1: Our Hearts O’erflow 1. Lord, our hearts o’erflow with praises For the riches of Thy love, For this wondrous gospel story Sent to earth from heaven above; For that life of love so lowly, For the cross of Calvary, For the resurrection morning And our living hope in Thee. 2. For this fellowship so precious That unites us by Thy grace, Growing fuller, deeper, stronger, Sundered not by time nor space. Bind us closer, Lord, and closer: As one body may we be, And our love to one another Manifest our love for Thee. 3. In this world of doubt and darkness, Through us may the Light now shine, And our lives reflect a measure Of Thy boundless love divine. Teach us, Lord, to lift the burden Of the weary traveller’s load, And to journey on together, Ever on the homeward road. 4. So, through all our pilgrim journey Keep us faithful, Lord, we pray, Till, with trumpet loudly sounding, Breaks the dawn of endless day. Then from distant lands, united, Gathered to Thy wounded side– Come! Lord Jesus, Come! Lord Jesus, Haste to claim Thy chosen bride. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ Annie F. Q. Harrison. Arr. A.W.B. meter→ 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7 2: I’m glad I know He’s Coming 1. I’m glad I know that Jesus Is coming back one day, That earthly pomp and power Shall one day pass away. The meek and lowly Jesus Eternally shall reign, As King in all His glory He’s coming back again. Chorus Oh, let me be found waiting– Although I know not when– That when the hour cometh I may be ready then. 2. I do not know the hour– For no-one knows just when– But surely Christ is coming, He’s coming back again. The source of true salvation To all men here below, The hope of every nation For God has planned it so. 3. He came to pay the ransom For weak and sinful men– The Christ who went to Calv’ry Is coming back again. To all who have received Him, The Gospel to obey, T’will be the glorious dawning Of heaven’s eternal day. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ Don Puffalt 3: The Call to Labour 1. Lord, let me hear once more the call to labour, The call that rang beside blue Galilee, To turn from home and lands and friends and kindred: Speak, Lord, again and say “Come, follow me.” 2. Lift Thou mine eyes to see the fields now waiting Close to my hand or far beyond the sea; Then let me go and give my life, Lord Jesus, Sowing or reaping, all as unto Thee. 3. Help me to see as sheep who have no shepherd, The multitudes that throng on every side; And let me say, wherever they may wander, “These are the souls for whom my Saviour died.” 4. Touch Thou my heart with Thine own deep compassion, Help me to love as Thou hast first loved me; And put within, a burning, deep ambition To guide some lost and wandering soul to Thee. 5. O keep me, Lord, from growing cold or careless, But let my zeal and love still stronger be; And till the day when Thou shalt come, Lord Jesus, Let me be found still labouring for Thee. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. meter→ 11, 10, 11, 10 4: Jesus The Saviour 1. Jesus the Saviour from heaven descending Down to this earth with its sin and its woe, Bringing the promise of life that’s unending, Came to His own, but His own would not know. Chorus Jesus is risen. He liveth again. Soon He is coming forever to reign. 2. Born in a stable and laid in a manger, Birds have their nests but no room in the inn. Lord of creation–on earth as a stranger Giving His life as a ransom for sin. 3. Out to dark Calvary, bruised, He was taken, Nailed to the cross where He suffered alone, Jesus the Saviour, to die thus forsaken, Buried and laid in a tomb not His own. 4. Bitter the anguish–then wonderful dawning, Jesus the crucified raised from the dead, Hope of the ages–eternity’s morning– “He is not here, but is risen” they said. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. 5: Incline Thine Ear 1. Incline Thine ear, we pray, to hear Our humble plea, Our deepest need, our hopes, our fears Are known to Thee. O, grant us now Thy face to see, Almighty Lord. 2. O, cleanse we pray and purify Our hearts within, And take away the guilt and stain Of all our sin; And in Thy mercy make us clean, Almighty Lord. 3. Grant us Thy strong protecting hand From day to day, And lead us safely ever on In Thine own way; And may Thy presence be our stay, Almighty Lord. 4. Receive us now for we, Thy children, Come to Thee, Our lives, our all, we now present An off’ring free; Now and forever Thine to be, Almighty Lord. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. 6: Thy Saviour Calls 1. Thy Saviour calls, O, hearken now to Him, He gave Himself to save thee from thy sin; He left His Father’s home in heav’n above And came on earth to manifest His love. Chorus Calling for thee–Oh, how He pleads! Calling for thee–Oh, how He intercedes! Calling in love for thee–He calls so eagerly! Thy Saviour calls and waits an answer from thee. 2. For thee He wept, in agony He prayed, And faced the cross undaunted, undismayed, For thee the crown of thorns upon His head, And ’twas for thee His precious blood was shed. 3. For thee He lived and ’twas for thee He died, Yea, ’twas for thee God’s Son was crucified. Triumphant o’er the tomb He rose again That life eternal thou could’st also gain. 4. Softly He calls, O, hearken to His voice, Pleading with thee to make the highest choice; Can you reject such love, so pure, divine, Open thy heart and make the Saviour thine. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. 7: I Thank Thee Lord 1. I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou dost see My inmost heart e’en now, And that Thou knowest every need When at Thy feet I bow. 2. I thank Thee that when weary, worn And sorely pressed by sin, My broken, grieving heart can feel Thy healing touch within. 3. I thank Thee that the future years Are hidden far from me, But, more than this, I thank Thee, Lord, That they are known to Thee. 4. For saving grace and keeping power And love so full and free, For all I have and all Thou art Be praise eternally. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ K.P. tune→ Coalport 8: Lord, How Good 1. Lord, how good, and oh, how pleasant When Thy people dwell as one, Bound in bonds of love, uniting To the Father and the Son. Bowing lowly in Thy presence, Grant us now Thy liberty, And anoint our hearts together With the oil of unity. Chorus As before Thy throne we worship And with humble hearts adore, Wilt Thou, Lord, command the blessing, Even life forevermore. 