear and true. 6. Keep silence, O my soul, and know The Lord is very near; Within the temple of thy heart, God will Himself appear. 7. His presence sanctifies the whole, Imparting truce and grace; Clothed in humility we own ’Tis now a holy place. 8. Loved with an everlasting love, A love which cannot cease, This thought produces in my soul An everlasting peace. 9. When sense and things of time have ceased And all of earth is o’er, His joy in glory undefiled Is thine for evermore. meter→ 5, 6, 5, 6 134: How true the Master’s words 1. How true the Master’s words so strong appealing The Highest wisdom to our minds supply, God’s only way of fruitfulness revealing, To fall with Him into the ground and die. 2. To serve their Master, many hearts are praying, For grace to honour Him they daily sigh, Their souls with longing break to keep His sayings, And fall with Him into the ground and die. 3. How great the Master’s words, so full of meaning, To those who seek their Lord to glorify, His love unspeakable their souls are weaning, To fall with Him into the ground and die. 4. Oh, hear the Master’s message and retaining The faithful words of Him who cannot lie, Let us go forth, the love of Christ constraining, And fall with Him into the ground and die. 5. Oh, Blessed Master, Thou shalt do the choosing, Thy life in me Thou now shalt magnify, Strengthen my heart and will to do the losing, And fall with Him into the ground and die. meter→ 8, 7, 6, 9 135: However sore your trouble 1. However sore your trouble How grievous your complaint Think on the Master’s counsel, Pray always, do not faint. 2. God will avenge His chosen Who pray continually, Rebuke the adversary Who is too strong for thee. 3. Though dreary dark and lonesome Both day and night may be. Have faith God will remember, Avenge you speedily. 4. His word cannot be broken, Faint not and thou shalt see The pray’r of faith will save you, From bondage set you free. 5. In Jesus name prevailing, Thy importunity Will move the heart of heaven, God shall remember thee. meter→ 4, 4, 5, 5 136: Humility from heaven above 1. Humility from heav’n above, Descend and fill my inmost soul, And let the mind that was in Christ, My will and being now control. 2. Lord, let Thine own almighty hand In love and mercy press me down, Low in the dust at Jesus feet My hope, my everlasting crown. 3. Impart the mind that was in Christ, Complete Thy work of grace begun, That I may bear for evermore The name and image of Thy Son. meter→ 4, 6, 8, 6 137: I am a stranger in the earth 1. I am a stranger in the earth, Hide not Thy precious word. Much comfort, peace and blessedness To me it doth afford, My soul is longing now to prove Thy judgments pure and true, Thy word is hidden in my heart, To influence all I do. 2. Enlarge my heart and I shall run The way of Thy commands, And I will choose the way of life, For this Thy law demands; I shall observe and keep Thy law, Therein I do delight, And I will walk at liberty, Rejoicing in the light. 3. My heart is fixed on Thee, my God, Thou shalt my life control. Thy quickening spirit now impart, Thou guardian of my soul, I daily, hourly need Thy grace, Be Thou my strength and tower, And keep me safe from every foe, By Thine Almighty power. 4. My days are but a handbreadth here, Lord teach me to be wise. The lowly way, Thy chastening hand I shall not then despise, Stay Thou my mind on things above, And from Thy bounteous store, Give me the grace and virtue now, To serve and love Thee more. 5. Guide Thou my feet when dark the way, And Satan’s power I feel. Direct me with Thy still small voice, Thy mind and will reveal, Dwell Thou within and keep me pure And subject to Thy will, Then I shall praise Thy Holy name, And righteousness fulfill. 6. Remember, Lord, how short my time, Thy will for me unfold. The days and years so swiftly pass, Spent like a tale that’s told, And soon this earthly house must fall, Let not my pray’r be vain, Help me to live that after death My life may speak again. meter→ 7, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5 138: I am abiding in Jesus 1. I am abiding in Jesus; His words abiding in me Give me access to His Kingdom, Keep me unfettered and free. Chorus Jesus Himself is my portion, Nourished and fed from above, Dwelling in God and in Jesus, Rooted and grounded in love. 2. Light in my soul is now shining, Jesus abiding within; He is my propitiation, Cleansing my soul from all sin. 3. Bearing my yoke I am learning Lowliness, meekness of heart, Love in my soul is abounding, Binding us never to part. 4. God’s Holy Spirit my wisdom, Oh, how I love His pure Word, Dwelling within me and teaching Holiness unto the Lord. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5 139: I am now a child of God 1. I am now a child of God, Christ redeemed me by His blood; For my sins He did atone, Called me, sealed me as His own, Henceforth all my life shall be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee. 2. Gracious Holy Spirit live In my soul, and daily give Rich supplies of grace divine, Sanctify me wholly Thine; All my spirit, body, soul I resign to Thy control. 3. Help me, Lord, to daily die, Self in all its forms deny; Bid my carnal mind depart, Reign supreme within my heart; God of love and purity, Fix Thy dwelling place in me. 4. Open Thou mine inward ear, Quicken all my soul to hear; Help me never to rebel, All selfwill subdue, dispel; Thy most gracious Holy Will Evermore in me fulfil. 5. Clothed in true humility, Let me find my all in Thee; May Thy life in me increase, Love of self forever cease; Finish, Lord, Thy work begun, Mould and make me like Thy Son. meter→ 7, 6, 6, 7, 6, 4 140: I am so straitened in myself 1. I am so straitened in myself, In this great race I have begun; O Lord, Thou art my confidence, Enlarge my heart that I may run. 2. The prayer of faith shall speed my feet; And give the clear and single eye, To shun the net, the tempter’s snare, And see my Saviour always nigh. 3. So oft forgetful, I neglect The great provision Thou hast made, The faith and love is faint and weak, My soul is troubled and afraid. 4. Ingratitude would chill my zeal And cause my footsteps to decline, My strong and fearful enemies, Would paralyse this heart of mine. 5. I must needs run, my foes pursue, I fear lest they should overtake And slay me in the wilderness, Rebuke them for Thy mercy’s sake. 6. Then swifter than the eagle’s flight, My soul on wings shall rise to Thee, Thy blest commandments I shall keep, Rejoicing in Thy liberty. 7. Stay not Thine own almighty hand, Until Thy glorious work is done; Lord, perfect me in holiness, To bear the image of Thy Son. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 7 141: I fain would flee from all that would defile 1. I fain would flee from all that would defile, And in my Saviour’s presence rest awhile; With longing heart I yearn to see His face— My fainting soul repairs to His embrace. 2. I meet with Him before the throne of grace; His presence fills that sacred, holy place— My strength restored, my mind renewed I feel— The peace of heav’n o’er my whole being steal. 3. His presence soothes away my grief and pain; And for His sake I take my cross again— To follow where my Saviour’s feet have trod, The way that leads to heav’n and home and God. meter→ 9, 7, 9, 7 142: I find my rest at Jesus’ feet 1. I find my rest at Jesus’ feet, In quietness I learn His will Then follow on with confidence, Strong in His strength, obedient still. Chorus In quietness and confidence, I sit to learn at Jesus’ feet, Obeying all His holy will, I find my strength in Him complete. 2. When fears oppress I seek His face, Compassionate my Lord draws near, With words of counsel to console, And perfect love to cast out fear. 3. Why should I ever doubt His love? The love of God in Christ revealed Is deathless, cannot be destroyed— The love wherewith my heart is sealed, 4. Thy hands have made and fashioned me, Possess this willing heart of mine, Work Thou in me, Almighty One, And harmonize my will with Thine. meter→ 7, 6, 5, 6, 4, 7, 5, 7 143: I found Him whom my soul delights to love 1. I found Him whom my soul delights to love, I held Him fast and would not let Him go, Until He fixed His dwelling in my heart, The One alone my soul desires to know. 2. I charge you do not now disturb my rest. The comfort of His love is rest in deed; The Chief among ten thousand, my beloved Abundantly supplies my souls deep need. 3. I found Him in the gladness of my soul, I held Him fast, constraining Him to stay. My heart is ravished by the look He gave, And shall be, till the shadows flee away. 4. O, drink, Beloved, you drink abundantly, I love to hear the music of His voice, To feel the touch of His dear hand on mine, And see his face bids all my soul rejoice. meter→ 9, 10, 8, 8 144: I have a few names who have not 1. I have a few names who have not Defiled with sin their garments clean And they shall walk with me in white, For they are worthy to be seen. Chorus With joy the Father shall review, His chosen ones, the faithful few Who bore His name though oft reviled, And kept their garments undefiled. 2. The overcomers shall be clothed, In shining raiment white as light, The Book of Life contains their names, With record clear on pages bright. 3. Before my Father’s face above, With joy their names I will confess, And angels standing ’round the Throne, Shall praise Him for His faithfulness. 4. Their garments, Father, they have kept, Unsullied, pure and undefiled, Unspotted from the world they walked, Who mocked them and by men reviled. 5. They’re worthy, Lord, to enter in, And stand complete before Thy face, The battle fought, the victory won, Triumphant through Thy wondrous grace. meter→ 8, 6, 8, 7, 6, 6, 7, 5 145: I have a friend in Jesus 1. I have a friend in Jesus, Whose love shall never fail, His own right hand is leading, Safe home within the veil. 2. I have a friend in Jesus At God’s right hand above, I know He ever liveth To plead for me in love. 3. I have a friend in Jesus; Accepted now in Him, The heart of God receives me, This truth no power can dim. 4. I have a friend in Jesus. In love for me He died, The wrath of God appeasing, His justice satisfied. 5. I have a friend in Jesus, In His sure word I see That where He is in glory, There shall His servant be. 6. To see His face and serve Him, In His fair home on high Shall be my highest honour, Where love can never die. 7. There I shall dwell forever, His will my greatest joy, Eternal rest my portion, Which nothing can destroy. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 5 146: I have an unction from the Holy One 1. I have an unction from the holy one, To teach me all that God would have me know, And lead me now to walk in all the truth, While in this tabernacle here below. 2. The Spirit of the living God will teach His truth to every willing mind and heart. An unction from the holy one within Shall loose the seals and truth divine impart. 3. No man in heav’n or earth or underneath Can loose those seals which hide God’s mystery, The Lamb, the Root of David must prevail, His life and Spirit must prevail in thee. 4. God’s holy one from glory undefiled, Came down on earth, His Father’s heart revealed, O’er all the powers of darkness He prevailed, And He alone can loose what God has sealed. 5. All things are centred in the priceless gift, This unction from the holy one above, Oh, soul of mine let all within you bow To God’s all conq’ring, all prevailing love. 6. Oh, let the Son of God prevail in you, This is the secret root of victory, God’s revelation centres in His Son, His Son alone has power to set you free. 7. I have an unction from the holy one, Oh, soul of mine you are not left alone, This unction is to teach thee to abide In Him who centres in th’eternal throne. meter→ 8, 10, 10, 6 147: I have found a friend who will always be 1. I have found a friend who will always be True and faithful now and eternally, I commit my soul to His tender care, He will keep me safe from the tempter’s snare. Chorus Jesus is my friend, he redeemed my soul, All my life I yield that His spirit may control, He will keep me true, for his love divine Is now shed abroad in this heart of mine. 2. I rejoice to know He has won my heart, He’s my soul’s beloved we will never part, Though my foes are strong, He will give me grace, To endure the cross and His footprints trace. 3. I have perfect peace as the race I run, For my mind is stayed on the holy one, All my inmost foes are subdued and still, As I daily bow to His holy will. 4. With the shield of faith, in His armour clad, I have proved His power and my heart is glad, All the hosts of sin at His presence fall, In His strength made strong, I shall conquer all. 5. Every day I fear lest His heart I grieve, For His grace divine I should not receive, ’Tis by faith I stand in His presence here, And I need not fall, for my Lord is near. 6. Jesus dwells with me in communion sweet, And I sit and learn at my Saviour’s feet, Treasures hidden deep from the present sealed By His Spirit now are to babes revealed. 7. In a little while I shall see His face, For His Heart of love has prepared a place Where His children true in the light may stand In our Father’s home at His own right hand. meter→ 9, 6, 8, 9, 8, 10, 9, 9 148: I have but one desire 1. I have but one desire, One purpose to fulfil, One thought is burning in my soul, To do God’s Holy will. 2. ’Tis love inspires the flame Which shall forever burn, Love from the living heart of God, Which shall to Him return. 3. ’Tis love consumes the whole, The life I have to give, And thus in giving all to Him, In Him alone I live. 4. I would not keep a part; All unreservedly, Most willingly I give to Him, Who gave His all for me. 5. This is my highest joy, This is my chief delight, To burn with love like “lamps of fire” Before Him day and night. meter→ 5, 4, 7, 5 149: I have longed for Thy salvation, Oh what 1. I have longed for Thy salvation, Oh, what longings in my soul. Hasten, Lord, Thy new creation, Sanctify and make me whole. 2. I have longed for Thy salvation, All my longing soul would see Thy great power amid temptation, To impart integrity. 3. I have longed for Thy salvation, Longing that I may obtain Power to yield in resignation, To my Saviour’s righteous reign. 4. I have longed for Thy salvation, Freed from all that would defile, Full, entire the separation Of the precious from the vile. 5. I have longed for Thy salvation, Nothing else can satisfy, I have longed with expectation, Christ, my Lord, to glorify. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 5 150: I have longed for Thy salvation, Prayed 1. I have longed for Thy salvation, Prayed with earnest supplication, Sighed to know its application To my heart, to my heart. 2. Christ in me is my salvation, All my hope and expectation, He is God’s own revelation To my heart, to my heart. 3. On His heart His new creation He has sealed— no separation; This is God’s own consolation To my heart, to my heart. meter→ 6, 4, 5, 6 151: I have not much to give 1. I have not much to give, But Thou shalt have my best, In all my great unworthiness, In Thy great love I rest. 2. A vessel I would be In Thine own loving hands, Desiring nought but Thy good will, Fulfilling love’s demands. 3. My choice and will I leave To Him who cannot err, I look within my heart to find, His Will is written there. 4. His favour to my life, He calls me now His friend, His faithfulness shall never fail, His love shall never end. 5. I know where He is now, There shall His servants be, To see His face and hear His name, With joy eternally. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 6 152: I have overcome the world 1. “I have overcome the world,” Hear the words of Jesus, Daily walking in the truth From all bondage frees us. Chorus I will walk in the truth, Naught from Christ can sever, Loved with love as strong as death, I am His forever. 2. Trusting in the Saviour’s blood Darkest clouds are riven, All my sins are washed away, All the past forgiven. 3. Love divine will bear me through Days of tribulation, Singing songs of joy and praise For His great salvation. 4. Growing in His truth and grace, Sweet the gospel story; Those who love Him to the end They shall share His glory. 5. Yield obedience to His Will, Do not faint or weary, In His favour there is life, Days are bright and cheery. meter→ 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 7, 4 153: I hear a voice unspeakable 1. I hear a voice unspeakable, ’Tis sounding on my inward ear, I lay my honour in the dust, The Lord of Hosts is drawing near. Chorus Be still and know that I am God, O highly favoured soul be still, Fall down and worship— thou shalt know The counsel of My Holy Will. 2. I hear a voice those cannot hear, Whose restless souls are never still, Established they can never be, In holiness unblamable. 3. I hear a voice that melts my soul, In self abasement at His feet, His love, His lowliness and grace, Have overpowered my will complete. 4. I hear a voice, a gracious voice, God shall regard my low estate, His own right hand hath holden me, His gentleness hath made me great. 5. God in the midst, who then can move, The dwelling place of the Most High? Thy adversaries, O my soul, Are trodden down when God is nigh. meter→ 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 6, 7, 6 154: I know in whom I have believed 1. I know in whom I have believed, And on that last great day I’ll stand Clothed in Christ’s robe of righteousness Approved of God at His right hand. Chorus I know in whom I have believed, I am persuaded God will keep; Deep hidden in His heart of love, His tender lambs, His chosen sheep. 2. I know in whom I have believed And though He slay me, I will trust; Acknowledge all His holy will, Though broken, humbled in the dust. 3. I know in whom I have believed, No mind can comprehend or trace The length and breadth and depth of love, His free unmeasured boundless grace. 4. I know in whom I have believed, And shall not fear on that great day; Safe hidden in the heart of God, When heav’n and earth shall pass away. 5. I know in whom I have believed, Made like my Master I shall be; Complete in Him, the perfect one, Approved of God eternally. meter→ 7, 8, 6, 7, 7, 6, 7, 6 155: I know that I shall never part 1. I know that I shall never part From Him whom I have learned to love, He fills the temple of my heart, The Prince of Peace from heaven above. Chorus He bears my name upon His hands, His name is graven on my heart. Love leads the way of His commands, And we shall never, never part. 2. I nothing am and less than nought, But I am found complete in Him, Fullness of life His blood has bought, This truth eternal nought can dim. 3. Soon I shall see Him as He is, His name and likeness I shall bear, Eternally show forth His praise, His glory undefiled shall share. 4. Meanwhile I want to suffer now, According to His holy will; Low in the dust, I gladly bow, Thy righteousness in me fulfil. meter→ 7, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6 156: I know that my Redeemer lives 1. I know that my Redeemer lives, And I shall dwell with Him; The light of God within my soul No pow’r on earth can dim. Chorus My life is in the Master’s hands To purify and mould; When tested, tried, I’m satisfied I shall come forth as gold. 2. I know in whom I have believed, My living hope and stay; The trust I have in Him reposed, He never will betray. 3. I am persuaded He will keep The life I freely give, In glad obedience to His claims, I die that I may live. 4. I know that my Redeemer lives, To intercede for me; And give me grace to bear the cross— To bear it patiently. meter→ 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6 156: I know that my Redeemer lives 1. I know that my Redeemer lives, And I shall dwell with Him; The light of God within my soul No pow’r on earth can dim. Chorus My life is in the Master’s hands To purify and mould; When tested, tried, I’m satisfied I shall come forth as gold. 2. I know in whom I have believed, My living hope and stay; The trust I have in Him reposed, He never will betray. 3. I am persuaded He will keep The life I freely give, In glad obedience to His claims, I die that I may live. 4. I know that my Redeemer lives, To intercede for me; And give me grace to bear the cross— To bear it patiently. meter→ 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6 157: I lay my head on Jesus’ breast 1. I lay my head on Jesus’ breast In all my weariness and need, No tongue can tell how I am blest; The rest He gives is rest indeed. 2. I hear His voice and see His face, As on His bosom I recline, His love, His tenderness and grace Have conquered all this heart of mine. 3. His gracious words of counsel bring A strength and gladness to my soul, My being is inspired to sing, And wholly yield to His control. 4. The beauty of His holiness In silent wonder I adore, And in His peace and righteousness, I shall rejoice for evermore. meter→ 7, 6, 8, 7 158: I long to drink more deeply 1. I long to drink more deeply Of God’s unmeasured love, So pure, so true and changeless, Revealed from Heaven above, Made clear and plain in Jesus, As on this earth He trod, The source of hidden wisdom, Incarnate Son of God. 2. I long to have His Spirit, His patient toiling life, To labour on undaunted, Amid sin’s deadly strife, Fulfilling God’s good pleasure, And doing all His will, One Spirit with the Father, His purpose to fulfil. 3. He faced the awful sorrow, He bore the curse of God, His heart was torn with anguish, While love was shed abroad To manifest to sinners That all the world might claim Redemption, free forgiveness, Since He, God’s Lamb was slain. 4. The sun in silent wonder, Amazed, withdrew its light, The gathering darkness settled Into the shades of night, As Jesus hung expiring, Forsaken on the tree, O, love so strong and deathless, The sons of men to free. 5. He rose, He rose victorious, O’er death, sin and the grave, He lives, He lives triumphant, With mighty power to save, Now He is interceding At God’s right hand on high, And we shall share His glory, Where love can never die. meter→ 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 5, 4 159: I long to dwell within Thy courts 1. I long to dwell within Thy courts, To hear Thy voice divine, I long to know my will is made Subservient to Thine. Chorus Bestow on me Thy richest grace, Complete the work begun, That I may bear on that great day The likeness of Thy Son. 2. I long to bear Thy Holy name, And bear it worthily, I long to bring an off’ring, Lord, Acceptable to Thee. 3. Thy love O, Lord how strong and deep, A vast immensity, Thou didst not spare Thine only Son, That I might ransomed be. 4. Delivered up to shame and scorn, No sacrifice too great, He died upon the cruel tree To open Heaven’s gate. 5. How sweet to know those gracious words, That Thou shalt freely give All things to those He hath redeemed, Who for His glory live. meter→ 7, 5, 8, 3, 6, 4, 8, 5 160: I long to love my Saviour more and more 1. I long to love my Saviour more and more, To worship Him and all His way adore, He is my shield, in Him I rest in peace. I know my love for Him will never cease. 2. The love I have came from the heart of God, His Holy Spirit shed that love abroad Within my heart to make me one with Him Who is my life, my light that ne’er grows dim. 3. He pleads my cause before His Father’s throne, My righteousness is found in Him alone, The voice that speaks, His all atoning blood, Shall sure prevail before the Throne of God. 4. One Spirit with my Lord no more to part, His love the bond that binds us heart with heart, Love is the only bond of perfectness, To bind and make us one in holiness. meter→ 9, 8, 10, 9 161: I love the perfect way 1. I love the perfect way That leads to God and rest, I love to follow Jesus here, Obeying His behest. Chorus I love my Shepherd true; His choice my choice shall be. His holy will shall be my will, That He may live in me. 2. He found me deep in sin, With sorrow in my heart, He filled my soul with joy and peace And bid my sins depart. 3. I love His holy name, Delight with Him to dwell, The love of God so sweet to me, My tongue can never tell. 4. It is His life that gives Me pow’r to walk with God, And this is why I love the path Where Jesus’ feet have trod. 5. He ever will control The yielded life and will, In humble contrite hearts delight His purpose to fulfil. 6. I now rejoice to be Like Him cast out, denied, In Him my longing heart is stilled, Forever satisfied. meter→ 5, 6, 6, 3, 5, 6, 7, 6 162: I love to sit with Jesus 1. I love to sit with Jesus, Down in the lowest room. His presence is my sunshine, Dispelling nature’s gloom. He keeps my vision clear and strong, He is my everlasting song. 2. I love to be with Jesus, When I am weaned and still. My heart and mind is quickened, To know and do His will, Obeying from a willing heart, And choose with Him the better part. 3. I love to speak with Jesus, And have my mind renewed Alone with Him in secret, Where nothing can intrude. Receive His counsel, words of grace, His righteousness and holiness. 4. I love to learn of Jesus, How I may overcome. Before Him I am silent, My lips are mute and dumb. He speaks, “If ye abide in Me, Much more than conqueror you shall be.” meter→ 6, 5, 5, 3, 7, 5 163: I love to think of Jesus 1. I love to think of Jesus, Who came from heaven above. Forsaking home and glory In all His matchless love. He came to die for sinners; My soul, oh, can it be. In all His tender mercy, He came to die for me. 2. I love to think of Jesus, Upon the cross of shame. I ask my soul the question, Was it for me He came? God’s Holy Spirit answers, And in His light I see. That Jesus hung and suffered, Upon the cross for me. 3. I love to think of Jesus, Who left His Father’s heart; In all His grace and pity, He came to take my part. His life the Light of Ages, In time, eternally. The word of God incarnate, Christ now revealed in me. meter→ 6, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6 164: I need the mind of Christ 1. I need the mind of Christ, His pure and holy mind, That all my inmost soul may be Unto His law inclined. Chorus Most Holy Spirit lead, O speed my feet to run; That I may gain the highest prize— The image of His Son. 2. I need the mind of Christ To do God’s holy will With all my heart, my soul and strength— The law of love fulfil. 3. I need the mind of Christ, His fervent love and zeal, That I may daily grow in grace And gain the Spirit’s seal. 4. I need the mind of Christ, To follow where He trod, To perfect me in holiness— The love and fear of God. 5. I need the mind of Christ, O may His mind increase, Subdue the law of sin and death, And give me life and peace. meter→ 6, 5, 7, 4, 4, 6, 7, 5 165: I need Thy grace, O Lamb of God 1. I need Thy grace, O Lamb of God, To aid me in the pilgrim way; I tremble at the tempter’s pow’r And feel my need to watch and pray. 2. O let me now abide in Thee, Thou art my shield and hiding place, Thy precious blood my only plea, While waiting at the throne of grace. 3. Thy tender love and mercy, Lord, Subdue this stubborn heart of mine; They flood and fill my inmost soul And claim and make me wholly Thine. 4. I come to Thee to find soul rest And nestle closer to Thy side; How base the heart that would betray The soul’s redeemer, friend and guide. 5. Though heav’n and earth may pass away, Thy word will stand forever sure; The promise is they shall be saved Who faithful to the end endure. meter→ 8, 7, 6, 8 166: I rest in Jesus and my rest is sweet 1. I rest in Jesus and my rest is sweet, All that I need I find in Him complete, How kind and true the loving heart of God, To send His Son and save me by His blood. 2. He came in love to give Himself for me, And sacrifice His life on Calvary, He paid the utmost penalty for sin, To open Heaven’s door and let me in. 3. When doubts and fears assail and foes distress, He is my refuge in this wilderness, Obtaining mercy at the Throne of Grace, He speeds my feet to run the heavenly race. 4. Pursued by fiery trials and oppressed, I flee to Him and enter into rest, When evil wandering thoughts would overpower, He is my hiding place and my strong tower. 5. His grace and mercy is my only hope, With manifold temptations I must cope, Across my way the net of sin is spread, His power alone can bruise the serpent’s head. 6. His everlasting covenant is mine, His love is deathless, never can decline, My Shepherd true will lead me all the way; In Him I live, He is my strength and stay. 7. God’s priceless gift— His gift unspeakable— He offers free to whosoever will. This gift of life divine is in His Son, In Him alone the Crown of Life is won. meter→ 9, 9, 9, 10 167: I sink beneath the hand of God 1. I sink beneath the hand of God, And sinking, seek to rise no more. Self seeking, selfishness and sin Detesting, I despise, deplore. 2. Self love, that secret subtle foe, Shall have no place within my soul. God’s humble, meek and lowly One, The Son of Man shall have control. 3. I sink, and sinking unto God, My soul is safe and sanctified. Set as a seal upon His heart, I am much more than satisfied. 4. My soul with satisfaction sees The source and sum of sovereign bliss, And sighing, seeks for solace there, Since nought can satisfy but this. 5. In God I live, in God I move, My being bows before His face, In spirit soars to scenes above, To praise the glories of His grace. 6. Love binds me to the Living God, Undying love shall not decline; The love wherewith He loved His Son Is dwelling in this heart of mine. 7. He brought me nigh with His own blood, O God, was ever love like Thine— That love which loved me unto death, Its name and nature is divine. meter→ 7, 7, 5, 4 168: I sit alone with God 1. I sit alone with God. His Spirit draws me there, I cannot live without His grace, His love and tender care. 2. I sit alone with God, My heart is weak and faint, My doubts and fears and grief prevail, I mourn in my complaint. 3. I sit alone with God, And raise my pleading hands In mute appeal, His heart is moved, I know He understands. 4. I sit alone with God, He sees my fears and sighs, The groaning of the prisoner He never will despise. 5. I sit alone with God; In love He deals with me. My soul is filled with tenderness, He speaks so lovingly. 6. I sit alone with God; He reads my inmost heart, Applies the searchlight of His truth, Revealing every part. 7. I sit alone with God, And while I thus remain, His love reveals my lack of love, A deep and crimson stain. 8. I sit alone with God, Confused and silent now; Self lives and reigns where Christ should be, And to this truth I bow. 9. I sit alone with God, I know self must decrease; My soul has heard the bridegroom’s voice, And Christ, He must increase. 10. I sit alone with God, His voice, how passing sweet, Deny, forsake, forget thyself, In Christ thou art complete. 11. I sit alone with God, My soul is weaned and still, Subdued, submissive and resigned To all His Holy will. 12. I sit alone with God, My centre and my Sun, Held fast in His divine embrace; Love’s mighty work is done. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 5 169: I trust in God and will not fear 1. I trust in God and will not fear, I know He cannot fail Jehovah is my strength and song, My foes shall not prevail. 2. I trust in Him and trust I will, His gracious word is sure, And all His precious promises For ever shall endure. 3. I trust and though my faith is tried, He will not let me fall, His word shall stand immutable, Through Him I’ll conquer all. 4. I trust submissive to His will, Resigned in His dear hand, Weaned and obedient to His voice, Fulfilling His command. 5. I’ll trust Him in temptations hour, When chastenings sore abound, Though sifted, not one grain of wheat Shall fall upon the ground. 6. I trust in Him, my faithful God, And cast on Him my care, He will not let me suffer here More than my soul can bear. 7. I’ll trust Him till the journey’s o’er, In His fair home above, There I shall dwell and reign with Him, In pure and perfect love. meter→ 8, 5, 6, 5 170: I want an open ear 1. I want an open ear, The single eye to see, And purity of heart to know What God requires of me. 2. I want the quickened mind To grasp and understand, The will to run obediently The way of His commands. 3. Armed with the mind of Christ, I unreservedly Give all for all, that Christ alone My light and life may be. 4. To die indeed to sin Is now my highest choice, I must decrease, since I have heard The Heavenly Bridegroom’s voice. 5. This is my one desire, My prayer continually— Till self is lost and swallowed up, He must increase in me. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 5 171: I want to be like Jesus, Meek, lowly 1. I want to be like Jesus, Meek, lowly, undefiled; To all God’s will submissive, Obedient as His child. Chorus The call of grace has reached me; This all my prayer shall be— Most gracious, Holy Father, Reveal Thy Son in me. 2. I want the love of Jesus To fill my heart and soul, To sanctify my being, My mind and will control. 3. I want to serve like Jesus And take the lowly place, Receiving with the humble The fulness of His grace. 4. I want to learn of Jesus Till perfect and complete; This is the one thing needful, Found only at His feet. meter→ 6, 3, 5, 4, 7, 6, 4, 5 172: I want to be like Jesus, to have His mind 1. I want to be like Jesus, To have His mind and will, His meek and lowly spirit, Obedient, gentle, still. 2. I want to be like Jesus, With clear and single eye, To penetrate the glory Laid up for me on high. 3. Mine eyes shall see His beauty, God’s perfect, holy one; The crown of glory waiting For me when life is done. 4. Mine eyes shall see the Saviour, And I shall bear His name, Conformed unto His image, Before Him without blame. 5. I want the mind of Jesus, His Spirit to control, His love alone possessing My spirit, body, soul. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 3 173: I want to give myself to prayer 1. I want to give myself to prayer, In mercy, Lord, bestow Thy grace, I would in all humility Of mind and heart now seek Thy face. 2. ’Tis thus my soul desires to serve, By prayer and faithful ministry, To call those lost and wand’ring sheep, That they may find their rest in Thee. 3. O Lamb of God, Thy blood was shed To make atonement for the soul, And save Thy people from their sins, To fully cleanse and make them whole. 4. I will approach Thy mercy seat, My spirit poor, with Thee I plead, I have no might, Increase my strength, Thy grace and strength I sorely need. 5. Men ought to pray, the Saviour said, Faint not and God will have respect; Though faith and patience may be tried, God shall avenge His own elect. meter→ 7, 6, 5, 8 174: I want to follow Jesus 1. I want to follow Jesus Since He has gone before, I long to trace His footprints And love Him more and more. He is my great example, In His pure life I see All, all that God the Father Has chosen me to be. Chorus His love is never failing, His prayers are all prevailing, His blood is all availing Before the throne for me. 2. The light from Heav’n is shining So clearly in my soul, My heart is now His dwelling, His spirit has control. He is my life and being, In His pure light I see All, all that God the Father Has willed that I should be. 3. He came, the truth revealing, Down from the heart of God, That I might love and serve Him And follow where He trod. O word of God unchanging, In Thy pure truth I see Where Jesus is in glory, There shall His servant be. 4. O Lamb of God, I’ll follow. Thy voice I will obey, Since Thine own blood most holy Has washed my sins away. My advocate is pleading By faith I hear and see The blood of sprinkling speaking In Heav’n above for me. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 175: I want to leave my choice and will 1. I want to leave my choice and will In Him whose choice and will are best, Through grace, resigned, submissive still, His choice and will— my soul’s sure rest. 2. I must decrease, all self must cease, That Christ may now be formed in me And manifest, His life and peace, His holiness and purity. 3. In all things heark’ning to His voice, His choice shall be the better part, His loving counsel shall rejoice My willing and obedient heart. meter→ 8, 8, 5, 8 176: I want to take the lowest room 1. I want to take the lowest room, Since Jesus leads me there, He took the lowest for my sake And why should I forbear To take with Him the lowest place, And prove the fulness of His grace? 2. I want to take the lowest room, Where Jesus waits to guide The meek and lowly willing heart When self is set aside, His grace sustains the humble soul, His spirit sanctifies the whole. 3. I want to take the lowest room, I want to take it now, In all humility of mind Before my Master bow, He took the servant’s place for me, My Saviour, I would follow Thee. meter→ 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 177: I want to tell you more about the Saviour 1. I want to tell you more about the Saviour, How He was wounded on the cruel tree; In tenderness and love for you He suffered, Poured out His life in grief and agony, Upon the cross He bowed His sacred head, It was for you His precious blood was shed, It was for you His precious blood was shed. 2. He was oppressed for you, He was afflicted, Smitten of God in dark Gethsemane, O wondrous love God’s fearful wrath partaking, He drank the cup and now your soul is free, It pleased the Father thus to bruise His Son, He was made sin for you, God’s sinless One, He was made sin for you, God’s sinless One. 3. Those bleeding wounds reveal His deep compassion, His sure, unfailing never changing love, How great the price He paid for your redemption, Leaving the glories of His home above, Bearing your sins He died on Calvary, His tender loving heart was pierced for thee, His tender loving heart was pierced for thee. 4. Will you not come and falling down before Him, Pressing your lips to His dear wounded feet, In love and gratitude your Lord adoring, Present your life, your all to Him complete, He sacrificed His life so willingly, That you might be His own eternally, That you might be His own eternally. meter→ 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9 178: I want to walk with God 1. I want to walk with God in clearer light. His light dispels the darkness gloom and night. I want more faith, more hope, more confidence In Him who is my soul’s sure recompense. 2. My Saviour’s name and image I would bear, Sustained by grace His sufferings here to share, This priceless gift I shall from God partake, Believe in Him and suffer for His sake. 3. To suffer thus to me is holy ground, In Him my consolations shall abound; The daily death I shall no longer dread, Since Jesus is Himself my living Head. 4. Delivered unto death and daily strife, All that is mortal swallowed up in life, The selfsame thing that works in me, is God, Who leads me in the way my Saviour trod. 5. O, may the light of faith shine clearer still, Lest I come short and fail to do His will, The promises I shall believe, I must, In God that cannot lie my soul shall trust. 6. I want the love wherewith God loved His Son To be my portion, bind and make us one; Then sanctified in spirit, mind and heart, Eternally made one, we cannot part. 7. The suff’rings of this present time I need, That I may learn in thought, in word, in deed, How to put off the old, put on the new— My Saviour’s mind and will observe and do. meter→ 9, 8, 8, 8 179: I was wandering alone 1. I was wand’ring alone, Far away from my home, My heart full of fear and unrest, When a stranger drew near— Oh, what comfort and cheer, He pillowed my head on His breast. When a stranger drew near, Oh, what comfort and cheer, He pillowed my head on His breast, He pillowed my head on His breast. 2. It was Jesus who came, Sought my life to reclaim, I had heard of Him oft before, And though sorrows of sin Were oppressing within, I fain would have entered the door, And though sorrows of sin Were oppressing within, I fain would have entered the door, I fain would have entered the door. 3. He entreated me come And no longer to roam. I entered to walk in the way, ’Twas His love won my heart And we never can part, His presence my fears now allay, ’Twas His love won my heart, And we never can part, His presence my fears now allay, His presence my fears now allay. 4. As I walk in the light, We have fellowship sweet, His blood cleansing me from all sin, He is near by my side With His counsel to guide, The glory with Him I shall win, He is near by my side With His counsel to guide. The glory with Him I shall win, The glory with Him I shall win. 5. Where He leads me I go, Leaving all here below, There is nought I count dear for Him, And though briars and thorns All the pathway bestrew, He knoweth the way which I take, And though briars and thorns All the pathway bestrew, He knoweth the way which I take, He knoweth the way which I take. meter→ 4, 5, 7, 5, 5, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7 180: I will follow my Saviour 1. I will follow my Saviour o’er life’s darkest way, And my heart shall not fear as I go; For His love cannot fail; it is stronger than death, His own precious word tells me so. Chorus Unchanging my Saviour remains, My heart shall not fear as I go, His love cannot fail, it is stronger than death, His own precious word tells me so. 2. Jesus came from the home of His Father on high, To enlighten the world here below, Showing God’s perfect way, His pure truth and His life, His own precious word tells me so. 3. God will make me like Jesus as now I obey, And His deep hidden myst’ries will show, He reveals them to all who will suffer with Him, His own precious word tells me so. 4. I am conscious of weakness but strong in His grace, There is vict’ry when facing the foe, Jesus is my strong tow’r and my rock of defence, His own precious word tells me so. 5. I will follow the Lamb wheresoever He leads, All the prayer of my heart is to know How to walk in His way, undefiled to the end, His own precious word tells me how. meter→ 9, 9, 10, 7, 4, 8, 9, 7 181: I will journey all the way 1. I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, In love He sought and found me when astray; He blotted out my guilty past forever, And placed my feet within the narrow way. Chorus There is never friend to me like my Redeemer; I will journey on with Him unto the end; There is naught in heav’n or earth can separate me From Him who is my everlasting friend. 2. I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, There is no friend with Him that can compare; For me He laid aside His Father’s glory, That I with Him eternal joys might share. 3. I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, His yoke is easy to the willing heart; ’Tis more than life to me, His loving favour, With joy to know that we will never part. 4. I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, He loves me with a pure, unchanging love; His righteousness and grace will make me worthy, To share with Him the Father’s home above. 5. I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, Though others turn aside, their Lord betray; His beauty far outshines their earthly treasure, His love will bear me on till close of day. meter→ 9, 9, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 7 181: I will journey all the way 1. I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, In love He sought and found me when astray; He blotted out my guilty past forever, And placed my feet within the narrow way. Chorus There is never friend to me like my Redeemer; I will journey on with Him unto the end; There is naught in heav’n or earth can separate me From Him who is my everlasting friend. 2. I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, There is no friend with Him that can compare; For me He laid aside His Father’s glory, That I with Him eternal joys might share. 3. I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, He loves me with a pure, unchanging love; His righteousness and grace will make me worthy, To share with Him the Father’s home above. 4. I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, Though others turn aside, their Lord betray; His beauty far outshines their earthly treasure, His love will bear me on till close of day. 5. I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, His yoke is easy to the willing heart; ’Tis more than life to me, His loving favour, With joy to know that we will never part. meter→ 9, 9, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 7 182: I will not let Thee go 1. I will not let Thee go; I must Thy blessing now obtain, Since God and truth inspire my trust, How just and right my claim. 