Authors of Hymns Old and New, 1987 Edition

Updated September 2015

Each entry contains the hymn number and title, a few contain a (scripture reference). The author’s country of birth is noted where known after the birth and death years. Names of workers and friends are italicized.

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Number & TitleAuthor, Lifespan, and BirthplaceOther notes
1. Tell Me the Story of Jesus Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915); U.S.A. The author was a blind lady who wrote thousands of hymns.
2. More about Jesus Eliza E. Hewitt (1851-1920); U.S.A. The author was an invalid who wrote numerous hymns.
3. Tell Me Again Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
4. O Lamb of God [see John 1:29] Milne Stouffer (1887-1921); U.S.A. Milne laboured in eastern Canada and U.S.A.
5. To this Earth Jack Craig (1885-1974); N.Z. Jack professed in 1906; went into the work in 1908 and laboured in N.Z., Australia, Germany, Czechoslovakia and Austria.
6. When I Survey Isaac Watts (1674-1748); Eng. This hymn was written in 1707; the author began writing verses at seven years of age.
7. O Tell Me More Eliza E. Hewitt (1851-1920); U.S.A. The author was an invalid who wrote numerous hymns.
8. Was it for Me? John M. Whyte (1850-1927); Can. The author also wrote the music to this hymn.
9. Jesus Came from Heaven James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and laboured in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
10. Jesus Now and Jesus Ever Albert B. Simpson (1843-1919); U.S.A.
11. Jesus Is Still the Same [see Heb. 13:8] James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James wrote this hymn shortly after he professed.
12. O God of Bethel [see Gen. 28:19-22] Philip Doddridge (1702-1751); Eng. This hymn was written in 1736.
13. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153); France. This hymn was translated by Edward Caswell (1814-1873), England.
14. Bow down Thine Ear [see Ps. 31:2] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in July, 1918, in Port MacDonnell, South Australia.
15. Oh, Blessed Rest of Heart [see Heb. 4] J. S. Haugh
16. Yesterday, Today, Forever [see Heb. 13:8] Albert B. Simpson (1843-1919); U.S.A.
17. Wash Me from Sin [see Rev. 1:5] H. B. Beegle (1818-1895); U.S.A.
18. The Way of the Cross Jessie H. Brown Pounds (1861-1921); U.S.A. The author wrote several books of hymns.
19. Not Redeemed with Gold [see 1 Pet. 1:18-19] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1917 in Australia.
20. From Heaven’s Glory [see Jn. 6:38,50] James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and laboured in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
21. If We but Knew Mrs. Elma Wiebe Milton (1907-1997); U.S.A. Elma went into the work in 1927 and laboured on the west coast of the U.S.A. She wrote this hymn in 1938.
22. Is it Nothing to You? [see Lam. 1:12] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
23. Oh, the Love That Sought Me W. Spencer Walton (1850-1906). The music and chorus were written by a friend of the author.
24. From Every Stain Herbert H. Booth (1842-1926); Eng.
25. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken [see Matt. 16:24] Henry F. Lyte (1793-1847); Scot. This hymn was written in 1824.
26. Thy Life Was Given for Me Frances R. Havergal (1836-1879); Eng. This hymn was written during a trip to Germany. The music was written by the author’s father.
27. He First Loved Me Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
28. Come, Let Us Follow Jesus Robert Skerritt (1875-1953); Ire. Robert labored in Ireland, U.S.A. and Sweden, and lived his latter years in California, U.S.A.
29. God’s Word Is So Pure Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1920. It is based on Ps. 119.
30. We Have Found Him [see Jn. 1:41-45] Mrs. Elma Wiebe Milton (1907-1997); U.S.A. Elma wrote this hymn in 1937.
31. Hasten to the Place of Refuge [see Heb. 6:18] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Sept. 1918.
32. We Love the Perfect Way Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in May 1919.
33. Give of Your Best Howard B. Grose (1851-1939); U.S.A.
34. Teach Us, Lord [see Ps. 90:12] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
35. God’s Salvation [see Col. 1:27] Willie Hughes (1880-1966); Ire. Willie went into the work in 1906 and labored in Australia, eastern Canada and N.Z.
36. Is There No Light? [see Jn. 12:46] Alex Walker (1888-1967); N.Z. Alex wrote this hymn in 1915. He labored in Australia and N.Z.
37. Nothing Matters but Salvation John Martin (1876-1956); Ire. John went into the work in 1916; labored in Ireland and Scotland, and wrote over 100 hymns.