2. Lord, how good, and oh, how pleasant When Thy people dwell as one, Scattered far, yet bound so closely Through the work that Thou hast done. May Thy Spirit, Lord, unite us– Bringing peace no tongue can tell– As the dew so soft descending On the hills of Israel. 3. Lord, how good, and oh, how pleasant When Thy people dwell as one, Hand in hand to face the conflict Till the crown at last is won: Love uniting, ever closer, Hearts as one to seek Thy face, Overflowing with Thy praises For the riches of Thy grace. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ G. Smith meter→ 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7 9: The Saviour Gently Calls 1. The Saviour gently calls you now In accents soft and clear; His hand outstretched in tender love Will guide you to His home above– O come while He is near. 2. This weary world so full of sin Can offer naught but loss: Its empty joys, its foolish pride, False hopes that, like an ebbing tide, Recede to leave but dross. 3. Your life is but a flickering flame That fades to shine no more; Then with that great and countless band, Before His throne you, too, will stand On an eternal shore. 4. So heed His gentle, pleading voice That calls you still today. He offers you a home in heaven, The inward peace of sins forgiven– O come while yet you may. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ J. Macadam meter→ 8, 6, 8, 8, 6 tune→ Rest 10: Lord, Hear My Prayer 1. Lord, hear my prayer, O, hearken to my pleading, Thou knowest all my heart, and more beside, Grant me Thy love, Thy grace and all I’m needing To be found worthy as Thy chosen bride. 2. Thy whispered word this heart of mine is wooing, O, speak to me in Thy dear tones of love, Then shall my greatest joy, Lord, be in doing Thy blessed will, as done in heaven above. 3. Only of Thee I would my life could savour, No other love shall lurk within my breast, Fix Thou mine eyes that they may never waver But on my Bridegroom evermore may rest. 4. Only to Thee, my soul, O Lord, is clinging, O, help me prove my heart’s deep love for Thee; Then shall my life with praise be ever ringing To Him who shed such wondrous love on me. 5. Take Thou my life, and with Thine own now blending, Fold me to Thee in Thy strong arms of love, Blest union then–a fellowship unending– Now, here on earth, and then for aye above. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. 11: My Pilgrim Way 1. Dear Lord, when o’er my pilgrim way The darkened clouds hang low, There stands reflected in the rain Thy promise in the bow. And so, within this heart of mine, Although I may not see, I know that there behind the clouds Is One who cares for me. 2. And though my heart be weary, worn, And though the way be long, Still I may journey on with Thee And sing the victor’s song. For Thou, my Lord and Saviour true, Dost hear my faintest sigh, And all the riches of Thy grace My every need supply. 3. Though Satan often may assail, Though failure I may meet, And sometimes in my heart I hear The whispers of defeat, Still I will journey on with Thee, My hand held safe in Thine; For nothing, Lord, can separate From Thy great love divine. 4. And so along this homeward road I know that Thou wilt guide, And future days shall hold no fear If Thou art by my side, Until one day with boundless joy, Thy wondrous face I see: My blessèd, risen, living Lord, Who died on Calvary. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. meter→ 8, 6, 8, 6, 8, 6, 8, 6 12: Dear Father 1. Dear Father, we Thy children bow And humbly pray Thee now, Oh, may the light of Thy blest face Reflect to us Thy pard’ning grace. Revive us, Lord, we pray. 2. At Calvary our Saviour died, Forsaken and denied. His body broken on the tree, His blood poured out to make us free. Forgive us Lord, we pray. 3. Now in the bread and in the wine We see Thy love divine, Oh, may we now be cleansed from sin, Thy temple purified within. Receive us, Lord, we pray. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ F. C. Maker tune→ Rest 13: Lord Let Thy Spirit 1. Lord, let Thy Spirit now Brood o’er this heart of mine, Wak’ning my inward ear to hear That gentle voice of Thine. 2. Thy voice so dear to me, Bidding my fears to cease, Quelling the storms of doubt that rise To fill my soul with peace. 3. Now let me feel Thy touch, Ever so true and kind, That heals my sorrow deep within And every wound doth bind. 4. Help me to roll my care Only, dear Lord, on Thee, Knowing that Thou dost all things well And that Thou lovest me. 5. Now let me gladly bow To Thy blest will divine; O, hear this prayer I lift to Thee And keep me ever Thine. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. tune→ Trentham 14: What Do I Think 1. What do I think when days are bright and glad And I can see the way that leads ahead, And feel Thy great, unfailing love and care That keeps me safely in the path I tread? 2. What do I think when days are dark and sad, When black the night and stormy billows roll, When I am worn and weary in the fray And wounds have entered deep into my soul? 3. I think, dear Lord–The days are all the same If I but take Thy hand and walk with Thee, For all of this alike must pass away, And Thou alone art for eternity. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ K. C. Fitchett 15: Humbly I Lift My Voice 1. Humbly I lift my voice in praise To Thee, O Lord, in heaven above, For all the wonder of Thy ways, The depth of Thy redeeming love. In Thy great Kingdom Thou hast given To me, dear Lord, to have a part, A place with Thee–a hope of heaven– And gratitude o’erflows my heart. Chorus This life of mine I yield to Thee, Accept, I pray, for it is Thine. Point me again to Calvary And fill my soul with love divine. 2. Help me to know as I shall know When dawns that great eternal day, The emptiness of all below That soon must fade and pass away. Help me to seek the things above Where Thou dost sit upon the throne, The riches of Thy grace and love Reserved in heaven for all Thine own. 3. And though ahead my pilgrim way May lead through vale and over hill, Help me, dear Lord, to ever stay Within the safety of Thy will. May Thy strong hand be leading me Across these swiftly fleeting years, And every step I take with Thee I know the blessed Homeland nears. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ D. B. Towner 16: Let Me See Thee 1. Let me see Thee, blessed Lord, Walking on this earth below, Meek, despised, rejected, poor, All Thy life as seed to sow. Let me see Thy touch that made Weary, wand’ring sinners whole. Let me see, and may the sight Bring fresh hope into my soul, Let me see, and may the sight Bring fresh hope into my soul. 2. Let me see Thee, blessed Lord, Dying on the cruel tree, Yielding up Thy life divine–Sacrifice of love so free. Let me see the cleansing stream Flowing out from Calvary. Let me see, and make me know That Thy blood was shed for me, Let me see, and make me know That Thy blood was shed for me. 3. Let me see Thee, blessed Lord, In that resurrection hour, Rising, victor o’er the tomb–Sown in weakness, raised in power. Let me see Thee, Lord on high, There my great High Priest to be, Living now to intercede, Touched with my infirmity, Living now to intercede, Touched with my infirmity. 4. Let me see Thee, blessed Lord, Quickly coming back again, Prince of Peace and Lord of lords, Ever King of kings to reign. Let me see Thee– ’All in All’, Wondrous, soul-refreshing view, Quick’ning all this life of mine, Kindling love and hope anew, Quick’ning all this life of mine, Kindling love and hope anew. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ Don Puffalt tune→ Stonebank 17: My Grateful Heart 1. My grateful heart o’erflows To Thee, O Lord, with praise, For Thy abounding grace And mercy all my days. 2. Thine all encircling arms Have compassed me around, And ’neath Thy shelt’ring wings A refuge I have found. 3. So weak and prone to fail– I have no other plea But Thy shed blood, O Lord, Poured out on Calvary. 4. No claim would I retain To this poor life of mine, For Thou hast ransomed me Through Thy great love divine. 5. And so to Thee I bow, Whate’er Thy will may be, In full surrender, Lord, My all I yield to Thee. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. tune→ Quam Dilecta 18: I’ll Follow My Master 1. I’ll follow my Master, My own way forsaking, And His Way now taking, I’ll serve Him. His yoke gladly bearing, His fellowship sharing, His great love declaring around me. His kind arm enfolding, His strength now upholding, He claims me and makes me His own. Chorus Whate’er may betide me, If He is beside me, And His hand doth guide me, I’ll follow. 2. I’ll follow my Shepherd, Wherever He goeth, I trust Him–He knoweth the pathway. In love interceding, In green pastures feeding By still waters leading He guides me. He goeth before me, In love watches o’er me, And softly He calls me His own. 3. I’ll follow my Saviour, And love Him forever, I know He will never forsake me. In love He has sought me, Thru grace He has brought me, By blood He has bought me on Cal’vry. The clouds have been riven. New hope He has given, And I am forever His own. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ Phil Kerr 19: Lord, at Thy Feet I Bow 1. Lord, at Thy feet I bow, Before Thy face I vow– My life, I yield it now, For I am Thine. 2. Thy grace so full and free, Thy love on Calvary, This, Lord, has conquered me, And I am Thine. 3. Whate’er the days may bring Yet to Thy hand I’ll cling, Ever Thy praises sing, For I am Thine. 4. And though the passing years Sometimes are wet with tears, Thy hand shall calm my fears, For I am Thine. 5. So when my course is run, When my short day is done, Beyond the setting sun– I shall be Thine. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ K. C. Fitchett 20: Wonderful Love 1. Lord, of Thy wonderful, unfailing love Now we would sing, Now we would sing, Love that brought Christ from Thy throne high above– Hearts full of praises we bring. Love so divine, Love so divine, Seeking us, claiming us, making us Thine. 2. Love that is calling the wanderers home, Sad and forlorn, Sad and forlorn, Seeking them far wheresoever they roam, Hopeless and weary and worn. Welcoming love Welcoming love Guiding the lost to the Homeland above. 3. Love that is balm for the sorrow within When we would stray, When we would stray, Love that brings pardon and cleansing for sin, Calming our fear and dismay. Pardoning love Pardoning love Flows from the Father of mercies above. 4. Grant us, dear Lord, from the glory above, Such love divine, Such love divine, As Thou hast loved us, oh, help us to love– This be the proof we are Thine! Love cannot fail, Love cannot fail, Lord, make us strong in Thy love to prevail. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ A. Watson 21: The Precious Seed Is Scattered 1. Now the precious seed is scattered Through Thy message from above: Blest, unchanging gospel story– Seed of life and seed of love. Shall it fall upon the wayside After all the sower’s toil? Quickly to be robbed and taken– Wild, unclaimed, unbroken soil. 2. Or upon a heart so stony That it never root can find: Not a harvest ever garnered, Nor a single sheaf to bind. In a life of worldly seeking, Midst the thorns that tangle there, Shall the seed be sown to perish, Choked by every earthly care? 3. Nay! but let my life be broken By the tiller’s patient skill, Ready to receive Thy message, Yielded to Thy blessèd will. Sow Thy precious seed, dear Saviour, Deep within this heart of mine, That it there may grow and flourish, Springing forth to life divine. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ Annie F. Q. Harrison. Arr. A.W.B. meter→ 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7 22: Now We Would Unite 1. Now we would unite to praise Him, God of goodness and of grace, Rich in love and tender mercy Unto all the human race! Chorus Praise Him! Praise Him! God our Father, God our Saviour, God of love! 2. Praise Him for His touch that healeth When we bow the knee to pray, For the hand that still correcteth When our feet are prone to stray. 3. Praise Him for His great salvation, For the fellowship we know; For the peace of heart that reigneth When unto His will we bow. 4. Praise Him for each gift and blessing, Things the tongue could never tell, For the blessed, deep assurance That He doeth all things well! Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ J. Goss 23: Lord, I Thank Thee 1. Lord, I thank Thee for the day Christ came My eternal hope to be, Showing forth Thy love to all mankind Now and for eternity. 2. Lord, I thank Thee for His living word, Having all its source in Thee, Rock on which I now may safely build– Sure for all eternity. 3. Lord, I thank Thee for His perfect way Traced in steps of love for me, Leading on through all the shades of life Safely to eternity. 4. Lord, I thank Thee for His precious blood Flowing out from Calvary, Saving me from all the guilt of sin– Cleansed for all eternity. 5. Lord, I thank Thee for His wondrous grace, Helping me to yield to Thee, Giving Thee my heart, my life, my all– Thine for all eternity. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ K. C. Fitchett 24: Help Me to Look to Thee 1. Help me to look to Thee when I am tried, Resting my eyes upon the Crucified: So can the race be run, So can the task be done, And then the victory won– Jesus my Lord. 2. Help me to cling to Thee in every test, Finding the grace to say, “Thy will is best.” This still the choice for me, This still the way must be, Only to follow Thee– Jesus my Lord. 3. Help me to rest in Thee from every care, Bowed at Thy throne of grace– true solace there. Night will be turned to day, Tears will be wiped away: Come quickly, then, I pray– Jesus my Lord. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. meter→ 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 4 tune→ Camacha 25: A Life of Praise 1. Lord, in the morning of life I surrender My youthful heart to Thy loving control. Teach me Thy will, Lord, and show me Thy beauty That I may love Thee with heart, mind and soul. Help me to flee from foolish empty pleasures From this defiling world keep me free, Guide Thou my way and fit me for Thy service And let me live to bring praise unto Thee. 2. Lord, in the heat and the burden of noonday, Grant me the strength to be daring and brave, Ready to stand where the battle is keenest Trusting alone in Thine arm that can save. Keep me from pride and cruel selfish seeking Lowly in heart, dear Lord, I would be, Spending my days in loving, loyal service, Living my life to bring praise unto Thee. 3. Lord, when the shadows of evening are falling And life’s short day soon its course will have run, Steady and sure keep my feet in Thy pathway Never to falter ’til vict’ry is won. Grant me the grace to yield my place to others– Pass on the torch that Thou gavest me: Unto the end to keep Thy law of kindness, Then shall my life be a praise unto Thee. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ Sydney H. Gambrell. Arr. G.B. tune→ Sweet Memories 26: Take me, Lord 1. Take me, Lord, I humbly pray, Keep me ever ’neath Thy sway; Nothing but Thy life divine Can transform this life of mine. Let my life a garden be, Cultivated, Lord, by Thee. May the flowers of grace and love There be watered from above. 2. As a branch within the Vine, Drawing from that source divine, Prune my life, as Thou do’st see, That it may more fruitful be. As the soft and yielding clay, Mould my life from day to day, By the Potter’s tender skill Fashioned to Thy blessed will. 3. Let my life, a living stone Sculptured by Thy word alone, Fitted by Thy work of grace, In Thy temple find a place. This poor life–no longer mine– May it be forever Thine. Take it, Lord, I humbly pray, Keep me ever ’neath Thy sway. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ W. B. Gilbert tune→ Maidstone 27: Baptized in Jesus’ Name 1. Baptized in Jesus’ name– The path He trod for me I follow now and humbly bow In deep humility. 2. Baptized in Jesus’ name– Buried with Him to be, To count as dross all earthly loss: To die is gain to me. 3. Baptized in Jesus’ name– Risen with Him to be; His life divine henceforth is mine, And He shall reign in me. 4. Baptized in Jesus’ name– I’ll seek the things above And spend my days to serve and praise The God whose name is Love. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. meter→ 6, 6, 8, 6 tune→ Trentham 28: Lord, I Plead 1. Lord, I plead for heart submission, Grace to gladly bow, Yielding all in full surrender To Thy Lordship now, Lord, I plead for inward cleansing, Purging of my sin, Through the precious blood of Calv’ry Make me pure within. 2. Lord, I plead for strength and courage To confess Thy name, That I may ’mid sin and darkness Own Thee without shame. Lord, I plead for deep assurance Faith that never fails, Holding fast Thy word of promise When the foe assails. 3. Lord, I plead for Thy dear presence That I may each day Walk with Thee in sweet communion In Thine own true way. Lord, I plead that Thou wilt keep me ’Til the storms shall cease And at last I reach the haven Of eternal peace. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ J.S. 29: Jesus The Saviour 1. Jesus the Saviour from heav’n descending Down to this earth with its sin and its woe, Bringing salvation–life never ending– Came to His own, but His own would not know. 2. Born in a stable, laid in a manger, Birds have their nests but no room in the inn. Lord of creation–here as a stranger– Giving His life as a ransom for sin. 3. Out to dark Calv’ry, bruised, He was taken, Nailed to the cross where He suffered alone, Jesus the Saviour, dying, forsaken, Buried and laid in a tomb not His own. 4. Bitter the anguish–wonderful dawning– Jesus the crucified raised from the dead. Hope of the Ages–Star of the Morning– “He is not here, but is risen” they said. 5. Jesus is risen–risen in glory– He who on earth was rejected and slain. Yes, He is risen–wonderful story– Soon He is coming forever to reign. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. 30: Father In Heaven 1. Father in heav’n I cry to Thee And as Thy child I humbly bow, Incline Thine ear, dear Lord, to me And in Thy mercy help me now. 2. Unworthy, Lord, I plead Thy grace, Poor and defiled I come to Thee, O, lift mine eyes to see Thy face, Thy pard’ning smile that sets me free. 3. Help me to yield my will to Thine That I may give a service true, O, fill my heart with love divine That I may love my neighbour too. 4. Grant me a heart to feel the need That here abounds on every side, Help me, O Lord, that I may feed The lambs and sheep for whom Christ died. 5. Where Thou hast sent me, help me, Lord, Just to be true from day to day, O, let my life reflect Thy word And teach me, Father, how to pray. 6. Cleanse me, O Lord, in word and deed, From secret sin, O, set me free, Grant me Thy living touch I plead And help me, Lord, to worthier be. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. tune→ Adoration 31: Seeking Joy and Peace 1. Dear Lord, I pray that Thou wild hearken Unto my humble, earnest plea, My contrite heart so poor and needy Can only find its hope in Thee. 2. I seek the joy that Thou hast promised To all who now abide in Thee, A joy transcending earthly pleasures That dures for all eternity. 3. I seek the peace that Thou dost offer– Not as this world would seek to give– The inward peace of heart submission As for Thy Kingdom now I live. 4. I seek the cleansing and forgiveness That flows in love from Calvary, The deep, abiding full assurance That Thou from sin canst set me free. 5. Lord, lift mine eyes to see the beauty Of all that is reposed in Thee, To see the wondrous day approaching When Thou shalt reign eternally. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ C. C. Scholefield tune→ St. Clement 32: Thy Child 1. My Father, hear this earnest plea I lift to heaven above: O help me so to yield to Thee That in me there may ever be The spirit of a child, The spirit of a child. 