2. I will not let Thee go; the day Is hast’ning on apace, And I must know almighty power, Thy love and sov’reign grace. 3. I will not, will not let Thee go, Lest Satan should deride, While Father, Son and Spirit pray, All heaven is on my side. 4. I will not let Thee go; my soul Shall wrestle on until My name is changed and I become A prince to do Thy will. 5. I will not let Thee go, Oh, touch Self will, that I may stay The workings of the carnal mind, The mind of Christ obey. 6. I will not let Thee go; O Lord, The glorious change be wrought, That I may go forth to prevail, A soul Thy blood has bought. 7. I will not let Thee go; though maimed And halt, the sun shall rise Upon a prince that God has sealed, And gained the royal prize. meter→ 8, 4, 7, 6 183: I will not trust in aught of self 1. I will not trust in aught of self, My heart and flesh will surely fail, Wait thou, my soul, on God alone, I know He must, He will prevail. 2. Let patience have her perfect work, Keep lowly, humble, faithful, true, With quiet confidence in God, Whose will alone you long to do. 3. Perfect, entire and wanting nought, Your soul shall dwell and rest at ease, Commit thy way, your cause to Him, Whom you alone desire to please. 4. Let patience have her perfect work, Root out self will, abase your pride, The King your beauty will desire When all self seeking is denied. 5. An empty vessel now made meet The Master’s pleasure to fulfill, High honoured, thus to serve and wait, According to His gracious will. 6. Let patience have her perfect work, That perfected you now may stand, No choice, no will, an instrument In God the Father’s mighty hand. 7. A virtuous soul, oh, who can find, Where self is truly crucified? Priceless they are; Christ seeketh such To be His chosen, Holy Bride. meter→ 8, 7, 7, 7 184: I will not turn aside 1. I will not turn aside, I will not disobey, Though tempted sore I will not Cast my confidence away. 2. God’s promises are true, His word shall never fail, My soul is anchored safe in Him Who reigns within the veil. 3. My soul, be on your guard, For thou hast many foes, In life, in death thy confidence Hold fast since Christ arose. 4. He lives, the one who died, The mighty conqueror. I am accepted now of God, In Him for evermore. 5. His servants all shall serve, And they shall see His face, Their joy and crown to do His will Within the Holy place. 6. In Jesus’ name I will My confidence hold fast, And by His grace I shall receive The crown of life at last. meter→ 5, 4, 6, 4 185: I will travel on with Jesus 1. I will travel on with Jesus, Other voices bid me stay, But I cannot bear the parting; I am going all the way. Chorus All the way! All the way! I am going all the way. 2. What is in the world to charm me, Why should I my Lord betray? Precious is His love and friendship; I am going all the way. 3. We will travel on together, Nought shall tempt my feet to stray; His compassion faileth never; I am going all the way. 4. Stronger grows the bond of union, As I follow and obey; There’s no parting from my Saviour; I am going all the way. 5. Do not weary me with reason, For I cannot now delay; You may have earth’s fading treasures, I am going all the way. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6 186: I yield myself wholeheartedly 1. I yield myself wholeheartedly That God may will in me, Henceforth my spirit, body, soul His dwelling place shall be, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, Until my course on earth is done. 2. My life is nevermore my own, Work Thou in me to will, Do Thy good pleasure while I wait Subservient and still, My highest prize when Thou hast done, To bear the image of Thy Son. 3. If there be first a willing mind, In all sincerity, With single eye and heart made pure, Thy Kingdom I shall see, Since apprehending as I run, Thy purpose for me in Thy Son. 4. Accomplish death on all that would Oppose and hinder Thee. My being, Lord, I now present All unreservedly, Work Thou in me, Almighty One, The name and nature of Thy Son. 5. In Him who is my life and truth, My soul is sanctified, Acceptable to God in Christ His cleansing blood applied, Sealed by His Spirit, now made one With God the Father, God the Son. meter→ 4, 6, 5, 5, 7, 7 187: If in adversity’s dark day 1. If in adversity’s dark day Ought should thy soul appal Remember, God is teaching thee, Thy strength indeed is small. 2. Faint not, thy strength is in the One Who sends adversity, With grace to follow in His steps, If thou wouldst perfect be. 3. Adversity in mercy sent Establishes the soul, Unblamable in Holiness, When Jesus has control. meter→ 5, 5, 5, 5 188: If there be first a willing mind 1. If there be first a willing mind, With God this is acceptable, Oh, let His Spirit draw you now To offer Him your mind and will. Chorus One Spirit fills that glorious place, One name, one nature, there is known, The love of God and holiness Forever reigns upon the throne. 2. God wills that you should holy be, And in His holy One rejoice, Abiding in Him faithfully, That you may hear the Spirit’s voice. 3. God works in you to will and do And keep your mind and vision clear. He gives an understanding heart, To walk with Him in godly fear. 4. The hope of God’s high calling is That you may fully apprehend, And bear the image of His Son. God works alone to this one end. 5. Let never failing love prevail, Your being fill and keep you true— The love wherewith God loved His Son Shall evermore abide in you. meter→ 7, 5, 7, 7, 6, 7, 6, 5 189: In deep distress, oh Lord, we come 1. In deep distress, oh Lord, we come, Our helplessness appeals to Thee; Thou who in us Thy work hath wrought, Forsake us not then utterly. Chorus Our weakness, Lord, appeals to Thee, Our spirits long for liberty; Oh! hear our cry, Thou Holy One; Complete the work Thou hast begun. 2. Rejoicing in the lowly way, We fain would walk, we fain would be; The cross and suff’ring never shun, But prove our love and loyalty. 3. As we present our sacrifice, Our all we yield with motive pure; Thy love, Thy life, Thy pow’r we crave, That we may to the end endure. 4. O help us then to follow on, With stable hearts, contrite and free; Complete in Him, the righteous One, Thy will fulfilling perfectly. meter→ 7, 5, 8, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6 190: I’m resting so sweetly in Jesus my Lord 1. I’m resting so sweetly in Jesus my Lord, Enriched with His Spirit, sustained by His Word. No foes can alarm me, no dangers affright. My soul is enraptured and filled with delight. Chorus Rest, O my soul, away with thy fear, Hushed be thy murmuring— Jesus is near; Cease thy repining: all, all is well; Blissful the union with Him to dwell. 2. I’m resting so sweetly in Jesus my Lord, Love ever lasting and eternal the cord That binds me to Him who redeemed me from sin And foes who oppressed me without and within. 3. I’m resting so sweetly in Jesus my Lord, There’s nought like Emmanuel can comfort afford. His joys are supernal, .His service is sweet. My chiefest delight is to learn at His feet. 4. I’m resting so sweetly in Jesus my Lord, My heart is united in true glad accord With Him the Eternal, The all loving one He chose me and called me and made me His son. meter→ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7 191: I’m satisfied in Jesus now 1. I’m satisfied in Jesus now— My restless soul is calm and still, My weary heart has found its home, My joy it is to do His will. Then, sing, my soul, in sweetest song, My captive spirit now is free; At His behest I follow on, His only, His henceforth to be. Chorus Oh! fellowship supremely sweet, Oh! matchless love so pure, divine, My soul has found a sure retreat— The lowly Jesus now is mine. 2. His love has overpow’red my heart, No longer I in sin repine; Secure from Satan’s fiery dart, On Jesus breast I now recline. I hear His kindly whispered word, With beauty rare His face doth shine; I feel the pressure of His hand, Assuring me that He is mine. 3. I’ll follow Him, the sinless One, And all His marv’llous way adore; Until I stand complete in Him, His image bear forevermore. When life’s short journey here will end, And I at last shall reach the goal, What rapture to behold His face, While the eternal ages roll! meter→ 5, 7, 7, 8, 7, 6, 6, 6, 4, 6, 7, 6 192: In bondage Jesus found me 1. In bondage Jesus found me, Captivated by the world, Enticed along by sins alluring ways, He called me in His mercy, Sought to stay my wand’ring feet, From fading things of earth He took my gaze. Chorus Dwelling in my heart, He’s dwelling in my heart, His mighty power transforming every part, From the world set free, His glory I shall see, Conformed unto His image I shall be. 2. I’m satisfied in Jesus, Calmly resting now in Him, And drinking in His words of truth divine, His joys are everlasting, Satiated is my soul, Abiding in His love who could repine. 3. While walking in the Spirit There is nothing to condemn, Delivered from my wretchedness and sin, The work of transformation He will steadily maintain, Until He perfects His own life within. 4. I labour daily, striving To obtain the promised crown, And rise to reign with Him whom I adore, He worketh in me mightily To make me now His own, And keep me as His own for evermore. meter→ 5, 4, 6, 6, 6, 9, 4, 5, 6, 5, 5, 7 193: In desert ways of sin you wander 1. In desert ways of sin you wander, Your human heart its pleasures crave, The time and talents now you squander, Will bring remorse beyond the grave. Chorus Eternal life God offers you, The door of mercy is in view, Escape from sins impending doom— Oh, enter in while yet there’s room. 2. The Saviour calls; why will you tarry Where rest and peace cannot be found? Earth’s transient joys will end in sorrow, Your guilty conscience nought can drown. 3. Then come to Christ; why will you linger, The door of mercy soon will close. Should God withdraw the breath He gave you, In death’s embrace you would repose. 4. This fleeting life is but a vapour, Your little day is passing by, Your earthly sun will set forever, The day of vengeance will draw nigh. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 6, 5, 7, 5, 7 194: In His love and tender mercy 1. In His love and tender mercy, Jesus left the Father’s heart, Moved by infinite compassion, Came on earth to take my part, I was under condemnation, Death had claimed me as its own, Jesus came and paid my ransom, For my sins He did atone. Chorus God’s most fearful wrath appeasing, When He drank the cup for me. All His strictest sense of justice Satisfied on Calvary. 2. How could I but love and serve Him, Since He set the pris’ners free, Led me forth to light and gladness, Life and immortality? I will praise the name of Jesus, He is all my peace and rest, Praise Him while I have my being, In the mansions of the blest. 3. I am going home to Jesus When my life on earth is done, I will serve Him in that city Where they do not need the sun, God the Father, Son and Spirit Lighten all that Holy place, O, what joy and full of glory, When I see the Saviour’s face. meter→ 6, 5, 4, 7, 4, 7, 6, 6, 5, 7, 6, 3 195: In love divine my Saviour came 1. In love divine, my Saviour came To suffer on the cross of shame, Amazing love, He died for me, I am redeemed, my soul is free. Chorus Love divine, Love divine Is filling all this heart of mine. With love which never shall decline, My heart is sealed forever Thine. Love divine, Love divine, My heart is sealed forever Thine. 2. He paid my ransom with His blood, The holy, harmless Son of God, In Him my troubled soul is still, And filled with joy unspeakable. 3. His cleansing blood has reached my soul, And sanctified and made me whole, My heart so long by sin oppressed, Is now enjoying peaceful rest. 4. The love of Christ, my chosen friend, Is everlasting, without end. He is the source and sum of bliss, My crown of life and righteousness. 5. His ways are ways of pleasantness, His paths are peace and holiness, Where pastures green and waters still Are pure and inexhaustible. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 7, 4, 7, 6, 6, 4, 6 196: In loving tenderness I would repeat 1. In loving tenderness I would repeat The boundless love of God on Calvary. He freely gave His well beloved Son That we might be redeemed eternally. 2. O, sacred grief, His head in sorrow bowed, He suffered death upon the cruel tree, His hands, His feet, His wounded side reveal His life blood flowing there for you and me. 3. He left His Father’s bosom for our sake, He came declaring all the Father’s heart, In Him was life, His life the light of men, The sinners friend, to take the sinners’ part. 4. O, see those marks of suffering on His brow, His mingled tears of grief and agony, “How oft would I have gathered you, my own, But ye refused and would not come to me.” 5. Behold Him now upon the cross of shame, Your Saviour’s dying love, O, look and see, With grateful heart will you not say to Him, “My Saviour, I am coming now to Thee.” meter→ 6, 7, 7, 6 197: In lowliness the Saviour came 1. In lowliness the Saviour came On earth to live for me, And manifest God’s perfect life In all humility. Chorus He lived for me, He died for me, God raised Him up again To intercede at His right hand, Until He comes to reign. 2. Rejected by the world He died, He gave His life for me; Endured the cross, despised the shame That I might ransomed be. 3. By faith He dwells within my heart, Imparting life to me; His power and grace now keep my soul From all defilement free. 4. My great High Priest He intercedes At God’s right hand for me; His heart is touched I know He feels For my infirmity. 5. The God that cannot lie hath said That He will come for me, And take me home to share His joy Throughout eternity. meter→ 5, 6, 5, 3, 8, 5, 6, 5 198: In our mingled joys and sorrows 1. In our mingled joys and sorrows, As we face life’s surging tides, More and more we feel our need of love and grace. All our efforts disappoint us When controlled by aught besides, We must love if we would win the heav’nly race. Chorus When the sun rose bright and fair And our chief delight was prayer, We believed that Christ would help us To withstand the “noonday” glare. When we reach the golden “sunset” And have laid our burdens down, Will we have a spotless record? Will the Lord bestow a crown? 2. We look back upon the dawning Of the “daystar’s” first bright gleam, When with mingled fear and joy we heard that voice, How it gripped and pulled our heartstrings, E’en controlled our midnight dream, Then we yielded to His claims and made our choice. 3. How the glories of the “sunrise,” Filled our hearts with hope and zeal, How we feared lest we might grieve that friend divine, And the time we spent in secret Was so sweet and strangely real, As we heard the gentle summons, “Come and dine.” 4. We are nearing now the “noontide,” Many dreams have come to nought, Is our love and purpose just as true today? Are we firm or do we waver, When a battle must be fought? Do we hear His voice as clearly when we pray. 5. Oft we think of life’s great “sunset,” When the struggle will be o’er, And we long to have a record clean and fair, That will be an inspiration, Like the faithful gone before, To each weary soul who still the cross must bear. meter→ 6, 6, 11, 5, 5, 10, 7, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6 199: In reverential holy fear 1. In reverential holy fear, I seek the face of God, my friend. I feel and know that He is near To counsel, guide and to defend. 2. He knows the secrets of my heart, The thoughts and intents of my soul. His light reveals each hidden part, To test and cleanse and make me whole. 3. His word is pure, a lamp and light, Its cheering rays shall guide my feet And lead me out from nature’s night, Till I am found in Christ complete. 4. My Father, God, I seek Thy face, Thee would I love, Thou art my strength, My all sufficiency of grace, Until I reach my home at length. meter→ 4, 8, 8, 6 200: In simple resignation, whole, complete 1. In simple resignation, whole, complete, I leave my all to sit at Jesus feet. I rest in Him, His spirit rests with me, Imparting love, His peace and constancy. 2. I learn of Him receiving grace for grace, The fulness of His love and mercy trace, ’Tis mercy, all that I was brought to know This life divine He only can bestow. 3. Forsaking all, I enter into rest, I cease from labour and am truly blest, My labour is to put myself aside, Then faithfully in Him, my Lord abide. 4. He is my light, in Him I move and live, His all abounding grace I daily prove, To strengthen and sustain me in the way, And keep my heart lest I should go astray. 5. His law within my heart is my delight, I meditate therein both day and night, Present my body daily to fulfil His good acceptable and perfect will. meter→ 5, 9, 9, 6 201: In the furnace of affliction 1. In the furnace of affliction I have chosen thee, Do not fear, My grace sufficient Shall your portion be. 2. Grace and strength are duly given, Only trust in Me, My great strength in thy great weakness Perfected shall be. 3. In thy weakness and afflictions, Keep resigned and see, I, your Maker, Lord and Master, Glorified shall be. meter→ 5, 4, 6, 4 202: In the lowest room, in the lowest place 1. In the lowest room, in the lowest place, In the dust at Jesus’ feet I will put my mouth and, forsaking all, Find my all in Him complete. 2. I will give myself to be smitten now, And be filled with shame and grief; He will not cast off, nor forsake his own, But in mercy send relief. 3. Though the Lord afflict, yet He will not crush, Never turn aside the right; To subvert a man when his cause is just Is most grievous in His sight. 4. I will hope in God, He will not consume, His compassions never fail, In the dust abased, He remembers me As He pleads within the veil. 5. Let the humble mind of the lowly Son, All His meek humility, Be my portion now, O thou God of truth, Till my Saviour’s face I see. meter→ 8, 6, 8, 6 (C.M.) 203: In the path of life there are many foes 1. In the path of life there are many foes, But we trust in God’s great power, Jesus understands and the way He knows, He will be our strength and tower. Chorus God’s tender compassions will never fail, His love cannot change we shall sure prevail, He is now interceding for us above, For our God is a God of love. 2. Girding up our loins we will forward press, For the prize is now in view, He will sure defend when our foes distress, Keep us faithful, firm and true. 3. If we suffer now and endure the strife, Our reward is great and sure, To the faithful soul there’s a crown of life, Incorruptible and pure. 4. Let us bear the cross till the crown is won, In the Saviour’s strength made strong, When the Master calls, “Enter in, well done,” We shall join the blood washed throng. meter→ 9, 7, 7, 7, 6, 8, 7, 8 204: In Thee, my Lord, I will delight 1. In Thee, my Lord, I will delight, And in Thy will rejoice; Though sorrows now oppress my soul And silent is Thy voice. 2. Although dark clouds may hide the sun, It doth not cease to shine, And when His face I cannot see, Faith whispers, “He is mine.” 3. Although the mountains may depart And hills removed will be; His lovingkindness and His peace Shall not depart from me. 4. His covenant He will not break, On Him I will depend; His goodness and His mercy shall Be with me to the end. 5. Faith, hope and love now fill my breast, Unite me to His heart; Unfailing, changeless, deathless love; Binds us no more to part. meter→ 7, 5, 6, 5 205: In this world ye shall have tribulation 1. In this world ye shall have tribulation, But be of good cheer, the Master said, I have overcome and you shall conquer If you trust in Me be not afraid. 2. In this world ye shall have tribulation, Trials and temptations will arise, Friends you trust may fail and turn against you, And the lowly way of life despise. 3. In this world ye shall have tribulation, All His chosen ones shall bear the same, When the precious from the vile is taken, They shall stand before Him without blame. 4. In this world ye shall have tribulation, ’Tis the will of God it should be so, Whom the Father loveth He will chasten, Only such His smile and favour know. 5. In this world ye shall have tribulation, Servants are not greater than their Lord, Though we feel the chast’ning hand is grievous, Fruits of righteousness it will afford. 6. In this world ye shall have tribulation, Fear ye not, it is the way of God, Dying daily, sowing to the Spirit, All His faithful ones this path have trod. 7. In this world ye shall have tribulation As you walk with God and do His will. Those who follow with the Man of Sorrows Needs must drink the cup His hand doth fill. 8. In this world ye shall have tribulation, But will prove a Father’s daily care. He in faithfulness and tender mercy Will not try us more than we can bear. 9. In this world ye shall have tribulation, This your portion till your work is done. In thy Father’s Kingdom then forever, You shall shine forth as the mighty sun. meter→ 7, 8, 7, 8 206: Incline your ear and come 1. Incline your ear and come, The Master’s voice obey: The door of hope is open wide, O enter while you may. Chorus Hear, He calls for thee, He may call no more: Soon the Master will arise, And shut the open door. 2. Where living waters flow, The Master waits for thee, He’ll be a never failing friend, Now and eternally. 3. His love will satisfy, His rest and peace will stay; His life divine will fill your soul, And never pass away. 4. Your sins He will forgive, He bore them on the tree, To save you from the wrath of God, He died on Calvary. meter→ 5, 4, 7, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 207: Is it nothing to you that the Saviour 1. Is it nothing to you that the Saviour In agony died on the tree? He was smitten of God and afflicted To purchase salvation for thee. Chorus In deep agony, Afflicted was He, When He poured out His soul in His anguish, O soul! He was stricken for thee. 2. Is it nothing to you that, in sorrow, The Saviour is now passing by? “I’d have gathered them in, but they would not—” Exceedingly bitter His cry. 3. Is it nothing to you, is it nothing, Your many transgressions He bore, When He purchased eternal redemption, That you might be free evermore? 4. Is it nothing to you He is coming— The Judge of the quick and the dead? Then, O how will you stand in the judgment, When earth and its pleasures have fled? meter→ 8, 6, 7, 5, 6, 9, 7 208: Is the hand of God upon you? 1. Is the hand of God upon you? Have you heard the Master’s call? Will you venture forth and follow, Leaving home, forsaking all? Precious souls in bondage groaning, Oh, how wearily they sigh! Come and help us, ere we perish— Hear the poor and needy cry. 2. He that saves His life will lose it; Let His word impress your heart, Searching, separating, cleansing, From your earthly idols part. He will seal you as His chosen, Take you for His faithful bride: Lead you forth into the harvest, Labour with you side by side. 3. Lord, I yield, my all forsaking, I can save my life no more; Thy great love my heart has conquered, I am Thine for evermore; Thine to labour for the lost ones, Those who in the darkness roam: Sheep without a shepherd, wand’ring Far from hope, they stray from home. 4. He has set His love upon me, And I can not longer stay; His compassion moves me onward, Out to seek for those astray; Fainting by the wayside, dying, Bruised and broken hearted lie; In mine ears their cry is ringing, Can I longer pass them by? meter→ 7, 6, 6, 4, 5, 5, 7, 6 209: It is my joy and chief delight 1. It is my joy and chief delight To do my Father’s holy will, His heart of love supplies the grace To drink the cup His hand doth fill. Chorus God did not spare His only Son, That I might know His love divine, And why should I not give to Him, Without reserve, this life of mine. 2. When sorely tempted to repine, I think of all my Saviour’s woe; He was the Lamb to slaughter led That I eternal life might know. 3. So spotless, pure and undefiled, His faithful life was yielded up; While heav’n looked on in sympathy, He drank for me death’s bitter cup. 4. Exceeding sorrowful He prayed And wept in dark Gethsemane; My many sins and guilt He bore When nailed upon the cruel tree. 5. My heart’s desire and prayer shall be That I may truly glorify My Lord and manifest His life, As to my own I daily die. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8, 6 210: It is the quiet evening hour 1. It is the quiet evening hour, I love to meditate awhile Upon my Saviour’s grace and power, To save from all that would defile. His heart desires heart purity– This grace accomplish Lord in me. 2. It is the quiet evening hour, I hunger for Thy righteousness, That right may overcome the wrong, According to Thy promises, My thirsting spirit turns to Thee, This grace accomplish Lord in me. 3. It is the quiet evening hour; I sigh and mourn sore as the dove; To know the breadth and length and depth– The height of everlasting love; In my deep need and poverty, This grace accomplish Lord in me. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6 211: It shall be done, it shall be done 1. It shall be done, it shall be done, God hath sent forth His own decree, The image of His Holy One Shall be made manifest in me. Chorus God hath declared it shall be done, He will fulfill His will in me, The name and nature of His Son Shall be my crown eternally. 2. In Him I live, in Him I move, My guide and counsellor is He, It shall be done, I daily prove, Since He abides and dwells in me. 3. It shall be done, God will fulfill The deepest longings of my soul, There’s nought can stay His mighty hand While Jesus reigns and has control. 4. All that I ask, my prayers and praise Arise like incense to Thy throne, Acknowledging in all my ways I seek His will and His alone. 5. It shall be done as I abide, The living word will make me free, All that I need will be supplied, Since God has willed that it should be. 6. Not what I will— my will is lost For ever in His will divine; Though sore oppressed and tempest tossed, His sov’reign will, I make it mine. meter→ 8, 7, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 5 212: Jesus calls me, I am going 1. Jesus calls me— I am going, Do not seek my feet to stay; Yearns my soul to rise and follow— Cease, vain world, to lure away. Chorus For His sake reproach esteeming More than earth’s vain show and pomp; He is calling— I am going, Forth to Him, outside the camp. 2. Jesus calls me— I am going; His assuring voice I hear, Thrilling all my soul with rapture, Chasing all my doubt and fear. 3. Jesus calls me— I am going; Out to bear reproach with Him; Light of life now beams around me, Light which naught on earth can dim. 4. He is calling, rise, be going; Slumber not, but trim your lamp, With the oil within your vessel, Follow Him outside the camp. meter→ 6, 7, 7, 6, 5, 7, 6, 6 213: Jesus is calling, calling now to thee 1. Jesus is calling, calling now to thee, For your sake He suffered on the cruel tree; Gave Himself a ransom to redeem your soul, From condemnation while the ages roll. Chorus Jesus is calling, hear His heart felt cry; Why will you perish? Oh! why will you die? Outside the Kingdom, missing the goal; What shall it profit if you lose your soul? 2. Jesus is calling from earth’s pleasures vain— Wasting your talents— there is naught to gain, Nothing but sorrow and remorse of heart; From sin’s delusions why not now depart? 3. Jesus is calling; He may call no more; Strive then to enter ere He close the door; What a sad awak’ning should you find too late, Mercy has vanish’d; shut is heaven’s gate. meter→ 7, 9, 8, 6, 8, 9, 6, 9 214: Jesus, I will follow Thee 1. Jesus, I will follow Thee, Thou hast saved and set me free, Keep me faithful, make me pure, May I to the end endure. 2. When my way is dark ahead, Thorns are in the path I tread, With the eye of faith I see Him who suffered death for me. 3. Well I know the end is sweet, Though the thorns may pierce my feet, I cannot His trust betray, I will follow all the way. 4. Jesus lives to intercede, Well He knows my every need, He my soul will sure defend, Guard and keep me to the end. 5. When at last with Him I stand, Safe within the glory land, Grace which saved will make me meet, There to worship at His feet. meter→ 5, 7, 6, 6 215: Jesus is calling now, O soul beware 1. Jesus is calling now, O! soul beware; Those who reject His love End in despair. His life so pure He gave From manger to the grave; He lived for thee: He lived for thee. 2. Jesus is pleading still, O! lend your ear; He died to save your soul From guilt and fear; God’s Lamb to slaughter led; His precious blood was shed; He died for thee: He died for thee. 3. Jesus is waiting yet, O! yield your heart; He longs to dwell in you Life to impart; Joyful you then can say— My life, my truth, my way, Is Christ within: Is Christ within. 4. Jesus your great High Priest Reigning on High Will never fail to hear Your heartfelt cry; Made like Him thou shalt be, Through all eternity, With Him to reign: With Him to reign. meter→ 4, 3, 5, 3, 6, 5, 4, 4 216: Jesus my shepherd is 1. Jesus my Shepherd is, My heart no want can know, He gently leads me by the hand, Where verdant pastures grow. He knows my every need, And safe with Him I go, In calm and quietness to rest, Where living waters flow. 2. When wearied with the strife, My soul He doth restore, His loving kindness woos my heart, To love Him more and more. The path of righteousness With Him I gladly take. Why should I stray? He leads the way E’en for His own name’s sake. 3. To walk the vale of death, Is sweet, with Jesus near, His rod and staff they comfort me, No evil can I fear. My table He prepares In presence of the foe, When His anointing I receive My cup doth overflow. 4. Goodness and mercy shall Be with me all my days, Preserved and kept by Him I am, From all the bypath ways; His presence with me now Brings joy for evermore, And through a long eternity His ways I shall adore. meter→ 4, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 6, 4 217: Jesus was moved with compassion one day 1. Jesus was moved with compassion one day, Seeing the people, no shepherd had they, Scatter’d abroad and oppress’d by the foe, Waiting for labourers, who to them would go. Chorus Why stand ye idle? Why stand ye idle? There is no time for delay; Speed with the message, speed with the message, Tell them of Jesus today. 2. Many are drifting to hopeless despair, Lured on by Satan, held fast in his snare, Blinding their minds to the truth and the way, As angel of light he deceives them today. 3. Are you not moved as He speaks to your heart? Why stand ye idle, unwilling to start? Go now and labour; oh, how can you stay, When souls to destruction are hast’ning away? 4. Soon ’twill be over, your life’s day will close, Enter the vineyard unheeding the foes, Labour for Jesus amid all the strife, Yield Him true service and save not your life. meter→ 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 6, 8, 5 218: Keep pressing on and forward 1. Keep pressing on and forward, You’ve nothing now to fear. Thy God reigneth In Majesty on high. His eyes are on the righteous, In Spirit He is near, Always list’ning To hear their heartfelt cry. Chorus Thy God reigneth, thy God reigneth, Then fear ye not to follow The mighty King of Kings. His arm is strong to save The faithful souls and brave, Thy God reigneth And evermore will reign. 2. Though difficulties meet you And trials press you sore, Thy God reigneth, He knoweth all your need, Possess your soul in patience And trust Him more and more, On to glory Immortal He will lead. 3. In times of tribulation Faithful to Him abide; Thy God reigneth, He understands your woes, Feels for your infirmities, And will not always chide, But will conquer Your enemies and foes. meter→ 5, 5, 3, 4, 6, 5, 2, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 3, 4 219: Keep silence, O my soul and know 1. Keep silence, O my soul and know The Lord is very near, Within the temple of thy heart God will Himself appear. 2. His presence sanctifies the whole, Imparting truth and grace, Clothed in humility we own ’Tis now a Holy place. 3. Loved with an everlasting love, A love which cannot cease, This thought produces in my soul An ever lasting peace. 4. When sense and things of time have ceased, And all of earth is o’er, His joy in glory undefiled Is thine for evermore. meter→ 7, 5, 6, 4 220: Kindly entreating, “Come unto Me” 1. Kindly entreating, “Come unto Me.” Jesus the Saviour is speaking to thee, Earnestly saying, “Do not delay; Flee from destruction, escape while you may.” “Flee from destruction, escape while you may.” 2. Kindly entreating, “Come unto Me.” Aimlessly drifting on life’s restless sea. No hope, no refuge, Where will you end? Hasten to Jesus your Saviour and Friend. Hasten to Jesus your Saviour and Friend. 3. Kindly entreating, “Come unto Me.” Glory immortal your portion shall be, Shame and dishonour wait those who stray Far from the Saviour on ruin’s dark way. Far from the Saviour on ruin’s dark way. 4. Kindly entreating, hear Him once more, Soon you’ll be stranded on sin’s treach’rous shore, Angels are weeping; Do you not care That you are drifting to endless despair? That you are drifting to endless despair? meter→ 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 221: Lay down your heavy burden 1. Lay down your heavy burden, Oh, weary sin-sick soul, Come to the Great Physician And He will make you whole. The Master’s voice is calling, He shed His precious blood That you might be forgiven, And bring you nigh to God. Chorus Lay down your heavy burden, Oh, weary sin-sick soul; Come to the Great Physician And He will make you whole. 2. Come to your soul’s Redeemer; His holy life He gave, That you might share His glory Beyond the cold, dark grave; Heed not the wily tempter Who bids you fear and doubt, Come now and trust in Jesus, He will not cast you out. 3. Peace past all understanding Will fill your heart and life; His joy and consolation, Will banish sin and strife. His voice so sweet and tender, So full of love and grace, Entreats you come and welcome, And find a hiding place. 4. The night of death is coming, Soon you must stand alone: Your sins still unforgiven Before the great white throne. Do not reject the Saviour Until the die is cast, Your life’s short day is ended, And you are lost at last. 5. He waits, but still you linger, Unwilling to forsake— Earth’s gaudy gilded treasure, His riches to partake. One last sad look He gives you, Unwilling to depart: But still you slight His mercy, And harder grows your heart. meter→ 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6 222: Lend your ear, O stop and hearken 1. Lend your ear, O stop and hearken, Think how sad will be the day When the voice of Jesus calls you, And your soul must pass away. After death will come the judgement, You must meet it all alone. On that day He has appointed You must stand before His throne. 2. Lend your ear, O soul consider All that Christ to you would say; Should you grieve His holy Spirit, It will be too late to pray. Do not heed your carnal reason, This may be your final call. Life is brief. the end is coming, Death will soon your soul appal. 3. Lend your ear, O heed the message, Love Divine no longer spurn. Oh, how fearful should He leave you, Grieved and nevermore return. Do not compromise with Satan, Bid the evil one depart. While the Saviour now is waiting, Yield Him all your willing heart. meter→ 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 223: Let love constrain you now to seek 1. Let love constrain you now to seek God’s Kingdom first alway. He shall supply the needs of those Who faithfully obey. 2. Let love constrain you now to let His mind and will prevail, Much more than conqueror thou shalt be, When Satan’s host assail. 3. Let love unite and make you one With Him who reigns on high, Love is the bond of perfectness, And love shall never die. 4. Let love constrain your labours now, And purity of heart; The pure and single heart and eye From God shall never part. 5. Let love constrain, all else shall fail And surely pass away. The faith that works by love shall live In God’s Eternal Day. meter→ 7, 4, 7, 3 224: Let prayers and supplications rise 1. Let prayers and supplications rise To Him who reigns above; Your great High Priest, who intercedes Before the throne of love. 2. For evermore at God’s right hand He lives, the Prince of Peace; The voice of His own sprinkled blood For you shall never cease. 3. God’s Spirit groans unceasingly, And while His people pray; Not all the powers of death and hell Can turn them from the Way. 4. Let there be no reservation. Give— and God gives to thee. In thy quiet heart surrendered, Salvation thou shalt see. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 5 225: Let the golden chain of silence 1. Let the golden chain of silence Bind you to God’s altar, Tests and trials prove our friendship; Do not faint nor falter. Without murmur, uncomplaining, Prove His love and grace sustaining. 2. See ahead the crown is waiting: Never backward glancing, Faithfully in Christ abiding, Onward still advancing. All your forces now enlisting, All the powers of hell resisting. 3. Keep your body in subjection, Christ alone controlling; Bear the cross, the shame despising, Joy and peace consoling. Like your Master, meek and lowly, Harmless, undefiled and holy. 4. Thou shalt be an overcomer If thou wilt continue With Him now in His temptations, By His spirit in you. To the end with Him enduring, On His Throne a place securing. 5. When you waken with His likeness In the wondrous glory, Sorrow, pain and weeping ended, Love, His banner o’er thee, With the King of Kings now reigning, Love your service’s constraining. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 5, 3, 6 226: Let us draw near to God 1. Let us draw near to God, We know that He is here; Oh, may His presence fill our souls With rev’rent, godly fear. Chorus Let us draw near to God, Through Christ, the living way; The holiest is open now, Let us draw near and pray. 2. Let us draw near to God, He will forgive our sin: Christ’s precious blood has opened heav’n, And we may enter in. 3. Let us draw near to God, He knows our need is great, He will respect the contrite heart, Regard our low estate. 4. Let us draw near to God, Our Father and our Friend; From grateful hearts continually Let prayer and praise ascend. meter→ 6, 6, 7, 4, 6, 5, 5, 6 226: Let us draw near to God 1. Let us draw near to God, We know that He is here; Oh, may His presence fill our souls With rev’rent, godly fear. Chorus Let us draw near to God, Through Christ, the living way; The holiest is open now, Let us draw near and pray. 2. Let us draw near to God, He will forgive our sin: Christ’s precious blood has opened heav’n, And we may enter in. 3. Let us draw near to God, He knows our need is great, He will respect the contrite heart, Regard our low estate. 4. Let us draw near to God, Our Father and our Friend; From grateful hearts continually Let prayer and praise ascend. meter→ 6, 6, 7, 4, 6, 5, 5, 6 227: Like a lost sheep wand’ring 1. Like a lost sheep wand’ring, I have gone astray; Jesus, seek Thy servant, Thee I will obey, Thou art still my portion, All my soul’s delight. Leave me not in darkness, Lead me in the light. 2. Dangers still surround me; Whither shall I flee, Thou art my sure refuge, I will hope in Thee? Leave me not to perish In the desert cold. In Thy tender mercy, Bring me to the fold. 3. Jesus, seek Thy servant, Fold me to Thy breast; I am heavy laden, Longing now for rest, Let me hear Thee saying, “Come and rest in me. Thou art my beloved, Mine eternally.” meter→ 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5 228: Long my eager heart was yearning 1. Long my eager heart was yearning Some joy to find. Ever on in sin I wandered— Poor, helpless, blind. Oh, to have the past forgiven, How I’ve wrestled, prayed and striven! But the clouds remained unriven Till Jesus came. 2. Refuge I have found in Jesus— Sweet, tranquil rest: Blissful sense of preservation Naught can molest. Sin and Satan’s host defying, On His strength and grace relying, With His every wish complying, Peace, peace is mine. 3. I have proved His pow’r to save me From every snare, He is purer than the purest— Exceeding fair. He will nerve my faint endeavour; Naught of earth from Him can sever. I am His, and His forever! What joy divine! 4. I have found a priceless treasure, Of wealth untold, All the riches of His glory Christ will unfold; Mine the pleasure knows no ending, In my heart— how condescending— Jesus dwells, and I am spending My life for Him. meter→ 6, 4, 6, 3, 6, 6, 5, 3 229: Lord, arm me with the mind of Christ 1. Lord, arm me with the mind of Christ, When Satan’s ruthless foes assail. Strong in my Saviour’s grace and power, O’er all my foes I shall prevail. Chorus The mind of Christ is all I need, The Spirit of God’s Holy One, To change me now that I may bear The selfsame image of His Son. 2. What can withstand the mind of Christ, That perfect pure and holy mind, Obeying all the will of God, Fulfilling all He had designed. 3. The very mind that was in Christ Shall be my armour here below; Much more than conqueror I shall be, Since Jesus vanquished every foe. 4. Lord, arm me with the mind of Christ, His meek unfeigned humility, His love and gentleness impart, His holiness and purity. 5. Oh priceless gift, the mind of Christ— This glorious truth no power can dim, All that pertains to Godliness For evermore abides in Him. meter→ 8, 5, 7, 7, 8, 6, 8, 6 230: Lord God of Hosts, have mercy on Thy people 1. Lord God of Hosts, have mercy on Thy people, Know Thou that we are falt’ring, weak and frail, Ruthless and fierce the mighty powers of darkness, Apart from Thee we never can prevail. 2. Remember Him who loved, and for us suffered, Bearing our sins upon the cruel tree, And for His sake rebuke the adversary, Cleanse and forgive, unworthy though we be. 3. Worthy the Lamb, who now is interceding, Thou knowest, Lord, we bear His Holy name, Save and preserve and shield us from the evil, Until we stand before Thee without blame. 4. The world and sin is evermore opposing, Our carnal mind is seeking for a place, Bind Thou the strong, be Thou our soul defender, And give Thy grace to speed us in the race. 5. Help us to flee from self and all defilement, And cleave to Thee, our Counsellor and guide, Thou art the Light and Life of our salvation, In Thee alone our hearts are satisfied. 6. Our only source of good is found in Jesus— Our joy in life, our hope beyond the grave, Sweet to our hearts those gracious words of comfort, Sinners it was, whom Jesus came to save. 7. This is our plea and claim upon Thy mercy, Oh, leave us not to pine in our distress, Cause now Thy face to shine upon Thy servants, And drive away the powers that would oppress. 8. We would abide secure beneath Thy shadow, Sheltered and safe beneath Thy cov’ring wings, Captives, yet glad, rejoicing in Thy freedom, Filled with Thy praise our spirits sweetly sing. meter→ 9, 9, 8, 7 231: Lord, hear my prayer and give to me 1. Lord, hear my prayer and give to me A heart to love and rev’rence Thee; In all things teach me how to say, “Thy Kingdom come in me alway.” 2. My humble prayers do not despise, Regard while intercessions rise, My low estate; help me to say, “Thy will be done in me alway.” 3. In every thought, in word and deed, My will, Thy will must supersede, Reign Thou in me without gainsay, And let Thy will be done alway. 4. Lord, teach me how to lose my will, My heart and spirit now incline, That I may be subservient, And wholly lose my will in Thine. 5. Since Thou didst give Thy life for me, My life to Thee I now resign, Thy will my will must supersede, Till all is wholly lost in Thine. 6. With Thee in perfect harmony, United by Thy love divine, Sealed by Thy Spirit we are one, My will forever lost in Thine. meter→ 8, 7, 8, 6 232: Lord, I will keep Thy hallowed rest 1. Lord, I will keep Thy hallowed rest, My soul shall cleave to Thee, Thou art my rest, my portion now And evermore shall be, From all self labour I will cease, That I may rest with Thee in peace. 