38. This Question God Would Ask Mrs. Rene Beattie (1886-1969); Australia. Rene professed in 1909; went into the work in 1911 and labored in S. Australia, Tasmania and N.Z.
39. The Way of God [see Jn. 14:6] Charles Hultgren (1869-1944); Norway. The words of this hymn came to Charles one sleepless night. He lived in western Canada.
40. God’s Time Is Now [see II Cor. 6:2] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1920.
41. Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
42. There Is a Way [see Matt. 7:14] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
43. The Way That Leads to Heaven Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
44. Take One Forward Step Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
45. Satisfied Clara Teare Williams (1858-1937); U.S.A. This hymn is also found as having been written by Clara T. Williams.
46. Lord Jesus, Lead John Sullivan (1874-1924); Ire. John went into the work in 1900, laboring in Ire. and Aust.
47. He’s the One J. B. Mackay (19th century). The author also wrote the music to this hymn.
48. Abundant Life [see Jn. 10:10] William Leslie (1862-1950); Ire.
49. If All Things Were Mine Anna Ölander (1861-1939); Sweden. This hymn was translated into English by workers in Sweden; other translations to English exist.
50. Long My Eager Heart Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ire. and Australia.
51. There Is a Kingdom Mabel Pryor (1900-1990); U.S.A. Mabel wrote this hymn in Modesto, California in 1933. She labored in western U.S.A., Canada and Alaska.
52. The King of Kings Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
53. Behold the King of Love [see Rev. 3:20] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland until he went to Australia in 1908.
54. So Kind a Shepherd [see Jn. 10] Frederick W. Faber (1814-1863); Eng. This hymn was written in 1854. It originally contained thirteen verses.
55. Who Is He, the King of Kings Gladys Porteous (1897-1999); U.S.A. Gladys wrote this hymn in 1931, after hearing a message on the kingdom of God.
56. God’s Heavenly Kingdom Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
57. Teach Me Submission Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
58. Thine Own Way, Lord [see Jer. 18:2-4] Adelaide A. Pollard (1862-1934). This hymn is taken from Isaiah 64:8.
59. Come unto Me Nathaniel Norton (1839-1935); U.S.A. The author lived in Brooklyn, New York. This hymn is based on Matt. 11:28-30.
60. Teach Me Thy Way [see Ps. 27:11] B. Mansell Ramsey (1849-1923).
61. Sitting at the Feet of Jesus [see Lk. 10:39] Harry Fleming (1888-1969); Scot. Harry labored in Scot. and U.S.A. (Ohio, Indiana, Missouri).
62. Sow the Word [see Matt. 13] Mrs. Elma Wiebe Milton (1907-1997); U.S.A. Elma wrote this hymn in 1947.
63. Precious Seed Joel Boyd (1945- ); U.S.A. Joel originally wrote this hymn in Spanish; it was translated into English by his sister Virginia.
64. Christ for Me Gladys Porteous (1897-1999); U.S.A. Gladys wrote this hymn in 1922 prior to going into the work.
65. The Precious Seed Is Scattered [see Matt. 13] Ken Paginton (1923-1997); Eng. Ken has labored in England and Madagascar.
66. O Seeking Soul Mrs. Rene Beattie (1886-1969); Aust. Rene wrote the words and music in Invercargill, N.Z. in 1944 after visiting a lady who seemed to be a ‘seeking soul’.
67. Soul Adrift Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
68. Is There No One to Help Us? [see Jn. 6:68] Harry Redman (1903-1985); Canada. Harry heard the gospel in Sask., Canada. He was living in B.C. when he wrote this hymn in 1970.
69. To Whom, Lord, Shall We Go? [see Jn. 6:68] Mrs. May Schulz (1902-1991); Ire. May lived in Victoria, Australia. She also wrote the music to this hymn.
70. Send Thy Light William Carroll (1876-1953); Ire. William wrote this hymn at the outbreak of World War II.
71. Perishing Mrs. Rene Beattie (1886-1969); Aust. Rene professed in 1909; went into the work in 1911 and labored in S. Australia, Tasmania and N.Z.
72. Why Should I Walk? [see Lk. 1:78-79] Willie Hughes (1880-1966); Ire. Willie went into the work in 1906 and labored in Australia, Canada and N.Z.