2. Then let Thy gentle voice subdue The surges of my soul, My failing strength again renew, And fix my purpose firm and true To trust Thee as a child, To trust Thee as a child. 3. Within this life of mine fulfil Thy purpose all divine; Beneath Thy hand, O keep me still, Submitting gladly to Thy will, Obedient as a child, Obedient as a child. 4. Yet, yielding up my all, I see ’Tis but Thine own I yield, For every gift has come from Thee; So may I ever thankful be And humble as a child, And humble as a child. 5. I know that oft I stray from Thee And grieve Thy heart of love, But take my hand and lead Thou me, And in Thy love so full and free Forgive me as Thy child, Forgive me as Thy child. 6. Then guide me, gracious Father, guide Until this life is o’er; Enfold me closer to Thy side, And let me ever there abide, Eternally Thy child, Eternally Thy child. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ K.P. meter→ 8, 6, 8, 8, 6, 6 tune→ Porchester 33: Day By Day 1. Lord, I need Thy loving care, Every moment, everywhere, Let me feel Thy presence near Bringing comfort, hope and cheer. Lead me, Saviour, day by day, All along my pilgrim way. 2. Thy disciple I would be, Ever learning more of Thee. Make my heart to hear Thy voice, Let it guide my every choice. Teach me, Saviour, day by day, All I ought to do and say. 3. Though the conflict fierce may be Every struggle Thou dost see, By Thy power make me strong Firm to stand against the wrong. Guard me, Saviour, day by day, Keep me safe amidst the fray. 4. Wondrous sacrifice divine That salvation might be mine, Crucified on Calvary All my hope henceforth to be. Wash me, Saviour, day by day, Take the guilt of sin away. 5. Through these swiftly fleeting years Interlaced with hopes and fears, I would ready, waiting be, Watching, day by day, for Thee. Thou art coming!–raise the cry– Our redemption draweth nigh. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sykes 34: Come Unto Him 1. Come unto Him, all ye who labour now Beneath His yoke in full submission bow, Lowly and meek He gave His life for thee His service leads to perfect liberty. 2. Come unto Him, O sick and thirsty soul For He alone can touch and make thee whole, Life-giving streams from Him now freely flow, Drink, and thy soul shall satisfaction know. 3. Come unto Him, all ye who wander on And find the path in which His feet have gone His arm will guide, His hand will gently lead And thou wilt find in Him a friend indeed. 4. Come unto Him, with trusting child-like heart His perfect peace and rest He will impart, He calls for thee, to know His love divine, O come to Him, and make the Saviour thine! Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ K.P. tune→ Burham 35: Unchanging Christ 1. Lord, make me now this truth to know Tho’ men and nations come and go, Thou do’st remain from day to day The only Life and Truth and Way Unchanging Christ art Thou! 2. Thy life lived here on earth below The Father’s will doth clearly show, This risen life, the light of men, Shines forth through yielded lives again; Thy Life is still the same! 3. Thy Truth eternal standeth sure And shall from age to age endure, Nor shall one word be unfulfilled- Strong rock on which I safe may build; Thy Truth is still the same! 4. Thy bleeding feet have marked for me The Way that leadeth unto Thee, Why should I stray within a maze Of human precept, man-made ways? Thy Way is still the same! 5. In all this changing scene of time, Throughout the earth, in every clime, As fails all men have thought or planned, This ageless truth supreme shall stand: That Jesus is the same! Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ K.P. tune→ Burton Stather 36: Jesus, Pilot of my Soul 1. Every day my barque is sailing On life’s wide and trackless sea And I need the calm assurance Of the One who pilots me. Chorus When the seas are calm and silent Or when tossing billows roll, I will ever trust His leading– Jesus, Pilot of my soul. 2. Sometimes when my heart would question What my course in life should be, I can hear His gentle whisper “Fear thou not, I’ll pilot thee.” 3. When at times the skies are darkened Filling my poor heart with dread, Yet I know my heav’nly Pilot Clearly sees the way ahead. 4. Safely by the rocks and dangers He will guide till storms shall cease, And at last my barque will enter That blest haven of His peace. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ M. J. Babbitt 37: Wonderful, Unfailing Love 1. Lord, of Thy wonderful, unfailing love Now we would sing, Love that brought Christ from Thy throne high above– Hearts full of praises we bring. Lord so divine, Seeking us, claiming us, making us Thine. 2. Love that is calling the wanderers home, Sad and forlorn, Seeking them far wheresoever they roam, Hopeless and weary and worn. Welcoming love Guiding the lost to the Homeland above. 3. Love that is balm for the sorrow within When we would stray, Love that brings pardon and cleansing for sin, Calming our fear and dismay. Pardoning love Flows from the Father of mercies above. 4. Grant us, dear Lord, from the glory above, Such love divine, As Thou has loved us, oh, help us to love– This is the proof we are Thine! Love cannot fail, Lord, make us strong in Thy love to prevail. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ F.L. Wiseman 38: I Yield to Thee 1. Humbly I lift my voice to Thee, dear Lord, in praise For all the wonder of Thy love and of Thy ways, In Thy great Kingdom Thou hast given me a part And gratitude wells up within my heart. Chorus This one Life I have I yield to Thee Take it, Lord, I pray, for it is Thine. Lift my eyes again to see the Cross of Calvary And quicken all my heart with love divine. 2. Help me to see, as I shall see so clear one day, The emptiness of all that soon shall pass away Help me to live to gain Thy recompense above- The endless treasures of Thy grace and love. 3. And tho’ my path may lead through vale and over hill Help me to keep within the safety of Thy will; Thy loving hand shall guide across the passing years And every step with Thee the homeland nears. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ Malagasy tune→ Akaikinao 39: Fellowship 1. I thank Thee, Lord, for those who seek to help me on my way, Who speak my name whene’re they go to pray, Who have for me a love that’s pure and true, Who seek to show me what is right to do. 2. I thank Thee, Lord, for those who seek my daily load to share, Who have for me a true and tender care, Whose hearts are glad when my own joy is deep, Whose tears have flowed when I had cause to weep. 3. I thank Thee, Lord, for those who sit with me at Thy dear feet, With whom my fellowship is pure and sweet, Who seek to share my hopes and joys and fears, Who spur me on to face the coming years. 