2. Lord, I will always seek to choose The things that pleaseth Thee, To take hold of thy covenant, My highest choice shall be, Thy choice and will shall be my choice, In this alone I will rejoice. 3. Thy gracious word is very sure While I repose in Thee, A place and name within Thy house My heritage shall be, Thy covenant shall I defend And keep my rest unto the end. 4. I have an everlasting name, A priceless gift from Thee, A name which shall not be cut off— Thy name my name shall be, That I may serve Thee and adore And bear Thy name forevermore. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 4, 7, 8 233: Lord, in the lowest room I ’wait Thy will 1. Lord, in the lowest room I ’wait Thy will, My soul subdued, my heart resigned and still, Weaned as a child. Oh, work Thou mightily, That I may gain entire conformity To Him who ransomed me with His own blood And pleads my cause before Thy throne, O God. 2. My Father, God, do Thou fulfill in me Thy purpose, Thy unchangeable decree, To know Thee and Thy will I mourn and sigh, With longings deep Thy name to glorify, That I may bear when this short life is done The glorious image of Thy Holy One. 3. Lord, in the lowest room, I watch and wait. Thy love to me, so strong, exceeding great, Is burning now within my inmost soul, Until it gain entire supreme control, According to Thine all abounding grace. My heart is now Thy sacred dwelling place. meter→ 9, 8, 8, 6, 9, 9 234: Lord, my heart’s deep need Thou knowest 1. Lord, my heart’s deep need Thou knowest— Contrite at Thy feet I pray, Watching, waiting, in Thy presence, List’ning, willing to obey; All my soul for Thee is yearning, Fainting for Thy courts, Oh, Lord, Truest source of satisfaction, Feed me on the living word. Chorus All my soul for Thee is yearning, To be filled with Thee alone, Sanctified, approved, accepted, One whom Thou canst seal and own. 2. Lord, my heart’s deep need Thou knowest— Draw me, I will follow Thee; Free from sin’s enthralling bondage, In Thy light and liberty. All my weakness, Lord, Thou seest, In temptation be my tow’r, Make me more and more like Jesus, Daily by Thy Spirit’s pow’r. 3. Lord, my heart’s deep need Thou knowest— Do not turn away my prayer; Thou hast walked the path before me, Thou canst sympathize and care. Oh, remember me in mercy, And impart the needed grace, To enable me to follow, Till I see Thee face to face. meter→ 7, 6, 5, 4, 7, 6, 4, 6, 7, 6, 3, 7 235: Lord Jesus, teach me how to build 1. Lord Jesus, teach me how to build In all sincerity. I come to Thee in helplessness, In my perplexity Behold my insufficiency And teach me how to build with Thee. 2. Lord Jesus, teach me how to build, And help me to retain The knowledge of Thy Holy will, Lest I should build in vain. Create a willing mind in me, That I may always build with Thee. 3. Lord Jesus, teach me how to build, Thy mind and will make plain Lest I should spend my time and strength, And labour all in vain. I shall obey wholeheartedly, And labour faithfully with Thee. 4. Lord Jesus, teach me how to build, To watch and wait and gain Thy favour, Lord, and confidence, Lest I should build in vain. In faith and love and purity, I want to labour Lord with Thee. 5. Lord Jesus, teach me how to build, In mercy now restrain My carnal mind and waywardness, Lest I should build in vain. O Saviour, help me graciously, With wisdom now to work with Thee. 6. Lord Jesus, teach me how to build, And help me to refrain From my own will and stubbornness, Lest I should build in vain; With one accord in harmony, I fain would labour, Lord, with Thee. 7. Lord Jesus, teach me how to build, Let love divine constrain, And keep my heart and motive pure, Lest I should build in vain; With my whole heart I long to be A master builder, Lord, with Thee. meter→ 7, 3, 6, 3, 3, 8 236: Lord, my whole being yearns and sighs 1. Lord my whole being yearns and sighs With thirst insatiable; My heart is hung’ring now to know Thy righteous holy will. 2. Thy righteousness and Thine alone Can wholly satisfy, Thy precious promises fulfill, And my great need supply. 3. Thy grace and truth and righteousness, Thy love now shed abroad Within my heart is all I need, To speed me on to God. 4. It was Thy love alone which brought My soul from nature’s night; Thy righteousness alone can give Acceptance in God’s sight. 5. Thy grace and mercy infinite Shall speed me while I run, Until I join the blood wash’d throng, Accepted in Thy Son. meter→ 7, 3, 7, 4 237: Lord, shed abroad Thy boundless love 1. Lord, shed abroad Thy boundless love In this poor contrite heart of mine Let every part be sanctified, Renewed and wholly one with Thine. 2. Thy Spirit searching shall reveal The hidden secrets of my heart Thy pure and penetrating light Shall reach and heal each hidden part. 3. Oh, make me wholly one with Thee, Heart, mind and will and conscience pure The love constraining me to make My calling and election sure. 4. Thy gracious Spirit helping me To stand before Thee without blame My highest prize, O Living God, To glorify Thy sacred name. 5. Thine own all cleansing blood apply; In Thee, my Saviour, I will trust, Thy blood and righteousness my plea— My rightful place— low in the dust. 6. Thou God of Love and Peace arise, And fill the temple Thou hast made, Nor life, nor death, angels or men, Can hurt or make my soul afraid. 7. Love stronger far than death or hell Enfolds me now in Thy embrace; Secure the bond and fix the seal, Till lost in love, I see Thy face. meter→ 6, 7, 5, 6 238: Lord, teach me how I may take forth 1. Lord, teach me how I may take forth The precious from the vile, And wholly separate myself From all that would defile. Lord make me willing now to be As Thine own mouth to speak for Thee. 2. Lord, bid the fear of men depart, Control my mind and will, And in Thy rev’rent holy fear Keep me submissive still, Then teach me, Lord, how I may be As Thine own mouth to speak for Thee. 3. Lord, show me how to do my part, That I may not delay To separate the precious now And cast the vile away, As Thine own mouth I long to be To speak the living word for Thee. 4. Lord, Thine own Word shall never fail, And so I hope to see Thine own most gracious promises Now verified in me, That henceforth I may always be As Thine own mouth to speak for Thee. meter→ 8, 5, 4, 5, 7, 8 239: Lord, teach me how to grow in grace 1. Lord, teach me how to grow in grace, Thy patient spirit now impart; Producing hope and confidence Within the garden of my heart. 2. Love, joy and peace shall then be seen And spread their fragrance all around; Those pleasant fruits of righteousness Shall grow and in my soul abound. 3. Longsuff’ring, gentleness shall come, And goodness follow in their train; The fruits of faith and godliness Shall flourish in my soul again. 4. Meekness and temp’rance shall appear, The sign and seal that grace divine, The love of truth and holiness Are dwelling in this heart of mine. meter→ 8, 5, 4, 6 240: Lord, we gather round Thy footstool 1. Lord, we gather round Thy footstool, Bowed in deep humility; As we look upon the emblems, We remember Calvary. Chorus Calvary, Calvary, We remember Calvary— In the bread Thy broken body, In the wine Thy blood we see. 2. In that night so dark with sorrow, Left alone in prayer to bow, See Him drink our cup of anguish, Drops of blood upon His brow. 3. See Him led outside the city, Bruis’d and bearing all our sin; Cruel was the death He suffer’d, Heaven’s joy for us to win. 4. Unto Him who loved and washed us, From our sins in His own blood, We would render thanks and plead for Grace to love Him as we should. meter→ 6, 4, 6, 3, 2, 3, 6, 7 241: Lord, we need Thy tender mercy 1. Lord, we need Thy tender mercy, Need it every day. We are in the midst of danger, Teach us how to pray. Chorus Teach us how to pray, How to watch and pray, Fierce and strong the pow’rs of darkness, Teach us how to pray. 2. In the quiet of Thy presence, Fit us for the fray. Lest we waver in the conflict, Be our strength and stay. 3. Lord, preserve and shield Thy people, Foes are lurking round; In the way our feet must journey Snares of death are found. 4. Lord, impart Thy quick’ning Spirit While our prayers arise, Prayers from needy hearts and contrite Thou wilt not despise. 5. Ruthless are the hosts of evil, Cruel as the grave; But Thou art our strong deliv’rer, Thou wilt rise and save. meter→ 6, 4, 7, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5 242: Love divine is now appealing 1. Love divine is now appealing To the destitute and poor. Will you come and find in Jesus Rest and life for evermore? Chorus Christ will wash you from your sin In His own most precious blood, Love divine doth now constrain. Be ye reconciled to God. 2. Love divine has paid our ransom; O, what sacrifice for thee! When He laid aside His glory, Bore your sins on Calvary. 3. Love divine is interceding Now at God’s right hand on high. Will you come and be forgiven? Ransomed soul, why will you die? 4. Hearken, love divine is saying, “O, be ready for that day When the Son of Man shall call you And your soul must pass away.” meter→ 5, 5, 7, 5, 7, 6, 5, 5 243: Love is the source of every good 1. Love is the source of every good, The fixed and sure foundation, Upon the Rock immovable God builds His new creation. Build on this solid rock forever, Since nothing from His love can sever. 2. The tongue of men and angels shall, Like brass or symbol sounding, Dissolve and leave no trace behind. The thought is most astounding, God’s love alone is never failing, Revealed in Christ and all prevailing. 3. All knowledge, gifts and prophecies, And faith removing mountains, All sacrifice, the body burned, Are nought but empty fountains; The love of Christ is love supernal— Undimmed, unchanging and eternal. meter→ 7, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7 244: Love not the world nor treasures found therein 1. Love not the world nor treasures found therein, They soon shall pass away, Set not your hearts affections on those things Which perish and decay, ’Tis but a little while and we must leave Our earthly dwelling here, And say our last farewell forevermore, To all we hold most dear. 2. Love not the world, its sin and vanity, Those pleasures soon depart, Cold, cruel as the grave, seducingly, They steal your peace of heart, Illusive are the fading things of time, So seeming safe and sure, The moth and rust those riches soon corrupt, They never can endure. 3. Love not the world you soon must leave its shores, And face eternity, To find a home of everlasting joy Or endless misery; Love not earth’s ways, its friendships will not last, Its honours perish too. The messenger of death will call you hence, And hide them from your view. 4. Love not the world; its glory and its fame Will lose their power to charm, And soon the stern realities of death Will fill you with alarm, Sell not your soul for monetary joys; How soon they fail and flee! Rememb’ring them will bring remorse and grief, When time has ceased to be. 5. Love not the world; its seeming vanity Is but a blind and snare. The prince of darkness seeks to lure you on And down to dark despair. The God who holdeth in His hand thy breath, In whose are all thy ways, Created you to glorify His name By showing forth His praise. 6. Love not the world— ’tis but a fleeting show Wherein you cannot stay; This life is but a handbreadth here below, ’Tis but a passing day. How short and swift is life’s allotted span— Yet long enough for thee To seek a Kingdom nothing can remove, With God eternally. 7. Love God alone, and in His Truth rejoice And seek to walk therein; He gave His life, the Lowly Nazarene, To save your soul from sin. He calls you now to leave the desert ways, From wand’rings far abroad, To seek a city with foundations laid By the Eternal God. 8. Sweet peace is found in doing His good will, And those who come find rest; No other consolation can be found For weary hearts oppressed, Come, heavy laden, do not longer stay From joy and light and love; In faithfulness His hand will safely lead To heav’n’s fair home above. meter→ 8, 5, 8, 4, 9, 4, 6, 6 245: Love strong as death, possess my soul 1. Love strong as death, possess my soul, My inmost being fill: Lead me, and teach me to obey All God’s most Holy Will. 2. Love, bind me to God’s altar now, Nought from Thee to withhold: The whole burnt off’ring I would give To be divine, controlled. 3. Love, draw me, I will follow on Until I prove and see The length and depth, and breadth and height, Of Thine immensity. 4. Love never failing, deathless love, How could it e’er depart? Love, teach me how to give to God An un divided heart. meter→ 7, 4, 7, 5 246: Low and sweet a voice is calling 1. Low and sweet a voice is calling, “Souls of mine why will ye die?” ’Tis the Saviour, meek and lowly— He is passing, passing by. Chorus Passing by, passing by, Passing by, perhaps forever; Passing by, perhaps forever; Jesus now is passing by. 2. Tenderly He reasons with you, Dreary are the wastes of sin; Pleasures sought have fail’d and vanish’d, Cheerless is your heart within. 3. Peace without alloy He giveth, To the yielded heart and life; His eternal love sustaining, ’Mid the world’s unrest and strife. 4. Others may have proved unfaithful— Jesus never will betray; Oh, be earnest, rise and follow— Do not wait another day. meter→ 7, 7, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5 247: Low at Thy throne of grace 1. Low at Thy throne of grace We humbly bow; Come in Thy mercy, Lord, And bless us now. O meet our soul’s deep need, Thy precious blood we plead, Thy chosen people lead Closer to Thee. 2. We fear the tempter’s pow’r— Teach us to pray, And lead us by the hand In Thine own way. Thou art the sinner’s friend, On Thee our souls depend, Preserve us to the end— We trust in Thee. 3. Our broken, contrite hearts Now cleanse and heal; Accept our lives, and give Thy Spirit’s seal. Oh! cause Thy face to shine, We would be wholly Thine, Filled with Thy life divine, Loyal to Thee. 4. We come before Thy face, Humble and meek; Forsaking self we would Thy favour seek. Teach us Thy holy will, Thy purpose now fulfil; Childlike, resigned and still, We yield to Thee. meter→ 6, 3, 5, 4, 6, 5, 4, 3 248: Low before Thy throne of grace 1. Low before Thy throne of grace, Lord of life we seek Thy face, Oh, respect our soul’s deep need, In the Saviour’s name we plead. Chorus Father in this quiet hour May we feel Thy quick’ning pow’r. Fill our hearts, O heav’nly Dove, With Thy pure and changeless love. 2. God of love, Thy grace impart, Quicken every longing heart, Fill us with Thy love and zeal, Grant us now Thy Spirit’s seal. 3. Lord, our body, spirit, soul, We would yield to Thy control, Grace sufficient Thou shalt give, As in Thee we move and live. 4. Lord, we plead the Saviour’s blood; We would serve Thee as we should; Let Thy pitying eye now see All our insufficiency. 5. We would bear Thy worthy name, Stand before Thee without blame, Cleans’d from all iniquity, Clothed in Thy humility. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6 249: Lowly at Thy feet, my Saviour 1. Lowly at Thy feet, my Saviour, Pleading for Thy pard’ning grace, I would seek Thy smile and favour, Do not hide from me Thy face; Often heart and flesh would fail me, Help me, Saviour, from above, Sweet the thought my heart retaineth, I am not beyond Thy love. Chorus Not beyond the love of Jesus, His unmeasured wealth of love. Sweet the thought my heart retaineth, I am not beyond Thy love. 2. Hush, my heart, thy Saviour speaketh, Strained, my ear to catch His word; Peace that passeth understanding, Strength and life it doth afford. Boundless is His love and mercy, Deeper than the deepest sea; Vast, unending, never failing, Sure for all eternity. 3. ’Tis not sacrifice nor off’rings, But my body He requires For His home and habitation; Shall I yield to His desires? Can I, list’ning to His pleadings, Still refuse and say Him nay? Love begets the love He asketh: Lord, I yield without delay. meter→ 6, 5, 7, 7, 7, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6 249: Lowly at Thy feet, my Saviour 1. Lowly at Thy feet, my Saviour, Pleading for Thy pard’ning grace, I would seek Thy smile and favour, Do not hide from me Thy face; Often heart and flesh would fail me, Help me, Saviour, from above, Sweet the thought my heart retaineth, I am not beyond Thy love. Chorus Not beyond the love of Jesus, His unmeasured wealth of love. Sweet the thought my heart retaineth, I am not beyond Thy love. 2. Hush, my heart, thy Saviour speaketh, Strained, my ear to catch His word; Peace that passeth understanding, Strength and life it doth afford. Boundless is His love and mercy, Deeper than the deepest sea; Vast, unending, never failing, Sure for all eternity. 3. ’Tis not sacrifice nor off’rings, But my body He requires For His home and habitation; Shall I yield to His desires? Can I, list’ning to His pleadings, Still refuse and say Him nay? Love begets the love He asketh: Lord, I yield without delay. meter→ 6, 5, 7, 7, 7, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6 250: Made nigh by Christ’s own precious blood 1. Made nigh by Christ’s own precious blood, We dare approach the throne of grace; Our hearts acknowledge God is here, And humbly bow before His face. Chorus Our God is here, the living God, In heartfelt praise we humbly bow, The Lord of Hosts is on our side, We will not be defeated now. 2. Oh, let Thy sacred fire descend, Purge and consume all earthly dross; Give wisdom daily how to build, Lest we sustain eternal loss. 3. Lord, arm us with the mind of Christ, That suff’ring, we may cease from sin; Cleanse now Thy temple, we implore; In all Thy fulness dwell within. 4. Oh, may our prayers like incense rise, A constant flame continually; Of deep desire before Thy throne, That we conformed to Christ may be. 5. Thy life and righteousness impart, Anoint our eyes, lest, growing dim, We fail to choose affliction now, That we may be joint heirs with Him. meter→ 7, 7, 6, 6, 7, 6, 8, 6 251: Low in the dust I put my mouth 1. Low in the dust I put My mouth unfeignedly, Oh, when Thou shalt appear, Reveal thyself to me. 2. Lord, is there ought of pride Still lurking in my heart? Rebuke the cursed thing, And bid it now depart. 3. I need Thy power and grace To dwell with me alway, Grace to the lowly mind Is all its strength and stay. 4. Lord, if there may be hope, I shall indeed, I must Abhor myself, repent, My mouth low in the dust. 5. Since God resists the proud, My Saviour, I will trust Thy grace and holiness To raise me from the dust. meter→ 6, 3, 5, 4 252: Make God your friend and walk with Him 1. Make God your friend and walk with Him, His grace and truth shall never fail The power and strength of love divine Shall over all your foes prevail. Chorus God’s priceless words are very pure, In furnace heat they have been tried. They shall preserve His chosen seed, Who faithfully in Him abide. 2. Make God your friend and counsellor, In Him repose your confidence. His friendship is forever sure, And great will be the recompense. 3. Make God your friend and you will find, A friend above all friends is He, The treasures of His boundless love, They never shall exhausted be. 4. Make God your friend, believe His Word, Your trust He never will betray The love of Jesus cannot change, Shall never die or pass away. meter→ 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 7, 6, 5 253: Make no provision for the flesh 1. Make no provision for the flesh And Christ shall dwell in you, His promises shall never fail, His Holy word is true. Make no provision to fulfill Your carnal mind and selfish will. 2. Make no provision, none at all, Escape from nature’s night, When God reveals His holy will, Make haste obey the light, Make no provision, ’tis not right, No flesh can glory in His sight. 3. Make no provision, let all self Continually decrease. Affinity with Amalek Must now forever cease, Christ must increase till God can see The image of His Son in thee. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6 254: Mine eyes run to and fro throughout the earth 1. Mine eyes run to and fro throughout the earth In all anxiety to find a man Who will in deed and truth fulfill My will, And carry out My purpose and My plan. 2. I looked and saw the hedge all broken down, The gap, unchallenged, open stood to view. I saw in sore distress that faithful men, Who bear the burden of the Lord, are few. 3. I fain would spare that fair, delightsome land So sacred bought by blood; ’tis hallowed ground. Marked by the footsteps of My Holy One. To save My heritage; can one be found? 4. I sought, and still I seek and long to see That which My soul delights to look upon, A man to stand before Me in the gap, The great deliv’rance wrought, the battle won. 5. To save that land, I gave in sacrifice, My glory, My delight, My worthy Son. My heart, My heart is pained to find a man. Shall Heav’n lament with Me in finding none? meter→ 9, 7, 9, 8 255: My confidence in Jesus is given from above 1. My confidence in Jesus Is given from above, The work of His good spirit Inspiring me to love. ’Tis written on my heart, I must Continually in Jesus trust. 2. I will not cease from trusting, God shall my purpose seal, To all the poor in spirit His Kingdom now reveal. My earthly nature still my lust, But I shall never cease to trust. 3. My trust is in the Saviour, He bought me with His blood, Laid down His life a ransom, The Holy Son of God. Although He slay me, yet I must In peaceful resignation trust. meter→ 4, 4, 6, 4, 7, 4 256: My faith is in the Saviour 1. My faith is in the Saviour, Who bought me with His blood, My heart is now the dwelling Of Christ the Son of God. 2. My hope is in the Saviour, Who has supreme control, A hope both sure and steadfast, The anchor of my soul. 3. There are three precious virtues, Faith, hope and charity, The love of God unfailing, The greatest of the three. 4. When faith and hope are ended, And we enjoy and see, The love of God unchanging Shall never cease to be. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 6 257: My Father, this I ask of Thee 1. My Father, this I ask of Thee, Knowing that Thou wilt grant the plea. For this and only this I pray: Strength for today, just for today. Chorus Strength for each trial and each task, What more, my Father, should I ask? Just as I need it day by day, Strength for my weakness— this I pray. 2. I do not ask a lifted load, Nor for a smooth and thornless road: Simply for strength enough to bear Life’s daily burdens anywhere. 3. Strength for the present hour of need— This given then I’m blest indeed, For each day as it comes will bring Sufficient strength for anything. 4. Strength for today that I may make Some sad souls glad for Jesus’ sake, Then they at eve with me shall say, “Thank God for strength He gave today.” meter→ 7, 7, 7, 6, 7, 7, 8, 7 258: My great High Priest is Jesus 1. My great High Priest is Jesus, Before the Father’s face, And I am daily proving His mercy, truth and grace. Chorus My life is fully yielded, With heart and mind and will. Oh, may His love and Spirit, My inmost being fill. 2. He is my elder brother Who pleads at God’s right hand, And He will keep me faithful, A stranger in the land. 3. A pilgrim here I journey, My treasure is on high, Of riches never failing, And love which cannot die. 4. He gives to me His nature, Clothed in His raiment white, Mine eyes He hath anointed, To walk in His pure light. 5. The path is growing brighter, I love the lowly way Of peace and joy and gladness That leads to perfect day. 6. I want to be more like Him, God’s well-belovèd Son, Conform me to His image, O Thou, Almighty One. meter→ 6, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 4 259: My heart is fixed for evermore 1. My heart is fixed for evermore, I will rejoice and sing for joy, My Saviour’s name I shall adore, His praises shall my powers employ. Chorus He gave His life, oh, love divine, Unchanging, never failing, free. Oh, Lord was ever love like Thine?— The love which binds my soul to Thine. 2. He gave Himself most willingly, That I might know His love and grace, And I shall worship gratefully, When I shall see Him face to face. 3. There’s nought in Heav’n or earth can move Or separate me from His love. Almighty grace I daily prove Is giv’n to me from Heav’n above. 4. Where He has gone, there shall I be, With Him at God’s right hand on high His glorious Kingdom I shall see, By His own blood to God made nigh. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 6, 7, 4, 7, 8 260: My heart was sad and weary 1. My heart was sad and weary, I had no rest within, And wandered on in darkness, Still deeper into sin: Iniquity had bound me, And all was dark as night: In bitterness of spirit, I longed for peace and light. Chorus I’m glad I met with Jesus, He bade my sins depart; He came with joy and gladness, To dwell within my heart. 2. I sought earth’s fading treasures, Some lasting joy to gain, Its pleasures disappointed, I found them void and vain; Life seemed to be a failure, The joys it could impart Left but remorse and sadness And sorrow in my heart. 3. The darkness seemed to deepen, No light, no hope was nigh, When, lo! I heard the Saviour, Who then was passing by: In kindly tones He whispered, “O soul, I died for thee, And bore in my own body Thy sins upon the tree.” meter→ 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5 261: My inmost being yearns and sighs for Thee 1. My inmost being yearns and sighs for Thee, For perfect holiness and purity. These are the purchase of my Saviour’s blood, The One who died for me, the Son of God. 2. Salvation to the uttermost is mine, Though all the powers of death and hell combine. The power that raised my Saviour from the dead Is mine in Him, my ever living Head. 3. I want to pray and seek the face of God, To keep my mind from wand’ring far abroad. So many vain and foolish thoughts arise, To dim my vision, claim my sacrifice. 4. I sorely need Thy wisdom, love and grace, To speed me onward in the heav’nly race. How many are the things that would dismay; My heart is fearful lest I miss the way. 5. I long to gain a clearer vision still Of Jesus and obey His righteous will. He is the way of truth and holiness; Obeying Him, the way I cannot miss. 6. I stand reproved when I consider Him. He did not fail, nor did His faith grow dim. I need His patient Spirit to defend And be my guide unto the journey’s end. 7. I seek eternal life from heav’n above, Revealed in Jesus, God’s great gift of love. I need His nature to abase my pride Lest I come short and find myself outside. meter→ 8, 5, 8, 10 262: My life is hid with Christ in God 1. My life is hid with Christ in God, Preserved within that sure retreat; Though Satan rage against my soul, I worship at my Saviour’s feet. Chorus No foes can reach that secret place Where hides my soul safe in His care; His presence like a wall of fire Is round about me everywhere. 2. The fiery darts which Satan hurls, Temptations painful and severe, No more my trembling soul appal, I know the Lord of Hosts is near. 3. Though fierce the conflict here below, With hosts of sin by Satan led, The God of Truth will favour me, And bruise the fiery serpent’s head. 4. I rest in God’s unchanging love, His peace now reigns within my heart, Obedient to the Spirit’s voice I daily choose the better part. 5. Though oft infirmities lie sore Upon this toilworn, weary frame, The power of Christ is resting there, And I revere His Holy name. meter→ 8, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 7, 5 263: My mind is stayed on Jesus 1. My mind is stayed on Jesus, The Holy Son of God, Who purchased my redemption, With His most precious blood, My mind is stayed and trusting, His perfect peace is mine, From Him who died to save me, I never shall decline. 2. Come joy, come grief or sorrow, My mind is stayed on Him. There’s nought can change my purpose, No clouds the light can dim. I see His face with gladness, I hear His loving voice, Though pain may be my portion, In Him I will rejoice. 3. He bore the cross and anguish, Delivered for my sin. Now He is my righteousness, And I have rest within, For me He intercedeth At God’s right hand on high, And soon I shall be with Him Where joy can never die. 4. I want to bear with patience, According to His will, The daily cross He giveth, That I may now fulfill His purpose and good pleasure Until my race is run, Then waken in the likeness Of God’s beloved Son. meter→ 6, 5, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7, 4 264: My presence shall go with thee 1. My presence shall go with thee, I will not, cannot fail, Remember I am pleading For you within the veil. To all I say, Oh, take good heed, And thou shalt overcome indeed. 2. My presence shall go with thee, And I will give thee rest According to My promise, My people will be blest. Obey my will, and thou shalt see The heavens opened unto thee. 3. My presence shall go with thee, Oh, faint not by the way, Your strength shall be proportioned According to your day, Have faith in God and thou shalt see, Much more than conqueror thou shalt be. meter→ 6, 5, 4, 5, 8, 5 265: My refuge and hope are in Jesus 1. My refuge and hope are in Jesus, My comfort in days of distress, Though weary the wilderness journey, I know He will nourish and bless. Chorus Though hosts of sin may surround me, My heart shall not fear, for I know My refuge and hope are in Jesus, And onward rejoicing I go. 2. His own strong right arm will protect me Though fiercely the foes may assail, I trust in the name of my Saviour, And know I shall surely prevail. 3. His mercy and faithfulness never Depart from the upright in heart, He knoweth our frame and remembers His Spirit and strength to impart. 4. He dwells with the meek and the lowly, His counsel is sweet to their soul, The heart that is humble and contrite The Saviour delights to control. meter→ 7, 6, 5, 7, 7, 8, 7, 5 266: My Saviour bids me sing His praise 1. My Saviour bids me sing His praise, Adore His wondrous works and ways; His life within, His love and peace, Inspire a song which cannot cease. Chorus My Lord and I shall never part, He reigns supreme within my heart: With all the raptured saints above I’ll praise the God whose name is Love. 2. He came from God the Father’s heart, To take the guilty sinner’s part; Love paid the price none other could, For our redemption shed His blood. 3. Although a stranger in the land, I will obey my Lord’s command: In Him my restless heart is still, Resigned to His most holy will. 4. A pilgrim in the heav’nly way, He keeps me in the evil day; Clothed in His armour, I shall stand Protected by His mighty hand. 5. When life is over I shall dwell With Him my soul has loved so well; Clothed in His righteousness complete, To fall and worship at His feet. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 6, 8 267: My Saviour has supreme control 1. My Saviour has supreme control, My heart is now at rest, For I am fully satisfied— His way and will is best. I would not dare to choose my way, The Lord alone shall guide. I feel the clasp of His dear hand, And journey by His side. 2. Earth’s many voices which I hear, Would lure my heart to stay, But loves fair vision fills my soul, And so I haste away. Although the pathway now may lead Through valleys dark and drear, The comfort of His rod and staff Assure me He is near. 3. When every consolation fails, I question not His love; His life within shall bear me on To His fair home above. Safe hidden in the Father’s hand, His work of grace begun, He will continue and complete And make me like His Son. 4. To suffer with my soul’s Beloved Is now my highest choice; As self decreases I can hear My Heav’nly Bridegroom’s voice. We know our light afflictions will Add to our joy and crown When life is o’er, and at His feet We lay our armour down. 5. I’ll follow with Him to the end— It is but meet I should; For me He drank the bitter cup, Resisting unto blood. It was for me He lived and died, For me He rose a gain. He lives in me and I in Him, And with Him I shall reign. meter→ 5, 6, 5, 6, 8, 5, 8, 5 268: My Saviour, how I love Thy name 1. My Saviour, how I love Thy name, And oh, how precious to my heart The bond of love which makes us one, And binds us nevermore to part. Chorus My name is graven on His hands, His precious blood now speaks for me, Within the Holiest of all, Before God’s face continually. 2. My Shepherd, since Thy life is mine, I rest in this— Thou shalt prevail O’er every foe, without, within— Thy love, all-conq’ring cannot fail. 3. My Master, all my soul desires The grace to serve Thee faithfully, With rev’rence, and with godly fear, In meek unfeigned humility. 4. My Father, hearken to my prayer, In Jesus’ name I ask of Thee; In life, in death, deny me not, Let Christ be magnified in me. meter→ 7, 7, 8, 6, 7, 7, 5, 4 269: My Saviour, I will follow Thee 1. My Saviour, I will follow Thee, Thy love is never failing; Dwell Thou in me for evermore, O’er all my foes prevailing. Thy cleansing blood has reached my soul, Thy voice sin’s tempest stilling, Has spoken peace, in Thee I rest, Thy love my heart is filling. 2. O let Thy gentleness and grace Within my heart abounding, My carnal nature now subdue, The hosts of sin confounding. I fear lest I should miss the mark, The prize of my high calling To stand deformed on that great day, The thought is too appalling. 3. This confidence assures my heart The work of recreation He will maintain until I prove His uttermost salvation. Beholding Him, the highest prize, From Jesus never turning. The mighty change is wrought within, His beauty our adorning. 4. O Lamb of God, prevail in me, My being sanctifying, To gain complete conformity My inmost soul is sighing. Thy deathless, all consuming love So constant in its burning, Proclaims Thine image I shall bear On that eternal morning. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 5, 7, 5, 7, 6 270: My Saviour left His Father’s home 1. My Sav iour left His Father’s home, Came down to teach me how to love; He died to put away my sin, And take me to His Home above. 2. My Saviour, I would walk with Thee, O, keep my mind and conscience free, Let Thy pure love fill all my soul, That I may serve Thee faithfully. 3. I long to have the single eye, To keep my body full of light, Thy love and tenderness alone Shall keep my heart and spirit right. 4. Thine only is the love and grace, Thy Spirit is the power I need, Thy gentleness shall make me great, And noble in my word and deed. 5. O, grant Thy pure and lowly mind, Thy meekness and humility, All that pertains to Godliness, May evermore abide in me. meter→ 7, 8, 7, 7 271: My Saviour, let Thy truth and grace 1. My Saviour, let Thy truth and grace In all its fulness fill my soul; Since Thou hast bought me with Thy blood, Thou shalt possess and own the whole. 2. I rest in this, my Saviour knows The powers that o’er me would prevail. Much more than conq’ror I shall be, Through Him who pleads within the veil. 3. His blood is speaking there for me, Within that sacred holy place, Before the great eternal God, Who sits upon the throne of grace. 4. His all prevailing prayers are heard, And no one can dispute my claim; In God’s beloved my ransom paid, I am accepted in His name. 5. O Lamb of God, Thy sacred blood Has reached and cleansed this heart of mine. The love which fills the heav’ns above Has claimed and sealed me wholly Thine. meter→ 7, 7, 8, 7 272: My Saviour speaks! I hear His kindly voice 1. My Saviour speaks! I hear His kindly voice, It thrills my soul and makes my heart rejoice. Amid earth’s gloom the Lamb of God I see, The One who loved and gave Himself for me. 2. How sweet to know God’s pure and spotless Son, My inmost heart’s affection now has won! For me He left His Father’s home on high; Oh! wondrous love, that He, my Lord, should die. 3. Oh! precious fellowship, divinely sweet, With joy I worship at my Saviour’s feet. In wonder and amazement I adore And plead for grace to love Him more and more. 4. No more a stranger to His love and grace, But reconciled, I now behold His face. Unspeakable the bliss, the precious rest, In peace reclining on my Saviour’s breast. 5. His love will keep me in the narrow way, Until I reach the land of endless day, There to behold Him, see Him as He is, With all the blood-washed throng to sing His praise. meter→ 8, 9, 9, 9 273: My Saviour’s love shall never fail 1. My Saviour’s love shall never fail, Till I am safe within the veil. When life is ended here for me, Lord Jesus, I shall dwell with Thee. Chorus Love led Him to Gethsemane, Love led Him on to Calvary, Love in His flowing wounds I see— The Lamb of God who died for me. 2. Although unworthy of His love, He has prepared a home above; Where souls redeemed shall live in peace; Their joy in God shall never cease. 3. His servants there shall see His face, Arrayed in righteousness and grace; Their crown of life to bear His name, And stand before Him without blame. 4. God’s love shall comfort them for aye His hand shall wipe their tears away. Before the throne their theme shall be— Herein is love, He died for me. meter→ 6, 7, 7, 7, 5, 6, 7, 8 273: My Saviour’s love shall never fail 1. My Saviour’s love shall never fail, Till I am safe within the veil. When life is ended here for me, Lord Jesus, I shall dwell with Thee. Chorus Love led Him to Gethsemane, Love led Him on to Calvary, Love in His flowing wounds I see— The Lamb of God who died for me. 2. Although unworthy of His love, He has prepared a home above; Where souls redeemed shall live in peace; Their joy in God shall never cease. 3. His servants there shall see His face, Arrayed in righteousness and grace; Their crown of life to bear His name, And stand before Him without blame. 4. God’s love shall comfort them for aye His hand shall wipe their tears away. Before the throne their theme shall be— Herein is love, He died for me. meter→ 6, 7, 7, 7, 5, 6, 7, 8 274: My soul desires to walk with God 1. My soul desires to walk with God Along the path His chosen trod: I hear Him calling, “Come away,” And joyfully I now obey. Chorus I hear Him call, I hear Him call From all that would my soul enthrall, I haste away to walk with God Along the path His chosen trod. 2. The world may frown, I do not fear; He waits with words of hope and cheer, To help me on my homeward way, Where I shall rest at close of day. 3. New springs within my heart arise While I behold His sacrifice; My soul desires, it yearns to be A sacrifice, O Lord, for Thee. 4. Though pow’rs of earth and hell oppose, I rest in this— “My Father knows,” His word is sure, it cannot fail: Rejoice, my soul, thou shalt prevail. meter→ 7, 6, 6, 5, 8, 7, 7, 6 275: My soul is thirsting now for God 1. My soul is thirsting now for God; Oh, when shall I appear, Within His courts and there abide In Him without a fear? ’Gainst foes without and foes within I daily now contend, But God in His unchanging love My soul will sure defend. 2. “Where is thy God?” the scorners say, And mock me while I plead, But He who knows my grief and pain Will meet my every need. Though sighs and tears my portion be, God is my hope and stay; Oh; why art thou cast down, my soul? The clouds will pass away. 3. Thy waves and billows o’er me roll Deep calleth unto deep, In mercy now respect my prayer, Thou Shepherd of the sheep. Soul, why art thou disquieted, With sorrow burdened down? Hope thou in God and He thy days With mercy yet will crown. 4. Deliver me and plead my cause: My enemies oppress, Ungodly men beset me round And mock at my distress. Oh, why hast Thou forgotten me? My soul is left to mourn. Thou art the rock of my defence; Oh, when wilt Thou return? 5. Send out Thy light, Oh, send the truth And let them lead me still Unto Thy tabernacle, Lord, Up to thy holy hill, Then to Thy altar I will go With songs of joy and praise, Present my life and seek for grace To walk in wisdom’s way. meter→ 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 4, 6, 5 276: My soul, is yours a labour of pure love 1. My soul, is yours a labour of pure love For Him who loved and gave Himself for you? Does love of self or love for Christ impel The service you engage and now pursue? 2. Those Angels who behold His face with joy Are looking on with wonder and surprise. What shall they hear— the murmurs of selfwill Or see your glad and willing sacrifice? 3. My soul, hath God required this at your hand, The precincts of His sacred courts to tread? Does love inspire the labour you bestow Or are you by some baser motive led? 4. No sacrifice can ever satisfy The heart of God who reigns in light above, And nothing is acceptable to Him If we refuse the first fruits of our love. 5. My soul, reflect upon those solemn words Pronounced on Israel by their faithful God: My children whom I nourished have rebelled, They have gone back, their hands are full of blood. 6. Those Sons of Fire who in His presence wait, They stand above His great eternal Throne, His glory veils their Holy Ministry Their glory is to serve by love alone. 7. Ten thousand times ten thousand honours wait The hearts who serve by love divine made pure. O, blessed service and forever blessed, Their joy and crown immortal shall endure. 8. With my whole being earnestly I seek A heart to love and serve Thee worthily, That I may prove my gratitude to Him Who came in love to give Himself for me. meter→ 9, 9, 9, 7 277: My soul rejoices in the Lord 1. My soul rejoices in the Lord, For He has made my life His own. That which was lost is now restored, And never shall be overthrown. 2. While this sweet voice my heart can charm, Despite the many sounds that thrill, I find it is the secret balm And antidote for every ill. 3. When flesh is weak and soul is faint, This Spirit voice comes clear and sweet, Pour out thy heart without restraint, And find thy rest at Jesus’ feet. 4. And then I lay me down in peace, For Jesus knows and gives to me A rest and strength that doth increase, As He reveals Himself to me. 5. ’Tis sweet to know this precious rest Is free to all who trust in Him, And longing hearts are cheered and blessed With love and light that ne’er grows dim. 6. His love will lead, His light will guide, Though we ofttimes are sore distressed, To Him who loved and wept and died, Then may we ever give our best. meter→ 6, 8, 7, 5 278: My soul’s sweet song is Jesus 1. My soul’s sweet song is Jesus, I cannot help but sing. My heart is fully yielded, He reigns supreme my King, I sing for joy and gladness, Although I bear the cross, His love outweighs the suffering, The sacrifice and loss. 2. My only hope is Jesus, A living Christ within. My heart is now His temple, He saves me from all sin, Receiving daily cleansing, Made new a house of prayer, My all, complete the off’ring Upon the altar there. 3. How kind the heart of Jesus, To save us by His grace. He bore our sins and sorrows, He took the sinners place, The holiest is open, No veil to hide the sun, For in Christ’s face the glory We now may look upon. 4. We are the earthen vessel, The treasure to contain. For in our mortal bodies He deigns to live again, How excellent the glory, How full and deep our joy, When all our powers and talents Are used in His employ. meter→ 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 4 279: Nearer to Jesus my Saviour 1. Nearer to Jesus my Saviour, I would be closer drawn, See how the shades are gathering, Daylight will soon be gone, Soon will my season of service, Here in this life be o’er Then I shall join with the ransomed On that fair Heav’nly shore. 2. Nearer my blessed Redeemer, Close to His wounded side, Under His care and protection, Ever I would abide. Safe from the wiles of the tempter, Far from the noisy throng, Strong in His grace as I journey, Singing my pilgrim song. 3. Nearer the feet of the Master, Choosing the better part, Simple and childlike in spirit, Bidding myself depart, Learning to walk in His counsel, Under His glad control, Bearing His yoke in subjection, Sweet is my rest of soul. 4. Nearer to Him in temptation, Willing to suffer loss, Self and self int’rest forsaking, Ready to bear the cross, Though in myself insufficient, Grace will my Lord impart, Perfect His strength in my weakness, Stablish my wav’ring heart. 5. Nearer the cross and the garden, Multiplied tears and sighs, Fellowship with Him in suff’ring, More of a sacrifice, No; not my will, Oh, my Father, Let all Thy will be done, Strengthen my purpose to follow Till the vict’ry is won. 6. Nearer the day of His glory, Nearer His coming reign, Soon as the King of the nations, He will return again, Though heart and flesh often fail me, I would desire to be Found with Thy chosen and faithful, Worthy to reign with Thee. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5 280: No ray of light to pierce the gloom 1. No ray of light to pierce the gloom, When wand’ring far away in sin! The Saviour’s gentle voice I heard, “Oh troubled heart, may I come in?” Chorus My heart responded to His voice; He whispered as He entered in, “My blood was shed on Calvary To make atonement for your sin.” 2. Behold My piercèd hands and feet! Those cruel thorns were all for thee; Your many sins I bore them all In My own body on the tree. 3. Could I resist such matchless love, And gaze unmoved upon His face— The brow that sweat in agony To gain for me in heav’n a place? 4. My heart, once full of fear and dread, Is now possessed by love divine; I scarce can comprehend the thought, He dwells within this heart of mine. meter→ 8, 6, 6, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6 280: No ray of light to pierce the gloom 1. No ray of light to pierce the gloom, When wand’ring far away in sin! The Saviour’s gentle voice I heard, “Oh troubled heart, may I come in?” Chorus My heart responded to His voice; He whispered as He entered in, “My blood was shed on Calvary To make atonement for your sin.” 2. Behold My piercèd hands and feet! Those cruel thorns were all for thee; Your many sins I bore them all In My own body on the tree. 3. Could I resist such matchless love, And gaze unmoved upon His face— The brow that sweat in agony To gain for me in heav’n a place? 4. My heart, once full of fear and dread, Is now possessed by love divine; I scarce can comprehend the thought, He dwells within this heart of mine. meter→ 8, 6, 6, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6 281: No reputation, with Jesus I go 1. No reputation, with Jesus I go, Willingly, cheerfully, my life to sow; Sow to the Spirit, in faith lay it down; Strive for the mastery, hope for the crown. 2. No reputation, if Jesus had none, Why should I murmur, the suffering shun, Why from the cross should I seek for release? I must diminish, for Him to increase. 3. No reputation, but with Him I crave Glory immortal, beyond the dark grave, Honour and glory, which never can fade; Scorners are silent, there’s none to upbraid. 4. No reputation, and unrecognized, Misunderstood, and by worldlings despised; God understands me— this thought will suffice— Bearing the cross I should ever rejoice. 5. No reputation, with Him I’m content, Laying my life down, to spend and be spent; Living or dying, I will not refrain, God cannot lie, I shall take it again. meter→ 6, 6, 9, 8 281: No reputation, with Jesus I go 1. No reputation, with Jesus I go, Willingly, cheerfully, my life to sow; Sow to the Spirit, in faith lay it down; Strive for the mastery, hope for the crown. 2. No reputation, if Jesus had none, Why should I murmur, the suffering shun, Why from the cross should I seek for release? I must diminish, for Him to increase. 3. No reputation, but with Him I crave Glory immortal, beyond the dark grave, Honour and glory, which never can fade; Scorners are silent, there’s none to upbraid. 4. No reputation, and unrecognized, Misunderstood, and by worldlings despised; God understands me— this thought will suffice— Bearing the cross I should ever rejoice. 5. No reputation, with Him I’m content, Laying my life down, to spend and be spent; Living or dying, I will not refrain, God cannot lie, I shall take it again. meter→ 6, 6, 9, 8 282: No; nothing can abate my love 1. No; nothing can abate my love, No powers can bid my soul depart. Love is the bond of perfectness, Its origin is in God’s heart. 2. God sent His Son to fill my soul With love which shall forever burn, His love is indestructible, To God’s own heart it shall return. 3. Accepted now of God in Christ, This is my one my only plea, Redeemed, forgiven I am His, His life is mine eternally. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 6 283: Not redeemed with gold or silver 1. Not redeemed with gold or silver, But with precious blood I am; Priceless was the ransom given— God the Father’s spotless Lamb. Chorus It was Jesus, my Saviour, Gave His life to ransom me; Love beyond my comprehending, When He suffered on Calvary. 2. Not redeemed to vainly squander Time and talents He bestows; Strength He gives to bear the burden, Well this feeble frame He knows. 3. Not redeemed to live in pleasure, While the precious moments fly, Brief our span of life to labour, Days and years pass swiftly by. 4. He redeemed me, oh, what mercy, Greater love could never be: God’s own Son so pure and holy Was the sacrifice for me. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5 284: Nothing in heaven or earth 1. Nothing in Heav’n or earth, Nothing in death or hell Can change the love of God, Trust Him all shall be well. 2. He will preserve His own, Though strangers in the land, Across the desert way; He leads them by the hand. 3. They are His chosen seed, They are forever blest, Unerringly He leads, Safe to His home and rest. 4. He surely will rebuke The powers that would devour, Protect His Lambs and sheep; He is their shield and power. 5. He has prepared a place At His right hand above, Where they shall dwell in light And praise the God of love. 6. They see their Saviour’s face, To serve Him is their joy, The song of God’s redeemed Their raptured souls employ. 7. There shall be no more pain, All tears are wiped away, They rest in perfect peace In God’s eternal day. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 6 285: Nothing satisfies but Jesus 1. Nothing satisfies but Jesus, Nothing can and nothing will. Those who truly thirst and hunger, He will satisfy and fill. 2. Nothing satisfies but Jesus, When the heart is sore oppressed; In His word you find sweet comfort, On His promises you rest. 3. Nothing satisfies but Jesus, He is all our hope and stay, Closer than a friend or brother, In the dark and cloudy day. 4. Nothing satisfies but Jesus, He redeemed us unto God, Washed away our sins forever, In His own atoning blood. 5. Nothing satisfies but Jesus, Dwelling in the willing heart. Love, the bond of all perfection, Binds us never more to part. meter→ 4, 5, 6, 5 286: O beware lest you refuse the call of God today 1. O beware lest you refuse The call of God today. Time cannot wait and very soon Your life must pass away. Chorus Oh! Come to Jesus now. Forsake your foolish pride. How sad if God should close the door, And you are left outside. 2. O beware lest you despise, In this your day of grace, The invitation God has sent, And others fill your place. 3. O beware lest you reject God’s counsel from on High. Be wise, take heed, and hearken now, Lest He should pass you by. 4. O beware lest you should grieve The Spirit’s tender voice; God says He will not always strive. O haste, and make your choice. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 4, 8, 5 287: O, brother, sister, weary not 1. O, brother, sister, weary not, Faint not within your mind, God’s ears are open to your prayer, His heart to you inclined. Chorus ’Tis yielded, all my willing heart, My spirit, body, soul. Preserve me blameless, undefiled, Possess and own the whole. 2. God’s eyes behold His hidden ones, The quiet in the land, Who silently obey His voice, The touch of His dear hand. 3. Let every voice be hushed and still, All nature soothed to rest, In meek humility to own His way and will is best. 4. Not mine: oh, let Thy will be done; Subdued, my heart shall say, At God’s disposal all my life Without reserve I lay. 5. Fulfill in me Thy perfect will, Thou gracious Holy One. Perform, continue and complete Thy work of grace begun. meter→ 5, 5, 7, 5, 6, 4, 4, 5 288: Oh, give thyself continually 1. Oh, give thyself continually To fervent prayer and ministry, And God shall bless the seed thus sown, Abundant harvest you shall see. Chorus Preceded by your fervent prayer, Go forth and sow the precious seed, Thus Heav’n and earth united stand, To save the world in all its need. 2. God and the world hath need of thee, Man’s wickedness is very great. Oh, pray that God may send His word To reach them in their low estate. 3. At God’s right hand the one who died To save the nations from their sin Is praying now— will you not pray, And labour thus their souls to win? 4. God lives and reigns in Sov’reign power; Who then can stay His mighty hand? Will you not give yourself to prayer, In love fulfilling love’s demand? meter→ 4, 5, 8, 5, 5, 7, 6, 8 289: O, glorious day when I shall meet 1. O, glorious day when I shall meet My soul’s Redeemer face to face, To fall and worship at His feet, Clothed in His righteousness and grace. Chorus O, glorious day, transporting thought, In all His beauty I shall see The face and form of love divine, The God of love who died for me. 2. Beyond the reach of care and pain, I soon shall see Him as He is, To serve in glory undefiled, And bear His name through endless bliss. 3. The furnace of affliction here Shall purge away all earthly dross. The fire must try my building now, Lest I sustain eternal loss. 4. O, glorious day when I shall stand Complete in all the will of God, Accepted in the well beloved, My pardon written in His blood. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 6, 5, 7, 7, 8 290: O God, my inmost being yearns and sighs 1. O God, my inmost being yearns and sighs, The longings of my soul to Thee arise, Ascending up within the holy place, They plead with Thee before the Throne of Grace. 2. Oh, let Thy tender love, I now implore, Fill all my soul abounding more and more, Bring forth in me the fruits of righteousness, The beauty of Thy grace and Holiness. 3. A broken, contrite heart I bring to Thee, My poverty of spirit all my plea, Thy promises I plead in Jesus name, I have no other hope, no other claim. 4. O God, since Thou hast made my heart Thy care And called me forth my Saviour’s name to bear, Purge out all dross, destroy iniquity, That Christ, The holy One, may dwell in me. 5. Oh, hear my prayer, my low estate regard, Accomplish death on all that would retard Thy Sov’reign grace, until Thy work is done, That I may bear the image of Thy Son. meter→ 8, 8, 6, 9 291: O God, Thou art the living God 1. O God, Thou art the living God. Since nothing is too hard for Thee, Stay not Thine own almighty hand, Till Christ is fully formed in me. 2. I long to bear Thy worthy name, Receive the Holy Spirit’s seal. The burden of my prayer is this, Thy Holy One in me reveal. 3. Thou art the true and living God, My heart responds to Thy decree, Since Thou hast called me by Thy grace To magnify Thy Son in me. 4. According to Thy will, O God, The Spirit’s work in me begun, Perform, continue and complete In me the likeness of Thy Son. 5. Since nothing is impossible, To Him who reigns in light above, He has decreed I may obtain The nature of His Well Beloved. 6. O God, Thou art the faithful God, All my whole being yearns to be Found in Thy will that I may have In Christ entire conformity. 7. Lord, in my inmost soul I know The sevenfold Spirit must prevail. My Hope is this— He pleads my cause Continually within the veil. meter→ 7, 7, 6, 7 292: O God, Thou source of life divine 1. O God, Thou source of life divine, When shall I find my all in Thee, I need Thine own almighty power, That I may walk in liberty, From all iniquity depart, And serve Thee with a perfect heart. 2. To know Thee is eternal life, And Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent, Impart this knowledge to my soul, Before my days and years are spent, I long to know Thee as Thou art, And serve Thee with a perfect heart. 3. Renew the spirit of my mind, According to redemption’s plan, I would be all Thou hast decreed, Revealed in Christ the Son of man, Thy grace and gentleness impart, Thine own true holiness of heart. 4. This is the burden of my prayer, Consuming me both night and day, Let all Thy holy will be done, In this frail tenement of clay, The carnal mind shall have no part, While love is burning in my heart. meter→ 7, 8, 6, 6, 4, 7 293: O God, Thou art the source and sum 1. O God, Thou art the source and sum Of all I need to love, My purest joy on earth below, My hope of heaven above. Thou only art my soul’s true rest and peace, In Thy safe keeping all my sorrows cease. Chorus How sacred is Thy life and death, Thine all atoning cleansing blood, Which pleads for me continually Before the Holy Throne of God. 2. O God, in Thee alone my soul Contentedly shall trust, Thy hands have made and fashioned me, And formed me from the dust. In Thee my weary heart shall find repose, Safe sheltered from my fierce and angry foes. 3. The deep compassion of Thy heart, The tender love divine, All powerful and appealingly Has reached this heart of mine. Eternal wisdom knew no other plan Could reach and touch the stony heart of man. 4. Thy Son, Thine only “Well beloved,” Thy glory and delight, Came from Thy bosom to declare, Reveal Thy love and light. Oh, love divine, Oh, light beyond all ken, He came and dwelt among the sons of men. 5. He lived, He loved, He suffered much, As on this earth He trod, Revealing all the Father’s heart, The sinless Son of God. The sins of all mankind upon Him laid, He conquered death, the sinners’ ransom paid. 6. Oh, fearless agony: alone, He drank the bitter cup In love divine, God’s awful wrath Appeased and swallowed up. God’s strictest sense of justice satisfied, When on the cross He bowed His head and died. meter→ 8, 6, 6, 5, 9, 8, 7, 5, 5, 6 294: O Holy Spirit, teach me how to die indeed to sin 1. O Holy Spirit, teach me how To die indeed to sin— That I may know Thy mighty power Controlling all within. Chorus O Holy Spirit, purge my soul From every spot and stain, That fruit may be produced for God, Much fruit that will remain. 2. O Holy Spirit, I will heed Thy gracious, tender voice. I will obey most heartily, And in Thy Will rejoice. 3. O Holy Spirit, teach me now All things that I should know. Strong in the grace of Christ, I would His life to others show. 4. O Spirit of the Holy One, Thou unction from on high, Teach me in all things how I may My Master glorify. meter→ 6, 5, 7, 3, 6, 5, 7, 5 295: O Jesus, light and life of those who love 1. O Jesus, light and life of those who love, Thou purest joy, supreme from Heav’n above, The blessed peace that fills the contrite heart Oh, bind me now to Thee no more to part. Love never failing guide me in the way That leads to God’s undimmed eternal day. 2. Thy all abounding grace impart to me, That I may love and rev’rence only Thee, My highest honour serving gratefully. In meekness and unfeigned humility. Love never failing Thou shalt sure prevail, Till I am safe at home within the veil. 3. O, quick’ning Holy Spirit, now descend, Seal me Thine own anointed chosen friend, Subdued, resigned and weaned, obedient still In love and faithfulness to do Thy will. Love never failing in Thy light I see My crown of righteousness eternally. 4. O, let Thy potent love constrain my soul, My very inmost being now control, That I may run with willing mind and free, The way of Thy commands whole heartedly. Love hath designed a high and honoured place For those who finish with Him in the race. meter→ 9, 7, 8, 10, 8, 7 296: O Lamb of God, was ever love like Thine? 1. O Lamb of God, was ever love like Thine? So faithful, strong, so very deep and true, Let Thy pure love, abounding more and more, Now permeate my being through and through. 2. May Thy unchanging love for ever dwell— All pow’rful in its strength and purity— In this frail vessel, yielded to Thy will, Made meet and wholly sanctified by Thee. 3. O Lamb of God, not life nor death has power To separate me from Thy deathless love. When all things perish, love shall still remain For ever steadfast as Thy throne above. 4. Thy everlasting covenant is mine, Thy love is deathless, never can decline; Then sanctified in spirit, mind and heart, Eternally made one, we cannot part. meter→ 9, 8, 8, 7 297: O, light of life in Jesus 1. O, light of life in Jesus The one true light of men, I come to Thee in meekness; Shine on my soul again. 2. I long to know Thy fulness, To keep me pure within. Apply Thy blood all cleansing, And purge my soul from sin. 3. I need Thy mind, Lord Jesus, That I may not gainsay The will of God, my Father, But faithfully obey. 4. I need Thy quick’ning Spirit To teach me how to pray, Thine, only Thine, the power To keep me in the way. 5. The way of truth and wisdom My longing soul would find, The ways of sin and darkness Forsake and leave behind. 6. That I may walk, Lord Jesus, With pure and perfect heart, Come Thou and dwell within me, And never more depart. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 5 298: O Lord, forbid that I should be 1. O Lord, forbid that I should be Unwilling now to follow Thee, My Master’s footsteps I would trace. For me He took the lowest place. 2. In mercy, Lord, maintain my lot, Help me to serve and, fainting not, Lest selfishness should o’er me steal, The mind of Christ in me reveal. 3. Purge out all sin, all self efface, That I may serve sustained by grace. Thy gentleness in me impart A meek and lowly, contrite heart. 4. Low in the dust I fain would lie, My Saviour’s name to magnify, With spirit sanctified and meet To press my lips to His dear feet. 5. Lord, from my inmost heart I pray For strength to keep me in the way. Anoint my inward heart to see The path my Saviour walked for me. 6. Show mercy, Lord, else I must fail; Let Christ Thy Holy one prevail In me with mercy, love and grace, That I may finish in the race. meter→ 7, 5, 6, 7 299: O Lord, Thou art my only hope 1. O Lord, Thou art my only hope, In Thee alone I trust; Thy mercies and compassions tend To humble me in dust. 2. How very great Thy faithfulness, Inspiring my whole trust, Constraining me to put my mouth Before Thee in the dust. 3. My expectations are from Thee, Therefore in Thee I trust And put my mouth unfeigningly Before Thee in the dust. 4. That I may hope with confidence With living hope and trust, I wait before Thee silently, My mouth low in the dust. 5. God’s tender mercies over all Inspire my greatest trust— My highest honour is to serve, Though humbled in the dust. 6. God says they cannot be removed Those souls who in Him trust, And God will surely hear my prayers Arising from the dust. 7. How can the Lord subvert my cause Since He is faithful, just? I hope and quietly await His pleasure in the dust. meter→ 7, 5, 5, 5 300: O Saviour teach us how to pray 1. O Saviour teach us how to pray Effectual fervently and wise, Prayer that will move the heart of God, Such as His ear will not despise. 2. From humble hearts, sincere and pure, Cleansed in the Saviour’s precious blood, Subdued and meek to bear His yoke, And learn to serve Him as we should. 3. So foolishly the sons of men Rush madly onward down to death, Pursue the fading joys of sin, With fev’rish haste and bated breath. 4. O make us wise with heav’nly skill To search and seek o’er mountains steep, With hearts compassionate and true To find thy lost and wand’ring sheep. 5. Increase our faith and fill our hearts With pure, unchanging love and zeal, Respect our lowly heartfelt prayers, And give us now Thy Spirit’s seal. 6. Thy loving kindness we desire, ’Tis better far to us than life: Our inner man renewed, we face The deadly conflict and the strife. meter→ 7, 4, 8, 7 301: O soul give ear, obey the Saviour’s voice 1. Oh soul give ear, obey the Saviour’s voice— Turn not away; In mercy now, He’s waiting for your choice— Oh yield I pray. Do not rebel against a Friend so true, The Prince of life, who tasted death for you. 2. He left the glories of His Father’s Throne— His home above, To seek His sheep and for their sins atone, Such depth of love! A world of sin was on the Saviour laid And by His blood, the ransom price was paid. 3. In agony of soul He wept and prayed, “Thy Will be done.” He drank the bitter cup alone, betrayed— God’s Holy One. Wounded and bruised, He bore the cross for thee; By wicked hands was led to Calvary. 4. Three dreadful hours, the sun withheld its light— Refused to shine. Between two thieves, His spirit took its flight, God’s Son divine. There ’mid the darkness ’neath those rending skies, He gave His life a willing sacrifice. 5. Oh soul, arise! shake off the sleep of death; The Lord is nigh. What is your life? ’Tis but a failing breath; You soon must die. Oh, ponder well how fearful is the cost, To sell the Truth and let your soul be lost. meter→ 8, 3, 8, 4, 8, 9 302: Oh, Spirit of the living God 1. Oh, Spirit of the living God, Possess the temple Thou hast made, Lead me to walk where Jesus trod, Then nought shall make my soul afraid. Chorus Unite me to Thy Holy will Fill all my soul with love divine, To drink the cup, Thy hand doth fill, And let my will be lost in Thine. 2. Help me to die to self and sin, And prove the riches of Thy grace, Jesus, Thou pure one, enter in, And make my heart Thy dwelling place. 3. I long with all Thy saints to prove The length and bread and depth of love. Filled with Thy fullness live and move, Controlled by Him who reigns above. 4. O Christ, Thou source and fount of life, Cause now the living streams to flow, Breathe death on natures carnal strife, That I eternal life might know. 5. There is no limit to Thy power, Oh, haste my captive soul to free. Be Thou my stronghold and my tower, My refuge and security. meter→ 6, 6, 7, 7, 6, 7, 8, 8 303: Oh, teach me how to love Thee more 1. Oh, teach me how to love Thee more, My Saviour and my God, In this poor, contrite heart of mine Thy love now shed abroad. 2. Thus mourning in my poverty, My spirit sighs for Thee, Oh, grant the love that dwelt in Christ May now abide in me. 3. My Saviour let Thy love and peace, Abounding in my soul, In all their power and purity Now sanctify the whole. 4. Thus rooted, grounded in Thy love, I know I shall prevail, Since Thy most Holy Word affirms That love shall never fail. 5. This greatest of all gifts impart— The love of Christ, my friend, That I may serve Him faithfully With love unto the end. meter→ 8, 5, 7, 5 304: O, Thou that dwellest in the skies 1. O, Thou that dwellest in the skies, To Thee my heartfelt prayers arise, Respect my importunity, And Thy rich grace impart to me. 2. Thy grace is given to the poor, That by Thy help they may endure, Resisting all iniquity, In Thee abiding faithfully. 3. Since Jesus longs to take my part, Grant me a true obedient heart, That I may hide Thy word within, To cleanse and safeguard me from sin. 4. In humble hearts Thy richest grace Shall find a hallowing resting place. Thou hast no portion for the proud, Grace flees from pride as from a shroud. 5. Thy boundless mercy, Lord, I crave, Thy love to make me true and brave. For my redemption Jesus came; Give me a heart to praise His name. 6. He pleads my cause at Thy right hand; Enlarge my heart to understand The length and breadth of love divine, The height and depth which now is mine. 7. Unsearchable and great my gain, Thy love unchanging shall remain. Lord, let Thy love in me prevail: All conquering love shall never fail. meter→ 7, 6, 3, 7 305: Oh, what depth of love and pity 1. Oh, what depth of love and pity Led the Holy Son of God, Down to earth from highest glory To redeem you by His blood. On the cross His soul outpouring, Jesus died on Calvary. From His wounds the life blood flowing To atone for you and me. 2. How exceeding great His sorrow In His dreadful agony. Bruised and bleeding, see Him drinking God’s most awful wrath for thee. Strengthened by the holy angel, Wrath in love is swallowed up, Love omnipotent has conquered Death and hell in that dread cup. 3. Think of all His pain and anguish Hanging on the tree of shame, Bearing all your sins He suffered, Took your place and bore the blame. Numbered with transgressors, dying: It is finished— all is done, Sin is put away forever, God accepts you in His Son. meter→ 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 7, 6 306: Oh, come, while the Saviour is calling 1. Oh, come, while the Saviour is calling, There’s no one so faithful and true; Eternal salvation and glory, He willingly offers to you. Chorus For He is abundant in mercy, Forgiving transgression and sin; He waits at the door of salvation, To pardon and welcome you in. 2. Oh, come, while the Saviour is waiting, And risk not a moment’s delay; The riches of earth are deceitful, Illusive, and passing away. 3. Oh, come, see the Saviour is passing, His mercy and love do not spurn. Resist not the voice of His Spirit; To you He may never return. 4. Oh, come, there is refuge in Jesus, And rest for the weary of heart, Oh, why will you forfeit salvation, And let your Redeemer depart? meter→ 7, 7, 4, 5, 6, 4, 7, 6 307: Oh, escape, for death is coming 1. Oh, escape, for death is coming, Seek the Lord while yet you may. Time is flying, oh, remember, You must face the judgment day. Chorus Dying soul, seek the Lord, Linger not in sin’s dark plain. Oh, escape for your life, God may never call again. 2. Do not wait to look behind you, Leave earth’s worthless treasure store. Let God’s message speed you onward, He may call you never more. 3. Hearken now, oh, soul take warning, Ere it be too late to pray, Dark despair may be your portion, When this life has passed away. 4. Undeciding, hesitating, On the brink of death you stand, Oh, how fearful your condition, Haste and take the Saviour’s hand. 5. Jesus Christ, the world’s Redeemer, For your sins was crucified, Oh, be wise and seek His mercy, None who come will be denied. meter→ 6, 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5 308: Oh, for a closer walk with God 1. Oh, for a closer walk with God! To hear His voice alway, And yield obedience to His word, To do His will each day. 2. The will of God is always best, It brings us sweet release; Ceasing from self, we enter in To His eternal peace. 3. To love our life is losing all, And we alone remain; Yielding to God, denying self, A hundredfold we gain. 4. Doing His will now brings us pow’r To reign o’er self and sin; ’Tis only thus that we can have True victory within. 5. Thy light and truth has found its way To this dark heart of mine; My all is on the altar, Lord, Bound there with cords divine. meter→ 7, 5, 6, 6 309: Oh, for a quiet resting place 1. Oh, for a quiet resting place In some vast wilderness. Surely this would assuage my woes And consummate my bliss, Safely in Christ I would abide, None to gainsay, none to deride. 2. Oh, for a quiet respite here From tempest, storm and rain, From buffetings without, within— Consuming cares and pain, Where faintings, weariness of mind, Tormenting fears are left behind. 3. Oh, for the depths of solitude, Where every voice is still. Weaned as a quiet child to learn. In lowliness, Thy will, Teach me, O Lord, to Thee I fly; Submissive at Thy feet I lie. 4. Oh, that Thy mind may dwell in me, Thine own all conq’ring love; So shall Thy will be done on earth As in the heav’ns above. All my delight and rest shall be To take Thy yoke and learn of Thee. 5. Where shall this sacred rest be found But on Thy breast divine? Set as a seal upon Thy heart, This contrite heart of mine, Made one with Thee, all strife shall cease, And I shall dwell with Thee in peace. meter→ 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6 310: Oh! hasten to Jesus while He is so near 1. Oh! hasten to Jesus While He is so near; Away with your doubtings! Away with your fear! His kind invitation I pray you don’t slight; Wait not till the morrow; Oh! come, come tonight. 2. See, Jesus is waiting; He reasons with you; Your soul is in danger, Oh! what will you do? Death! death is approaching: How sad is your plight! While Jesus is calling, Oh! come, come tonight. 3. Heed not the delusion That some other day You’ll come to the Saviour And walk in His way: While mercy is offered And God gives you light, Oh! yield to His Spirit, And come, come tonight. meter→ 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4 311: Oh, help us, Lord, to seek Thy face 1. Oh, help us, Lord, to seek Thy face, And touch our hearts that we may pray; The foe is strong, we need Thy grace And pow’r to keep us in the Way. Chorus Weak in ourselves we fear the foe, But love the path where Jesus trod; Strong in His strength we forward go; Our hope is in the living God. 2. Oh, give us understanding hearts, And help us now to intercede For those who in the darkness dwell, That they may see and feel their need. 3. Possess our hearts and fill our minds With light and wisdom from on high, That we may manifest Thy life, And vile affections crucify. 4. Whom have we, Lord, in heav’n but Thee? And there is none on earth beside, So tender, patient, kind and true A loyal, faithful friend and guide. 5. May we as saints and servants now Commit ourselves to Thy good will; Our lives upon the altar lay, Submissive, pliant, calm and still. meter→ 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7 312: Oh, how sweet to know that Jesus 1. Oh, how sweet to know that Jesus, From the loving heart of God, Came on earth to pay my ransom With His own most precious blood. Chorus Evermore in Him accepted, I shall stand around the Throne, All my pardon and forgiveness Written in His blood alone. 2. I was under condemnation, Nought my guilty soul could free. In His tender deep compassion, Jesus came and died for me. 3. He is now my mediator, Pleading at the Throne He stands, Bears my name before His Father; It is graven on His hands. 4. His own sprinkled blood is speaking, Saying “Father, I have died.” Wrath is now appeased forever, Justice fully satisfied. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 6, 4, 6, 5, 5 313: Oh, Love surpassing all the joys of earth 1. Oh, Love surpassing all the joys of earth, We open wide our eager hearts to Thee, Come in, Thou Counsellor of Heav’nly birth, Thy life our being now Eternally. 2. Oh, Love surpassing all that man may know, And all that man may ever hope to be, Oh, let us in Thy fullness lose our woe, Thy life our being now Eternally. 3. Oh, Love surpassing all that man may think, Exceeding greater far than man can see, Lost in Thy fathomless abyss we sink, Thy life our being now Eternally. 4. Oh, Love surpassing all the mighty powers, Far; far above all principality, The strength of Love Omnipotent is ours, Thy life our being now Eternally. 5. Oh, Love surpassing all the depth and height, The length and depth of immortality, Foundation of God’s being Sov’reign sight, Thy life our being now Eternally. meter→ 8, 8, 7, 6 314: Oh, incline your ear and hearken 1. Oh, incline your ear and hearken To the Saviour’s pleading voice, Do not now reject His friendship, He is waiting for your choice; He’s the balm of consolation, He will soothe your troubled breast; Hearken, He is pleading, pleading: “Come, Oh! come to Me and rest.” Chorus Pleading still, pleading still, Hearken to the lowly Jesus, He is pleading, pleading still. 2. When the world has ceased to charm you, And its vain allurements fled, All its pleasures gone for ever, And you mingle with the dead, When you face the King eternal What will be your final doom? Oh, consider! Oh, consider! Haste, escape the midnight gloom. 3. Soul, take heed, He will not always By His Spirit strive with thee; He is patient, kind and tender, But He will not always be, There’s a limit to His patience, To His mercy and His grace, Oh! make room, make room for Jesus, Lest He hide from you His face. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 7, 4, 5, 5 315: Oh, magnify the Lord with me 1. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, Rejoice and praise His name, When dead in trespasses and sin, To my relief, He came. Chorus My Saviour tasted death for me. He paid sin’s awful price for me. Now I am reconciled to Him, And in His love I rest. 2. The Lamb of God atonement made, Oh, wondrous truth divine, Made sin for me I now can claim His righteousness as mine. 3. O Holy Spirit lend thine aid, To worship and adore. The heart of God receives me now In Christ for evermore. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 6, 6 316: Oh, soul of mine wilt thou consider well 1. Oh, soul of mine wilt thou consider well, The “Lowest Room” is still unoccupied. In that fair dwelling filled with Heav’nly peace, The Lord of life and glory did reside. 2. In stillness and in quietness He heard The music of His Father’s holy will. His heart in tune with Heaven’s harmony, His chief delight God’s pleasure to fulfill. 3. Apart from those who wrangle and contend For power and place to elevate their pride, In all humility He stooped to serve, And gained that greatness to the proud denied. 4. He took the servant’s form, the servant’s place, The least of all in lowliness of mind. His honour, reputation and His name, To all God’s will obediently resigned. 5. Oh, let this mind be in you and esteem Your highest honour and your chiefest joy, To serve with Jesus in the “Lowest Room,” His Spirit, love and grace your powers employ. 6. Think of your Master’s last most gracious words, “Ye ought to learn to do as I have done,” ’Tis only those who serve shall see His face, And bear His name, their crown of greatness won. 7. That I may learn to serve, Oh, grant to me, The heart and spirit of a little child, Contented now to be the least of all, Then serve with Him in glory— undefiled. meter→ 8, 6, 8, 8 317: Oh, tell me where shall rest be found 1. Oh, tell me where shall rest be found, The peace and rest I crave; Say! Is it in earth’s utmost bounds, Or in the silent grave? 2. No, No, the rest of soul you seek Is found in Christ alone; To bring the rest of Heaven down, He left His Father’s throne. 3. As Prince of Peace, He came to earth The captive souls to free That they may know the God of peace, And heaven’s harmony. 4. In Christ– the meek and lowly One– The longing heart shall find The rest and peace and love of God To fill the soul and mind. 5. Make haste and seek this comfort now Upon your Saviour’s breast; While Jesus lives, your heart may know The constant source of rest. meter→ 8, 6, 7, 5 318: Oh, turn not away from the Saviour of men 1. Oh, turn not away from the Saviour of men, None other can help or sustain. Depending on theory will only mislead, The help of the world is in vain. Chorus Then ponder the path of thy feet, Refuse not to walk in the light; Oh, turn not away from the Saviour of men, To wander in darkness and night. 2. Oh, turn not away from the path of the just, Where light shineth clear as the day, The presence of Jesus will strengthen and guide, His footprints have marked all the way. 3. His comfort and gladness and peace in your soul, Amid all the battle and strife, Will cause you rejoicing and Jesus will be Your joy as you journey through life. 4. Then dare not to trifle— the Spirit is near, Salvation and life to impart, What worlds could not purchase the Saviour has done, Oh, why will you harden your heart? meter→ 9, 6, 6, 8, 7, 7, 9, 6 319: Oh, wandering soul by cares oppressed 1. Oh, wand’ring soul by cares oppressed, The Saviour offers thee sweet rest. Gethsemane and all its woe He bore for you, He loved you so. Chorus Your day of grace is passing by, The hour of death is drawing nigh. Oh, hasten now without delay, And come to Jesus while you may. 2. Oh, wand’ring soul will it be vain, Your Saviour’s sorrow grief and pain, The cross, its shame and agony He bore for you, so willingly. 3. Your heavy burden on Him roll, He’ll satisfy your longing soul. He will forgive your every sin, And cleanse your heart and dwell within. 4. Arise from all your fear and doubt, He will in no wise cast you out. Oh, hear Him calling, calling still; To save your life it is His will. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 8, 7, 7, 5, 7 320: Oh what wondrous love I see 1. Oh what wondrous love I see In the “Man of Galilee;” How He left Heaven’s joys untold For this world so dark and cold. Chorus Saviour! Saviour! I will follow every day In Thy changeless Truth and Way— In Thy changeless Truth and Way. 2. Oh what wondrous love I see In my Lord’s humility; Poor and homeless here below He, my Saviour, chose to go. 3. Oh what wondrous love I see When I turn to Calvary; From my Saviour’s hands and side Flowed for me, that crimson tide. 4. Saviour, Thy great love for me Helps me now to follow Thee; And to bear my daily cross, Counting earthly things but dross. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 7, 2, 5, 6, 6 321: Oh, why do you linger where pleasures fade 1. Oh, why do you linger where pleasures fade? Your feet are inclining to death’s cold shade, To regions of sorrow and dark despair, And you will be lost if you enter there. Chorus Why do you linger? Oh count the cost, And hasten to Jesus ere your soul be lost; This world is passing, its treasures fail. They’ll leave you in anguish to weep and wail. 2. Oh, soul you are drifting to endless night, Afar from the city of joy and light While God, in great mercy, now bids you stay, And turn from the broad to the narrow way. 3. Your feet are now treading on dangerous ground, Where legions of darkness are lurking round. They’ll eagerly lead you in cruel glee, To dark hopeless despair eternally. 4. Then close not your heart to the Saviour’s voice, He patiently waits for the final choice, Oh, come to Him now, ere His pleading cease, Your feet He will guide in the way of peace. meter→ 8, 8, 7, 9, 8, 9, 7, 9 322: Out of love for Jesus 1. Out of love for Jesus, You tried to do your best Amid the tests and trials, And ofttimes sore oppressed. 2. Out of love for Jesus, Thou didst thyself deny, God only knew the anguish, He only, heard thy cry. 3. Out of love for Jesus, When all was dark as night, You faced severe temptation, And prayed and longed for light. 4. Out of love for Jesus, Abandoned to His will, You drink, though weak and trembling, The cup His hand doth fill. 5. Out of love for Jesus, You let His mind control, His Spirit consecrating Your body, spirit, soul. 6. Out of love for Jesus, You suffered and were kind, And showed the Master’s Spirit, Though no one seemed to mind. 7. Out of love for Jesus, You daily bear the cross, Self and self love forsaking, Esteeming it but dross. 8. Out of love for Jesus, You seek to run the race, And cast off all that hinders, Supported by His grace. 9. Out of love for Jesus, Constrained, you daily die, And life divine is given From Him who reigns on high. 10. Out of love for Jesus, You keep this goal in view, God’s great eternal purpose, His Son revealed in you. meter→ 5, 6, 5, 4 323: Patiently continue in the way with Jesus 1. Patiently continue in the way with Jesus, Joyfully obeying the Father’s blessèd will; Mid sin’s angry billows, hearken to Him calling Over the waters saying, “Peace, be still.” 2. “I will never leave thee,” sweetest words of comfort, From the lips of Jesus who walked life’s troubled sea; “Thou art not forsaken, I am with thee always, Darkness or sunshine; ever follow me.” 3. None so true and tender as the Man of Sorrows, From this world’s illusions, oh, let Him keep thee free; He will lead thee onward to inherit glory; Riches unfading He will give to thee. 4. Patiently continue with Him in the conflict, Patiently enduring with Him unto the end; Numbered with His chosen, found among the faithful, One on whom Jesus always can depend. meter→ 7, 6, 8, 7 324: Perfect peace the Lord has promised 1. Perfect peace the Lord has promised To the soul whose mind is stayed On the Lord, the King Eternal, Who the heavens and earth has made. Trust then in the Lord Jehovah, Rest in Him forevermore. Everlasting strength is given To the destitute and poor. 2. Stay your mind on Him who triumphed Over all the powers of hell, Let the mind of Christ prevailing Dwell in you and all is well, He has promised to deliver, Rest and perfect peace impart, All sufficient grace supplying To the meek and humble heart. 3. Trust and let Him do the keeping; Know ye not He cannot fail?, Those who honour Him in secret, Strong in faith they shall prevail, Trust for strength to bear the burden, Faint not ’neath His chast’ning hand He would have you bear Christ’s image, When before Him you shall stand. 4. In those times when sore oppression Bind and hold your spirit down, Comfortless He will not leave you; Trust and peace shall be your crown, Perfect peace how great the promise, God’s own word, immutable. Shall not fail, cannot be broken; Every word He shall fulfill. 5. Perfect peace, how great a treasure, ’Mid the world’s unrest and strife, Let His peace, your heart possessing, Be your portion in this life, Trusting in the Lord forever, Trusting while He lendeth breath. He is always true and faithful, Be thou faithful unto death. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 4, 4, 5 325: Poor and needy, Lord, we gather 1. Poor and needy, Lord, we gather Humbly at Thy Throne of grace. From our hearts like incense rising, Prayers ascend before Thy face, Trembling in our fear and weakness, Feeling that our need is great. Lord of Hosts, look down in pity, And regard our low estate. Chorus Father, God, our heart’s deep longing Now ascends before Thy Throne, Fill us with Thy Holy Spirit, Thus we shall be Thine alone. 2. Poor and needy, we are longing For the childlike heart and mind, Leaving earthly lore and wisdom, Self and nature far behind. Lord, respect our souls deep yearning, Fleeing now from self and sin, Greatly we desire Thy beauty, Make us glorious, Lord, within. 3. Poor and needy: gracious Father, Whom have we to take our part? In Thy love and tender mercy, Bind and heal each broken heart; Banish all our grief and mourning, Oil of gladness now impart, Dwell within Thy Holy Temple, Come and nevermore depart. 4. Spirit of the lowly Jesus, Pleading now in Heaven above, Fill these hearts with Thine own honour, With Thy never failing love, In this world of tribulation, Every other power must fail; Love divine our hearts possessing, Strong as death it shall prevail. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6 326: Pray, beloved, always pray 1. Pray, beloved, always pray, Lest you wander from the way. In the temple of your heart Dwell with God, alone, apart. Chorus Prayer will put your foes to flight, Clothe you in the Spirit’s might. Like Thy Master, watch and pray; Prayer, all prayer will win the day. 2. Pray, beloved, always pray, Every moment, every day, Dwelling in the secret place, Strong in Christ’s abounding grace. 3. Pray, beloved, always pray, Hearken! Hear what God would say. Fervently, without restraint, Always pray and never faint. 4. Pray, beloved, always pray, Let not Satan’s host dismay. Angels whisper, “God is near; Trust in Him, and hush thy fear.” 5. Pray, beloved, always pray, Time is short, do not delay. Every other source must fail; Prayer, all prayer will sure prevail. 6. Pray, beloved, live in prayer; Let it be your native air. Breathing life from Heaven above, Dwell in God, for God is love. meter→ 4, 6, 6, 5, 7, 6, 6, 7 327: Pray on in faith and waver not 1. Pray on in faith and waver not Although Thy Lord delay. He cannot fail He will avenge, Ask, seek and knock and pray. 2. Remember Him, your great High Priest, Who pleads prevailingly, His precious blood before the throne, He prays continually. 3. Remember thou thy Master’s words, Faint not, but always pray, And thou shalt surely overcome The powers that would dismay. 4. Let prayers arise both day and night, Before the throne of grace, Where Jesus lives to plead for thee Before the Father’s face. 5. Pray in your importunity, And God will hear your cry, He will avenge His own elect, Their need He will supply. meter→ 7, 4, 6, 6 328: Prayer is a mighty source of power 1. Prayer is a mighty source of pow’r; Without it we must surely fail; While Moses prayed, the enemies Of Israel could not prevail. 2. Then brother, sister, plead and pray, God reigns in majesty on high; His eyes behold His chosen ones, His ear is list’ning to their cry. 3. God will avenge His own elect Whose prayers ascend both day and night, And out of weakness make them strong, And put their enemies to flight. 4. The hosts of sin are marching on, And forth to death their captives lead, And they must perish if we cease To watch and pray and intercede. 