73. See the Saviour, in Compassion James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
74. One There Is Who Loves Thee Harry C. Ayres (1849- ?); U.S.A. This hymn was written in 1871.
75. I’ve a Friend Willie Jamieson (1881-1974); Scot. Willie went into the work in 1905 and labored in Scotland, western U.S.A., Canada, China and the Philippines.
76. God in His Mercy Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
77. I Hear Him Call Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in August 1916 in Sandringham, Victoria, Australia.
78. Lead Me on Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
79. Hast Thou Ever Proved? Mrs. Rene Beattie (1886-1969); Aust. Rene professed in 1909; went into the work in 1911 and labored in S. Australia, Tasmania and N.Z.
80. Do Not Fear to Follow Jesus Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Australia in 1914.
81. Footprints of My Saviour Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy wrote this hymn after viewing some footprints in stone outside the city of Rome.
82. Come, Follow Me George D. Watson (1816-1898); Eng.
83. In this World of Woe Glenn Smith (1880-1968); U.S.A. Glenn wrote the music to his hymns. He labored in the eastern U.S.A. and South America.
84. Follow Me [see Jn. 10:27] Margaret Phillips (1927-2002); N.Z. Margaret (Easton) wrote these words to a Ger. hymn tune in Hong Kong in 1962. In later years she lived in Napier, N.Z.
85. The Saviour with Me Lizzie Edwards (a pseudonym of Fanny Crosby). ‘Lizzie Edwards’ is possibly a pen name of Fanny Crosby.
86. Jesus Is Passing this Way [see Lk. 19:4] Annie L. James (a pseudonym of Fanny Crosby)
87. I Will Say Yes to Jesus Albert B. Simpson (1843-1919); U.S.A.
88. Let Him Mould Thee [see Jer. 18:2-4] Ada R. Habershon (1861-1918); Eng. The author wrote hundreds of hymns.
89. Give Me Thy Heart [see Prov. 23:26] Eliza E. Hewitt (1851-1920); U.S.A. The author was an invalid who wrote numerous hymns.
90. A Hand Held out Myron W. Morse (1859-); U.S.A.
91. My Wayward Heart Mrs. Rene Beattie (1886-1969); Aust. Rene wrote this hymn after much searching for a place to hold gospel meetings.
92. God Is Longing Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
93. Only One Life to Live Mary Lindley (1903-1979); U.S.A. Mary professed in 1918; she went into the work in 1923 and labored in southern U.S.A.
94. Come, Ye Weary Ones Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
95. God Calling Yet Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769); Ger. Translated by S. Findlater (19th century).
96. Take up Thy Cross [see Mark 8:34] Charles W. Everest (1814-1877); U.S.A. The author lived in Hampton, Connecticut, U.S.A.
97. We Are Fading [see 1 Peter 1:24] James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
98. Let Us Pause James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
99. Oh, What Shall it Profit? [see Matt. 16:26] James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
100. Passing Onward Albert Midlane (1825-1909); Eng. The author wrote several hundred hymns.
101. Only One Life Mary McGregor (1884-1970); Scot. Mary labored in Scotland and in southeastern U.S.A.
102. Life at Best Is Very Brief William J. Kirkpatrick (1838-1921); U.S.A. The author wrote and published hymns. He also wrote the music to this hymn.
103. Time Is Passing [see Ps. 90] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
104. Life Passes like a Dream Jack Craig (1885-1974); N.Z. Jack professed in 1906; went into the work in 1908 and labored in N.Z., Australia, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Austria.
105. Life’s Short Day Kenneth Dissmore (1916-1993); U.S.A. Kenneth wrote this hymn in the 1950’s. He labored in the midwestern U.S.A.
106. The Pages of Life Kenneth Dissmore (1916-1993); U.S.A. Kenneth wrote this hymn in 1968. He labored in the midwestern U.S.A.
107. My Heart Was Sad Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1919.
108. It Pays to Serve Jesus James Craig (1886-1953); N.Z. James professed in 1906 and lived for many years in Christchurch, N.Z.
109. None but Christ Can Satisfy Frances Bevan (1827-1909); Eng.
110. Afar from God Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
111. Lay down Your Burden [see Matt. 11:28] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
112. I Heard the Voice of Jesus Horatius Bonar (1808-1889); Scot. This hymn was written in 1846. It was one of the author’s most popular hymns.
113. For You and for Me Will L. Thompson (1847-1909); U.S.A. The author who lived in Ohio, U.S.A., also wrote the music to this hymn.