4. I thank Thee, Lord, for those who in the secret place, alone, Surrender all each day before Thy throne, Striving to lift the standard up on high, Knowing the corn of wheat must fall and die. 5. I thank Thee, Lord, for all the love that has its source in Thee, For ties more strong than human ties could be, For every heart in harmony with Thine And that can beat in sympathy with mine. 6. So now I pray– Let me be true, my Saviour, unto Thee, And unto those who mean so much to me. Cleansed by Thy blood, united by Thy grace, Grant us, one day, to see Thee face to face. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ D. Nicholaisen 40: Dear Lord, I Bow 1. Dear Lord, I bow at Thy throne of grace And lift my heart in praise For all Thy faithful and tender care That has enclosed my days. Chorus Out of the depth, Lord, I cried to Thee, Out of a stormy sea– Thy loving hand so kind and true Drew me nearer Thee. 2. Thy love so wonderful, full and free Surrounds me everywhere, And flows from hearts in united bonds Unseen– yet always there. 3. I thank Thee, Lord, for a living hope, A faith set sure in Thee, For peace of heart that I know can bring My soul serenity. 4. So help me, Lord, as I spend my days To trust my all to Thee, For Thou can’st keep me from day to day Unto eternity. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. composer→ Henry Barraclough 41: All Death is Conquered 1. Dear Lord, we humbly thank Thee, As nears life’s evening hour, For all Thy grace and mercy, Thy love and keeping power. Upon the shadowed skyline The clouds which now unfold Are, by the dying sunlight, Shot through with shafts of gold. 2. Life’s little day, now ending, Has quickly passed away. Yet sun that shone at dawning Still gilds the closing day. Thy promises unfailing, In days of joy or tears, Have been our hope and comfort Throughout the passing years. 3. And now on life’s horizon, As twilight turns to night, The Morning Star is rising, Eternal hope shines bright. To God be all the glory, To Him who gave His Son; Through Christ all death is conquered, The final vict’ry won. Copyright→ © author→ K.P. tune→ Rutherford 1: Friendship 1. A noble friendship is to me A thing of wondrous worth, Its bonds, both strong and tender, can Encompass all the earth. A trusted friendship, constant, true, Deep springing from the heart, A greater worth and value takes When sundered far apart. Such loving friendship comfort brings When roads are rough and long, And cheers the heart to gladness with The echoes of its song. A friendship that can lift the eyes To that One Friend above, Who showed to us on Calvary The depth of selfless love. A friendship that self-pity spurns, But urges onward still To take the upward, rugged path Because it is His will. author→ K.P. 2: Evening at Fihaonana 1. As daylight fades and evening falls I love to go and stand In open fields and watch as dusk Steals gently o’er the land. 2. The hills that in the distance show Their purple coloured crest, Are tinted by the sun’s last ray Now dying in the west. 3. There in the slowly fading light The birds now homeward fly, And disappear behind a cloud To leave an empty sky. 4. And in the valley far below A silence seems to reign, But broken by a distant sound That dies away again. 5. The slowly, softly, all around Doth lie in silent state, Nor dares to breathe, nor make a sound, But doth in silence wait. 6. Doth wait to see some great event – As great as ever told – As wonderful as human eyes Could ever here behold. 7. And then it comes – a single star Now glimmers in the night, And then a myriad, myriad more As diamonds shining bright. 8. All nature seems to heave a sigh Of wonder and of awe, To see the ever shining stars That Adam also saw. 9. The stars are always, always there, But we may look in vain For never shall we see them save When night begins to reign. 10. And so our comfort comes as stars That shine in days of grief, As kindly acts and gentle words That bring a heart relief. 11. I love this pregnant evening hour When daylight fades to die, And as the night draws darkly in The starlight fills the sky. author→ K.P. 3: To Thee Alone 1. To Thee, O God, my vows are made, To Thee I owe my all, And unto Thee, to Thee alone, I either stand or fall. 2. So may I ever look above, To serve from day to day In trueness only as to Thee, Unswayed by what men say. 3. If there are those who would condemn And cruelly judge my way, Thou Lord, all knowing, on the throne Art greater far than they. 4. And yet if some may praise me well And only good may see, I know my every secret fault Thy piercing eye doth see. 5. Nor could I ever stand if Thou Should’st mark iniquity, For every motive, every thought Is open unto Thee. 6. To Thee, O God, to Thee alone Must full account be given, For Thou to me in Christ hast shown The righteousness of heaven. 7. And yet to me Thou too hast given An Advocate, a Friend, Who stands to speak in my defence And loves me to the end. 8. No other one could rise, O God, To plead my cause with Thee, But He, who dying took my place, Whose blood has set me free. 9. In Him my every hope is found, In Him my peace of heart, In Him who came from heaven above To take a sinner’s part. 10. And so in Him I safely hide Till every storm is past, Till one day through the clouds I see The lights of Home at last. author→ K.P. 4: Growing Older 1. I am not old, but I am growing older, The days and nights of autumn now feel colder, The winds that blow across the plain are stronger, The shadows falling on my way are longer. 2. I turn and look and think of days gone by, Of some whose names, for me, shall never die, Who have gone on yet, like a flame of fire, Can warm my heart and still my soul inspire. 3. Some days, some hours, some moments I re-live In gratitude for all the joy they give As, in my mind, I pass that way again And know His leading has not been in vain. 4. Sometimes, withal, a darkness seems to press And bring an inward sigh of deep distress For days when I had failed to count the cost, For opportunities now gone and lost. 5. Some things I’d change - but I have not the key To change the record of eternity, I leave it all with Him who understands And holds my fleeting breath within His hands. 6. The strength and joys of youth come not again - I left them somewhere down life’s wand’ring lane – And greater loads that come with added years Bring, too, their toll of care and silent tears. 