5. Souls wander on outside the fold, And God looks down with pitying eye On harvest great and lab’rers few, While souls drift on in sin to die. 6. My brother, sister, walk with God, With perfect hearts, sincere and true, That souls now lost in sin may see The life of Christ revealed in you. meter→ 7, 6, 5, 5 329: Praying always in the Spirit 1. Praying always in the Spirit, Fainting not whate’er befall; Jesus lives, the mighty conqueror, He is reigning over all. Chorus Praying always, praying ever, God will hear His own elect; In His sight their souls are precious, He will comfort and protect. 2. Praying when the foe is vanquished, Seeking His sustaining grace, Keeping under His protection, Sure and steady in the race. 3. Praying when the darkness gathers, And the sun withdraws its light, Through the lonely hours of sorrow, In the still and solemn night. 4. Praying that we may continue, In the race we have begun; Found at last among the faithful When our days on earth are done. 5. Praying in the days of gladness When our hearts with praise o’erflow Satisfied with bread from heaven, Gaining strength to face the foe. meter→ 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 6, 7, 5 330: Redeem the time these evil days 1. Redeem the time— these evil days in which you live. Self seeks its own— your life still give To Him who gladly gave His life A sacrifice for thee. 2. Redeem the time and walk in fellowship with Him. Shed forth hope’s ray still bright, not dim, To those who now in darkness dwell. Oh, let your light shine forth. 3. Thou must abide though lone and drear the pilgrim way, The end is sweet, ’tis cloudless day Where Jesus dwells in glory fair, Awaiting there for thee. meter→ 10, 8, 7, 4 331: Redeemed from among all the children of men 1. Redeemed from among all the children of men, His utmost salvation had been their own choice, The Lamb of God now is their theme and their song, As in His salvation so great they rejoice. 2. In undefiled beauty they still follow on, Wherever the Lamb, their Lord, willeth to go, In harmony perfect, obeying His will, In Heaven His voice and none other they know. 3. His name and His nature they bore here with grace, As virgins in pureness did patiently wait, Now hearing His voice they His worthy praise sing, Whose love and whose gentleness made them so great. 4. In peerless adornment these virgin souls see, With God’s great name bearing engraved on their brow, His mind has become both their joy and their crown, In love to His will, that is perfect they bow. 5. As seed did they fall in the ground here to die, In losing their lives lost their identity, But more than a hundred fold with Him they gained, Thus Christ they revealed in sublime purity. meter→ 8, 8, 11, 8 332: Refuse not Him that speaketh 1. Refuse not Him that speaketh, God calls you from on high, Without His love and pard’ning grace, How fearful ’tis to die. Chorus The heart of God is pleading, O, friend, I loved you so, That I bruised my Son to save your soul From everlasting woe. 2. Refuse not Him that speaketh, Hark, hear the Saviour say, “I gave my life in sacrifice, To purge your sins away.” 3. Refuse not Him that speaketh, If you neglect to hear, What will you do when you are called Before Him to appear. 4. Refuse not Him that speaketh, His gracious words obey, You have no hope outside of Christ, There is no other way. 5. Refuse not Him that speaketh, How fearful if you should Despise and trample underfoot The Saviour’s precious blood. meter→ 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 9, 3 333: Rejoicing in the Lord we walk His lowly way 1. Rejoicing in the Lord, We walk His lowly way. We love His precepts and His word And joyfully obey. Baptized in Jesus’ name, Renouncing self and sin: To all the world we thus proclaim: The Saviour dwells within. 2. We heard the Saviour’s voice When wand’ring far from God. We yielded then and made our choice To walk the path He trod. Baptized in Jesus’ name, Our source of life and bliss. To all the world we thus proclaim: He is our righteousness. 3. With Jesus here apart, God’s holy will to do, His Spirit sealing every heart Will keep us firm and true. Baptized in Jesus’ name, Who died our souls to save. To all the world we thus proclaim: Our hope beyond the grave. 4. He leads us by the hand, Our Master true and kind; Obedient now at His command We leave the world behind. Baptized in Jesus’ name, Hushed is the voice of strife. To all the world we thus proclaim: His Way and Truth and Life. meter→ 4, 5, 7, 3, 4, 4, 7, 4 334: Renew the spirit of my mind 1. Renew the spirit of my mind, That I may walk with God In holiness and righteousness, In faith and purity. Renew the spirit of my mind, Until thine eyes can see The image of Thy Holy One Made manifest in me. 2. Renew the spirit of my mind, Inflame and purify, And shed abroad within my heart Thy love which cannot die. Renew the spirit of my mind, I fear lest I should miss The token of Thy love, Thy seal, And bond of perfectness. 3. Renew the spirit of my mind, Enlighten me in love, And set my heart’s affections on Those things which are above. Renew the spirit of my mind; Then I shall understand And feel and know the power of touch Of Thy Almighty hand. 4. Renew the spirit of my mind, Thou counsellor divine, My meat shall be to do Thy will, And lose my will in Thine. Renew the spirit of my mind, According to Thy Word. Change me into the image of My Master and my Lord. 5. Renew the spirit of my mind; Transformed I long to be, Put off the old that I may bear Thy image perfectly. Renew the spirit of my mind, That I may faithfully Abide in Christ and let Him dwell In me continually. meter→ 6, 6, 4, 4, 6, 5, 6, 4 335: Repose in God and thou shalt find 1. Repose in God and thou shalt find Sweet rest of soul, and peace of mind: Thy confidence let nothing shake, And know that God will not forsake. 2. The rest of faith is rest indeed, He knows thy weariness and need; He weighs thy burdens, feels thy pain, Cast all on Him, He will sustain. 3. Thy soul is anchored safe for aye, He knows it pains to think or pray; And though by fire thy faith is proved The righteous never shall be moved. 4. Though sore afflicted now and tried, Have faith in God, in Christ abide: Thou shalt rejoice on that great day When God shall wipe all tears away. meter→ 7, 8, 5, 7 336: Saviour, hear my heartfelt prayer 1. Saviour, hear my heartfelt prayer, Humbly I implore, In Thy loving, tender care, Let me love Thee more. Source of life and love divine Dwell within this heart of mine, I would love with love like Thine, Love Thee more and more. Chorus Love Thee more, more and more. O enlarge this heart of mine, I would love Thee more. 2. Saviour, Thou didst leave Thy throne In Thy love for me; For my sins Thou didst atone, Now my soul is free. All Thy soul’s deep agony, Thy great love on Calvary Touch my heart appealingly, I would love Thee more. 3. Thou hast loved me unto death, All my pow’rs and will, Gifts Thou lendest with my breath, Shall Thy praise fulfil. All Thy sorrow, grief and shame For my portion now I claim, Honoured thus to bear Thy name, I would love Thee more. 4. Thou hast bought me with Thy blood, Oh, how great the price! Comprehend it, no heart could— Told in sacrifice. All my soul now sighs for Thee; Thirsting, longing, I would be Filled with love’s immensity, Loving more and more. meter→ 5, 3, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 5 337: Saviour, I will gladly follow 1. Saviour, I will gladly follow In the way Thy feet have trod; Other ways will end in darkness, Thou wilt lead me home to God. Chorus Lead me on! oh, lead me on, In the way Thy feet have trod; Saviour, lead me home to God. 2. How I love to trace His footsteps Over every vale and hill! Gladly yielding full surrender To the Father’s blessèd will. 3. Though I know not what awaits me, Yet I will not shrink nor fear: Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, To my mind Thy way make clear. 4. Precious thought, His hand is leading! Though ahead I cannot see; Precious thought, His heart is planning All that’s good and best for me. 5. In the will of God, my Father I would ever seek to be; Through the valley of the shadow He will lead unerringly. meter→ 5, 7, 6, 7, 7, 7, 6 338: Saviour, keep me true and faithful 1. Saviour, keep me true and faithful, Ever yielding to Thy will. Daily walking in Thy counsel, Restful, quiet, calm and still. Chorus Saviour, keep me pure in heart, Ever faithful, true to Thee; Teach me all Thy mind and will, May they be fulfilled in me. 2. Every foe I mean to conquer, Since Thy pow’r and grace are mine, Overcome the wiles of Satan, Strengthened with Thy life divine. 3. When I’m tested, tried and tempted, Keep me under Thy control. Give Thine own sweet rest and comfort To my weary, troubled soul. 4. With a true, unwav’ring purpose, In the strength my Lord supplies. I will face the daily conflict, Pressing on to gain the prize. 5. In the sunlight of His presence, Keep me walking without blame. Manifesting forth Thy praises, Glorifying Thy great name. meter→ 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6 339: Search me, O Lord, and know my inmost heart 1. Search me, O Lord, and know my inmost heart, Let Thy pure light now penetrate each part; I would be pure, my spirit would be free To love and serve in harmony with Thee. 2. Search me, O Lord, and try this heart of mine, Search me and prove if I indeed am Thine. Test by Thy word, that never changed can be, My strength of hope and living faith in Thee. 3. Search me, O Lord, my thoughts in mercy try, Let naught escape Thine all discerning eye. Know every thought, then help me graciously To fix my mind and will to honour Thee. 4. Search me, O Lord, and from the dross of sin Refine as gold, and keep me pure within. Search Thou my ways, whose springs Thine eye can see, From secret faults, O Saviour, cleanse Thou me. 5. Search me, O Lord, and in Thy mercy lead My feet to walk, and let me take good heed That I may hear Thy voice, obey and see The everlasting way that leads to Thee. meter→ 9, 8, 9, 8 339: Search me, O Lord, and know my inmost heart 1. Search me, O Lord, and know my inmost heart, Let Thy pure light now penetrate each part; I would be pure, my spirit would be free To love and serve in harmony with Thee. 2. Search me, O Lord, and try this heart of mine, Search me and prove if I indeed am Thine. Test by Thy word, that never changed can be, My strength of hope and living faith in Thee. 3. Search me, O Lord, my thoughts in mercy try, Let naught escape Thine all discerning eye. Know every thought, then help me graciously To fix my mind and will to honour Thee. 4. Search me, O Lord, and from the dross of sin Refine as gold, and keep me pure within. Search Thou my ways, whose springs Thine eye can see, From secret faults, O Saviour, cleanse Thou me. 5. Search me, O Lord, and in Thy mercy lead My feet to walk, and let me take good heed That I may hear Thy voice, obey and see The everlasting way that leads to Thee. meter→ 9, 8, 9, 8 340: Seek the Lord while you may find Him 1. Seek the Lord while you may find Him, Soul so weary, worn; Seek Him now and He will hear you, Do not longer spurn His Salvation; you may freely From His hand partake; He’s the Friend who never changes, He will not forsake. 2. Seek the Lord while you may find Him, Call while He is near; Long in mercy He has lingered, Does your heart not fear? Lest He leave you in His anger, Leave you to your doom, Hear Him tenderly repeating, “Come my child, there’s room.” 3. Seek the Lord while you may find Him, He is very nigh; Do not close your heart to Jesus, He is passing by. He will hear the faintest whisper From the broken heart; He is waiting to deliver, He will take thy part. 4. Seek the Lord while you may find Him, Do not turn away; After sowing comes the reaping, And the reck’ning day. Jesus waits with words of pardon, None so kind as He; Turn your back on sin forever, He will welcome thee. meter→ 8, 4, 8, 4, 5, 4, 6, 4 341: Seeking for a better country 1. Seeking for a better country, Pilgrims, we are marching on, God is calling, we will follow Where the Master’s feet have gone. Chorus Suff’ring must precede the glory, But we know His will is best; After toil and tribulation, Comes the joy of home and rest. 2. Call’d of God to follow Jesus, And His footsteps daily trace; Love divine, so pure and changeless, Speeds us on to run the race. 3. Oft the desert way is dreary, But our hearts rejoice to know Jesus leads, He knows the pathway, Joyfully with Him we go. 4. We must share in His rejection, Daily face the battle’s strife; Fellowship with Him in suff’ring Brings the resurrection life. 5. We shall bear our Master’s image, Let this thought possess our soul; All our life at His disposal, Onward pressing to the goal. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 7, 4, 7 342: Sin is the only thing I fear 1. Sin is the only thing I fear, To separate me from my God, But cleansing from all sin is near, The fountain of the Saviour’s blood. Chorus Oh, wondrous love and can it be, Before the great eternal Throne, My Saviour’s sprinkled blood I see, Is pleading, pleading for His own. 2. I have an advocate above Who bears my name upon His hands, He pleads for me in Sov’reign love ’Tis mightier than all commands. 3. His intercession shall prevail, The Light of Faith shall not grow dim Though heart and flesh would often fail, I know I am complete in Him. 4. He prays for all His chosen seed That they might wrestle, strive and pray, Behold His beauty while they plead, And bear His image on that day. 5. My one desire and prayer is this, Lord speed my feet that I may run, The way of peace and holiness, Until the crown of life is won. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6 343: Since Jesus came to dwell with me 1. Since Jesus came to dwell with me, The peace of God is mine; His joy and gladness fills my soul, And life which is divine. In sin’s dark way I cease to roam, For God in mercy leads me home. 2. The pilgrim way is steep and lone When clouds obscure my view, But grace and mercy bears me on, And hope is born anew. Faith speeds me onward in the night, To dwell with God in heaven’s clear light. 3. Though tribulation be my lot, It is my Father’s will That I should drink without complaint The cup His hand doth fill. Earth’s bitter must precede the sweet Eternal rest at Jesus feet. 4. As clay within the potter’s hands, He moulds my life each day, He understands, and why should I, His Holy will gainsay? A vessel for His use made meet Must needs pass through the furnace heat. 5. A new creation will arise, When self is lost, forgot. The language of my heart shall be, “From henceforth I am not. I live and move in Thee alone, No other Sov’reign will I own.” 6. I fear the law of sin and death, Which leads to bitter strife, And foes within would rise to quell The resurrection life; But Christ will give the victory, Much more than conqueror I shall be. 7. The language of the broken heart None but the Saviour knows, The fierce temptations which assail— Those strong and cruel foes; But in His strength the foe we face, And prove His all sufficient grace. 8. The life of self will always rise To mar our happiness; If only in this life we hope, How short would be our bliss— But hope will reach beyond the grave, Anchored in Him, the strong to save. 9. He lives in power at God’s right hand, The faithful One and true, And this vile body He will change And fashion it anew, To dwell with Him and share His bliss, His glory and His righteousness. 10. Though weak and toil worn, don’t despair. Strong in the Spirit’s might, Resist our subtle enemy— And put the foe to flight. Your faith, triumphant, will prevail, Till safe with Christ beyond the veil. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 5, 8, 7 344: Since Jesus conquered death and hell 1. Since Jesus conquered death and hell, And put away my sin, I know the cleansing of His blood, I have His life within; Abiding in the living vine, The fruits of righteousness are mine. 2. My human nature would oppose His just and righteous reign, But when the Lamb of God prevails, My peace returns again. When self prevails I soon decline, And darkness fills this heart of mine. 3. Opposing forces are at work Within continually, My carnal mind usurps the throne, The place where Christ should be. When Satan rules I must repine, The bitterness of death is mine. 4. Since I must suffer in the flesh, Lord arm me with the mind Of Him who all the law fulfilled, And never once inclined To sin, but gave His life divine A willing sacrifice for mine. 5. Thou hast all power in Heaven, on earth, And all contained therein. Prevail in me, Thou sinless one, That I may strive and win. My living Lord, I now resign— Let all Thy will prevail o’er mine. 6. The law of sin and death would rise To hide my Saviour’s face; My only armour is— all prayer, And all His powerful grace; Thy law is life— arise and shine, Prevail in this poor heart of mine. 7. Oh, Lamb of God, Thou shalt prevail, And I shall surely see The Root of David spring afresh, And bring forth fruit in me. The power and glory shall be Thine, And life Eternal shall be mine. 8. Thy law, Oh God, is liberty, Life from the dead alway; Thy life shall raise me up to bear Christ’s image on that day, Oh, Royal seed in David’s line, This honour shall alone be Thine. meter→ 6, 5, 7, 5, 5, 6 345: Sincere, without offence until that day 1. Sincere, without offence until that day When Christ shall come to bear His own away, From these sad scenes of turmoil, sin and strife, Unto the gates of everlasting life. 2. Sincere, without offence, throughout the days, Filled with the fruits of righteousness and praise, Your life is in the Christ whose name you love, His grace and truth, your portion from above. 3. Sincere, without offence, who then shall blame The souls on that great day who bear His name? His own redeemed shall see His face with joy, His glory, service, praise, their chief employ. meter→ 6, 9, 9, 6 346: “Some day,” you say, “I will seek the Lord” 1. “Some day,” you say, “I will seek the Lord, Some day I will make my choice, Some day, some day I will heed His word, And answer the Spirit’s voice.” Chorus Choose now, just now! for the Lord is here, And does for your answer wait; Choose now, just while the call is clear, Tomorrow may be too late. 2. God’s time is now! for the days fly fast, And swiftly the seasons roll; Today is yours, it may be your last, Choose life for your priceless soul. 3. Choose now, just now! there’s a soul at stake; Oh, what will your answer be? ’Tis life or death, and the choice you make Is made for eternity. meter→ 9, 7, 9, 5, 9, 6, 8, 5 347: Songs in the night He giveth 1. Songs in the night He giveth, Fear not the darkness drear, The Light of Life still liveth, Thy God is always near. 2. He giveth songs of gladness To every faithful soul, And hope to banish sadness, And faith to make thee whole. 3. To learn the song Eternal, We must pass through the night, To gain those joys supernal In God’s unclouded light. 4. Faint not, the sun is shining Upon the earth He trod. Press on, cease thy repining And reach the heart of God. 5. Songs in the night still singing, I shall not be afraid, New songs forever springing Arise from death’s dark shade. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 5 348: Soul adrift without the Saviour 1. Soul adrift without the Saviour, With no hope beyond the grave: Look and see the hand of Jesus, Held in mercy now to save. Chorus Grasp the hand held out in mercy, Come in spite of fear and doubt; He who knows your sin and sorrow, Will in no wise cast you out. 2. Seek the Lord while you may find Him. Call on Him while He is near; Though the hosts of sin may hinder, Come to Jesus, do not fear. 3. Hear His pleading voice so tender, “Soul, I died that you might live;” And your life so dearly purchased, Can you still refuse to give? 4. Still He calls, and yet you linger; Why will you His love gainsay? Know ye not that there will never Come a more convenient day? meter→ 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7 349: Souls of mine now drifting downward 1. Souls of mine now drifting downward, Stop, oh, stop in your career; Hark, it is the voice of Jesus; Anxiously He’s waiting near. Chorus Oh, return, Oh, come, return. Souls of mine, return to God. 2. On this earth I toiled and laboured, Manifesting love divine, God’s own way and truth revealing In this lowly life of mine. 3. On the cross for you I suffered, Paid your ransom with my blood, Souls of mine, I died to save you, Oh, return, return to God! 4. From the tomb I rose triumphant, Burst the bands of death and Hell, Hearken now, your Prince and Saviour Longs within your heart to dwell. 5. Judge of all the earth, I’m coming Soon to claim my chosen Bride. Oh, what anguish, weeping, wailing, Shall befall those left outside. meter→ 6, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6 350: Sowing, ever sowing, do not stay your hand 1. Sowing, ever sowing, Do not stay your hand, Scatter forth the good seed, Broadcast o’er the land. Yield yourself in service, Ever glad and free, Keep yourself and others Safe from penury. Chorus Sow beside all waters, Sow the Gospel seed. Souls in sin are dying, Help them in their need. 2. Sowing, ever sowing, Darkness all around, Enemies resist you, Ruthless foes abound: God is ever faithful, Sow the precious seed, To the clouds, the tempest, Never giving heed. 3. Sowing, ever sowing, Though the world deride, Satan’s host assailing In the Lord abide. Through Him you shall conquer, Do not faint or yield, Never cease your sowing In the worldwide field. 4. Sowing, ever sowing, God is looking on, Nought from Him withholding, Till your life is gone. Rich and sure the harvest Of a wealth untold, From the buried seed shall rise A hundredfold. meter→ 3, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 351: Sweet is Thy voice, my Saviour 1. Sweet is Thy voice, my Saviour, Oh, let me hear Thee speak, I now intreat Thy favour, Thy loving kindness seek. Thou art my soul’s beloved, Thy favour is my life, My strength, my shield, my buckler, To nerve me for the strife. 2. I long to drink more deeply Of Thy unchanging love, That love which never faileth, Sure as Thy Throne above, That love which thinks no evil, Is kind and suffers long, Fills all my soul with gladness, Sweet melody and song. 3. To walk with Thee, Lord Jesus, Is all my soul’s desire, To follow in Thy footsteps My heart would fain aspire, And be like Thee, more lowly, Clothed with humility, This secret source of greatness And grace impart to me. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6 352: Take forth the precious from the vile 1. Take forth the precious from the vile, The dross and all that would defile, This is my Lord’s decree. Lord I am in Thy mighty hand, I will obey Thy least command, And wholly yield to Thee. 2. God knows His servant through and through; Work Thou in me to will and do, Until Thy work is done, I want to know Thy mind and will; Thy every thought and wish fulfill, Till I am like Thy Son. 3. I know this is Thy plan for me. All that Thou willest I will be. Sufficient is Thy grace, The furnace heat I will endure, Till Thou canst see when clear and pure The image of Thy face. meter→ 7, 7, 5, 7, 6, 5 353: Take My yoke upon you 1. Take my yoke upon you, Come and learn of me. Bear my yoke and burden, If thou would’st be free. 2. I am meek and lowly, Inwardly in heart. These most precious virtues I will now impart. 3. Prove my yoke is easy, Let my mind control. Prove how light the burden, Bringing rest of soul. meter→ 5, 5, 5, 5 354: Take one forward step with Jesus 1. Take one forward step with Jesus, Speed your feet to follow Him Lest He vanish in the distance, And the eye of faith grow dim. Chorus Take one forward step with Jesus, Perfect love will cast out fear. Love and prayer and faith’s clear vision Always see the Saviour near. 2. Take one forward step with Jesus, Let your heart be filled with praise, Since the Lord Himself has promised, Strength proportioned to your days. 3. Take one forward step with Jesus; Know ye not He lives to care? His own peace your heart possessing, Walk in fellowship and prayer. 4. Take one forward step with Jesus, Do not let your courage fail. Think of Him who paid your ransom, Pleading now within the veil. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 7, 6, 6, 7, 5 354: Take one forward step with Jesus 1. Take one forward step with Jesus, Speed your feet to follow Him Lest He vanish in the distance, And the eye of faith grow dim. Chorus Take one forward step with Jesus, Perfect love will cast out fear. Love and prayer and faith’s clear vision Always see the Saviour near. 2. Take one forward step with Jesus, Let your heart be filled with praise, Since the Lord Himself has promised, Strength proportioned to your days. 3. Take one forward step with Jesus; Know ye not He lives to care? His own peace your heart possessing, Walk in fellowship and prayer. 4. Take one forward step with Jesus, Do not let your courage fail. Think of Him who paid your ransom, Pleading now within the veil. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 7, 6, 6, 7, 5 355: Take the hand that Jesus offers 1. Take the hand that Jesus offers, Held in mercy now to Thee. He will give you peace and pardon, And your burdened soul set free. Chorus Come to me, Oh weary heart, Heavy laden, sore oppressed, Jesus waits to take thy part, He will give your soul sweet rest. 2. Take the hand that Jesus offers, He will satisfy your heart, Seal you with His Holy Spirit, And His righteousness impart. 3. Take the hand that Jesus offers, He will give your soul release, Save you from the power of evil. Lead you in the way of peace. 4. Take the hand that Jesus offers, Bruised for your iniquity, By those tender hands they nailed Him On the cross of Calvary. 5. Take the hand that Jesus offers, Think of all His grief and pain, On those hands held out to save you, Cruel nail prints still remain. 6. Take the hand that Jesus offers, For your sins He bled and died, Look and see, those marks of suff’ring In His hands, His feet, His side. 7. Take the hand that Jesus offers, Leave earth’s luring vanity, Come and seek a better country, Safe with Christ eternally. meter→ 6, 6, 7, 6, 6, 4, 6, 7 356: Take the yoke of Jesus, hearken to His voice 1. Take the yoke of Jesus, Hearken to His voice; Willingly obey Him— In His will rejoice. 2. Take the yoke of Jesus, Bear it patiently; Lowliness and meekness He will give to thee. 3. Take the yoke of Jesus, Learn His gracious will, Doing His good pleasure, Confident and still. 4. Take the yoke of Jesus, Let His mind control; This shall be your portion, Peace and rest of soul. 5. Take the yoke of Jesus, Serve Him joyfully, One in mind and purpose, Faith and purity. 6. Take the yoke of Jesus, Love Him to the end; You shall dwell forever With this faithful friend. 7. Take the yoke of Jesus, He will never fail; In the fiercest conflict Thou shalt sure prevail. 8. Take the yoke of Jesus, All your will resign; One in Heart and spirit, Let His will be Thine. 9. Take the yoke of Jesus, Ever faithful be; You will share His glory In Eternity. meter→ 5, 4, 3, 4 357: Take your cross and follow Jesus 1. Take your cross and follow Jesus, Though narrow the way and strait By the world He loved, rejected, He suffered outside the gate. Chorus He suffered outside the gate, Enduring the scorn and hate, Rejected, God’s Holy one died, Dishonoured outside the gate. 2. Though the world may frown upon you, How happy is your estate. To walk with the Prince of Glory, Who suffered outside the gate. 3. Oh, refuse not Him that speaketh, Make haste ere it be too late, Choose reproach with God’s anointed, Who suffered outside the gate. 4. Oh, think of the lowly Saviour, And no longer hesitate, But share in your Lord’s rejection, Who suffered outside the gate. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 358: Teach us, Lord, our days to number 1. Teach us, Lord, our days to number, That our hearts we may apply Unto wisdom, ever seeking Christ our Lord to glorify. Chorus Teach us, Lord, to walk in wisdom, While our days are speeding past; Grant that we may bear Thine image Till we reach our home at last. 2. Teach us, Lord, our days to number, Short and brief life’s longest span: Make us wise with heav’nly wisdom, Doing good while yet we can. 3. Teach us, Lord, our days to number, Wake our souls to righteousness; Save us from things seen and temp’ral, Thou, our source of life and bliss. 4. Teach us, Lord, our days to number, May we spend them one and all In Thy service, watching, waiting, Till we hear the final call. meter→ 7, 6, 4, 5, 7, 6, 7, 7 359: Tell me again of God’s wonderful love 1. Tell me again of God’s wonderful love: How Jesus left those fair mansions above; Suffered and died for my sins on the tree, He made atonement for you and for me. Chorus Tell how He lived, tell how He died, Sorely afflicted, and nailed to the tree; Wounded and bruised for the sins of the world, Love so abounding, Oh! tell it to me. 2. Tell me again how He wept for their sin, Opened life’s gate that they all might come in; But they despised Him and hardened their heart, Cast out their Saviour, and bade Him depart. 3. Tell me again how in sorrow He prayed; All our transgressions on Jesus were laid: None was found worthy for sin to atone, Death’s bitter cup He must drink it alone. 4. Tell me again how the multitude scorns Christ their redeemer and crown Him with thorns; Mock’d Him as king while they smote Him again; Meekly He suffered and did not complain. 5. Tell how exceedingly bitter His cry, Nailed to the cross where they left Him to die; Grieved and forsaken, God spared not His Son, Love’s mighty work of redemption is done. meter→ 7, 7, 9, 8, 8, 7, 9, 8 360: The breathing of my soul is after God 1. The breathing of my soul is after God; In my poor heart His love now shed abroad Draws on my soul with ardent longings deep, To follow Christ, the Shepherd of the sheep. I love Him now because He first loved me, And where He is, there shall His servant be. 2. Through never failing love I shall endure And make my calling and election sure. His tender mercy rich, supplies of grace, Shall keep me sure and steady in the place My Shepherd’s heart of love has planned for me, And where He is, there shall His servant be. 3. I want to follow where His feet have gone And serve Him until that great morn shall dawn— The morn of God’s serene eternal day, Where pain and former things have passed away. In love He took the servant’s place for me, And where He is, there shall His servant be. meter→ 8, 9, 8, 8, 9, 9 361: The call of grace has reached my soul 1. The call of grace has reached my soul, Self love and all self will I flee. With Thee all things are possible, O God, reveal Thy Son in me. Chorus Behold my prayer, my one desire Before Thy Throne continually, Like incense it is burning there— O God, reveal Thy Son in me. 2. Can I resist the call of grace? All powerful, so appealingly, It stirs my inmost soul to pray, O God, reveal Thy Son in me. 3. Resigned to all Thy Holy will I will submit myself to Thee, Let self continually decrease, That Christ may be revealed in me. 4. The call of grace I will obey, Then all the world may look and see I live and yet, ’tis no more I: God’s Son is now revealed in me. meter→ 8, 8, 6, 7, 6, 4, 6, 7 362: The door of God’s sheepfold is open 1. The door of God’s sheepfold is open, Oh, why will you not enter in? Come now while the Shepherd is waiting And He will forgive all your sin. Chorus Constrain them to come is the message To all who now wander abroad, A place and a name is awaiting For you in the Kingdom of God. 2. Refuse not the Lord’s invitation, Come, enter the door of the fold, An heir to His Kingdom and glory, His riches and pleasures untold. 3. The Shepherd who came from God’s bosom, His nature and life will impart, Oh, make Him your Lord and your Master, And let Him now dwell in your heart. 4. The Saviour who died to redeem you, Is calling and yet there is room, Oh, come while His Spirit is striving, Escape from sins judgement and doom. meter→ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 7, 7 363: The evening shades are falling fast 1. The ev’ning shades are falling fast, The night is coming on apace, And time for you will soon be o’er, To prove the riches of His grace. How many careful, troubled souls, So busied with the toil and strife Are held and captivated still, With things pertaining to this life? 2. So patiently the Saviour waits, To meet the ardent, longing heart, Who pleads with importunity To know and choose the better part. Oh, brother, sister while you may, Come now and learn at Jesus’ feet, One thing is needful— one alone: To stand in all His will complete. 3. Your days are few, time cannot wait, Let worldly minds their joys pursue. But take your opportunity; The one thing needful keep in view, Eternal wisdom bids you come, God’s way and truth and life is nigh, Now is the favoured time for you To learn from Him who cannot lie. 4. O, hark it is the Master’s voice Give ear: His counsel is for thee; Come buy the gold and raiment white, To make you rich eternally. meter→ 6, 6, 8, 7, 5, 7, 5, 6 364: The fields are white and harvest time is near 1. The fields are white and harvest time is near, When you and I before God must appear To reap the fruit of seed on earth we’ve sown; We’ll hear “Depart ye cursed” or, “Ye blessèd come.” Chorus We’re sowing, we’re sowing, Out on life’s harvest field And every little seed we sow, Some fruit will yield. 2. The fields are white, there’s much for all to do; Great is the need, and lab’rers still are few; Think of the precious souls that careless roam, And of the fate that ’waits them at the harvest home. 3. Seeds we have scatter’d, broadcast every where, Will rise again, some kind of fruit they’ll bear. Which shall it be when reaping time has come? Shall you be cast away as tares, or garner’d home. meter→ 9, 8, 10, 9, 4, 5, 6, 4 365: The hand of God hath touched me 1. The hand of God hath touched me, Hath touched and brought me low, Discovered all the hidden parts, That I myself might know. 2. The hand of God hath touched me, Hath touched my very soul, That I may know that He must reign, Must rule and have control. 3. The hand of God hath touched me, Have pity, oh, my friends, Have patience till I reconcile Myself to all He sends. 4. The hand of God hath touched me, Your pity you will hold, But know ye not when I am tried, I shall come forth as gold. 5. The hand of God hath touched me, How heavy are His hands, My friends all fail to sympathize, But still He understands. meter→ 7, 6, 5, 5 366: The happy hour will surely come 1. The happy hour will surely come When I shall rise to dwell with Thee, To serve my Lord and see His face, And bear His name eternally. 2. My sighs and tears shall reach Thy heart, While in the body here I groan, Till all that’s mortal ends in life, Where self is lost and sin unknown. 3. Let self decrease that Christ may live, And manifest His life in me, Let Christ alone be magnified, Both now and through eternity. meter→ 6, 8, 8, 5 367: The harvest fields are white 1. The harvest fields are white, Lift up your eyes, and see That countless hosts are perishing, And God hath need of thee. Chorus The harvest fields are white, How can you still delay? When souls for whom the Saviour died Are perishing today. 2. Vast multitudes now roam, Like sheep they go astray; Let love divine now move your heart, To labour while you may. 3. God’s heart was moved with love, He sent His Son to die; Oh, how can you remain at ease, And hear the lost one’s cry. 4. He bought you with His blood, Your life no longer keep; Forsaking all, go forth with Him And seek His wand’ring sheep. meter→ 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 7, 3 368: The heart of God is always grieved 1. The heart of God is always griev’d Unless His chosen people pray, And seek His all sufficient grace To keep them in the evil day. 2. Pray’r is the strong connecting link, The vital, quick’ning, heav’nly flame Which burns within the hearts of all Who live to honour His great Name. 3. Effectual, fervent pray’rs shall bring God’s richest blessings from above; All pray’r prevails with Him who reigns For evermore in sov’reign love. 4. Pray’r moves the loving heart of God To grant these favours from on high— A wise and understanding heart, The clear, discerning, single eye. meter→ 7, 5, 6, 7 369: The heart of God’s chosen disciples 1. The heart of God’s chosen disciples, Subdued by the dews of His grace And broken in spirit before Him, May walk in the light of His face. The path of the just shineth brighter, They trust and their burdens are lighter, The path of the just shineth brighter, They trust and their burdens are lighter. 2. The heart of God’s own little children, Renewed and made righteous in Him, Shine forth as a light in the darkness, Their glory no darkness can dim. They cease from their own sad repining, But never can cease from their shining, They cease from their own sad repining, But never can cease from their shining. 3. He dwells with the poor and the contrite, With them in the high holy place, Reviving the humble in spirit And speeding them on in the race. His treasure the meek and the lowly, In Him every heart is made holy. His treasure the meek and the lowly, In Him every heart is made holy. 4. They speak of His Kingdom and glory, As strangers and pilgrims they roam, But soon as His own priceless jewels He’s coming to gather them home To shine in His Kingdom forever, There’s no separation, no never! To shine in His Kingdom forever, There’s no separation, no— never! meter→ 6, 7, 6, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7 370: The height and depth of God’s redeeming love 1. The height and depth of God’s redeeming love No mind can comprehend, no tongue can tell God’s gift unspeakable from heav’n above Is Christ revealed in humble hearts to dwell. 2. O Lamb of God, in Thee I rest secure, Thou art the King of righteousness and peace, Thy love unfailing shall for aye endure, Abound within my soul and never cease. 3. O love which brought my Saviour from on high, How can my soul declare Thy matchless worth? I know, I feel that Thou art always nigh To save me from the worthless things of earth. 4. O length and breadth of love and sov’reign grace, I sigh and long to lose myself in Thee, That I may fully apprehend and trace The footprints of the One who died for me. 5. O boundless love, O, fathomless abyss, My soul is lost in Thy immensity, In Thee I find my joy and holiness, The fulness of the Godhead bodily. meter→ 8, 8, 6, 8 371: The law of God is in my heart 1. The law of God is in my heart, None of my steps shall ever slide, I fear not Satan’s fiery dart, The Lord of hosts is on my side. 2. Weak and irresolute I feel, Among earth’s gay and worldly throng, But God anoints and gives His seal, And in His strength I now am strong. 3. The wicked watch my daily walk And seek to turn me from the way, I spurn their vain and foolish talk, And do not cease to watch and pray. 4. Though others fail and turn aside, I hope to glory in the cross; By fire the gold is purified And separated from earth’s dross. 5. More precious than earth’s gems or gold, The trial of our faith in God; The riches of Christ’s wealth untold Are found within the path He trod. 6. When manifold temptations come, Sweep in upon me like a flood, My heart is sore and lips are dumb, But still I trust His precious blood. 7. Though dark and deep the valley seems Through which my weary feet must go, ’Mid shattered hopes and blighted dreams, With tears and precious seed I sow. 8. Life is not vain for those who yield To God in true humility, And drink the cup His hand has filled, In faith and all sincerity. meter→ 8, 7, 6, 8 372: The life of Paul the faithful 1. The life of Paul the faithful Is sweet to heart and mind, He chose to walk with Jesus And leave the world behind. He viewed the better country, Its riches won his heart, The love of Christ constraining To choose the better part. 2. In watchings and in fastings, In weariness and pain, He bravely fought the battle, The crown of life to gain. He gave the whole burnt off’ring. The daily sacrifice, His all upon the altar, Most precious in God’s eyes. 3. He did not fail nor falter, Strong in the grace of God, He walked the lowly pathway The suff’ring Saviour trod, To him both praise and honour Were but a passing show, While pressing on and forward The Son of God to know. 4. Beyond the seen and temp’ral He saw the Heav’nly prize, The scorn and shame and suff’ring For Christ He did despise, The life and light eternal Possessed his heart and soul, He kept His body under, And pressed toward the goal. 5. He saw the world in darkness, Confused and tempest tossed, He magnified the Saviour In lab’ring for the lost, Persuading Jew and Gentile From coming wrath to flee, Forsaking sin and bondage For Christ and liberty. 6. He ran the race with patience, Undaunted to the end, One heart, one mind, one purpose, The gospel to defend. He stood alone, forsaken, But God was on his side For Christ he lived and suffered; Faithful to Him he died. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 373: The Lord has whispered in my heart 1. The Lord has whispered in my heart, “When many doubts and fears assail, By prayer and faith you overcome, Your enemies shall not prevail.” 2. I suffered much when manifold Temptations tried me by the way, My prayers and tears prevailed with God, And He will hear you when you pray. 3. Oppressed, afflicted and dismayed, I trod the winepress all alone, Exceeding sorrowful I prayed, And God did not forsake His own. 4. He giveth power unto the faint, And out of weakness makes them strong, He satisfies the longing soul, And turns their mourning into song. 5. Let prayers and praise ascend to Him, Who feels for your infirmity; His heart is touched, He faileth not To intercede with God for thee. 6. Draw near to God in Jesus’ name, And there within the holy place Pour out your heart, your soul’s desire, To Him, before the throne of grace. 7. Our faithful God, He cannot fail; Hold fast, and great shall be your gain, With robes made white in Jesus’ blood, For evermore with Him to reign. meter→ 7, 6, 6, 5 374: The Lord is our defence 1. The Lord is our defence We will arise and sing, The “Holy One” of Israel Is now our God and King. 2. In great humility The Saviour came to die, He purged our sins and now He lives At God’s right hand on high. 3. He reigns in majesty O’er hearts His love had won; This is the burden of their prayer: “Thy holy will be done.” 4. As now we face the foe, He keeps our toiling feet, Our Master Jesus true and kind Will save us from defeat. 5. When Jesus comes again, His people will rejoice, For they shall see Him face to face And hear the Bridegroom’s voice. 6. What rapture when they meet, The Bridegroom and the Bride; How glorious then that face so marred, His hands, His feet, His side. meter→ 5, 5, 5, 6 375: The Lord my Shepherd is 1. The Lord my Shepherd is, My heart no want can know; He gently leads me by the hand, Where verdant pastures grow. He knows my every need, And safe with Him I go, In calm and quietness to rest, Where living waters flow. 2. When wearied with the strife, My soul He doth restore; His lovingkindness woos my heart, To love Him more and more. The path of righteousness, With Him I gladly take. Why should I stray? He leads the way, E’en for His own name’s sake. 3. To walk the vale of death, Is sweet, with Jesus near; His rod and staff they comfort me, No evil will I fear. My table He prepares, In presence of the foe; When His anointing I receive, My cup doth overflow. 4. Goodness and mercy shall, Be with me all my days; Preserved and kept by Him I am, From all the bypath ways. His presence with me now, Brings joy forevermore, And through a long eternity, His ways I shall adore. meter→ 5, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 6, 4 376: The love of God now fills my soul 1. The love of God now fills my soul. My Lord shall have supreme control: He will complete His work begun, Transform and make me like His Son. Chorus This is my prayer continually, “Lord, may Thy Kingdom come in me. Let all Thy holy will be done, Transform and make me like Thy Son.” 2. I have a living Christ within Who gives me vict’ry over sin, As I obey His loving voice, And in His holiness rejoice. 3. I would not grieve this dearest Friend, I’ll follow Him unto the end Of life’s short day, for this I know— A crown of life He will bestow. 