114. I Am Coming Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Nov. 1918.
115. Other Sheep [see Jn. 10:16] Jack Annand (1891-1957); Aust. Jack went into the work in 1913 and labored in Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Poland and Latvia.
116. There Is Rest [see Heb. 4] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
117. Distant Land of Famine [see Lk. 15:14] Frances Bevan (1827-1929); Eng.
118. Ye must Be Born Again [see Jn. 3:3] William T. Sleeper (1819-1904); U.S.A. The author lived on the eastern coast of the U.S.A.
119. O Wanderers, Come to Jesus Horace E. Govan (1866-1932); Scot.
120. While Your Mind Is Calm Wm. Ed Pool (1897-1966); U.S.A. The author labored in central U.S.A.
121. The Saviour Is Calling Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Dec. 1917, in Snug Cove, Kangaroo Island, S. Australia.
122. O Hasten to Jesus Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Aug. 1916.
123. Thirsty Soul [see Jn. 4:13,14] Jack Annand (1891-1957); Aust. Jack went into the work in 1913 and labored in Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Poland and Latvia.
124. I Need Thee Every Hour Annie S. Hawks (1835-1918); U.S.A. This hymn was written in April, 1872. The words came to her while going about household work.
125. Nearer, Still Nearer Mrs. C. H. Morris (1842-1925); U.S.A. The author wrote hundreds of hymns.
126. Kindly Entreating Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Aug. 1915.
127. Hear the Voice of Jesus James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
128. We Are Building [see 1 Cor. 3:10] Henrietta E. Blair
129. When the Saviour Calls James Craig (1886-1953); N.Z. James professed in 1906 and lived for many years in Christchurch NZ.
130. Teach Me How to Choose Mrs. Elma Wiebe Milton (1907-1997); U.S.A. Elma wrote this hymn to help her younger sister who was at decision’s crossroad.
131. Jesus Calls Me Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1913. It is based on Heb. 13:13.
132. I Have Made My Choice Mrs. E. E. Williams (©1898, expired) The chorus was written by Dr. H. L. Gilmour.
133. Why Not? Willie Hughes (1880-1966); Ire. Willie wrote this hymn in 1916 near Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada.
134. God in Tender Love Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
135. God Will Bring [see Acts 17:31] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
136. Come to Jesus Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1914.
137. Out of Christ Robert Beveridge (1866-1952); Scot. This hymn was written jointly with Frank Davis, who also wrote the music.
138. When the King Comes in [see Matt. 22:11] J. Landor
139. Have You Any Room for Jesus? [see Lk. 2:7] Daniel W. Whittle (1840-1901); U.S.A. The author lived in eastern U.S.A.
140. The Saviour Now Is Seeking Mrs. Rene Beattie (1886-1969); Aust. Rene professed in 1909; went into the work in 1911 and labored in S. Australia, Tasmania and N.Z.
141. Close Thy Heart No More Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915); U.S.A. The author was a blind lady who wrote thousands of hymns.
142. Do Not Resist Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
143. One Day Too Late Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
144. Jesus Is Calling Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
145. The Tender Shepherd’s Voice Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
146. Give Me Jesus Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915); U.S.A. The author was a blind lady who wrote thousands of hymns.
147. How Clear the Call of Jesus Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
148. God Is Calling Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
149. Abundant in Mercy Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
150. Wanderer, Stop and Hearken Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
151. The Saviour Gently Calls Ken Paginton (1923-1997); Eng. Ken wrote this hymn in 1981. He labored in England and Madagascar.
152. God Is Now Speaking Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
153. Jesus Alone Can Save Me Kate Ulmer (1874-1950); U.S.A.
154. Will You Come? Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
155. Incline Your Ear [see Isa. 55:3] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Dec. 1917, on Kangaroo Island, S. Australia.
156. For You He Is Calling Violet Webster, Aust. Violet and her husband professed in 1916. They lived near Melbourne, Australia.
157. Jesus with You Tom Holmes (1877-1930); U.S.A. Tom lived in New York, U.S.A. near Niagara Falls.
158. Just as I Am Charlotte Elliott (1789-1871); Eng. This hymn was written in 1834. The author wrote about 150 hymns.
159. O Weary Soul Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
160. So near to the Kingdom Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915); U.S.A. The author was a blind lady who wrote thousands of hymns.
161. Lord, I Desire to Come Willie Hughes (1880-1966); Ire. Willie went into the work in 1906 and labored in Australia, eastern Canada and N.Z.