7. The years have all so quickly passed away – The end draws nearer with each passing day – And yet I do not grieve for what is past, For all that is of good will surely last. 8. The road that leads ahead - I do not know If it be long or short - but I must go To journey on with trust that’s deeper still That all is well if found within His will. 9. The sun, well past its zenith in the sky, Sinks slowly to the dusk, and day shall die. I’m glad this world doth charm my soul no more – My faith leads onward to another shore. author→ K.P. 5: Wisdom 1. I would that I could more possess Of that deep, inner wisdom yet, That teaches to remember And teaches to forget. author→ K.P. 6: The Weaver 1. One day I stood and keenly watched Within a quiet room, A weaver as he sat and worked In silence at his loom. 2. The shuttle passing to and fro, Propelled by skilful hands, Was weaving to a pattern sure A multitude of strands. 3. I stood behind the simple loom But there I could not see The pattern of those blended strands In perfect harmony. 4. No picture slowly forming there – The work of patient hands – A coloured blur, a disarray, A mass of tangled strands. 5. But then I went and stood beside The silent weaver’s chair And, oh, how different was the sight That I beheld from there! 6. Each thread was placed with tender care Where only it should go, And every thread, from gold to black, With brightness seemed to glow. 7. And so as days and years go by How oft, we too, are blind, And fail to see the pattern worked By loving hands and kind. 8. And yet sometimes in silent prayer In spirit we can stand And watch the skilful Weaver as He weaves each single strand. 9. A work still uncompleted, yet ’Tis there that we can see A little portion of the joy And glory that shall be. 10. As slowly, slowly, thread by thread, The pattern clearly shows – A pattern hidden oft to us But one the Weaver knows. 11. We see the gold and silver threads Have gained a brighter hue Because the black and sombre threads Are interwoven too. 12. No single thread could ever show The pattern that is planned, ’Tis only as they’re woven in Beneath a loving hand. 13. Could ever folly greater be Than seek to grasp the strands, And take the weaving of our lives From His own skilful hands! 14. So may we let Him weave our days Until we clearly see The pattern, finished to His plan, For all eternity. author→ K.P. 7: Proof 1. Thy words eternal, Lord, are ever sounding, A constant echo coming from afar, “’Tis only as ye learn to love each other That men shall know ye My disciples are.” 2. If in the world my name may be derided, If, for Thy sake, dishonour comes to me, Unless I show Thy constant love, unchanging, Thy name through me can never honoured be. 3. If I have zeal to meet and pray with others And in the church with them to fill my place, And yet within my heart I fail to love them I but deny the workings of Thy grace. 4. I may be called to tell the Gospel story And in the world Thy message to proclaim Yet should I fail to love my own companion I am not worthy to declare Thy name. 5. No questing zeal, nor eloquence, nor learning, Can ever show that I belong to Thee, The proof that I am truly Thy disciple Is if I love as Thou hast first loved me. author→ K.P. 8: Lessons From Creation 1. Dear God, my heart is filled with praise to Thee For all Thy works that human eyes can see; The universe created by Thy hand, The laws of nature ruling sea and land. 2. The secrets of Thine all creating power, Thy wisdom manifested hour by hour; The hidden things that learned savants seek And yet revealed to contrite hearts and meek. 3. With every year there comes a new-born Spring With budding life and songbirds on the wing, That tells of that new life and songs of love Now found in hearts attuned to heaven above. 4. And then when glorious Summer comes at length It tells of those, who in their days of strength, May rise to words and deeds inspired by Thee That show how great a Christ-filled life can be. 5. As Autumn colours fill each woodland dell The measure of our days they seem to tell, And tinted leaves that, fallen, strew the ground A beauty show that nowhere else is found. 6. The Winter days that come with icy blast To tell that death’s cold hand must come at last Bring, too, the falling snow that glisters white, As sins forgiven, covered, pure and white. 7. The flowers that bloom display Thy tender care: Their fragrance, wafted on the evening air, Doth hold a sense of mystery to me, And yet, in them, Thy beauty I can see. 8. I see the seeds that, scattered far, may lie Upon the ground – that falling have to die – And know that they shall surely come again In golden harvest, ripened fields of grain. 9. Thy myriad stars that scintillate so bright, As jewels that deck the velvet robe of night, Must fade as comes the dawn of each new day And through the passing hours the sun holds sway. 10. They but display the course of life below: Through changing scenes Thy changeless will doth show The working of Thy great eternal plan, Kept safe beyond the reach of mortal man. 11. I see the precious gold of untold worth That men have brought from deep within the earth, Yet prize the greater treasures seen and heard, Eternal, found within Thy living word. 12. I stand and gaze and gaze far out to sea And think of Thy great mercy flowing free, Of that unfathomed depth of grace and love That comes in every blessing from above. 13. A storm approaching in the darkening cloud With lightning flash and thunder rolling loud, Doth but the greatness of Thy power show Compared to puny ways of men below. 14. I wander on Thine own created hills, And listen to the music of the rills That flow from hidden springs, unseen and deep, And tell me of Thy love and power to keep. 15. At each new dawn I see the sun arise To climb with power and glory in the skies, And thank Thee for each day that Thou dost give That I, in Christ, may better learn to live. 16. And when I watch it sinking in the west I thank Thee that in Thee my soul finds rest, That darkest night can bring no sense of fear To those who sleep in Christ, their Saviour dear. 17. I thank Thee for Thy wondrous works below And, more than this, because I surely know, That all the eye can see shall pass away When comes the dawning of eternal day. 18. The thoughts and probings of the minds of men, Their creeds and science shall be worthless then, When all of heaven and earth with praise shall ring – “The lowly Jesus comes to reign as King.” author→ K.P. 9: Madagascar – How I Love You! 1. Madagascar, how I love you! Somehow you have won my heart And I would be filled with sorrow If one day we had to part. It may be that I’m a stranger And a Vazaha still to you, But to me you are for ever, Tanindrazako faharoa. 