4. He has prepared for me a place, And I shall see my Saviour’s face. Serve Him with joy eternally, The Lamb of God, who died for me. meter→ 8, 6, 6, 7, 5, 7, 7, 7 376: The love of God now fills my soul 1. The love of God now fills my soul. My Lord shall have supreme control: He will complete His work begun, Transform and make me like His Son. Chorus This is my prayer continually, “Lord, may Thy Kingdom come in me. Let all Thy holy will be done, Transform and make me like Thy Son.” 2. I have a living Christ within Who gives me vict’ry over sin, As I obey His loving voice, And in His holiness rejoice. 3. I would not grieve this dearest Friend, I’ll follow Him unto the end Of life’s short day, for this I know— A crown of life He will bestow. 4. He has prepared for me a place, And I shall see my Saviour’s face. Serve Him with joy eternally, The Lamb of God, who died for me. meter→ 8, 6, 6, 7, 5, 7, 7, 7 377: The love of Jesus fills my soul 1. The love of Jesus fills my soul, My heart is under His control. Though oft I serve with tears and sighs, I have that love which never dies. 2. Rejoice my soul with joy and sing, He reigns within, my Saviour, King, His love the power of death defies, The love of Jesus never dies. 3. God wills that self should be denied, My faith and patience sorely tried, Although the will of nature cries, His love prevails and never dies. 4. I will hold fast my confidence, Exceeding great the recompense. His image is the glorious prize, Where love immortal never dies. 5. His work in me He will maintain, His name and nature I shall gain. My every need His love supplies, Love never fails and never dies. 6. Love faileth not; love cannot fail. Though powers of earth and hell assail, God’s Spirit in my heart replies, The love of Jesus never dies. meter→ 7, 6, 8, 7 378: The Master has taken His servant 1. The Master hath taken His servant From toil, tribulation and strife, Obeying the call, “Come up higher,” Our loved one has now entered life. His heart, fully won by the Saviour Was wholly devoted to Him. His love and the light of His count’nance, No forces of evil can dim. 2. How sweet is the rest from all labour And strivings without and within, Resisting the wiles of the tempter, The world with its follies and sin. How rich are the fruits of the harvest, And treasures which God has in store For those who are loyal and faithful To reap and enjoy evermore. 3. How great is the joy and the gladness Of those who are safe in the fold, The storm and the tempest is over, The watchings and fastings untold. At home with the Father forever, Where nought can the spirit appal, He rests with the loved ones in glory, With Jesus the fairest of all. 4. Since death has removed our dear brother, We mourn and are lonely and sad; To meet him again in the morning, Our hearts will be joyful and glad. Farewell, friend, beloved, how we miss you, Sweet counsel together is o’er, But soon we shall meet in the homeland, Where sorrow can come nevermore. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 7, 7, 5, 8, 6 379: The narrow way of holiness 1. The narrow way of Holiness I fain would enter in, But must deny, forsake myself, And suff’ring, cease from sin. 2. The unclean shall not pass that way, God keeps it safe, secure, For His redeemed, His free born sons Whose hearts and lives are pure. 3. No lion shall be found therein, No rav’nous beast of prey, Self must be crucified and slain, And nature must decay. 4. This sacred way God hath prepared, And offers now to me, The wayfaring forsaking all, His Holiness shall see. meter→ 5, 5, 5, 5 380: The path, though steep and narrow 1. The path, though steep and narrow, My weary feet must tread; I will not grieve nor murmur, My Lord is just ahead. Though sin is raging round me And I must face the foe, My hope and shield is Jesus And so I onward go. Chorus Stronger than the strong is He, Strong to give the victory; He is interceding, With the Father pleading, Stronger than the strong is He. 2. Amid the storm and tempest, I hear His voice so sweet; He speaks my soul to comfort, And stay my wav’ring feet. His hand is good upon me, And I rejoice to know That Jesus is my leader And so I onward go. 3. Though great the tribulation, Exceeding great the prize; The glory is eternal, And joy that never dies. I have His presence with me, Amid earth’s pain and woe; He is my consolation, And so I onward go. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6 381: The poor in spirit ask no more 1. The poor in spirit ask no more Than entrance at the Kingdom’s door. They have a claim: their poverty Is all the King requires to see. 2. Their’s is an undisputed claim, Presented in the Saviour’s name, They have a key, those blessed poor, To open wide the Kingdom’s door. 3. Their poverty and low estate, Are gifts from God, exceeding great, I mourn to have that right divine Which makes the Kingdom’s riches mine. meter→ 7, 6, 6, 7 382: The Reaper’s final call has come 1. The Reaper’s final call has come, The Father wants His child, To share His home Eternally, In glory undefiled. 2. Another jewel gathered home, To gleam in that fair land, And join the company of those, Redeemed at God’s right hand. 3. His servants there shall see His face, And hear His glad sweet voice, As tenderly He wipes their tears, And bids them now rejoice. 4. The former things have passed away, All care and toil and pain, Earth’s ling’ring grief and death’s cold touch, Shall never come again. 5. How deep their joy how sweet to serve, In those blest courts on high, Where thirst and hunger cannot come, And love can never die. 6. Farewell until we meet again, With all the blood-washed throng, Who praise His name for evermore, His love their theme and song. meter→ 6, 5, 5, 3 383: The precious blood of Jesus has washed my sins away 1. The precious Blood of Jesus Has washed my sins away; I love my Lord and Master, His voice I will obey. To me the lines have fallen In pleasant places here; It is my joy and comfort To know my Lord is near. Chorus I have chosen to follow Where saints and martyrs trod In the footsteps of Jesus, Lowly Son of God. 2. The path of lonely sorrow My Saviour trod for me; With Him in sweet communion My spirit longs to be. I love to keep His sayings And prove His statutes right; Enduring tribulation, Clothed in His Spirit’s might. 3. I know His way is perfect, His precious Word is true; And all His righteous precepts I will observe and do. My lips shall sing His praises, His law is my delight; My heart is filled with gladness While walking in the light. 4. His word of truth I treasure And hide it in my heart, Lest I should sin against Him And from the Way depart. How could I grieve the Spirit, Of Him, my faithful Friend, When grace is freely given To keep me to the end? 5. My sins which once were scarlet Are whiter than the snow; And on my way rejoicing With Jesus now I go. In love He paid my ransom, And He will give me grace To stand at His appearing And see Him face to face. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 4, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4 384: The precious blood of Jesus is now my only plea 1. The precious blood of Jesus Is now my only plea. No glitt’ring gold could ever Redeem and ransom me. His side was torn and riven, Forth from His heart there flowed A crimson fount for cleansing, When bearing sin’s great load. Chorus The precious blood of Jesus Redeems and ransoms me, The blessèd Lamb of Heaven, The Lord alone shall be. 2. The precious blood of Jesus I need each passing day, So prone my feet to wander Far from the narrow way, Sweet thought in midst of conflict Serves as a sacred cord, The Saviour bled and suffered, That He might be my Lord. 3. None other Lord could ever Thus live for me and die Upon the tree of sorrow, Betwixt the earth and sky. When chill of death is nearing, This shall my fears allay, Thy blood is all prevailing, Dear Lord, my hope and stay. meter→ 5, 5, 5, 4, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5 385: The Saviour calls so earnestly 1. The Saviour calls so earnestly, As on to death you’re speeding, Will you not hearken to His voice, As with your soul He’s pleading? Chorus He wept and prayed in agony, He bore your sins on Calvary. He drank the cup, Death’s bitter cup, for thee. 2. If you reject the Saviour’s love, How sad will be your ending, To hear those words, “Depart from me.” Your soul and spirit rending. 3. How fearful then the sinner’s doom, And oh, what weeping, wailing, Their day for grace is past and gone, And prayers are unavailing. 4. The Saviour longs to be your friend, And banish gloom and sadness, He offers you eternal life, His peace and joy and gladness. 5. He died to save your priceless soul From endless woe and sorrow, Oh, yield your heart your life to Him, Wait not until the morrow. meter→ 5, 6, 7, 6, 6, 6, 4, 5 386: The Saviour is calling, give ear to His voice 1. The Saviour is calling, Give ear to His voice; All heaven is anxious, Awaiting your choice. Oh grieve not His Spirit, Lest He should depart, And leave you for ever, No hope in your heart. 2. The door is now open, God’s mercy is great; Why halt ye and linger? You may be too late. The tempter is saying: “Wait some other day;” How sad if you perish Through turning away. 3. Still walking in darkness, Refusing the light, Unwilling to serve Him. Denying the right. Despising the Saviour, How fearful the cost— Through wilful rejection Your soul will be lost. 4. Indiff’rent you listen To all He would say; Attend to His counsel, Consider your way; The day is approaching When you must appear To meet Him in judgment With trembling and fear. meter→ 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 5, 5 387: The Son of God came down on earth 1. The Son of God came down on earth To show the Father’s heart And plead with all the sons of men To choose the better part. Chorus In love He died to save your soul And bring you nigh to God. He paid the ransom on the cross With His own sacred blood. 2. The Son of God is pleading now, At God’s right hand on high He pleads for you in tender love: Oh soul, why will you die? 3. He purchased you with His own blood, Atonement has been made, The sins of all the world upon The Lamb of God were laid. 4. Oh, hasten now while hope is near, Believe and enter in The door of life where Jesus waits To pardon all your sin. meter→ 8, 5, 8, 5, 8, 6, 7, 5 388: The tender Shepherd’s voice 1. The tender Shepherd’s voice Has reached my troubled heart, From all iniquity and sin I long now to depart. Chorus O receive me now, Lord, I come to Thee; Let Thy life, and love, and grace Be magnified in me. 2. My life, my will I yield, There’s naught I would withhold, My weary heart desires the rest And comfort of the fold. 3. O Shepherd, kind and true, I need Thy love and life To quicken and preserve my soul Amid earth’s toil and strife. 4. Thy life was lived for me, For me Thy blood was shed; O Lamb of God, I cannot now Remain among the dead. 5. My Saviour bids me come From wand’ring far abroad; His life is mine and I am safe, Hid in the heart of God. meter→ 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 7, 4 389: The truth of God so precious 1. The truth of God so precious, I value more each day, As with a contrite heart I walk With Jesus in the way; The lowly way which most despise, I glory now to tread; Anointed eyes see always— Jesus ahead. 2. The path of life, I’ve found it In Jesus most complete; Though now cast out and suff’ring, His fellowship is sweet. He’s God’s own plan and pattern, The new and living way; My joy it is to follow With Him each day. 3. I’m glad He ever found me And came to dwell within. The stronger than the strong man, Who saves me now from sin; ’Twas life I got, not theory: His voice I did obey, And entered in by Jesus— God’s only way. 4. Now I’ve a tender Shepherd, Who leads to pastures new; His voice, it is my comfort, His hand, ’tis strong and true; I long to follow closer, Still nearer to His side, I never can forsake Him— He is my guide. meter→ 6, 5, 7, 5, 6, 5, 4, 2 390: The voice of God has reached my heart 1. The voice of God has reached my heart, In sin I cannot longer stay, The world is vain— from it I part, To walk with Christ along life’s way. Chorus I’m going home, I’m going home, With Jesus as my friend and guide, I’ll brave the storm and face the foe, With my Redeemer by my side. 2. My path was always dark and drear Till Jesus came to be my light; Rejoicing now, I walk with Him, No more to roam in sin’s dark night. 3. His love to me, surpassing sweet, Has wooed my heart from things of time, The better country now I view, A brighter, far serener clime. 4. His pleasures are for evermore, His riches are a wealth untold, Abundantly I’m satisfied, And safe within the Shepherd’s fold. meter→ 8, 6, 8, 7, 6, 7, 8, 6 391: The voice of God is calling 1. The voice of God is calling, His message is for thee, Your life is passing, and death is coming, And then Eternity; Oh, count the cost— Why should your soul be lost? Chorus The voice of God is calling, In tender mercy calling; Oh, hear His voice now calling, Why should your soul be lost? 2. Will you not stop and hearken? How can you fail to see That time is flying, And soon the judgment Will come for you and me? Oh haste, I pray, Prepare for that great day. 3. The path on which you journey Will end in dark despair, And God in mercy With you is pleading, Why should you finish there, To weep and wail Where pray’rs cannot avail? 4. No longer grieve His Spirit, But heed the Saviour’s call, His great salvation And life eternal He offers free to all; Make Him your choice, All heaven will rejoice. 5. Once more in love and mercy, The call is sounding clear; Why longer harden your heart against Him, And turn away your ear, To find at last, All hope of heav’n is past? meter→ 6, 5, 8, 3, 4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 6 392: The voice of Jesus calls me now 1. The voice of Jesus calls me now, I fain would rise and go To dwell with Him in perfect peace, And His forgiveness know. Chorus I am coming, heavy laden, Wearied and oppressed: Oh, receive me, though unworthy, To Thy promised rest. 2. My troubled spirit knows no calm; Why should I wander on, And add to sorrow’s heavy load, Until this life is gone? 3. Abounding grace He has in store To comfort, save and guide, And pastures ever fresh and green Where silent waters glide. 4. Oh, come, I hear Him calling still, In tender tones and sweet; The rest that is eternal rest Awaits thy wand’ring feet. 5. I will arise and haste away, This is the day of grace; The Shepherd’s fold is near and I May find a resting place. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 4, 5, 3, 5, 4 393: The voice of the Shepherd is calling for thee 1. The voice of the Shepherd is calling for thee, He offers thee riches untold: Why wander alone o’er the mountains of sin? There is rest, there is peace in the fold. Chorus There is rest, there is peace; There is rest, there is peace in the fold. 2. The pleasures of sin very soon pass away, They last for a season, we’re told: The gold of the Kingdom will never decay— Will you come, will you come to the fold? 3. The voice of the Shepherd is calling again, Why perish with hunger and cold? There’s bread and to spare, and no famine is there, Enter in, enter in to the fold. 4. The door is still open, He’s pleading once more, Redeemed you have been not with gold; The blood of the Lamb without blemish was shed To secure you a place in the fold. 5. Beware lest His Spirit should strive nevermore, The door will be shut, we are told; In vain you will knock— at your fear He will mock, And reply, “There’s no room in the fold.” meter→ 9, 5, 8, 9, 6, 9 394: The way into the Holiest is open now to me 1. The way into the Holiest Is open now to me; When I approach in Jesus name, My advocate I see. The Lamb of God before the Throne Is interceding for His own. 2. My soul draws near and there, by faith, I see His sprinkled blood Proclaiming I have been redeemed, Before a Holy God. I have no plea but only this, My Saviour’s blood and righteousness. 3. Oh, can it be the price is paid, The spotless Lamb was slain, And perfected in Holiness, I shall forever reign With Him in God’s unclouded day When former things have passed away. 4. Then Oh my soul, be brave, be strong, Your advocate above, He ever lives, He cannot fail, He pleads for you in love. Hold fast and firm your confidence And great shall be your recompense. 5. The suff’rings of this present time Are nothing to compare With glory, the eternal weight, I shall with Jesus share. Oh, glorious prize when life is done! To bear the image of His Son. meter→ 5, 5, 6, 4, 7, 5 395: The way that leads to Heaven above 1. The way that leads to Heav’n above Is narrow, Jesus said. ’Tis only those who truly love God’s Way therein will tread. Chorus God’s own way abides the same, In every age and clime. There is but one true saving name, The name of Christ divine. 2. The Lord Himself has traced the way, His feet were bruised and torn, Exalted high in heav’n today, And crowns His Head adorn. 3. That voice that called in accents clear The men of Galilee, “Come follow me and do not fear,” Is calling you and me. 4. Vain creeds of men are sure to fail, False theories pass away, Alone shall truth for men prevail On that great judgment day. meter→ 7, 4, 7, 4, 6, 5, 7, 5 396: The way to God the Father’s heart 1. The way to God the Father’s heart Is found in Christ His Son; All those who serve Him faithfully Receive His glad, “Well done.” 2. The truth that shall forever last, Which came from heav’n above, Is found alone in Him who is The God of truth and love. 3. The way, the truth and life of God Is found in Him who came To give eternal life to all In God the Father’s name. meter→ 7, 6, 6, 5 397: The wheels of time, Oh, who can stay 1. The wheels of time, Oh, who can stay? So stealthily they’re moving on. They bear our days and years away. Our term of life will soon be gone. 2. The silent watches come and go, Who can prevent the dawning day? We fain would stay the morning glow, That we might wrestle, wait and pray. 3. They cannot stay those wheels of time, Soon our allotted span will end. God’s ways and workings are sublime, His ways we own and will defend. 4. Oh, teach us, Lord, to count our days, Redeem them for eternity, Apply our hearts to wisdom’s ways, To die to self and live for Thee. 5. The time is short, remember, Lord, We wrestle with the powers of sin. We plead Thy grace, Thy strength afford, To combat foes without, within. 6. We do not fear to suffer now, If Thou wilt consolation give. To all Thy Holy will we bow, In Thee we move, In Thee we live. 7. Why should we fear the chast’ning hand Which proves Thy love and tenderness? To bear Thine image when we stand On that fair morn, will be our bliss. 8. Those wheels of time, they never cease; We cannot stay the Lord’s decree. They bear us on to God and peace, Our souls eternal destiny. meter→ 8, 5, 7, 8 398: The world and all its mighty force 1. The world and all its mighty force Have set the battle in array To swallow up your time and strength, Lest you should pray. 2. All flesh is subtle and alert, They never need a holiday, So active to corrupt your heart, Lest you should pray. 3. The cruel hosts of sin deride, The marshalled powers of hell gainsay, United to pervert your mind, Lest you should pray. 4. God’s own elect, the hosts of heav’n All with one mighty voice now say, Jehovah reigns, the great “I AM.” Rejoice and pray. 5. Love paid the ransom with His blood, Your soul is free: who can dismay? He has all power in Heav’n and earth; Cease not to pray. 6. His sev’nfold Spirit intercedes, Let this your fainting spirit say. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost Ask you to pray. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 4 399: The world’s Redeemer came to me 1. The world’s Redeemer came to me, He asked me if I would partake His life divine, the gift of God, And serve Him for His own name’s sake. Chorus His name as ointment is to me, So fragrant, rare, from heav’n above, His soul poured out for all mankind The virgin heart must surely love. 2. I thought upon my sinful ways, And where my wayward feet would end. How could I face the day of death, The judgment day, without this friend? 3. He came again, I heard His voice, I then received Him as my own, No condemnation now I fear, His blood shall for my sins atone. 4. In Jesus I have rest of soul, The peace which He alone can give. He is my refuge, shield and tower, My dwelling place— in Him I live. 5. My name and nature He has changed, That I might bear His worthy name, Be found of God in Him complete, To stand before Him without blame. 6. No separation now I fear; His hands, His feet, His wounded side Proclaim His never failing love; For me He lived, for me He died. meter→ 6, 7, 7, 8, 7, 6, 7, 6 400: There are many who say, “Are there few that be saved?” 1. There are many who say, “Are there few that be saved?” Unconcerned for their own precious life; As the multitudes roam In the darkness and gloom, They are lost mid the din and the strife. Chorus One day too late, many will wait, Stand knocking outside at the gate; Jesus will say, “Depart ye away, The door is now shut, it’s too late.” 2. Do not linger or stay On the world’s broad highway. Do not wait for the many or few; Leave the pathway of sin, By the door enter in, While the Spirit is striving with you. 3. While He calls you, arise, And no longer despise, Do not trifle with Him, I implore; See His heart yearns for you; Say, oh, what will you do If He leaves you outside of the door? 4. There is coming a day When the Master will say, “Go! depart, ye are not of my flock;” You will then weep and wail, But no tears will avail, It is useless then standing to knock. 5. God’s reply now to you Is to press your way through, Strive to enter the gate that is strait; There are many will strive, When the door is fast shut, It will then be forever too late. meter→ 5, 6, 6, 4, 5, 9, 7, 6, 6, 8 401: There is a place by me 1. There is a place by me, My hand shall keep thee there, And thou shalt know a Father’s love, His constant tender care. 2. There is a place by me, A certain sure retreat, Where thou shalt stand upon a rock, And God shall keep thy feet. 3. There is a place by me, A hidden secret place, Treasures of wisdom there are found, Riches of truth and grace. 4. There is a place by me, Where nought can mar the soul That hungers now for righteousness, God shall that life control. 5. There is a place by me Of sweet and constant rest, Where wearied, heavy laden hearts Prove that my will is best. 6. There is a place by me, A shelter near my side, Where life and fruitfulness abound For those who will abide. 7. There is a place by me, Prepared by mine own hand, Where I delight to dwell with those Fulfilling my commands. 8. There is a place by me, Assured by love divine, Made nigh by Christ’s own precious blood, Where all my wealth is thine. meter→ 6, 6, 7, 4 402: There is a way, a narrow way 1. There is a way, a narrow way, That leads to life above— A way of peace and holiness, Of purity and love. Chorus My yearning soul desires to find This hidden path of bliss; Lord, hear my prayer, and lead me in The way of holiness. 2. To find this way, this living way, We must forego our sin; God has declared the pure in heart, Alone can enter in. 3. There is a way, a humble way, A way of truth and grace The highway of God’s righteousness, Where self can have no place. 4. There is a way, a perfect way, His chosen walk therein; And they who share His suff’ring now, Eternal glory win. 5. There is a way, a lowly way Wherein His saints abide And resurrection life receive, As self is crucified. 6. There is a way a sacred way, A deep and hidden rest, Where Jesus bids His weary ones To lean upon His breast. 7. My soul desires this chosen way His worthy saints have trod, Where self must die and all my life Is hid with Christ in God. meter→ 7, 5, 6, 4, 6, 5, 8, 4 403: There is no friend like Jesus, In earth or heaven above 1. There is no friend like Jesus In earth, or heav’n above; Unfailing, never changing, His name and nature, love. He left His home in glory To die on Calvary; I cannot help but love Him, Because He first loved me. 2. My soul was heavy burdened, And sorrow filled my heart; Sin’s fearful condemnation My portion and my part. The message came from heaven, “I died your soul to free;” I cannot help but love Him, Because He first loved me. 3. How great my consolation— The Lamb of God has died; In Him I am accepted, Forgiven, sanctified. I soon shall join the ransomed, My Saviour I shall see; I cannot help but love Him, Because He first loved me. meter→ 6, 5, 3, 5, 6, 4, 6, 5 404: There is no friend like Jesus, Whose attribute is love 1. There is no friend like Jesus, Whose attribute is love, No name so sweet and fragrant In earth or heaven above. He found me lost and wand’ring Amid the desert wild, He threw His arms around me And claimed me as His child. 2. He sealed me with His Spirit, We nevermore can part, The being of my being, His home is in my heart. “Because I live, ye shall live,” What wondrous words divine, Oh, sacred mystic union, My Saviour’s life is mine. 3. His love is everlasting, And cannot cease to be, Beyond all comprehending, A vast immensity. “Abide in me,” I hear Him, And joyfully obey, And he abides forever, My life, my truth, my way. 4. I ask and grace receiving, His Holy will I do; My confidence is strengthened, I know His word is true. I love His precious precepts, His word is very pure, And all His righteous judgments For ever will endure. 5. Made now an heir of heaven, What mind can comprehend, Its depth and breadth of meaning, Our destiny and end. The end is God and Jesus, His beauty we shall see, Conformed unto His image For all eternity. 6. If so be now we suffer, Endure the toil and pain, In highest heights of glory, Together we shall reign. Those deep and mystic wonders Now fill my longing breast; God’s Word cannot be broken— On this I calmly rest. 7. My soul is mute, adoring All God’s mysterious ways; My spirit bows in silence, Unutterable praise. And so I trust my Saviour, He gently leads the way; A little child, I follow To realms of perfect day. meter→ 6, 4, 6, 5, 6, 4, 6, 6 405: There’s a path we all may follow 1. There’s a path we all may follow, Leading on to endless joy, To a treasure never failing Moth or rust cannot destroy. Chorus Let me walk in the path Which the feet of Jesus trod; Every day, all the way, In communion sweet with God. 2. There’s a life— we all may live it— That will bring eternal gain; Those who suffer here with Jesus Will forever with Him reign. 3. There’s a privilege awaiting Those whose hearts are good and true; Bear the cross, the shame despising: God will then delight in you. 4. There’s a crown of brightest glory Waiting for each faithful soul Who has bravely walked the pathway Leading to the heav’nly goal. meter→ 7, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5 406: There’s a resting place at the throne of grace 1. There’s a resting place at the throne of grace Where we all may intercede. And His mercy claim in the Saviour’s name; There is grace for every need. Chorus We are waiting, Waiting at Thy feet, Father, hear our cry, we pray; We are waiting, waiting in our weakness, Lord. Perfect Thou Thy strength today. 2. Oh, how much we’ve lost and been tempest tossed, Failing, Lord to seek Thy face. We have not prevailed but in weakness failed, When we missed the secret place. 3. Clothe us with Thy power in this hallowed hour, Waiting at the mercy seat. For Thyself make room, let Thy zeal consume All our heart and lives complete. 4. When we climb the mount we His glory see, Far above the human plane. From the world apart, speaking heart to heart, We the Master’s image gain. 5. To the place of rest for the soul oppressed, Let us boldly come today. He will calm our fears and our spirits cheer, He will teach us how to pray. meter→ 9, 5, 8, 6, 7, 6, 8, 5 407: There’s nothing now can separate 1. There’s nothing now can separate My soul from Him I love, The power that binds and makes us one Is given from above. Chorus O Love divine how great Thy power To sanctify and free, And seal upon Thy sacred heart My heart eternally. 2. O Spirit of the living God, Descend and fill my heart, Betrothed to Thee in faithfulness, We never more shall part. 3. My heart is fixed immovable, Nor can it ever be Divorced or separated from The one who died for me. 4. He bears my name upon His hands Before His Father’s Throne, The blood of sprinkling there proclaims That I am now His own. meter→ 5, 6, 8, 4, 7, 4, 6, 3 408: There’s nought but Christ and Christ alone 1. There’s nought but Christ and Christ alone Can satisfy my longing heart. To gain His favour love and grace, From all things, willingly I part. Chorus One heart, one spirit mind and will With Him who reigns in light above: We walk together and agree, The bond which binds— undying love. 2. How vain and empty everything But Jesus and His righteousness. My heart yearns for His sanctity, And nought can satisfy but this. 3. Oh, Holy Spirit from on high, Descend and search my inmost soul. All hardness and iniquity Remove, that Christ may own the whole. 4. Purge out the temple Thou hast made, Oh, come in all Thy purity, Apply Thy own all cleansing blood, Unite and make me one with Thee. 5. All that I am, my being, Lord, I unreservedly resign To Thee and Thine all conquering love, My will forever lost in Thine. meter→ 7, 5, 7, 6, 7, 7, 5, 6 409: Think of Christ, the world’s Redeemer 1. Think of Christ, the world’s Redeemer, How He suffered on the tree. From His wounds the life blood flowing For your sins: oh, can it be? He who knew no sin must suffer, Sin’s appalling debt to pay; Pouring out His soul and off’ring, Purging all your sins away. 2. How exceeding great His sorrow, In His fearful agony, Bruised and bleeding, see Him drinking God’s most awful wrath for thee. Strengthened by the Holy angel, Wrath in love is swallowed up, Love omnipotent has conquered Death and hell in that dread cup. 3. Think of all His pain and anguish, Hanging on the tree of shame, Bearing all your sins He suffered, Took your place and bore the blame. Numbered with transgressors, dying, It is finished, all is done, Sin is put away forever. God accepts you in His Son. meter→ 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 5, 6, 5 410: This is the resurrection life 1. This is the resurrection life, The Christ of God within Subduing self, the carnal mind, Destroying inbred sin. 2. The resurrection and the life Is Jesus in the heart— His life, His Spirit, mind and will Controlling every part. 3. Oh, give me grace to labour now, Press onward to attain The resurrection from the dead, Where Christ alone shall reign. 4. I long to gain the highest prize, The mind of God’s own Son, That He may finish and complete The work of grace begun. 5. Oh, manifest Thy Son in me, All Satan’s power destroy; So shall Thine own almighty power My ransomed powers employ. meter→ 5, 5, 5, 3 411: This is your opportunity 1. This is your opportunity, Oh, do not be dismayed— To sacrifice for Jesus’ sake Faint not, be not afraid. 2. This is your opportunity To prove your utmost love, By freely sacrificing self For higher things above. 3. This is your opportunity To prove His love and grace, To speed your feet and keep you sure And steady in the race. 4. This is your opportunity To walk where Jesus trod; He sacrificed His life that you Might know the love of God. 5. This is your opportunity, Though tempted sore and tried; God says— you shall awake to bear His likeness satisfied. meter→ 4, 5, 5, 5 412: Those Sons of Fire who in His presence wait 1. Those Sons of Fire who in His presence wait, They stand above His great eternal Throne, His glory veils their holy ministry, Their glory is to serve by love alone. 2. Ten thousand times ten thousand honours wait The hearts who serve by love divine made pure. Oh, blessèd service and forever blessed, Their Joy and Crown immortal shall endure. 3. With my whole being earnestly I seek, A heart to love and serve Thee worthily, That I may prove my gratitude to Him Who came in love to give Himself for me. meter→ 9, 7, 6, 8 413: Thou hast been my help, Lord Jesus 1. Thou hast been my help, Lord Jesus, Leave, oh, leave me not I pray; Fiercer grows the conflict daily, And I need Thee all the way. Chorus Leave me not, leave me not; Precious Saviour leave me not; Enemies and foes surround me, In Thy mercy leave me not. 2. Oh forsake me not, my Saviour, Weak and wav’ring though I be; Everlasting strength is promised Unto those who trust in Thee. 3. Put me not away in anger, Thou hast been my hope and stay; Cause Thy face to shine upon me, Suffer not my feet to stray. 4. Saviour, in the time of trouble, Hide me in the secret place; Keep me evermore rejoicing In Thy righteousness and grace. meter→ 7, 7, 5, 7, 6, 5, 5, 6 414: Thou very God of peace 1. Thou very God of peace, Oh, hearken to my cry. My very inward being fill And wholly sanctify. 2. I sigh and long to know Thy rest and purity. Then shall Thy peace and righteousness My only portion be. 3. I rest my soul on Thee, I cast on Thee my care. The burdens of my weary heart, That which I cannot bear. 4. Thou very God of peace, Surrender all my will. In Thee I can with confidence Rest satisfied and still. 5. Thou very God of peace, Let Thine own sanctity Preserve my spirit, body, soul, And make me one with Thee. meter→ 5, 5, 5, 3 415: Though God’s choicest gifts are sufferings 1. Though God’s choicest gifts are suff’rings, All sufficient is His grace. In the furnace of affliction, Love and mercy you can trace. 2. In great faithfulness and mercy, God has chosen this for you, Just and pure His will and motive, Keep this always in your view. 3. Let Him work in you His pleasure, Do not ask the reason why, Question not the highest wisdom, Though the tears may dim your eyes. 4. Make His choice and will the measure Of your love and loyalty, Lose your choice and will forever In His choice and will for thee. 5. Unto you this choice is given, Higher honour could not be, Called of God to bear the image Of His Son eternally. meter→ 6, 5, 5, 6 416: Thy bleeding feet, Lord Jesus, I will follow 1. Thy bleeding feet, Lord Jesus, I will follow, All rough and thorny though the path may be, And desert stretches now may lie before me, Entreat me not to leave Thee, I will follow Thee. Chorus Lord, I yield my all, Gladly at Thy call, Thine evermore to be, My heart shall cleave to Thee. 2. For where Thou goest, I will follow after, And where Thou lodgest, I will lodge with Thee; Affliction with Thy people I have chosen, Entreat me not to leave Thee, I will follow Thee. 3. The God of heaven now will fight my battle, What need I fear? There’s grace enough for me; Though joy and sorrow now may be my portion, Entreat me not to leave Thee, I will follow Thee. 4. Entreat me not, Thou lowly Man of Sorrows, I cannot now return from following Thee; My heart is won, mine eyes have seen Thy beauty; Death cannot separate us, I will follow Thee. meter→ 8, 9, 8, 10, 5, 4, 4, 6 417: Thy choice, O God, shall be my choice 1. Thy choice, O God, shall be my choice, Thy Holy will shall be my will, And in Thy grace I shall rejoice Thine own good pleasure to fulfill. Chorus My longing soul still sighs and mourns For closer fellowship with Thee, The yearning in my heart still burns For holiness and purity. 2. In Thee, O Lord, my soul shall boast, When Thou hast set Thy servant free, Enjoying to the uttermost All that my Saviour bought for me. 3. O Saviour, on Thy breast alone With confidence my soul shall rest. Tempestuous breakers sigh and moan But must submit to Thy behest. 4. Thy name shall be my shield and power, Where sin’s tempestuous storms must cease. Safe, sheltered from the tempter’s power, In quietness I rest in peace. meter→ 8, 7, 7, 6, 7, 5, 7, 4 418: Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done 1. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, Lord, from my inmost heart I pray, The King of Peace and righteousness Shall reign and rule in me alway. 2. My carnal mind, which would oppose God’s righteous just and holy reign, Must be subservient to Him, My vile affections must be slain. 3. Where Jesus dwells the Prince of Peace, His standard raised is holiness, In my deep poverty and need, He is my life and godliness. 4. Mine enemies He shall subdue And bring them low beneath His feet, O’er my whole being reign supreme, Till I am found in Him complete. 5. His grace triumphant shall prevail, Shall have dominion over me, Love, praise and peace my rich reward, Both now and everlastingly. meter→ 7, 7, 6, 7 419: Thy precious word is very pure 1. Thy precious Word is very pure, Thy servant loves it well, The deep soul rest and peace it brings, No human tongue can tell. 2. The law of sin and death is strong, But Christ the light and life Dwells in my heart, imparting strength To choose the good and right. 3. I fear the subtle power of sin, And dread the tempter’s snare, But Jesus lives, He bids me trust His constant love and care. 4. Self love, that dangerous subtle foe, Would lure my soul astray. Passion and vain desire unite To draw me from the way. 5. Self always shrinks from tasting death And burns to gratify The human heart’s unholy lust, Which Jesus said must die. 6. Though trials be my daily lot, His faithful Word is sure, No test will be applied beyond That which I may endure. 7. In mercy Lord, Thy grace impart. My mind and will employ To journey on at Thy command, And Amalek destroy. 8. The Lord requires the best I have, He gave His best for me. How vast His love and sacrifice, My captive soul set free. 9. I will commit my life to Him Who intercedes with God, And seek with patience to pursue The path my Saviour trod. 10. In meekness prove His burden light, How sweet His yoke may be; To hearts subdued and clothed upon With His humility. 11. His righteousness shall fill my breast, His thoughts possess my mind, As forward to the mark I press, Forgetting things behind. 12. I have an unction from on high, To counsel, teach and guide, The Spirit of the living God, Lest I should turn aside. 13. Nought I possess, all fulness dwells In Thee, my faithful friend; Give me a steadfast perfect heart, To serve Thee to the end. 14. Press on, my soul, with strength renewed, The time will not be long When I shall lay my armour down, And join the blood washed throng. 15. Who gladly do His holy will, And sing His worthy praise, They see His face in righteousness Throughout eternal days. meter→ 6, 5, 8, 5 420: Thy vows are binding, Lord, on me 1. Thy vows are binding, Lord, on me, My heart is purposed, I will be A living sacrifice for Thee— I cannot now go back. Chorus I cannot now go back, I cannot now go back; Thou, Lord, hast heard the vows I made— I cannot now go back. 2. I follow at my Saviour’s call, My first and best, I yield it all, And give my talents great or small— I cannot now go back. 3. I long to live for Him alone, My life is His, my heart His throne, Why should I rob Him of His own?— I cannot now go back. 4. I forward press to gain the prize, Strong in the grace my Lord supplies, Though daily I must sacrifice— I cannot now go back. 5. His love eternal, strong and true, Will lead me on His will to do And keep me all the journey through,— I cannot now go back. meter→ 7, 7, 5, 5, 5, 5, 8, 5 421: Thy watchmen cease not day or night 1. Thy watchmen cease not day nor night, But unto Thee, O Lord, they cry; Their prayers and sighs prevent Thy wrath While prostrate at Thy feet they lie, With weeping sore their eyes are dim, Until Thou bless Jerusalem. 2. Inspired by love they cannot rest, Rememb’ring all Thy grief and pain, To ransom souls with Thine own blood They feel thine agonies again, Unceasingly they intercede, Bless Thou Jerusalem indeed. 3. Lord, set Thy watchmen on the walls, And may they never hold their peace, But plead Thy gracious promises With fervent prayers which will not cease, Till heaven is moved in Jesus’ name, And peace reigns in Jerusalem. 4. Ye watchmen pleading night and day, Faint not— His Word shall never fail, God will avenge you speedily Pray always, thou shalt sure prevail; Have faith in God, remember Him Who lives to bless Jerusalem. meter→ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4 422: Time is passing, Oh! so quickly 1. Time is passing, Oh! so quickly, Days and years glide swiftly by; Make the most of every moment, For thou very soon must die. Life’s short span will soon be over, Never to return again; Do not spend thy noble powers On earth’s worthless treasure vain. Chorus Buy the gold undimmed, unchanging, Buy the spotless raiment white; Rich and clothed, with eyes anointed, Daily walk in God’s pure light. 2. Time is ever speeding onward, Naught can stay its rapid flight; Soon the shadows slowly creeping Shall proclaim the coming night. Oh, arise, be up and doing, Labour now while it is day, Seeking those eternal riches Moth and rust cannot decay. 3. God is anxious to conform thee To the image of His Son; Fear lest thou shouldst grieve His Spirit, Mar the work He has begun. God’s own precious truth is Jesus, Sit in silence at His feet, Learn of Him, the meek and lowly Then thy soul rest shall be sweet. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 4, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6 423: ’Tis Thine alone, O God of truth 1. ’Tis Thine alone, O God of truth, To keep me, lest I should Dishonour Him who washed me from My sins in His own blood. 2. ’Tis Thou alone must work and will, And henceforth be my guide; Keep me submissive and resigned To Thee what e’er betide. 3. ’Tis Thine to speak the living word And quicken all my powers, Dispel the darkness and the night, And brighten all the hours. 4. Oh, may Thy radiant beams around My path still daily shine, Let Thy great love subdue my heart And make me wholly Thine. 5. I could not live apart from Thee, Thou Light of all my days, And while eternal ages roll, My heart shall sing Thy praise. meter→ 7, 6, 6, 6 424: To Calvary your Lord was led 1. To Calvary your Lord was led, With cruel thorns they crowned His head. In agony of soul He bled, No murm’ring words He ever said. Chorus Awake, awake, oh soul, arise, Behold your Saviour’s sacrifice, In ling’ring pain for you He dies; Such depth of love can you despise? 2. Oh think what sacrifice He made, The world’s transgressions on Him laid. They mocked and scorned Him as he prayed, Alone He entered death’s dark shade. 3. In travail sore His soul was tried, He saw your need, was satisfied. By wicked hands was crucified, He bowed His sacred head and died. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 7, 7 425: To humbly bow low in the dust 1. To humbly bow low in the dust Is surely meet for me, This is my only ground for hope, And my expectancy. 2. Since Jesus took the lowest room, Served in the lowest place, ’Tis there in fellowship with Him, My soul shall grow in grace. 3. While there alone with Him I can Myself deny, abase, As I behold His lowliness, The glory in His face. 4. “You ought to do as I have done,” I hear Him kindly say, My soul is moved, my heart is stirred To hearken and obey. 5. Oh Saviour, let Thy love divine Dwell in my inmost soul, That I may serve as Thou hast served, And let Thy mind control. meter→ 7, 5, 7, 3 426: Today is mine, tomorrow may not be 1. Today is mine, tomorrow may not be. How brief this life, how long eternity; Swiftly and sure the sands of time will run, Finished earth’s day, eternity begun. 2. The joys of earth, how soon they fade and die; In vain we seek our souls to satisfy, We sue for peace, and finding nought but pain, Mirth takes its flight, ’tis but remorse we gain. 3. Our only source of peace is Christ alone, Dwelling within our hearts upon the throne To reign as King, His righteous sceptre sway. “Thy will be done,” then, from our hearts we say. 4. Today is mine to do His righteous will And self deny, His purpose to fulfill. Today is mine to find this source of rest. Doing His will we prove His will is best. meter→ 7, 7, 9, 5 427: Trust for strength to bear the burden 1. Trust for strength to bear the burden, Faint not ’neath His chast’ning hand. He would have you bear His image When before Him you shall stand. 