162. Passing by Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Oct. 1915.
163. Jesus, My Saviour King George Scott Railton (1849-1913); Scot.
164. Only One Step Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
165. I Am Trusting Thee Frances R. Havergal (1836-1879); Eng. This hymn was written in Sept. 1874. It was one of the author’s favorites.
166. Oh, What Will You Do? [see Matt. 27:22] Nathaniel Norton (1839-1935); U.S.A. The author lived in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
167. Still Undecided C. G. Lyne.
168. Close to the Kingdom Jack Leech, Eng. Jack was a friend in Shropshire, England.
169. At Thy Feet I Fall [see Ruth] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam borrowed the chorus from a hymn written by Catherine Booth-Clibborn.
170. Abide with Me Henry F. Lyte (1793-1847); Scot. This hymn was written just before the author’s death.
171. Break Thou the Bread [see Matt. 14:13-21] Mary A. Lathbury (1841-1913); U.S.A. This hymn was written in 1877.
172. Apart with Thee Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
173. God Is Here James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
174. In the Name of Jesus Gathering James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
175. Come Ye Yourselves Apart [see Mark 6:31] Edward H. Bickersteth (1825-1906); Eng. The author is well known for his poetry.
176. We Come Apart Milne Stouffer (1887-1921); U.S.A. Milne laboured in eastern Canada and U.S.A.
177. Low at Thy Throne Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
178. Fellowship Geoffrey Bowdler (1900-1974); Eng. Geoffrey lived in England. He also wrote the music to this hymn.
179. As We Gather Edward Cooney (1867-1960); Ire.
180. O Blessed Lord John Martin (1876-1956); Ire. John went into the work in 1916; labored in Ireland and Scotland, and wrote over 100 hymns.
181. Lord, We Love Thy Habitation [see Ps. 26:8] Glenn Smith (1880-1968); U.S.A. Glenn also wrote the music to his hymns. He labored in the eastern U.S.A. and South America.
182. Lord, We Are Met Together Edward Cooney (1867-1960); Ire.
183. Our God, Our Father Edward Cooney (1867-1960); Ire.
184. Here We Come Edward Cooney (1867-1960); Ire.
185. Let Us Draw near [see Heb. 10:22] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam also wrote the music to this hymn.
186. Prayer Is a Mighty Source [see Ex. 17:11] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
187. Begin the Day with God Horatius Bonar (1808-1889); Scot. The author wrote hundreds of hymns.
188. Father, in Thy Mercy Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
189. Pray for the Peace of the City [see Ps. 48] Mrs. Elma Wiebe Milton (1907-1997); U.S.A. Elma went into the work in 1927 and laboured on the west coast of the U.S.A.
190. Teach Us How to Pray [see Lk. 11:1] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
191. Watch and Pray [see Matt. 26:41] James Patrick (1872-1960); Scot. James wrote this hymn in South Dakota, U.S.A. in 1916. He labored in midwestern U.S.A. and eastern Canada.
192. Praying Always Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1917.
193. In the Garden Garrett Hughes (1895-1991); U.S.A. Garrett went into the work in 1919 and labored in central and midwestern U.S.A.
194. Low Before Thy Throne Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
195. Lord, We Rest in Peace Abiding Mrs. May Schulz (1902-1991); Ire. May lived in Victoria, Australia.
196. Help Me to Find Thee [see Ps. 42:1] Jack Annand (1891-1957); Aust. Jack went into the work in 1913 and labored in Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Poland and Latvia.
197. Teach Me to Pray, Lord [see Lk. 11:1] Albert S. Reitz (1879-1966); U.S.A. The author also wrote the music to this hymn.
198. Alone with Jesus Winnie Mewes (1893-1962); Aust. Winnie labored in Queensland and South Australia.
199. I Need Thy Grace Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1920.
200. Lord, My Heart’s Deep Need Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn Jan. 31, 1914.
201. Lowly at Thy Feet Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Bethel, South Australia.
202. O Help Us, Lord Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Nov. 1919.
203. With Childlike Trust Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Mar. 1915.
204. My Need William Carroll (1876-1953); Ire. William went into the work in 1904 and labored in England, Ireland and Australia.
205. Thou Hast Been My Help Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
206. Gracious Redeemer Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
207. Holy Spirit Gladys Porteous (1897-1999); U.S.A. Gladys wrote this hymn in 1935 in LA, California, U.S.A.
208. Our Blest Redeemer Harriet Auber (1773-1862); Eng. This hymn was written in 1829.
209. Dark, Dark the Night Mrs. May Schulz (1902-1991); Ire. May lived in Victoria, Australia.
210. Gently the Holy Spirit Dorothy Hanson (1910-2002); U.S.A. Dorothy wrote this hymn in 1973. She labored in western U.S.A., Sweden and Finland.