2. How I love to wander lonely On your purple tinted hills, And to listen to the music Of your sweetly flowing rills. There to see the ricefields spreading Like a patchwork ’neath the sky, Nestled silent in the valley Where the scarlet fody fly. 3. How I love your sands of silver Lapped by gently tossing seas. And the palm trees gently waving To the whisper of a breeze. How I love your ancient forests Where the ravinala grow, And the golden hued mimosa Gleaming in the sunlight’s glow. 4. Yes, I love you Madagascar, May you be forever blest By the simple Gospel story That alone brings peace and rest. If one day my way may take me Out beyond horizons new, Yet you will be with me ever Tanindrazako faharoa. author→ K.P. when written→ 1971 1: Blending Our Grateful Hearts 1. Blending our grateful hearts as one, Our thanks, dear Lord, we rais, For this, our food, in love supplied, And mercy all our days. pitch→ G₄ tune→ In Christ There Is No East or West - 335 2: Father, We Thank Thee Now 1. Father, we thank Thee now for this food And for each gift that comes for our good; Help us to value all of Thy care, Serving Thee gladly — this is our prayer. pitch→ F₄ tune→ Teach Me to Pray, Lord - 197 Index of Titles, First Lines, and Chorus A 25 A Life of Praise (title) 41 All Death is Conquered (title) 1 A noble friendship is to me 8 As before Thy throne we worship (chorus) 2 As daylight fades and evening falls B 27 Baptized in Jesus’ name– 27 Baptized in Jesus’ Name (title) 1 Blending Our Grateful Hearts (title) 1 Blending our grateful hearts as one, C 6 Calling for thee–Oh, how He pleads! (chorus) 34 Come Unto Him (title) 34 Come unto Him, all ye who labour now D 33 Day By Day (title) 12 Dear Father (title) 12 Dear Father, we Thy children bow 8 Dear God, my heart is filled with praise to Thee 40 Dear Lord, I Bow (title) 40 Dear Lord, I bow at Thy throne of grace 31 Dear Lord, I pray that Thou wild hearken 41 Dear Lord, we humbly thank Thee, 11 Dear Lord, when o’er my pilgrim way E 2 Evening at Fihaonana (title) 36 Every day my barque is sailing F 30 Father In Heaven (title) 30 Father in heav’n I cry to Thee 2 Father, We Thank Thee Now (title) 2 Father, we thank Thee now for this food 39 Fellowship (title) 1 Friendship (title) G 4 Growing Older (title) H 24 Help Me to Look to Thee (title) 24 Help me to look to Thee when I am tried, 15 Humbly I Lift My Voice (title) 15 Humbly I lift my voice in praise 38 Humbly I lift my voice to Thee, dear Lord, in praise I 4 I am not old, but I am growing older, 18 I’ll Follow My Master (title) 18 I’ll follow my Master, My own way forsaking, 2 I’m glad I know He’s Coming (title) 2 I’m glad I know that Jesus Is coming back one day, 5 Incline Thine Ear (title) 5 Incline Thine ear, we pray, to hear 7 I Thank Thee Lord (title) 39 I thank Thee, Lord, for those who seek to help me on my way, 7 I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou dost see 5 I would that I could more possess 38 I Yield to Thee (title) J 4 Jesus is risen. He liveth again. (chorus) 36 Jesus, Pilot of my Soul (title) 4 Jesus The Saviour (title) 29 Jesus The Saviour (title) 4 Jesus the Saviour from heaven descending 29 Jesus the Saviour from heav’n descending L 8 Lessons From Creation (title) 16 Let Me See Thee (title) 16 Let me see Thee, blessed Lord, Walking on this earth below, 19 Lord, at Thy feet I bow, 19 Lord, at Thy Feet I Bow (title) 10 Lord, Hear My Prayer (title) 10 Lord, hear my prayer, O, hearken to my pleading, 8 Lord, How Good (title) 8 Lord, how good, and oh, how pleasant 33 Lord, I need Thy loving care, 25 Lord, in the morning of life I surrender 28 Lord, I Plead (title) 28 Lord, I plead for heart submission, 23 Lord, I Thank Thee (title) 23 Lord, I thank Thee for the day Christ came 3 Lord, let me hear once more the call to labour, 13 Lord Let Thy Spirit (title) 13 Lord, let Thy Spirit now 35 Lord, make me now this truth to know 20 Lord, of Thy wonderful, unfailing love 37 Lord, of Thy wonderful, unfailing love 1 Lord, our hearts o’erflow with praises M 9 Madagascar, how I love you! 9 Madagascar – How I Love You! (title) 32 My Father, hear this earnest plea 17 My Grateful Heart (title) 17 My grateful heart o’erflows 11 My Pilgrim Way (title) N 21 Now the precious seed is scattered 22 Now We Would Unite (title) 22 Now we would unite to praise Him, O 2 Oh, let me be found waiting– Although I know not when– (chorus) 6 One day I stood and keenly watched 1 Our Hearts O’erflow (title) 40 Out of the depth, Lord, I cried to Thee, (chorus) P 22 Praise Him! Praise Him! (chorus) 7 Proof (title) S 31 Seeking Joy and Peace (title) T 26 Take me, Lord (title) 26 Take me, Lord, I humbly pray, 3 The Call to Labour (title) 21 The Precious Seed Is Scattered (title) 9 The Saviour Gently Calls (title) 9 The Saviour gently calls you now 6 The Weaver (title) 15 This life of mine I yield to Thee, (chorus) 38 This one Life I have I yield to Thee (chorus) 32 Thy Child (title) 6 Thy Saviour Calls (title) 6 Thy Saviour calls, O, hearken now to Him, 7 Thy words eternal, Lord, are ever sounding, 3 To Thee Alone (title) 3 To Thee, O God, my vows are made, U 35 Unchanging Christ (title) W 14 What Do I Think (title) 14 What do I think when days are bright and glad 18 Whate’er may betide me, (chorus) 36 When the seas are calm and silent (chorus) 5 Wisdom (title) 20 Wonderful Love (title) 37 Wonderful, Unfailing Love (title) Metric Index 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 4 24 Help Me to Look to Thee (title) 24 Help me to look to Thee when I am tried, 6, 6, 8, 6 27 Baptized in Jesus’ name– 27 Baptized in Jesus’ Name (title) 8, 6, 8, 6, 8, 6, 8, 6 11 Dear Lord, when o’er my pilgrim way 11 My Pilgrim Way (title) 8, 6, 8, 8, 6 9 The Saviour Gently Calls (title) 9 The Saviour gently calls you now 8, 6, 8, 8, 6, 6 32 My Father, hear this earnest plea 32 Thy Child (title) 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7 1 Lord, our hearts o’erflow with praises 21 Now the precious seed is scattered 1 Our Hearts O’erflow (title) 21 The Precious Seed Is Scattered (title) 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7 8 As before Thy throne we worship (chorus) 8 Lord, How Good (title) 8 Lord, how good, and oh, how pleasant 11, 10, 11, 10 3 Lord, let me hear once more the call to labour, 3 The Call to Labour (title) Hymns by Ken Paginton Published in 1997 ebook version: 15.6.4 Index of Titles, First Lines, and Chorus Metric Index