2. In those times when sore oppression Bind and hold your spirit down, Comfortless He will not leave you, Trust: and peace shall be your crown. 3. Perfect peace, how great the promise! God’s own word immutable Shall not fail, cannot be broken. Every word He shall fulfil. 4. Perfect peace, how great a treasure, ’Mid the world’s unrest and strife! Let His peace, your heart possessing, Be your portion in this life. 5. Trusting in the Lord for ever, Trusting while He lendeth breath— He is always true and faithful— Be thou faithful unto death. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 6 428: Walking in the Spirit with my Saviour 1. Walking in the Spirit With my Saviour and my King, Nothing to condemn me, I will journey on and sing Unto Him who loved me And redeemed my soul from sin, Heaven to me is opened, By His blood I enter in. 2. Now made nigh by Jesus In the new and living way, Humbly at the Throne of grace I daily wait and pray, All my heart’s deep longings, He doth fully satisfy, This my soul’s deep comfort That my Lord is ever nigh. 3. Sometimes clouds and darkness Hide the shining of His face. Nothing can alarm me, For I trust those words of grace, “I will never leave thee,” Precious words of truth divine, “Never will forsake thee, I’ve redeemed thee, thou art mine.” 4. Self would often hinder, But I flee from self to Him. Jesus is my light and life, No power this truth can dim, He is my hope and refuge, The anchor of my soul, Certain, sure forever, While the countless ages roll. 5. Inward tribulation, Care and toil and outward strife Are the things pertaining To this humble pilgrim life. Those manifold temptations Our faith and love will try, The furnace of affliction Our gold will purify. 6. Touched with my infirmities, He ever lives to plead, Saving to the uttermost, Supplying all my need, Living for the Kingdom Which no power can overthrow, I’ll prove Him all sufficient, The journey here below. 7. When this life is over I shall see Him face to face, I will bear His image When I reach that Holy place, God’s eternal purpose Is to make me like His Son, Finish and complete in me The work He has begun. meter→ 4, 6, 4, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6 429: Walking each day in the footsteps of Jesus 1. Walking each day in the footsteps of Jesus, Losing our life for His sake we shall gain Life everlasting and riches unfading, Death cannot hold us, with Him we shall reign. Chorus He will remember, He will remember, Those who have borne His rejection and shame, Sown in our weakness but raised up in power, Free and unfettered with Jesus to reign. 2. Walking the way though it leads to the garden Where He in agony earnestly prayed, Pleading, a stone’s throw ahead of the others, God sent an angel who came to His aid. 3. Walking the way though to Calvary leading, Where on the cross He in shame passed away, “Father forgive them,” He prayed while they mocked Him, Darkness obscuring the light of the day. 4. Death could not hold Him, the true, faithful witness, Broken its power, from the grave He arose, Saviour and Prince now exalted in Glory, Coming in power He will conquer His foes. 5. Death will not hold those who die with Him daily, Life which is endless their portion will be, They shall have part in the first resurrection, Reigning with Jesus unfettered and free. meter→ 8, 9, 5, 9, 6, 8, 9, 7 430: Wanderer, stop and hearken 1. Wand’rer, stop and hearken, Hear what God would say, Listen to His message; Gladly now obey. Rest and peace He offers In this world of strife; Come while He is waiting, He will give you life. Chorus Will you now receive Him, Give Him full control? Let Him have the lordship Of your heart and soul. 2. Drifting, no sure anchor, No strong arm to save, Rocks and shoals lie hidden ’Neath the restless wave. Let the heav’nly Pilot Guide you o’er life’s main, Then His home eternal You will surely gain. 3. Flee to Him for refuge Do not be afraid; Christ is the foundation God Himself has laid. Listen to His counsel, God’s own word is plain, Those who reach His kingdom Must be born again. 4. Vital is the question, You must now decide, Will you let the Saviour Be your friend and guide? From the Father’s bosom To the cross of shame, For your soul’s redemption Christ the Saviour came. meter→ 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5 431: We hope in Thy great mercy, Lord 1. We hope in Thy great mercy, Lord, Thy precious blood our only plea, Be Thou our Pilot, guard and guide, While passing o’er life’s troubled sea. Chorus We hear the Saviour’s welcome voice, Across life’s restless surging sea, “I live to save, do thou commit The keeping of your souls to me.” 2. Our prayers and praise to Thee ascend, Be Thou the guardian of our soul, And save us from the tempters power, While sins dark billows round us roll. 3. Amid the winds of fierce desire, And rocks and shoals that hidden lie, Oh, let us see Thy guiding hand, Until the storms of life pass by. 4. Thy hand is sure, Oh, lead and keep The souls that trust alone in Thee, Be Thou our shelter from the storm, Our refuge and security. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 6, 6, 5, 7, 7 432: We have found the way of life 1. We have found the way of life, It has banished gloom and strife, And in sweetest melody our spirits sing, We were lost in sin and shame, When the lowly Saviour came, He has won our hearts and we have made Him King. Chorus Let us sing of His love, Matchless love and tender mercy by the way, Self and Satan’s host oppose, This our Lord and Master knows, And He daily gives us grace to watch and pray. 2. Bringing life and liberty, He has let the captives free From the law of sin and death which had them bound, Now we seek the better land, Guided by a Father’s hand, While our feet are treading now on holy ground. 3. Often friends would bid us stay, But His voice we will obey, For the King in all His beauty we shall see, Though ungodly men despise, We will seek to win the prize, And our Master’s image bear eternally. 4. Trials painful and severe Are our daily portion here, But He will not prove us more than we can bear, In the furnace, we are told, They refine the precious gold, And the chast’nings prove a Father’s love and care. meter→ 7, 6, 7, 7, 5, 11, 6, 8, 5, 6, 10 433: We love the perfect way of God 1. We love the perfect way of God, The lowly path the Saviour trod; Pilgrims and strangers here we roam, We’re trav’lling on to God and home. Chorus In Jesus we have found the way Which leads to God and endless day; While here on earth He lends us breath, We will be true, be true till death. 2. We hear His voice and bless the hand That leads us through the desert land; We know the end is fair and sweet Where we shall rest our weary feet. 3. Our God is merciful and kind, He found us lost in sin and blind, And gently led us to the light, Our song shall praise Him day and night. 4. His arm is strong, we do not fear Though Satan’s host is ever near, He will protect us and defend, And keep us faithful to the end. meter→ 7, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8 434: We must be diligent and wise 1. We must be diligent and wise, And daily seek the face of God, Then hearken and obey His voice, So many voices are abroad. All seeking to subvert the soul, Lest God Himself should have control. 2. Oh, hearken and consider well, Incline your ear and God will speak, Forget thyself, thy Father’s house, And God with great desire will seek To clothe you in His righteousness, The beauty of His holiness. 3. God longs to set His people free, His great desire that all may win The mind of Christ, that they may be, All pure, all glorious within, Clothed in those garments wrought in gold, The King His image shall behold. 4. Keep pressing on toward the mark, Seek by His grace the highest prize, God cannot bear deformity, His soul their image will despise, God loves, delights to look upon, The beauteous image of His Son. meter→ 6, 7, 6, 5, 6, 6 435: We must either pray or perish 1. We must either pray or perish, Seek the face of God alone, Falling down in spirit worship Him who reigns upon the throne, In the temple of your heart Nevermore from Him depart. 2. We must either pray or perish, Let the Lamb of God prevail Over all your ransomed being Reign supreme, He shall not fail; All your powers for Him employ, Satan’s power He will destroy. 3. We must either pray or perish, Let the Prince of Life control; He will sanctify you wholly— All your spirit, body, soul. God is faithful, always true, He has promised— He will do. 4. Pray, Oh pray— you need not perish; See your Saviour’s sprinkled blood Speaking never can be silenced, There before the throne of God. Precious truth no power can dim, God accepts us now in Him. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 4 436: We seek Thy face our Father, God 1. We seek Thy face our Father, God, Through Jesus’ precious blood made nigh. Oh! let thine ear attentive be, Bow down and hear our heartfelt cry. To hear Thy voice and see Thy face, Humbly we wait at the throne of grace. To hear Thy voice and see Thy face, Humbly we wait at the throne of grace. 2. Our contrite hearts, subdued and meek, An off’ring we present to Thee; Refine and cleanse and purify, From all defilement set us free. Thy word declares Thee faithful, just— This is our plea, for in Thee we trust. Thy word declares Thee faithful, just— This is our plea, for in Thee we trust. 3. Oh! Holy Spirit, intercede Before our Father’s throne above; And fill our hearts with fervent zeal, With pure and perfect, changeless love. Our longing souls are thirsting still, Yearning to know and obey Thy will. Our longing souls are thirsting still, Yearning to know and obey Thy will. 4. Thou art our shield and hiding place, Our only source and fount of life; We tremble sore and seek Thine aid For grace to conquer in the strife, Thy strength in weakness now make strong, Turning our mourning into song. Thy strength in weakness now make strong, Turning our mourning into song. meter→ 7, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8 437: We shall meet again in glory 1. We shall meet again in Glory, On that fair and happy shore; There with Jesus and the ransomed, We shall meet and part no more. Chorus Gathered home to be with Jesus, Toil and tribulation o’er; Ransomed by His blood most precious, Safe with Him for evermore. 2. No more sorrow in that city, Where our loved ones now have gone We shall meet them in the morning, Soon our day of rest will dawn. 3. Here on earth a while to labour, For the Master whom we love; Soon the rest and joy eternal, We shall share with Him above. 4. When the conflict here is over, In that bright and better land, We shall meet our friends in Jesus, Gathered home at God’s right hand. meter→ 6, 6, 6, 7, 6, 4, 6, 5 438: We thank Thee for an open door 1. We thank thee for an open door, Into the Holiest of all. We will hold fast and waver not As on the Lord our God we call. Chorus That door was opened wide for us By Him, who intercedes on high. He paid our ransom with His blood And in His name we now draw nigh. 2. God’s only Son from Heav’n above Came down to purge away our sin, And now, into the Holiest By His own blood we enter in. 3. We have indeed a great High Priest, This certain truth no power can dim, He saves unto the uttermost All those who come to God by Him. 4. In mercy, Lord, increase our faith, On thy sure word we now depend; We will hold fast our confidence In love, enduring to the end. meter→ 7, 5, 7, 8, 7, 6, 7, 8 439: We’re trusting in the living God 1. We’re trusting in the living God, His way and truth and life are sure; Though tribulation here we meet, His grace will help us to endure. Chorus We bear our Lord and Saviour’s name, And glory in the cross and shame; Content to share our Master’s lot, We buy the truth and sell it not. 2. We’re trusting in the living God, His fellowship we love and prize; Our hearts are fixed to run the race, Though friends and foes alike despise. 3. We’re trusting in the living God, Oft times our hearts within us burn, In sweet companionship with Him, Amid the world’s reproach and scorn. 4. We’re trusting in the living God, And leave tradition far behind: We know the comfort of the fold, Safe sheltered from sin’s wailing wind. meter→ 6, 8, 5, 7, 7, 7, 6, 8 440: What God hath wrought, what He hath done 1. What God hath wrought, what He hath done For me is more than tongue can tell, Yet I so very often fail Within the secret place to dwell. 2. ’Tis there alone I see His face, My soul is stirred to hear His voice, And purposes are formed within To make His will my only choice. 3. My poverty I do bewail, Yet I am rich beyond degree, The riches of His wealth untold In Christ are given unto me. 4. He freely gives to His redeemed All that the Saviour’s blood has bought; Eternally this praise shall be: What God hath wrought, What God hath wrought. meter→ 8, 8, 6, 6 441: What have you done for Jesus? 1. What have you done for Jesus? Great was His love for thee, Yielding His life a ransom That you might pardoned be. Chorus What have you done for Jesus? What have you done today? Time is so swiftly and surely Passing forever away. 2. What have you done for Jesus? Think of His love so true. Smitten of God He suffered, Poured out His life for you. 3. What have you done for Jesus? When there was none to save, No eye to pity sinners, His Holy life He gave. 4. What have you done for Jesus? Great was His sacrifice, Led as a lamb to slaughter. Can you such love despise? 5. What have you done for Jesus? Think of His agony, Bitter the cup of sorrow, In lone Gethsemane. meter→ 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 3 442: What shall I render, O my God 1. What shall I render, O my God, An off’ring unto Thee For all the wondrous benefits Thou hast bestowed on me. Chorus How precious in the sight of God, When He can truly see That self is crucified and slain, And Christ now lives in me. 2. I will accept most gratefully The cup Thy Hand doth fill, Thou wilt supply the grace to drink, According to Thy will. 3. Now in the presence of Thy saints, My vows to Thee I’ll pay, Thou hast assured the strength I need, Sufficient for my day. 4. Lord, my whole being, mind and will In thankfulness I give, Accomplish death in all of self, That Christ in me might live. meter→ 7, 4, 5, 5, 7, 5, 6, 6 443: When all my way is dark and drear 1. When all my way is dark and drear, I rest in this— my Lord is near, And He will lead me on, He is my source of life and bliss, My robe and crown of righteousness, When all this life is gone. Chorus My highest choice God’s Holy Will, O Lord, subdue and keep me still, Obedient to Thy Voice. 2. I need to seek His face in prayer, This is my strength, my native air, It is my vital breath. He will restore my fainting soul, Forgive and cleanse and make me whole, Deliver me from death. 3. Afflictions now may be my lot, I will hold fast and waver not, And love the chast’ning rod, God’s word is pure— He cannot lie— My Saviour pleads for me on high, He intercedes with God. 4. I will submit to all His will, Subdued and meek, resigned and still, His will my highest choice. He understands the way I take, I know He never will forsake, In this I now rejoice. 5. In God’s own Word, the truth we’re told, The furnace fire must try the gold And purge away the dross. He understands the way I take, I know He never will forsake, I shall not suffer loss. meter→ 8, 8, 6, 8, 6, 6, 6, 7, 4 444: When I think of God’s numberless mercies 1. When I think of God’s numberless mercies, All His love and His kindness to me, How my soul breaketh forth with His praises, Nought but good in His dealings I see. Chorus I will offer a song of thanksgiving, And pay all my vows, Lord, to Thee; When in trouble I call, oh, deliver And Thy great name shall glorified be. 2. When I think of His love passing knowledge, And so freely bestowed upon me, All its breadth, length and depth, height and fulness In the heart of my Saviour I see. 3. When I think of His love and example, To reveal all God’s purpose for me, All the Father’s great love for the sinner In the death of my Saviour I see. 4. When I think of His blood always speaking In the presence of God now for me, Oh, the light and the knowledge and glory In the face of my Saviour I see. meter→ 7, 8, 8, 8, 7, 8, 7, 7 445: When Jesus comes with His saints and servants 1. When Jesus comes with His saints and servants, He will take His power and reign; Those who have laid down their lives in service, He will raise them up again. Chorus Gladly then spend and be spent for Jesus, He will surely come again, Bringing His faithful and chosen servants With Him, with Him on the earth to reign. 2. There shall be two in the same field lab’ring, Two shall at the same mill grind, One shall be taken to reign with Jesus, And the other left behind. 3. Blessed and Holy are those who laboured, Dying with Him hour by hour, They shall rise first in the resurrection. Death to them has lost its power. 4. Will you be found then among the faithful, Coming with the risen King? Those undefiled by the worldly system With Him will the new song sing. meter→ 8, 7, 9, 6, 8, 5, 6, 9 446: When Jesus left His home above 1. When Jesus left His home above The Father’s will to do His love and sacrifice was great, He tasted death for you. Chorus He tasted death for you, for you, How strong His love and true, God’s well beloved Son came down, And tasted death for you. He tasted death for you, for you, How strong His love and true, God’s well beloved Son came down, And tasted death for you. 2. He gave His best, His only Son, His love to manifest, That burdened ones might find in Him Their everlasting rest. 3. He bore the scorn, the crown of thorns, Rejected and denied, In ignominy passed away, A spear wound in His side. 4. For you He lived, for you He died, His life was yielded up, While mocking sinners did deride, He drank death’s bitter cup. 5. His life He gave your life to save, Endured the cross and shame. To save you from eternal death, The King of Glory came. meter→ 6, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6, 6, 5, 7, 6, 6, 5 447: When my way is dark and angry clouds 1. When my way is dark and angry clouds Obscure all the sunny sky, My heart is torn by conflicting doubt, And no human friend is nigh. Oh, say, to whom can I flee for help? To whom can I make my plea? There’s only one who can calm the storm, ’Tis the Man of Calvary. 2. When my way is dark and hope has fled, I’m tossed on a troubled sea, Is there one who knows the heart’s deep woes, Who can sympathise with me? There’s only the one true beacon light Shines out o’er the waves for thee, And He alone can dispel the gloom, ’Tis the Man of Calvary. 3. When my way is dark and prayer seems vain, No light on the path I see, I’ve tried and failed and I faint and fall, Oh say, is there hope for me? There’s one alone and He faileth not, Who can give new life to thee, He is holy, harmless, undefiled, ’Tis the Man of Calvary. 4. He bids thee arise, His truth declare, It will bring sweet liberty, His strength in your weakness perfect is, His grace is so rich and free. There’s joy alone in the perfect path Which the Master trod for thee, Do you hear that tender, pleading voice? ’Tis the Man of Calvary. meter→ 8, 5, 7, 6, 9, 7, 8, 5 448: When Satan would tempt me to linger 1. When Satan would tempt me to linger and stay, Where sin is alluring, I hear a voice say, “Yield not to the tempter who seeks to beguile, He watches your body and soul to defile.” Chorus Fleeing from sin, fleeing from sin, Abiding in Jesus, I’m kept pure within. 2. Oh, why should I linger where sorrows abound, To question and trifle while death lurks around? Consenting? no never! to Jesus I fly, My refuge, my fortress, my Saviour is nigh. 3. He lives to deliver, what comfort divine! His arm will protect me, I know He is mine, His precious blood bought me, I am not my own, My life shall be spent for my Saviour alone. meter→ 9, 9, 9, 8, 6, 7 449: When sore afflictions press my soul 1. When sore afflictions press my soul, And darkness gathers o’er my way, I look above and trust in Him, Who ever leads me night and day. 2. When gloomy fears possess my heart I seek the shelter of His breast, Where all is peace and joy and light, In confidence I calmly rest. 3. What full provision God has made For those who daily seek His care; The pure in heart shall see His face, His ear is open to their pray’r. 4. The race is not unto the swift, The strong no glories ever win; The secret of all vict’ry is— Obedience to the Christ within. 5. Then, fainting not, I press along The path where He has gone before, The bloodstain’d path which leads to God, To heav’n and home for evermore. meter→ 6, 6, 7, 7 450: When you come to the end of your life’s little day 1. When you come to the end of your life’s little day, And the pleasures of sin are all fled, When you stand on the brink of the river of death In your loneliness, sorrow and dread. Chorus Then, O what will you do On that great day of days When you stand in His presence alone? With no Christ in your heart, and you cannot escape From the light of the great judgment throne. 2. Since the Lord hath declared that we surely must die, And that day is approaching for you; Should the cold hand of death find you still with your sins All unpardoned, Oh what will you do? 3. Will you come to this Friend, who in love to your soul, Left the glories of Heaven above, To atone for your sins when He died on the Cross In His infinite mercy and love? 4. O what anguish of soul, if you have to depart On that day when before Him you stand, When the light shall reveal you are not of His fold, And you silently take the left hand. meter→ 11, 8, 11, 6, 12, 7, 10, 8 451: When you trusted in the Lord, taking Jesus at His word 1. When you trusted in the Lord, taking Jesus at His Word, Then His pure and changeless love filled your heart. Do you still that love retain, glowing bright, or on the wane? Has the Lord somewhat against you? Is it there? Chorus Is the first love operating in your heart? Is it leavening the whole and not a part? Remember, God is calling; to Him it is appalling, If within your inmost heart, it is not there. 2. Thou hast borne His worthy name, patiently enduring shame, All your labours for His sake well He knows. Nought will satisfy His heart, but the first love, not a part. As you analyse your motives, Is it there? 3. Without murmur or complaint, toiling on you do not faint, Zealously the way of life you defend. Is His love the first and best, glowing now within your breast, In the little inner chamber? Is it there? 4. All your sacrifice is vain, you need never hope to gain His approval if you lack the first love. Does it in your heart control, permeate and fill the whole? While His Lambs and sheep you’re feeding? Is it there? meter→ 11, 9, 12, 9, 8, 9, 9, 9 452: Where all is peaceful, calm and still 1. Where all is peaceful, calm and still, I rest beneath His care; ’Tis rest to know and do His will, His joy and sorrow share. Chorus How sweet is the rest of God, Safe in the Shepherd’s fold, To hear His voice and feast upon The wealth of His love untold. 2. My life is hid with Christ in God, Deep hidden in His heart; I follow in the path He trod, We nevermore can part. 3. Amid the surging tides of life, With Him I onward go; Amid the turmoil and the strife His perfect peace I know. 4. No more I walk in doubt and fear, His light and love divine Assure my heart that He is near, And tuneful praise is mine. 5. I know that He will hold my hand, And lead me all the way, Until at last with Him I stand In God’s eternal day. meter→ 7, 5, 8, 5, 7, 5, 7, 6 453: Where will you dwell eternally 1. Where will you dwell eternally? How earnest is the Saviour’s voice, In eager tones beseeching thee To make your choice, to make your choice. Chorus The Saviour stands beseeching thee To dwell with Him eternally. With hands outstretched appealingly, He pleads with thee, He pleads with thee. 2. Where will you dwell eternally? Those years and years that know no end, Yield, yield I pray do not gainsay, Jesus your best, your truest friend. 3. Where will you dwell eternally? Can you such wondrous love despise? He died to win your soul from sin, Exceeding great the sacrifice. 4. Where will you dwell eternally? When this short life of yours is past, With failing breath the river death You face at last, you face at last? 5. Where will you dwell eternally? In sinful pleasure now you roam, Yet surely know that you must go To your long home, to your long home. meter→ 5, 6, 5, 8, 5, 5, 4, 8 453: Where will you dwell eternally 1. Where will you dwell eternally? How earnest is the Saviour’s voice, In eager tones beseeching thee To make your choice, to make your choice. Chorus The Saviour stands beseeching thee To dwell with Him eternally. With hands outstretched appealingly, He pleads with thee, He pleads with thee. 2. Where will you dwell eternally? Those years and years that know no end, Yield, yield I pray do not gainsay, Jesus your best, your truest friend. 3. Where will you dwell eternally? Can you such wondrous love despise? He died to win your soul from sin, Exceeding great the sacrifice. 4. Where will you dwell eternally? When this short life of yours is past, With failing breath the river death You face at last, you face at last? 5. Where will you dwell eternally? In sinful pleasure now you roam, Yet surely know that you must go To your long home, to your long home. meter→ 5, 6, 5, 8, 5, 5, 4, 8 454: While hanging on the cross of shame 1. While hanging on the cross of shame, His heart still pleaded for His own— “Forgive them Father, Oh! forgive, My blood shall for their sins atone.” 2. Love’s mighty sacrifice divine— Its length, and breadth, and depth and height Eclipsed the golden orb of day, And changed its brightness into night. 3. The rocks were rent, the dead arose When He expired upon the tree. O’er all the powers of death and hell Love conquered— triumphed gloriously. 4. No power could hold the sinless One— Love set Him free from death’s embrace. As Prince and Saviour now enthroned He pleads before His Father’s face. 5. His blood avails, God’s awful wrath Is swallowed up for ever more, God’s justice fully satisfied: No man can shut the open door. 6. God now invites the whole wide world To enter in through Jesus’ blood; Those who receive Him shall obtain Power to become the sons of God. meter→ 7, 7, 5, 7 455: Why should I grieve my Saviour 1. Why should I grieve my Saviour, Paining His loving heart? I cannot sin against Him, I will from wrong depart. Chorus Saviour I cannot grieve Thee, I will not wound Thy heart. Help me, my gracious Redeemer, From every sin to depart. 2. How can I keep from Jesus, That which His blood has bought? Willingly now I offer, All that His love has sought. 3. My spirit, soul and body Without reserve I give, Cleaving to Him in weakness, Quickened by Him I live. 4. All that I have is yielded Gladly in sacrifice; My broken heart and contrite, Jesus will not despise. meter→ 6, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5 456: Why will you die, why will you die? 1. Why will you die, why will you die? God’s Holy Spirit asks you why Will you not flee while hope is nigh, And refuge find in Jesus. Chorus Behold His dying love for thee, Those cruel thorns His agony, Oh, turn your eyes to Calvary, Behold the love of Jesus. 2. Oh, soul beware lest you depart This life, no hope left in your heart: No God of Love to take your part, No living hope in Jesus. 3. His love dispels all doubt and fear, Uncertainty will disappear, And God will give you sure and clear A steadfast hope in Jesus. 4. Behold, they pierced His hands and side For you, He bowed His head and died Now heaven’s gate is open wide, Oh, enter in with Jesus. meter→ 8, 6, 8, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5 457: Will you now accept the Saviour 1. Will you now accept the Saviour? Long His heart has yearned for thee. For your sake He lived and suffered, Bore your sins upon the tree. In His love and deep compassion He redeemed you with His blood. In your heart will you receive Him, Jesus— Holy Son of God. Chorus Oh will you not believe Him? No longer doubt or grieve Him, Within your heart receive Him— Jesus, Holy Son of God. 2. How exceeding great His sorrow When He drank the cup for thee, By His loved, His own forsaken In His fearful agony. God in mercy sent an angel To sustain His sacred head. While those drops of blood were falling, Soul, it was for you He bled. 3. He was numbered with transgressors, Mock’d and crowned with thorns for thee Led by wicked hands— dishonoured, Crucified on Calvary. He must bear sin’s awful judgment, Since there was no other way, He must give Himself a ransom, All your heavy debt to pay. meter→ 6, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5 458: Will you come and walk with God? 1. Will you come and walk with God In the path the Saviour trod? It will lead you on to home and endless day; God has spoken to your heart, Shall His Spirit grieved depart? Will you cast the Saviour’s tender love away? Chorus Will you come? Will you come? Hearken now, O soul! while it is called today, See, the patient Saviour stands, Holding out His wounded hands, From the door of mercy do not turn away. 2. See, the door is open wide, Come and enter and abide. You will prove a Father’s love and tender care: He will seal you as His own, For your sins He did atone, And the riches of His glory you shall share. 3. You have heard His call before, Yet you linger at the door, O beware, lest you despise the Saviour’s voice; Hasten now and enter in, Life eternal will begin, And your soul with joy and gladness shall rejoice. meter→ 7, 6, 10, 6, 5, 8, 6, 9, 5, 5, 9 459: With childlike trust, O Lord, we come 1. With childlike trust, O Lord, we come; Our helplessness appeals to Thee; Thou who in us Thy work hath wrought, Forsake us not then utterly. Chorus Our weakness, Lord, appeals to Thee; Our spirits long for liberty, O hear our cry, Thou Holy One; Complete the work Thou hast begun. 2. Rejoicing in the lowly way, We fain would walk, we fain would be, The cross and suff’ring never shun, But prove our love and loyalty. 3. As we present our sacrifice, Our all we yield with motive pure; Thy love, Thy life, Thy pow’r we crave, That we may to the end endure. 4. O help us then to follow on, With stable hearts, contrite and free, Complete in Him, the righteous One, Thy will fulfilling perfectly. meter→ 7, 5, 8, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6 460: With heart resigned and will subdued 1. With heart resigned and will subdued I sit at Jesus’ feet: He is my law, my life, my all, In Him I am complete. 2. In all humility I learn His gracious holy will; I hearken and obey His voice, Submissive, pliant, still. 3. The law of sin and death would rise To draw me from this rest, But held in His almighty arms I lean upon His breast. 4. The law of Christ within my heart Is strong to keep me free: Obedience to the mind of Christ Brings inward purity. 5. The pure in heart shall see His face; He is their hope and joy: How sweet the tranquil rest He gives, And peace without alloy. 6. The voice of God, so still and sweet, Speaks to my inmost soul: I will obey, and Christ shall have Dominion and control. meter→ 6, 5, 8, 5 461: With my soul have I desired Thee 1. With my soul have I desired Thee, When earth’s shadows round me fall, Unto Thee my spirit seeketh, Father, hear me when I call; Lord, without Thee all is dreary, All is barren, desolate; Speak to me, O loving Father, While I in Thy presence wait. 2. With my soul have I desired Thee, O Thou fairest of the fair. Let me now behold Thy beauty; Let me rest beneath Thy care. Purify my heart and cleanse me, From defilement keep me free; Thou canst make me pure and holy, Thou art my sufficiency. 3. With my soul have I desired Thee: None but Thee can satisfy, Comfort, joy, and consolation Come forth when Thou drawest nigh. Thou art life, and light, and gladness, Yearns my heart Thy face to see; In Thy presence is salvation, Rest from all anxiety. 4. With my soul have I desired Thee, Altogether lovely One. Thy great work of recreation In my life Thou hast begun. Grant that I may bear Thine image, Help me choose the better part; Seal me as Thine own forever, Write Thy law within my heart. meter→ 7, 6, 5, 6, 6, 4, 6, 6 462: With my whole heart unfeignedly 1. With my whole heart, unfeignedly, I seek to worship Thee, my God, In every part let love divine Abundantly be shed abroad. Chorus My soul is weaned and quietened From things of earth to things above, My hope, my expectation is The fulness of Thy deathless love. 2. In this the temple Thou hast made, Thy priceless gifts divinely giv’n Shall fill and magnify the whole, And guide me on my way to heav’n. 3. Exceeding great my heritage, All that pertains to godliness Is given unto me in Christ, My wisdom and my righteousness. 4. God’s choice and mine shall be the same, His Spirit, mind and will in me Shall reign supreme till nought is found But one pure, perfect harmony. meter→ 5, 7, 6, 4, 6, 7, 5, 6 463: With perfect heart and willing mind 1. With perfect heart and willing mind I want to serve from day to day, Forgetting self and things behind Press onward in the heav’nly way. 2. My Saviour passed this way before, His blessed footprints I can see, My love abounding more and more I want to serve wholeheartedly. 3. Oh love, thou fathomless abyss, I long to lose myself in thee, The mark, the prize, my prayer is this, That Christ is magnified in me. 4. Lord, root and ground me in Thy love, And when my work on earth is done, I shall awake in heav’n above To bear the image of Thy Son. meter→ 6, 8, 5, 6 464: With reverence and with Godly fear 1. With rev’rence and with Godly fear, I seek the face of God, my friend; I feel and know that He is near, To counsel, guide and to defend. 2. He knows the secrets of my heart, The thoughts and intents of my soul; His light reveals each hidden part, To test and cleanse and make me whole. 3. His Word is pure, a lamp and light, Its cheering rays shall guide my feet And lead me out from nature’s night, Till I am found in Christ complete, 4. My Father, God, I seek Thy face; Thee I would love, Thou art my strength, My all sufficiency of grace, Until I reach my home at length. meter→ 6, 8, 8, 6 465: With shield of faith I face the foe 1. With shield of faith I face the foe, And know I shall not vanquished be. The God of mercy ever lives, With power to save and succour me. Chorus How blessèd those who now endure, Temptation and the daily strife, The God who cannot lie hath said; They shall receive the crown of life. 2. I feel I need the grace of Him Who wrestled, watched and prayed that night Alone in dark Gethsemane, And put the cruel foe to flight. 3. Diverse temptations oft we meet, Our faith and patience thus to try, And perfect confidence and love In Him who intercedes on high. 4. He will not fail His chosen seed, Though fierce and long the war may rage, All heav’n looks on with sympathy, As in the conflict we engage. 5. He knows the toil worn weary frame, How oft unstable flesh would fail, And so in mercy He imparts The strength and wisdom to prevail. 6. It is His will, we should possess This weak, this frail and mortal clay, And with the saints and martyrs prove His grace sufficient all the way. meter→ 8, 7, 6, 7, 6, 5, 7, 7 466: Within, within this troubled heart of mine 1. Within, within this troubled heart of mine, There is so much to conquer and subdue, That I am oft amazed and sore perplexed, And oftentimes I know not what to do. 2. The many, many voices all abroad, Distracting thoughts and altogether vain, Would hide the face and still the voice of God, And in my heart an entrance seek to gain. 3. I fain would keep it undefiled and pure, A sacred dwelling for the Deity, My calling and election now make sure, Established, strengthened, settled Lord in Thee. 4. All vain imaginations cast them down, Bid all deceit and wickedness depart, In loving kindness, tender mercies crown My soul with peace and reign within my heart. 5. Oh, come, Lord Jesus, come and now destroy, Accomplish death on Satan’s work within, Come in, Lord Jesus, I shall hail with joy The one who died to save me from all sin. meter→ 7, 8, 8, 8 467: Your days are but a shadow here 1. Your days are but a shadow here, And swiftly drawing to an end; When death’s dark stream shall cross your path, How will it fare with you, my friend? Chorus Oh, turn at God’s reproof, You soon must stand alone, To face the Judge of all the earth Before the Great White Throne. 2. Your beauty will consume away, And time will waste and wear your gold; What then will soothe your aching heart When you are found outside the fold? 3. How vain to seek for treasure here, And sell your soul for things that die; Then have to face eternity, No hope, no treasures, in the sky. 4. Oh, turn away at God’s reproof, From things which now corrupt your soul, He offers you eternal life With Him, while countless ages roll. meter→ 7, 6, 8, 8, 5, 5, 8, 5 467: Your days are but a shadow here 1. Your days are but a shadow here, And swiftly drawing to an end; When death’s dark stream shall cross your path, How will it fare with you, my friend? Chorus Oh, turn at God’s reproof, You soon must stand alone, To face the Judge of all the earth Before the Great White Throne. 2. Your beauty will consume away, And time will waste and wear your gold; What then will soothe your aching heart When you are found outside the fold? 3. How vain to seek for treasure here, And sell your soul for things that die; Then have to face eternity, No hope, no treasures, in the sky. 4. Oh, turn away at God’s reproof, From things which now corrupt your soul, He offers you eternal life With Him, while countless ages roll. meter→ 7, 6, 8, 8, 5, 5, 8, 5 999: There oft is a battlefield 1. There oft is a battlefield, The greatest battlefield, Not where soldiers bleed, Not where soldiers die, This conflict in the heart and mind doth lie, There’s where the right and wrong, Unseen by the worldly throng, Meeting face to face. Time cannot erase The war scars of this place. Chorus Now I’m thinking tonight Of unseen conflicts Where hearts are sighing, The wounded crying. Where the right and the wrong As kings are meeting, Their swords are matching, The fight goes on. 2. So there on this battlefield, Never to the devil yield, A decisive fray Confronts our way, Whose import’s how exceeding great each day, Truth and honour there are sold, For nought by others told, To be mourned away. Alas to say, Too late, too late; away. 3. Let’s watch on this battlefield, No truce looms before our shield, Just what we are, Just who we are, Is known to Him, for He sees from afar That hostile encounter brave, A soul’s at stake to save, This unseen fight Fought in His sight, He will then judge aright. meter→ 5, 3, 4, 4, 9, 6, 5, 4, 3, 6, 4, 3, 4, 3, 6, 4, 4, 4 Index of Titles, First Lines, and Chorus A 3 Abide in God’s most holy will, 3 Abide in God’s most holy will (title) 4 Abide in Him, with patience run the race; 4 Abide in Him, with patience run the race (title) 5 Afar from all the world apart, 5 Afar from all the world apart (title) 1 A little child and weaned, 1 A little child and weaned (title) 2 A little while to bear the cross, 2 A little while to bear the cross (title) 6 All my life I yield to Jesus, 6 All my life I yield to Jesus (title) 234 All my soul for Thee is yearning, (chorus) 7 All my springs arise in Jesus, 7 All my springs arise in Jesus (title) 8 All that Thou sayest (title) 8 All that Thou sayest I will do. 185 All the way! All the way! (chorus) 10 Alone with Jesus in the secret place 10 Alone with Jesus in the secret place (title) 9 Alone, yes all alone 9 Alone, yes all alone I struggle on (title) 11 Another day in which to prove, 11 Another day in which to prove (title) 12 Another day is ended, 12 Another day is ended (title) 13 Another step, Oh, faint not by the way, 13 Another step, Oh, faint not by the way (title) 14 Are you oft discouraged, 14 Are you oft discouraged, sore oppressed within (title) 15 Arise! thou sun of righteousness 15 Arise! Thou sun of righteousness (title) 16 As you journey home with Jesus, 16 As you journey home with Jesus (title) 424 Awake, awake, oh soul, arise, (chorus) B 21 Before the throne my Saviour stands, 21 Before the throne my Saviour stands (title) 456 Behold His dying love for thee, (chorus) 361 Behold my prayer, my one desire (chorus) 22 Behold the King of love 22 Behold the King of love (title) 23 Behold the Lamb of God 23 Behold the Lamb of God (title) 17 Be it unto me Lord Jesus, 17 Be it unto me Lord Jesus (title) 17 Be it unto me Lord Jesus, 17 Be it unto me Lord Jesus (title) 18 Be not silent O, my Saviour, (chorus) 18 Be not silent O, my Saviour, 18 Be not silent O, my Saviour (title) 19 Be still and know that I am God, 19 Be still and know that I am God (title) 153 Be still and know that I am God, (chorus) 159 Bestow on me Thy richest grace, (chorus) 20 Be ye immovable (title) 20 Be ye immovable, steadfast in heart, 24 Blessèd words, “Found in the Spirit,” 24 Blessèd words, “Found in the Spirit” (title) 25 Body, soul and spirit, 25 Body, soul and spirit, Unreservedly (title) 26 Body, spirit, soul, Lord Jesus, 26 Body, spirit, soul, Lord Jesus (title) 27 Bow down my inmost soul, 27 Bow down my inmost soul (title) 28 Bow down Thine ear (title) 28 Bow down Thine ear to me: 16 Break your bread with hand unsparing, (chorus) 61 But with me, But with me, (chorus) 422 Buy the gold undimmed, unchanging, (chorus) 29 By night I sought with wearied mind, 29 By night I sought with wearied mind (title) 122 By precious blood made nigh to God, (chorus) C 30 Called of God to follow Jesus, 30 Called of God to follow Jesus (title) 114 Calling thee, calling thee, (chorus) 240 Calvary, Calvary, (chorus) 31 Careless soul, the world’s Redeemer 31 Careless soul, the world’s Redeemer (title) 346 Choose now, just now! for the Lord is here, (chorus) 32 Christ is coming (title) 32 Christ is coming. When that day appeareth, 242 Christ will wash you from your sin (chorus) 33 Clad in your armour (title) 33 Clad in your armour, firmly you stand, 34 Clean through the word (title) 34 Clean through the word he has spoken, 32 Come and reap; the harvest fields are waiting. (chorus) 35 Come boldly to the throne of grace, 35 Come boldly to the throne of grace (title) 36 Come, sing to me of Jesus, (chorus) 36 Come, sing to me of Jesus, 36 Come, sing to me of Jesus (title) 37 Come to Jesus; He is calling— 37 Come to Jesus He is calling (title) 38 Come to me, O Holy Spirit, 38 Come to me, O Holy Spirit (title) 355 Come to me, Oh weary heart, (chorus) 39 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, 39 Come, ye weary, heavy laden (title) 40 Come, ye weary ones, to Jesus; 40 Come, ye weary ones, to Jesus (title) 362 Constrain them to come is the message (chorus) D 41 Death, stamp thy image on the clay, 41 Death, stamp thy image on the clay (title) 42 Deep calleth unto deep, 42 Deep calleth unto deep (title) 43 Deny thyself and all selfwill, 43 Deny thyself and all selfwill (title) 44 Do not fear the valley, 44 Do not fear the valley (title) 45 Do not fear to follow Jesus, 45 Do not fear to follow Jesus (title) 45 Do not fear to share His sorrow: (chorus) 46 Do not resist the Spirit’s gentle voice; 46 Do not resist the Spirit’s gentle voice (title) 64 Do not rest on your attainments, (chorus) 47 Down from God the Father’s bosom 47 Down from God the Father’s bosom (title) 48 Down in the valley where the fragrant flowers bloom, 48 Down in the valley where the fragrant flowers bloom (title) 49 Draw not back unto perdition, 49 Draw not back unto perdition (title) 192 Dwelling in my heart, (chorus) 307 Dying soul, seek the Lord, (chorus) E 50 Eternal God, my hope renew 50 Eternal God my hope renew (title) 193 Eternal life God offers you, (chorus) 51 Eternal Spirit from above, 51 Eternal Spirit from above (title) 52 Eternal Spirit from on high, 52 Eternal Spirit from on high (title) 53 Evermore consider Jesus, 53 Evermore consider Jesus (title) 312 Evermore in Him accepted, (chorus) 54 Evermore pressing on with the Saviour, 54 Evermore pressing on with the Saviour (title) 55 Exceeding great and precious 55 Exceeding great and precious (title) 56 Except a corn of wheat (title) 56 Except a corn of wheat shall fall F 20 Faint, yet pursuing, own no defeat; (chorus) 57 Faithful and true are the sayings of Jesus, 57 Faithful and true are the sayings of Jesus (title) 325 Father, God, our heart’s deep longing (chorus) 248 Father in this quiet hour (chorus) 58 Father, in Thy mercy, 58 Father, in Thy mercy (title) 59 Father, make me more like Jesus 59 Father, make me more like Jesus (title) 60 Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 60 Father, Son and Holy Spirit (title) 61 Fear not, my beloved (title) 61 Fear not, my beloved, abide thou with me, 62 Fear not, O soul, I am Thy shield 62 Fear not, O soul, I am thy shield (title) 63 Fellow pilgrims, as you journey, 63 Fellow pilgrims, as you journey (title) 64 Fellow pilgrims, God is calling 64 Fellow pilgrims, God is calling (title) 65 Fix your single eye on Jesus, 65 Fix your single eye on Jesus (title) 448 Fleeing from sin, fleeing from sin, (chorus) 66 Follow the Lamb where e’er He goes, 66 Follow the Lamb where e’er He goes (title) 306 For He is abundant in mercy, (chorus) 212 For His sake reproach esteeming (chorus) 128 For you, for me, (chorus) 67 From God the Father’s loving heart 67 From God the Father’s loving heart (title) G 437 Gathered home to be with Jesus, (chorus) 68 Gentle spirit, do not leave me, 68 Gentle Spirit, do not leave me (title) 69 Give me the Bible (title) 69 Give me the Bible, since God has spoken, 445 Gladly then spend and be spent for Jesus, (chorus) 71 God a body has prepared me, 71 God a body has prepared me (title) 209 God did not spare His only Son, (chorus) 72 God did not spare of Heaven’s best 72 God did not spare of Heaven’s best (title) 73 God has chosen me in Jesus; 73 God has chosen me in Jesus (title) 74 God hath before me set an open door 75 God hath before me set An open door, 74 God hath before me set an open door, into (title) 75 God hath before me set an open door, where (title) 211 God hath declared it shall be done, (chorus) 76 God in His mercy pleads with your heart, 76 God in His mercy pleads with your heart (title) 77 God in tender love sent His only Son 77 God in tender love sent His only Son (title) 78 God is anxious now to make you 78 God is anxious now to make you (title) 81 God is calling! Wand’rer, 81 God is calling! Wand’rer, do not longer roam (title) 79 God is faithful, God is faithful, 79 God is faithful, God is faithful (title) 80 God is faithful, never changing; 80 God is faithful, never changing (title) 82 God is now speaking (title) 82 God is now speaking, His message you hear, 83 God most holy in Thy mercy 83 God most Holy in Thy mercy (title) 84 God sent His well belovèd Son 84 God sent His well belovèd Son (title) 86 God’s fellowship how sweet the sound, 86 God’s fellowship, how sweet the sound (title) 87 God’s glorious Kingdom is within the heart, 87 God’s glorious Kingdom is within the heart (title) 80 God shall faithfully accomplish (chorus) 88 God’s heavy hand upon me laid, 88 God’s heavy hand upon me laid (title) 89 God’s Holy Spirit dwells in me, 89 God’s Holy Spirit dwells in me (title) 194 God’s most fearful wrath appeasing, (chorus) 395 God’s own way abides the same, (chorus) 252 God’s priceless words are very pure, (chorus) 90 God’s Spirit itself interceding, 90 God’s Spirit itself interceding (title) 203 God’s tender compassions will never fail, (chorus) 91 God’s tender mercies are new every morning, 91 God’s tender mercies are new every morning (title) 92 God’s time is now, O do not wait 92 God’s time is now, O do not wait (title) 94 God’s word is so pure (title) 94 God’s word is so pure and so precious to me; 126 God’s wrath appeased and swallowed up, (chorus) 85 God will bring you into judgment; 85 God will bring you into judgment (title) 95 Going forth with weeping, 95 Going forth with weeping (title) 70 Go, work today in my vineyard, 70 Go work today in My vineyard (title) 93 Gracious God, my soul is longing, 93 Gracious God, my soul is longing (title) 98 Gracious Redeemer, Thou art my salvation, 98 Gracious Redeemer, Thou art my salvation (title) 96 Gracious Saviour, I am weary, 96 Gracious Saviour, I am weary (title) 97 Gracious Saviour, lead me safely 97 Gracious Saviour, lead me safely (title) 348 Grasp the hand held out in mercy, (chorus) 99 Great peace have they which love Thy law, 99 Great peace have they which love Thy law (title) H 100 Hark! It is Thy voice (title) 100 Hark, it is Thy voice, my Saviour, 101 Hark to the message (title) 101 Hark to the message of infinite love, 102 Hasten to the place of refuge, 102 Hasten to the place of refuge (title) 103 Have faith in God (title) 103 Have faith in God: Oh, wondrous words 104 Have you the faith of God’s elect? 