211. My Saviour, How I Love Thy Name [see Isa. 49:16] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
212. God Sent His Well-beloved Son Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
213. The Heart of God Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
214. If it Had Not Been the Lord [see Ps. 124] King David (1000 B.C.); Judea. Mrs. May Schulz wrote this hymn as a paraphrase of Ps. 124.
215. A Tender Heart Ira Stanphill (1914-1933); U.S.A. The author also wrote the music to this hymn.
216. Thy Perfect Love Robert Blair (1874-1942); N.Z. Robert labored in England, N.Z., Fiji Islands, Samoa, Norfolk Island and Australia.
217. My Saviour’s Love Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
218. Love Is the Kingdom’s Banner Mrs. Elma Wiebe Milton (1907-1997); U.S.A. Elma lived in western U.S.A.
219. Love Thee More [see Jn. 21:15] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
220. More Love to Thee Elizabeth Prentiss (1818-1878); U.S.A. The author wrote this hymn in 1856 during a time of great personal sorrow.
221. Unerring One James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and laboured in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
222. Lord, Teach Me Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
223. Lord, I Would Take Thy Yoke Mrs. May Schulz (1902-1991); Ire. May lived in Victoria, Australia. She also wrote the music to this hymn.
224. O Jesus, I Have Promised John E. Bode (1816-1874); Eng. The author wrote this hymn in 1868.
225. Lord, Speak to Me Frances R. Havergal (1836-1879); Eng. The author wrote this hymn in 1872.
226. O Teach Me How to Love James Wright (1888-1962); Eng. James labored in England and western Canada.
227. Lord, Be Not Silent [see Ps. 28:1] Jack Annand (1891-1957); Aust. Jack went into the work in 1913 and labored in Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Poland and Latvia.
228. Moments of Blessing Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915); U.S.A. The author was a blind lady who wrote thousands of hymns.
229. The Still, Small Voice [see Jn. 15] James Fawcett (1886-1958); Ire. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Ireland and eastern U.S.A.
230. Lord, in Our Need James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and laboured in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
231. Speak to My Soul L. L. Pickett (1859-1928); U.S.A. The author also wrote the music to this hymn.
232. God Is Faithful [see Lam. 3:23] Roy Taylor (1903-1960); U.S.A. Roy professed in 1923; entered the work in 1925 and labored in U.S.A., Chile, Argentina and Mexico.
233. My Saviour Bids Me Sing Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
234. I Worship Thee Frederick W. Faber (1814-1863); Eng. The author wrote over 100 hymns.
235. From Lips of Babes Mrs. Elma Wiebe Milton (1907- 1997); U.S.A. Elma lived in western U.S.A.
236. My Heart O’erflows James Fawcett (1886-1958); Ire. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Ireland and eastern U.S.A.
237. O God, I Thank Thee Mrs. Edna Carman (1895-1965); U.S.A. This hymn is an expression of Edna’s testimony. It is believed in some areas to have been written by Mr. Alfred Dunn of S. Africa.
238. O Bless the Lord, My Soul King David (1000 B.C.); Judea. This hymn is a paraphrase of Ps. 103 by Isaac Watts of England (1674-1748).
239. Our Hearts O’erflow Ken Paginton (1923-1997); Eng. Ken wrote this hymn on his first home visit to England from Madagascar.
240. We Thank Thee, Lord, for Weary Days P. B. Translated by F. Bevan (1827-1909).
241. The Truth of God Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this, one of his first hymns, in Gladstone, South Australia, in 1909.
242. The Name of Our Saviour Glenn Smith (1880-1968); U.S.A. Glenn wrote the music to his hymns. He labored in the eastern U.S.A. and South America.
243. Upon a Lonely Mount [see Gen. 22; Matt. 26:6-13] Adam Hutchison (1873-1925); Scot. Adam labored in England and Australia, and pioneered the work in India and Burma.
244. My Heart Is Resting Anna L. Waring (1820-1910); Wales. The author wrote many hymns. She lived out her later years in England.
245. Songs of Zion Jack Annand (1891-1957); Aust. Jack went into the work in 1913 and labored in Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Poland and Latvia.
246. All My Springs Arise in Jesus Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in July, 1913, in Bethel, South Australia.
247. How Sweet it Is Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769); Ger. This hymn was translated by S. Jackson.
248. How Blest Are They Garrett Hughes (1895-1991); U.S.A. Garrett went into the work in 1919 and labored in central U.S.A.
249. How Precious Is the Word Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
250. My Saviour Speaks Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Nov. 1916.
251. O Don’t Be Led Captive [see Ps. 137] John Martin (1876-1956); Ire. John went into the work in 1916; labored in Ireland and Scotland. He wrote over 100 hymns.
252. My Soul’s Desire Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Mar 1915. It is based on Isa 26:9.
253. I’m Satisfied in Jesus Now Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Jan. 1915, in Mt. Gambier, South Australia.
254. I Love the Perfect Way Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Oct. 1919.
255. Master, Speak [see 1 Sam. 3:9] Frances R. Havergal (1836-1879); Eng. This hymn was written in May, 1867. The author wrote numerous hymns.
256. Speak, Lord Emily May Grimes (1864-1927); Eng.
257. Thy Child Ken Paginton (1923-1997); Eng. Ken wrote this hymn in 1950 and also composed the music for it.
258. Hidden Mrs. May Schulz (1902-1991); Ire. May lived in Victoria, Australia.
259. Lord, in My Need Marion MacPherson (1922-1998); U.S.A. Marion went into the work in California in 1947. She also wrote the music to this hymn.
260. Dear Lord, When Dark Tom Roberts (1904-1974); Eng. Tom labored in western U.S.A. and Alaska. He is buried in Washington, U.S.A.
261. Not My Will, but Thine [see Matt. 26:39] Mary Lindley (1903-1979); U.S.A. Mary professed in 1918; she went into the work in 1923 and labored in southeastern U.S.A.
262. Patiently Continue Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam write this hymn in June 1914.
263. Thou Sweet, Beloved Will Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769); Ger. Translated from German into English by F. Bevan (1827-1909).
264. With Heart Resigned Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
265. Help Me to Look to Thee Ken Paginton (1923-1997); Eng. Ken wrote this hymn in 1963. He labored in England and Madagascar.
266. Oh, for a Closer Walk Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
267. Baptized in Jesus’ Name Ken Paginton (1923-1997); Eng. Written by Ken in response to a request for another baptism hymn.
268. Rejoicing in the Lord Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. This hymn is often used at baptism.
269. He Hath Blessed Us Jack Annand (1891-1957); Aust. Jack went into the work in 1913 and labored in Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Poland and Latvia.
270. Tomorrow’s Path Marion MacPherson (1922-1998); U.S.A. Marion went into the work in 1947. This hymn, including the music, was written while caring for her mother.
271. I Know Not Why [see II Tim. 1:12] Daniel W. Whittle (1840-1901); U.S.A. The author lived in eastern U.S.A.
272. There Hath Not Failed [see Josh. 23:14] Mrs. Mabel Reid Smith (1883-1968); Ire. Mabel wrote this hymn Feb. 16, 1967, near the end of her life, at the request of a daughter.
273. I Know in Whom I Have Believed [see II Tim. 1:12] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
274. I Know That My Redeemer Lives [see Job 19:25] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1917 in Victoria, Australia.
275. Trusting the Living God Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and labored in Ireland and Australia.
276. Precious Thought L. Ware
277. The Next Step Adelaide A. Pollard (1862-1934)
278. Oh! For the Peace Henry Swanepoel (1903-1968); Zimbabwe. Henry wrote this hymn in 1924; he labored in South Africa, Zimbabwe (S. Rhodesia), Zambia, and Zaire.
279. Increase Our Faith Mrs. May Schulz (1902-1991); Ire. May lives in Victoria, Australia.
280. How Sweet the Thought Charles Morgan (1875-1950); Wales. Charles went into the work in 1910 and labored in western Canada.
281. I Need No Strength but Thine Jack Annand (1891-1957); Aust. Jack went into the work in 1913 and labored in Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Poland and Latvia.
282. His Way Is Best Mrs. Rene Beattie (1886-1969); Aust. Rene professed in 1909; went into the work in 1911 and labored in S. Australia, Tasmania and N.Z.
283. Strong in the Strength Hugh Roberts (1884-1971); Ire. Hugh labored in eastern Canada. He also wrote the music to this hymn.