104 Have you the faith of God’s elect? (title) 206 Hear, He calls for thee, (chorus) 72 Hear Him call, Hear Him call, (chorus) 113 Hearken, consider, incline now thine ear (title) 113 Hearken, Oh consider, incline now thine ear, 37 Hearken to the Saviour’s warning, (chorus) 112 Hear my prayer, most holy Saviour, 112 Hear my prayer, most Holy Saviour (title) 93 Heart and mind and will is yielded (chorus) 114 Hear the voice of Jesus calling! 114 Hear the voice of Jesus calling (title) 115 Hearts are longing, hearts are sighing, 115 Hearts are longing, hearts are sighing (title) 155 He bears my name upon His hands, (chorus) 105 He calls you now, oh come away, (chorus) 105 He calls you now, oh, hear His voice! 105 He calls you now, oh, hear His voice (title) 106 He dwells within, O, do not fear, 106 He dwells within, O, do not fear (title) 102 Heed the warn ing, come to Jesus, (chorus) 107 He found me in a desert land, 107 He found me in a desert land (title) 107 He found me in a desert land, 107 He found me in a desert land (title) 259 He gave His life, oh, love divine, (chorus) 39 He has borne your grief and sorrow, (chorus) 116 Heirs of wrath and going downward, 116 Heirs of wrath and going downwards (title) 108 He is calling you home (title) 108 He is calling you home, will you hearken to Him? 77 He is waiting, waiting patiently, (chorus) 109 He left His fair home in the glory, 109 He left His fair home in the Glory (title) 22 He lingers, oh, He lingers, (chorus) 197 He lived for me, He died for me, (chorus) 110 He lives at God’s right hand, 110 He lives at God’s right hand (title) 111 He loved me unto death, 111 He loved me unto death (title) 117 Here in Thy presence, Lord, we wait, 117 Here in Thy presence, Lord, we wait (title) 357 He suffered outside the gate, (chorus) 446 He tasted death for you, for you, (chorus) 385 He wept and prayed in agony, (chorus) 53 He will never, never fail you, (chorus) 429 He will remember, He will remember, (chorus) 118 Hidden in the shadow, blessèd shadow, 118 Hidden in the shadow, blessèd shadow (title) 118 Hidden in the shadow, safely hidden, (chorus) 119 Hide not your talent in the earth, 119 Hide not your talent in the earth (title) 174 His love is never failing, (chorus) 399 His name as ointment is to me, (chorus) 115 Honest hearts to you are crying, (chorus) 120 Hope on, and walk by faith in Him 120 Hope on and walk by faith in Him (title) 121 Hope on, hope ever, struggling soul, 121 Hope on, hope ever, struggling soul (title) 122 How blessèd are the undefiled 122 How blessèd are the undefiled (title) 465 How blessèd those who now endure, (chorus) 123 How clear the call of Jesus, 123 How clear the call of Jesus (title) 123 How clear the call of Jesus, 123 How clear the call of Jesus (title) 135 However sore your trouble 135 However sore your trouble (title) 73 How exceeding great His mercy. (chorus) 124 How few are entering in (title) 124 How few are ent’ring in! 125 How fresh and green the pastures fair, 125 How fresh and green the pastures fair (title) 126 How great, how strong, how deep the love 126 How great, how strong, how deep the love (title) 127 How kind was the heart of the Saviour (title) 127 How kind was the heart of the Saviour in living (chorus) 127 How kind was the heart of the Saviour of men, 128 How much it griev’d the heart of God, 128 How much it grieved the heart of God (title) 129 How noble my estate (title) 129 How noble my estate— my happy lot; 442 How precious in the sight of God, (chorus) 130 How precious is the word of God 130 How precious is the word of God (title) 293 How sacred is Thy life and death, (chorus) 46 How shall you escape if you wilfully remain (chorus) 452 How sweet is the rest of God, (chorus) 131 How sweet the name of Jesus, 131 How sweet the name of Jesus (title) 132 How sweet to trace my Saviour’s steps 132 How sweet to trace my Saviour’s steps (title) 133 How tenderly our Shepherd kind 133 How tenderly our Shepherd kind (title) 134 How true the Master’s words (title) 134 How true the Master’s words so strong appealing 136 Humility from heaven above (title) 136 Humility from heav’n above, I 138 I am abiding in Jesus; 138 I am abiding in Jesus (title) 137 I am a stranger in the earth, 137 I am a stranger in the earth (title) 392 I am coming, heavy laden, (chorus) 139 I am now a child of God, 139 I am now a child of God (title) 140 I am so straitened in myself, 140 I am so straitened in myself (title) 96 I am Thine, wholly Thine, (chorus) 420 I cannot now go back, (chorus) 141 I fain would flee from all that would defile, 141 I fain would flee from all that would defile (title) 187 If in adversity’s dark day 187 If in adversity’s dark day (title) 142 I find my rest at Jesus’ feet, 142 I find my rest at Jesus’ feet (title) 83 If I perish, I must perish, (chorus) 143 I found Him whom my soul delights to love, 143 I found Him whom my soul delights to love (title) 188 If there be first a willing mind, 188 If there be first a willing mind (title) 144 I have a few names who have not 144 I have a few names who have not (title) 145 I have a friend in Jesus, 145 I have a friend in Jesus (title) 146 I have an unction from the holy one, 146 I have an unction from the Holy One (title) 148 I have but one desire, 148 I have but one desire (title) 383 I have chosen to follow (chorus) 147 I have found a friend who will always be 147 I have found a friend who will always be (title) 149 I have longed for Thy salvation, 150 I have longed for Thy salvation, 149 I have longed for Thy salvation, Oh what (title) 150 I have longed for Thy salvation, Prayed (title) 151 I have not much to give, 151 I have not much to give (title) 152 “I have overcome the world,” 152 I have overcome the world (title) 153 I hear a voice unspeakable, 153 I hear a voice unspeakable (title) 274 I hear Him call, I hear Him call (chorus) 154 I know in whom I have believed, (chorus) 154 I know in whom I have believed, 154 I know in whom I have believed (title) 155 I know that I shall never part 155 I know that I shall never part (title) 156 I know that my Redeemer lives, 156 I know that my Redeemer lives (title) 156 I know that my Redeemer lives, 156 I know that my Redeemer lives (title) 157 I lay my head on Jesus’ breast 157 I lay my head on Jesus’ breast (title) 158 I long to drink more deeply 158 I long to drink more deeply (title) 159 I long to dwell within Thy courts, 159 I long to dwell within Thy courts (title) 160 I long to love my Saviour more and more, 160 I long to love my Saviour more and more (title) 161 I love my Shepherd true; (chorus) 161 I love the perfect way 161 I love the perfect way (title) 162 I love to sit with Jesus, 162 I love to sit with Jesus (title) 163 I love to think of Jesus, 163 I love to think of Jesus (title) 260 I’m glad I met with Jesus, (chorus) 390 I’m going home, I’m going home, (chorus) 190 I’m resting so sweetly in Jesus my Lord, 190 I’m resting so sweetly in Jesus my Lord (title) 191 I’m satisfied in Jesus now— 191 I’m satisfied in Jesus now (title) 192 In bondage Jesus found me, 192 In bondage Jesus found me (title) 206 Incline your ear and come, 206 Incline your ear and come (title) 207 In deep agony, Afflicted was He, (chorus) 189 In deep distress, oh Lord, we come, 189 In deep distress, oh Lord, we come (title) 193 In desert ways of sin you wander, 193 In desert ways of sin you wander (title) 164 I need the mind of Christ, 164 I need the mind of Christ (title) 165 I need Thy grace, O Lamb of God, 165 I need Thy grace, O Lamb of God (title) 101 Infinite LOVE: Worship and bring (chorus) 194 In His love and tender mercy, 194 In His love and tender mercy (title) 433 In Jesus we have found the way (chorus) 195 In love divine, my Saviour came 195 In love divine my Saviour came (title) 387 In love He died to save your soul (chorus) 196 In loving tenderness I would repeat 196 In loving tenderness I would repeat (title) 197 In lowliness the Saviour came 197 In lowliness the Saviour came (title) 198 In our mingled joys and sorrows, 198 In our mingled joys and sorrows (title) 142 In quietness and confidence, (chorus) 199 In reverential holy fear, 199 In reverential holy fear (title) 200 In simple resignation, whole, complete, 200 In simple resignation, whole, complete (title) 204 In Thee, my Lord, I will delight, 204 In Thee, my Lord, I will delight (title) 201 In the furnace of affliction 201 In the furnace of affliction (title) 202 In the lowest room, in the lowest place, 202 In the lowest room, in the lowest place (title) 203 In the path of life there are many foes, 203 In the path of life there are many foes (title) 205 In this world ye shall have tribulation, 205 In this world ye shall have tribulation (title) 166 I rest in Jesus and my rest is sweet, 166 I rest in Jesus and my rest is sweet (title) 167 I sink beneath the hand of God, 167 I sink beneath the hand of God (title) 168 I sit alone with God. 168 I sit alone with God (title) 207 Is it nothing to you that the Saviour 207 Is it nothing to you that the Saviour (title) 451 Is the first love operating in your heart? (chorus) 208 Is the hand of God upon you? 208 Is the hand of God upon you? (title) 209 It is my joy and chief delight 209 It is my joy and chief delight (title) 210 It is the quiet evening hour, 210 It is the quiet evening hour (title) 169 I trust in God and will not fear, 169 I trust in God and will not fear (title) 211 It shall be done, it shall be done, 211 It shall be done, it shall be done (title) 283 It was Jesus, my Saviour, (chorus) 170 I want an open ear, 170 I want an open ear (title) 171 I want to be like Jesus, 172 I want to be like Jesus, 171 I want to be like Jesus, Meek, lowly (title) 172 I want to be like Jesus, to have His mind (title) 174 I want to follow Jesus 174 I want to follow Jesus (title) 173 I want to give myself to prayer, 173 I want to give myself to prayer (title) 175 I want to leave my choice and will 175 I want to leave my choice and will (title) 176 I want to take the lowest room, 176 I want to take the lowest room (title) 177 I want to tell you more about the Saviour, 177 I want to tell you more about the Saviour (title) 178 I want to walk with God (title) 178 I want to walk with God in clearer light. 179 I was wandering alone (title) 179 I was wand’ring alone, 180 I will follow my Saviour (title) 180 I will follow my Saviour o’er life’s darkest way, 181 I will journey all the way (title) 181 I will journey all the way (title) 181 I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, 181 I will journey all the way with my Redeemer, 182 I will not let Thee go (title) 182 I will not let Thee go; I must 183 I will not trust in aught of self, 183 I will not trust in aught of self (title) 184 I will not turn aside, 184 I will not turn aside (title) 444 I will offer a song of thanksgiving, (chorus) 185 I will travel on with Jesus, 185 I will travel on with Jesus (title) 152 I will walk in the truth, (chorus) 186 I yield myself wholeheartedly 186 I yield myself wholeheartedly (title) J 212 Jesus calls me— I am going, 212 Jesus calls me, I am going (title) 138 Jesus Himself is my portion, (chorus) 213 Jesus is calling, calling now to thee, 213 Jesus is calling, calling now to thee (title) 213 Jesus is calling, hear His heart felt cry; (chorus) 215 Jesus is calling now, 215 Jesus is calling now, O soul beware (title) 147 Jesus is my friend, he redeemed my soul, (chorus) 214 Jesus, I will follow Thee, 214 Jesus, I will follow Thee (title) 216 Jesus my Shepherd is, 216 Jesus my shepherd is (title) 217 Jesus was moved with compassion one day, 217 Jesus was moved with compassion one day (title) K 6 Keep me free, Keep me free, (chorus) 218 Keep pressing on and forward, 218 Keep pressing on and forward (title) 219 Keep silence, O my soul and know 219 Keep silence, O my soul and know (title) 220 Kindly entreating, “Come unto Me.” 220 Kindly entreating, “Come unto Me” (title) L 95 Labour on in patience, (chorus) 70 Lab’rers for Jesus, (chorus) 221 Lay down your heavy burden, (chorus) 221 Lay down your heavy burden, 221 Lay down your heavy burden (title) 97 Lead me gracious Saviour, (chorus) 337 Lead me on! oh, lead me on, (chorus) 413 Leave me not, leave me not; (chorus) 222 Lend your ear, O stop and hearken, 222 Lend your ear, O stop and hearken (title) 78 Let Him now create unhinder’d, (chorus) 14 Let His power now work in you, (chorus) 223 Let love constrain you now to seek 223 Let love constrain you now to seek (title) 405 Let me walk in the path (chorus) 224 Let prayers and supplications rise 224 Let prayers and supplications rise (title) 225 Let the golden chain of silence 225 Let the golden chain of silence (title) 226 Let us draw near to God, (chorus) 226 Let us draw near to God, 226 Let us draw near to God (title) 226 Let us draw near to God, (chorus) 226 Let us draw near to God, 226 Let us draw near to God (title) 432 Let us sing of His love, (chorus) 227 Like a lost sheep wand’ring, 227 Like a lost sheep wand’ring (title) 49 Live by faith, means yield obedience (chorus) 228 Long my eager heart was yearning 228 Long my eager heart was yearning (title) 229 Lord, arm me with the mind of Christ, 229 Lord, arm me with the mind of Christ (title) 230 Lord God of Hosts, have mercy on Thy people, 230 Lord God of Hosts, have mercy on Thy people (title) 231 Lord, hear my prayer and give to me 231 Lord, hear my prayer and give to me (title) 233 Lord, in the lowest room I ’wait Thy will, 233 Lord, in the lowest room I ’wait Thy will (title) 232 Lord, I will keep Thy hallowed rest, 232 Lord, I will keep Thy hallowed rest (title) 416 Lord, I yield my all, (chorus) 235 Lord Jesus, teach me how to build 235 Lord Jesus, teach me how to build (title) 234 Lord, my heart’s deep need Thou knowest— 234 Lord, my heart’s deep need Thou knowest (title) 236 Lord my whole being yearns and sighs 236 Lord, my whole being yearns and sighs (title) 237 Lord, shed abroad Thy boundless love 237 Lord, shed abroad Thy boundless love (title) 238 Lord, teach me how I may take forth 238 Lord, teach me how I may take forth (title) 239 Lord, teach me how to grow in grace, 239 Lord, teach me how to grow in grace (title) 240 Lord, we gather round Thy footstool, 240 Lord, we gather round Thy footstool (title) 241 Lord, we need Thy tender mercy, 241 Lord, we need Thy tender mercy (title) 242 Love divine is now appealing 242 Love divine is now appealing (title) 195 Love divine, Love divine (chorus) 243 Love is the source of every good, 243 Love is the source of every good (title) 273 Love led Him to Gethsemane, (chorus) 273 Love led Him to Gethsemane, (chorus) 244 Love not the world nor treasures found therein, 244 Love not the world nor treasures found therein (title) 245 Love strong as death, possess my soul, 245 Love strong as death, possess my soul (title) 336 Love Thee more, more and more. (chorus) 246 Low and sweet a voice is calling, 246 Low and sweet a voice is calling (title) 247 Low at Thy throne of grace 247 Low at Thy throne of grace (title) 248 Low before Thy throne of grace, 248 Low before Thy throne of grace (title) 251 Low in the dust I put 251 Low in the dust I put my mouth (title) 249 Lowly at Thy feet, my Saviour, 249 Lowly at Thy feet, my Saviour (title) 249 Lowly at Thy feet, my Saviour, 249 Lowly at Thy feet, my Saviour (title) M 250 Made nigh by Christ’s own precious blood, 250 Made nigh by Christ’s own precious blood (title) 252 Make God your friend and walk with Him, 252 Make God your friend and walk with Him (title) 253 Make no provision for the flesh 253 Make no provision for the flesh (title) 3 Make room for Him whose name is Love, (chorus) 254 Mine eyes run to and fro throughout the earth 254 Mine eyes run to and fro throughout the earth (title) 71 Mine the privilege to labour (chorus) 59 More like Jesus, tried and faithful, (chorus) 164 Most Holy Spirit lead, (chorus) 255 My confidence in Jesus 255 My confidence in Jesus is given from above (title) 256 My faith is in the Saviour, 256 My faith is in the Saviour (title) 257 My Father, this I ask of Thee, 257 My Father, this I ask of Thee (title) 258 My great High Priest is Jesus, 258 My great High Priest is Jesus (title) 259 My heart is fixed for evermore, 259 My heart is fixed for evermore (title) 280 My heart responded to His voice; (chorus) 280 My heart responded to His voice; (chorus) 260 My heart was sad and weary, 260 My heart was sad and weary (title) 443 My highest choice God’s Holy Will, (chorus) 261 My inmost being yearns and sighs for Thee, 261 My inmost being yearns and sighs for Thee (title) 258 My life is fully yielded, (chorus) 262 My life is hid with Christ in God, 262 My life is hid with Christ in God (title) 156 My life is in the Master’s hands (chorus) 156 My life is in the Master’s hands (chorus) 417 My longing soul still sighs and mourns (chorus) 266 My Lord and I shall never part, (chorus) 263 My mind is stayed on Jesus, 263 My mind is stayed on Jesus (title) 268 My name is graven on His hands, (chorus) 264 My presence shall go with thee, 264 My presence shall go with thee (title) 265 My refuge and hope are in Jesus, 265 My refuge and hope are in Jesus (title) 266 My Saviour bids me sing His praise, 266 My Saviour bids me sing His praise (title) 267 My Saviour has supreme control, 267 My Saviour has supreme control (title) 268 My Saviour, how I love Thy name, 268 My Saviour, how I love Thy name (title) 269 My Saviour, I will follow Thee, 269 My Saviour, I will follow Thee (title) 270 My Sav iour left His Father’s home, 270 My Saviour left His Father’s home (title) 271 My Saviour, let Thy truth and grace 271 My Saviour, let Thy truth and grace (title) 273 My Saviour’s love shall never fail, 273 My Saviour’s love shall never fail (title) 273 My Saviour’s love shall never fail, 273 My Saviour’s love shall never fail (title) 272 My Saviour speaks! I hear His kindly voice, 272 My Saviour speaks! I hear His kindly voice (title) 315 My Saviour tasted death for me. (chorus) 274 My soul desires to walk with God 274 My soul desires to walk with God (title) 275 My soul is thirsting now for God; 275 My soul is thirsting now for God (title) 462 My soul is weaned and quietened (chorus) 276 My soul, is yours a labour of pure love 276 My soul, is yours a labour of pure love (title) 277 My soul rejoices in the Lord, 277 My soul rejoices in the Lord (title) 278 My soul’s sweet song is Jesus, 278 My soul’s sweet song is Jesus (title) 402 My yearning soul desires to find (chorus) N 279 Nearer to Jesus my Saviour, 279 Nearer to Jesus my Saviour (title) 76 No eye to pity, no arm to save, (chorus) 262 No foes can reach that secret place (chorus) 52 No love like Thine, O Lamb of God, (chorus) 282 No; nothing can abate my love, 282 No; nothing can abate my love (title) 280 No ray of light to pierce the gloom, 280 No ray of light to pierce the gloom (title) 280 No ray of light to pierce the gloom, 280 No ray of light to pierce the gloom (title) 281 No reputation, with Jesus I go, 281 No reputation, with Jesus I go (title) 281 No reputation, with Jesus I go, 281 No reputation, with Jesus I go (title) 249 Not beyond the love of Jesus, (chorus) 249 Not beyond the love of Jesus, (chorus) 284 Nothing in heaven or earth (title) 284 Nothing in Heav’n or earth, 285 Nothing satisfies but Jesus, 285 Nothing satisfies but Jesus (title) 283 Not redeemed with gold or silver, 283 Not redeemed with gold or silver (title) 29 Now I have found my soul’s Beloved, (chorus) 999 Now I’m thinking tonight (chorus) O 286 O beware lest you refuse 286 O beware lest you refuse the call of God today (title) 287 O, brother, sister, weary not, 287 O, brother, sister, weary not (title) 289 O, glorious day, transporting thought, (chorus) 289 O, glorious day when I shall meet 289 O, glorious day when I shall meet (title) 290 O God, my inmost being yearns and sighs, 290 O God, my inmost being yearns and sighs (title) 291 O God, Thou art the living God. 291 O God, Thou art the living God (title) 293 O God, Thou art the source and sum 293 O God, Thou art the source and sum (title) 292 O God, Thou source of life divine, 292 O God, Thou source of life divine (title) 47 Oh, behold Him, your Redeemer, (chorus) 82 Oh, be in earnest, Pause and consider, (chorus) 51 Oh, come, thou sevenfold Spirit, come, (chorus) 286 Oh! Come to Jesus now. (chorus) 306 Oh, come, while the Saviour is calling, 306 Oh, come, while the Saviour is calling (title) 307 Oh, escape, for death is coming, 307 Oh, escape, for death is coming (title) 116 Oh, escape to Jesus now, (chorus) 191 Oh! fellowship supremely sweet, (chorus) 308 Oh, for a closer walk with God! 308 Oh, for a closer walk with God (title) 309 Oh, for a quiet resting place 309 Oh, for a quiet resting place (title) 288 Oh, give thyself continually 288 Oh, give thyself continually (title) 310 Oh! hasten to Jesus 310 Oh! hasten to Jesus while He is so near (title) 311 Oh, help us, Lord, to seek Thy face, 311 Oh, help us, Lord, to seek Thy face (title) 312 Oh, how sweet to know that Jesus, 312 Oh, how sweet to know that Jesus (title) 314 Oh, incline your ear and hearken 314 Oh, incline your ear and hearken (title) 107 Oh love supreme, Oh sov’reign grace (chorus) 107 Oh love supreme, Oh sov’reign grace (chorus) 313 Oh, Love surpassing all the joys of earth, 313 Oh, Love surpassing all the joys of earth (title) 315 Oh, magnify the Lord with me, 315 Oh, magnify the Lord with me (title) 109 Oh, make room in your heart now for Jesus, (chorus) 294 O Holy Spirit, purge my soul (chorus) 294 O Holy Spirit, teach me how 294 O Holy Spirit, teach me how to die indeed to sin (title) 31 O how great His tender love, (chorus) 349 Oh, return, Oh, come, return. (chorus) 301 Oh soul give ear, obey the Saviour’s voice— 316 Oh, soul of mine wilt thou consider well, 316 Oh, soul of mine wilt thou consider well (title) 302 Oh, Spirit of the living God, 302 Oh, Spirit of the living God (title) 303 Oh, teach me how to love Thee more, 303 Oh, teach me how to love Thee more (title) 317 Oh, tell me where shall rest be found, 317 Oh, tell me where shall rest be found (title) 467 Oh, turn at God’s reproof, (chorus) 467 Oh, turn at God’s reproof, (chorus) 318 Oh, turn not away from the Saviour of men, 318 Oh, turn not away from the Saviour of men (title) 319 Oh, wandering soul by cares oppressed (title) 319 Oh, wand’ring soul by cares oppressed, 305 Oh, what depth of love and pity 305 Oh, what depth of love and pity (title) 81 “Oh! what might have been,” (chorus) 320 Oh what wondrous love I see 320 Oh what wondrous love I see (title) 321 Oh, why do you linger where pleasures fade? 321 Oh, why do you linger where pleasures fade (title) 457 Oh will you not believe Him? (chorus) 342 Oh, wondrous love and can it be, (chorus) 295 O Jesus, light and life of those who love, 295 O Jesus, light and life of those who love (title) 296 O Lamb of God, was ever love like Thine? 296 O Lamb of God, was ever love like Thine? (title) 297 O, light of life in Jesus 297 O, light of life in Jesus (title) 298 O Lord, forbid that I should be 298 O Lord, forbid that I should be (title) 299 O Lord, Thou art my only hope, 299 O Lord, Thou art my only hope (title) 407 O Love divine how great Thy power (chorus) 400 One day too late, many will wait, (chorus) 408 One heart, one spirit mind and will (chorus) 188 One Spirit fills that glorious place, (chorus) 388 O receive me now, (chorus) 300 O Saviour teach us how to pray 300 O Saviour teach us how to pray (title) 301 O soul give ear, obey the Saviour’s voice (title) 304 O, Thou that dwellest in the skies, 304 O, Thou that dwellest in the skies (title) 250 Our God is here, the living God, (chorus) 2 Our little while will soon be gone; (chorus) 189 Our weakness, Lord, appeals to Thee, (chorus) 459 Our weakness, Lord, appeals to Thee; (chorus) 322 Out of love for Jesus, 322 Out of love for Jesus (title) P 246 Passing by, passing by, (chorus) 323 Patiently continue in the way with Jesus, 323 Patiently continue in the way with Jesus (title) 324 Perfect peace the Lord has promised 324 Perfect peace the Lord has promised (title) 314 Pleading still, pleading still, (chorus) 325 Poor and needy, Lord, we gather 325 Poor and needy, Lord, we gather (title) 100 Poor and needy, weak and helpless, (chorus) 326 Pray, beloved, always pray, 326 Pray, beloved, always pray (title) 328 Prayer is a mighty source of power (title) 328 Prayer is a mighty source of pow’r; 326 Prayer will put your foes to flight, (chorus) 329 Praying always in the Spirit, 329 Praying always in the Spirit (title) 329 Praying always, praying ever, (chorus) 327 Pray on in faith and waver not 327 Pray on in faith and waver not (title) 288 Preceded by your fervent prayer, (chorus) 54 Pressing on, pressing on. (chorus) R 331 Redeemed from among all the children of men, 331 Redeemed from among all the children of men (title) 330 Redeem the time these evil days (title) 330 Redeem the time— these evil days in which you live. 332 Refuse not Him that speaketh, 332 Refuse not Him that speaketh (title) 333 Rejoicing in the Lord, 333 Rejoicing in the Lord we walk His lowly way (title) 334 Renew the spirit of my mind, 334 Renew the spirit of my mind (title) 335 Repose in God and thou shalt find 335 Repose in God and thou shalt find (title) 190 Rest, O my soul, away with thy fear, (chorus) S 336 Saviour, hear my heartfelt prayer, 336 Saviour, hear my heartfelt prayer (title) 455 Saviour I cannot grieve Thee, (chorus) 337 Saviour, I will gladly follow 337 Saviour, I will gladly follow (title) 338 Saviour, keep me pure in heart, (chorus) 338 Saviour, keep me true and faithful, 338 Saviour, keep me true and faithful (title) 320 Saviour! Saviour! (chorus) 339 Search me, O Lord, and know my inmost heart, 339 Search me, O Lord, and know my inmost heart (title) 339 Search me, O Lord, and know my inmost heart, 339 Search me, O Lord, and know my inmost heart (title) 341 Seeking for a better country, 341 Seeking for a better country (title) 340 Seek the Lord while you may find Him, 340 Seek the Lord while you may find Him (title) 343 Since Jesus came to dwell with me, 343 Since Jesus came to dwell with me (title) 344 Since Jesus conquered death and hell, 344 Since Jesus conquered death and hell (title) 345 Sincere, without offence until that day 345 Sincere, without offence until that day (title) 342 Sin is the only thing I fear, 342 Sin is the only thing I fear (title) 346 “Some day,” you say, “I will seek the Lord, 346 “Some day,” you say, “I will seek the Lord” (title) 347 Songs in the night He giveth, 347 Songs in the night He giveth (title) 348 Soul adrift without the Saviour, 348 Soul adrift without the Saviour (title) 349 Souls of mine now drifting downward, 349 Souls of mine now drifting downward (title) 350 Sow beside all waters, (chorus) 350 Sowing, ever sowing, 350 Sowing, ever sowing, do not stay your hand (title) 257 Strength for each trial and each task, (chorus) 380 Stronger than the strong is He, (chorus) 341 Suff’ring must precede the glory, (chorus) 351 Sweet is Thy voice, my Saviour, 351 Sweet is Thy voice, my Saviour (title) T 352 Take forth the precious from the vile, 352 Take forth the precious from the vile (title) 353 Take my yoke upon you, 353 Take My yoke upon you (title) 354 Take one forward step with Jesus, (chorus) 354 Take one forward step with Jesus, 354 Take one forward step with Jesus (title) 354 Take one forward step with Jesus, (chorus) 354 Take one forward step with Jesus, 354 Take one forward step with Jesus (title) 355 Take the hand that Jesus offers, 355 Take the hand that Jesus offers (title) 356 Take the yoke of Jesus, 356 Take the yoke of Jesus, hearken to His voice (title) 357 Take your cross and follow Jesus, 357 Take your cross and follow Jesus (title) 241 Teach us how to pray, (chorus) 358 Teach us, Lord, our days to number, 358 Teach us, Lord, our days to number (title) 358 Teach us, Lord, to walk in wisdom, (chorus) 359 Tell how He lived, tell how He died, (chorus) 359 Tell me again of God’s wonderful love: 359 Tell me again of God’s wonderful love (title) 438 That door was opened wide for us (chorus) 360 The breathing of my soul is after God; 360 The breathing of my soul is after God (title) 171 The call of grace has reached me; (chorus) 361 The call of grace has reached my soul, 361 The call of grace has reached my soul (title) 362 The door of God’s sheepfold is open, 362 The door of God’s sheepfold is open (title) 363 The evening shades are falling fast (title) 363 The ev’ning shades are falling fast, 364 The fields are white and harvest time is near, 364 The fields are white and harvest time is near (title) 365 The hand of God hath touched me, 365 The hand of God hath touched me (title) 366 The happy hour will surely come 366 The happy hour will surely come (title) 367 The harvest fields are white, (chorus) 367 The harvest fields are white, 367 The harvest fields are white (title) 368 The heart of God is always griev’d 368 The heart of God is always grieved (title) 332 The heart of God is pleading, (chorus) 369 The heart of God’s chosen disciples, 369 The heart of God’s chosen disciples (title) 370 The height and depth of God’s redeeming love 370 The height and depth of God’s redeeming love (title) 371 The law of God is in my heart, 371 The law of God is in my heart (title) 372 The life of Paul the faithful 372 The life of Paul the faithful (title) 373 The Lord has whispered in my heart, 373 The Lord has whispered in my heart (title) 374 The Lord is our defence 374 The Lord is our defence (title) 375 The Lord my Shepherd is, 375 The Lord my Shepherd is (title) 376 The love of God now fills my soul. 376 The love of God now fills my soul (title) 376 The love of God now fills my soul. 376 The love of God now fills my soul (title) 377 The love of Jesus fills my soul, 377 The love of Jesus fills my soul (title) 378 The Master has taken His servant (title) 378 The Master hath taken His servant 229 The mind of Christ is all I need, (chorus) 379 The narrow way of Holiness 379 The narrow way of holiness (title) 450 Then, O what will you do On that great day of days (chorus) 318 Then ponder the path of thy feet, (chorus) 380 The path, though steep and narrow, 380 The path, though steep and narrow (title) 381 The poor in spirit ask no more 381 The poor in spirit ask no more (title) 383 The precious Blood of Jesus 384 The precious blood of Jesus (chorus) 384 The precious blood of Jesus 383 The precious blood of Jesus has washed my sins away (title) 384 The precious blood of Jesus is now my only plea (title) 382 The Reaper’s final call has come, 382 The Reaper’s final call has come (title) 400 There are many who say, 400 There are many who say, “Are there few that be saved?” (title) 401 There is a place by me, 401 There is a place by me (title) 402 There is a way, a narrow way, 402 There is a way, a narrow way (title) 181 There is never friend to me like my Redeemer; (chorus) 181 There is never friend to me like my Redeemer; (chorus) 403 There is no friend like Jesus 404 There is no friend like Jesus, 403 There is no friend like Jesus, In earth or heaven above (title) 404 There is no friend like Jesus, Whose attribute is love (title) 393 There is rest, there is peace; (chorus) 999 There oft is a battlefield, 999 There oft is a battlefield (title) 405 There’s a path we all may follow, 405 There’s a path we all may follow (title) 406 There’s a resting place at the throne of grace 406 There’s a resting place at the throne of grace (title) 407 There’s nothing now can separate 407 There’s nothing now can separate (title) 408 There’s nought but Christ and Christ alone 408 There’s nought but Christ and Christ alone (title) 385 The Saviour calls so earnestly, 385 The Saviour calls so earnestly (title) 386 The Saviour is calling, 386 The Saviour is calling, give ear to His voice (title) 108 The Saviour is calling you home, (chorus) 453 The Saviour stands beseeching thee (chorus) 453 The Saviour stands beseeching thee (chorus) 125 The Shepherd and the sheep rejoice, (chorus) 387 The Son of God came down on earth 387 The Son of God came down on earth (title) 388 The tender Shepherd’s voice 388 The tender Shepherd’s voice (title) 389 The truth of God so precious, 389 The truth of God so precious (title) 390 The voice of God has reached my heart, 390 The voice of God has reached my heart (title) 391 The voice of God is calling, (chorus) 391 The voice of God is calling, 391 The voice of God is calling (title) 392 The voice of Jesus calls me now, 392 The voice of Jesus calls me now (title) 393 The voice of the Shepherd is calling for thee, 393 The voice of the Shepherd is calling for thee (title) 394 The way into the Holiest 394 The way into the Holiest is open now to me (title) 395 The way that leads to Heaven above (title) 395 The way that leads to Heav’n above 396 The way to God the Father’s heart 396 The way to God the Father’s heart (title) 397 The wheels of time, Oh, who can stay? 397 The wheels of time, Oh, who can stay (title) 398 The world and all its mighty force 398 The world and all its mighty force (title) 399 The world’s Redeemer came to me, 399 The world’s Redeemer came to me (title) 409 Think of Christ, the world’s Redeemer, 409 Think of Christ, the world’s Redeemer (title) 376 This is my prayer continually, (chorus) 376 This is my prayer continually, (chorus) 410 This is the resurrection life, 410 This is the resurrection life (title) 411 This is your opportunity, 411 This is your opportunity (title) 412 Those Sons of Fire who in His presence wait, 412 Those Sons of Fire who in His presence wait (title) 415 Though God’s choicest gifts are sufferings (title) 415 Though God’s choicest gifts are suff’rings, 265 Though hosts of sin may surround me, (chorus) 413 Thou hast been my help, Lord Jesus, 413 Thou hast been my help, Lord Jesus (title) 414 Thou very God of peace, 414 Thou very God of peace (title) 416 Thy bleeding feet, Lord Jesus, I will follow, 416 Thy bleeding feet, Lord Jesus, I will follow (title) 417 Thy choice, O God, shall be my choice, 417 Thy choice, O God, shall be my choice (title) 218 Thy God reigneth, thy God reigneth, (chorus) 418 Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, 418 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done (title) 419 Thy precious Word is very pure, 419 Thy precious word is very pure (title) 420 Thy vows are binding, Lord, on me, 420 Thy vows are binding, Lord, on me (title) 421 Thy watchmen cease not day nor night, 421 Thy watchmen cease not day or night (title) 422 Time is passing, Oh! so quickly, 422 Time is passing, Oh! so quickly (title) 94 ’Tis better than thousands of silver and gold, (chorus) 423 ’Tis Thine alone, O God of truth, 423 ’Tis Thine alone, O God of truth (title) 287 ’Tis yielded, all my willing heart, (chorus) 424 To Calvary your Lord was led, 424 To Calvary your Lord was led (title) 92 Today if you will hear His voice, (chorus) 426 Today is mine, tomorrow may not be. 426 Today is mine, tomorrow may not be (title) 425 To humbly bow low in the dust 425 To humbly bow low in the dust (title) 427 Trust for strength to bear the burden, 427 Trust for strength to bear the burden (title) U 180 Unchanging my Saviour remains, (chorus) 302 Unite me to Thy Holy will (chorus) W 429 Walking each day in the footsteps of Jesus, 429 Walking each day in the footsteps of Jesus (title) 428 Walking in the Spirit 428 Walking in the Spirit with my Saviour (title) 430 Wanderer, stop and hearken (title) 430 Wand’rer, stop and hearken, 40 Was there ever friend so tender, (chorus) 33 Watching, praying, never quit the field! (chorus) 311 Weak in ourselves we fear the foe, (chorus) 406 We are waiting, Waiting at Thy feet, (chorus) 439 We bear our Lord and Saviour’s name, (chorus) 432 We have found the way of life, 432 We have found the way of life (title) 431 We hear the Saviour’s welcome voice, (chorus) 431 We hope in Thy great mercy, Lord, 431 We hope in Thy great mercy, Lord (title) 433 We love the perfect way of God, 433 We love the perfect way of God (title) 434 We must be diligent and wise, 434 We must be diligent and wise (title) 435 We must either pray or perish, 435 We must either pray or perish (title) 364 We’re sowing, we’re sowing, (chorus) 439 We’re trusting in the living God, 439 We’re trusting in the living God (title) 436 We seek Thy face our Father, God, 436 We seek Thy face our Father, God (title) 437 We shall meet again in Glory, 437 We shall meet again in glory (title) 438 We thank thee for an open door, 438 We thank Thee for an open door (title) 440 What God hath wrought, what He hath done 440 What God hath wrought, what He hath done (title) 441 What have you done for Jesus? (chorus) 441 What have you done for Jesus? 441 What have you done for Jesus? (title) 442 What shall I render, O my God, 442 What shall I render, O my God (title) 443 When all my way is dark and drear, 443 When all my way is dark and drear (title) 130 When I’m decreasing (chorus) 444 When I think of God’s numberless mercies, 444 When I think of God’s numberless mercies (title) 445 When Jesus comes with His saints and servants, 445 When Jesus comes with His saints and servants (title) 446 When Jesus left His home above 446 When Jesus left His home above (title) 447 When my way is dark and angry clouds 447 When my way is dark and angry clouds (title) 448 When Satan would tempt me to linger (title) 448 When Satan would tempt me to linger and stay, 449 When sore afflictions press my soul, 449 When sore afflictions press my soul (title) 198 When the sun rose bright and fair (chorus) 450 When you come to the end of your life’s little day, 450 When you come to the end of your life’s little day (title) 451 When you trusted in the Lord, taking Jesus at His Word, 451 When you trusted in the Lord, taking Jesus at His word (title) 452 Where all is peaceful, calm and still, 452 Where all is peaceful, calm and still (title) 453 Where will you dwell eternally? 453 Where will you dwell eternally (title) 453 Where will you dwell eternally? 453 Where will you dwell eternally (title) 454 While hanging on the cross of shame, 454 While hanging on the cross of shame (title) 69 While I am reading and meditating, (chorus) 321 Why do you linger? Oh count the cost, (chorus) 455 Why should I grieve my Saviour, 455 Why should I grieve my Saviour (title) 217 Why stand ye idle? Why stand ye idle? (chorus) 456 Why will you die, why will you die? 456 Why will you die, why will you die? (title) 458 Will you come and walk with God 458 Will you come and walk with God? (title) 458 Will you come? Will you come? (chorus) 124 Will you not enter in? (chorus) 457 Will you now accept the Saviour? 457 Will you now accept the Saviour (title) 430 Will you now receive Him, (chorus) 459 With childlike trust, O Lord, we come; 459 With childlike trust, O Lord, we come (title) 460 With heart resigned and will subdued 460 With heart resigned and will subdued (title) 466 Within, within this troubled heart of mine, 466 Within, within this troubled heart of mine (title) 144 With joy the Father shall review, (chorus) 461 With my soul have I desired Thee, 461 With my soul have I desired Thee (title) 462 With my whole heart, unfeignedly, 462 With my whole heart unfeignedly (title) 463 With perfect heart and willing mind 463 With perfect heart and willing mind (title) 464 With reverence and with Godly fear (title) 464 With rev’rence and with Godly fear, 465 With shield of faith I face the foe, 465 With shield of faith I face the foe (title) Y 319 Your day of grace is passing by, (chorus) 467 Your days are but a shadow here, 467 Your days are but a shadow here (title) 467 Your days are but a shadow here, 467 Your days are but a shadow here (title) English language hymnbook Hymns written by Sam Jones Published in 2012 For more info see http://rkivs.com/digitalmusic/ ebook version: 15.5.30 Index of Titles, First Lines, and Chorus