284. I Never Can Forget C. Anderson (1903-1987)/K. Dissmore (1916-1993); U.S.A. Using the tune Clarence had selected, and further developing Clarence’s thought, Kenneth completed this hymn in 1979.
285. Wait on the Lord [see Ps. 27:14] James Wright (1888-1962); Eng. James labored in England, and in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada.
286. An Offering I Would Bring Mary McGregor (1884-1970); Scot. Mary wrote this hymn when thinking of the different offerings. She labored in southeastern U.S.A.
287. In Jesus’ Hands Kenneth Dissmore (1916-1993); U.S.A. Kenneth wrote this hymn in the 1960’s as a funeral hymn.
288. Lead Me to the Rock Jack Price (1922-2015); Can. Jack wrote this hymn in 1970 due to a struggle in his own soul. He labored in western Canada.
289. Thou Thinkest, Lord, of Me Edward Mund (a pseudonym of Edmund Simon Lorenz 1854-1942; U.S.A.)
290. All the Way [see II Kings 2:2-6] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1918.
291. The Heart of My Saviour Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
292. In Times of Deepest Darkness Eustace Radford (1880-1949); Aust. Eustace wrote this hymn after the death of his beloved wife, Kate, in May 1932.
293. As I Dwell on Things Eternal Robert Blair (1874-1942); N.Z. Robert labored in England, N.Z., Fiji Islands, Samoa, Norfolk Island and Australia.
294. A Life of Overcoming [see Jn. 16:33] Freda Hanbury
295. My Refuge and Hope Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
296. All Through the Storm Glenn Smith (1880-1968); U.S.A. Glenn wrote the music to his hymns. He labored in the eastern U.S.A. and South America.
297. The Waves Rolled High [see Matt. 8:24] Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
298. Through Good Report [see II Cor. 6:8] Horatius Bonar (1808-1889); Scot. The author wrote hundreds of hymns.
299. Approved of God James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and laboured in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
300. My Heart’s Deep Need Gladys Porteous (1897-1999); U.S.A. Gladys wrote this hymn in 1923 in San Diego, California, U.S.A.
301. Mid Worldly Temptations Mrs. John Graham (1885-1918); U.S.A. Mrs. Graham professed in N. Dakota in 1905, later moving to Saskatchewan, Canada.
302. Dear Saviour, Lead Me Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
303. Close to Thee Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915); U.S.A. The author was a blind lady who wrote thousands of hymns.
304. Come, Brothers, On Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769); Ger. Translated from German into English by F. Bevan (1827-1909).
305. Lo, We Can Tread Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769); Ger. Translated from German into English by F. Bevan (1827-1909).
306. He Waits for Thee Thomas Turner (1878-1959); Ire. Tom went into the work in Ireland in 1900 and in 1905 he went to Australia.
307. I Will Follow My Saviour Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
308. The Lord’s My Shepherd King David (1000 B.C.); Judea. This is a paraphrase of Ps. 23 by Whittingham (1524-1579).
309. How Fresh and Green [see Ps. 23 and Jn. 10] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Dec. 1919.
310. Shepherd of Israel [see Jn. 10] Adelaide A. Pollard (1862-1934)
311. Love Supreme [see Deut. 32:10] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam also wrote the music to this hymn.
312. The Lord My Shepherd Is King David (1000 B.C.); Judea. S. Jones wrote this hymn as a paraphrase of Ps.23.
313. Where All Is Peaceful Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1917 in Snug Cove, Kangaroo Island, S. Australia while resting for six months.
314. O Give Me Rest [see Heb. 4] Eliza H. Hamilton (19th century); Scot.
315. Dear Saviour, Let Thy Peace Mrs. May Schulz (1902-1991); Ire. May lived in Victoria, Australia.
316. Today is Mine Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
317. Sweet Is the Rest Elinor Kleeb (1915-2004); U.S.A. Elinor wrote the words and music in 1937. She labored in western U.S.A.
318. As You Journey Home Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Oct. 1914.
319. ’Tis Not in Vain to Yield James Fawcett (1886-1958); Ire. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Ireland and eastern U.S.A.
320. I Love My Master [see Ex. 21:5] Mary Lindley (1903-1979); U.S.A. Mary professed in 1918; she went into the work in 1923 and labored in southeastern U.S.A.
321. Hearts It Is the World Requires John Lawley (1859-1923); Eng.
322. Help Me, Lord Robert Blair (1874-1942); N.Z. Robert professed in 1906, went into the work in 1916, and labored in England, N.Z., Fiji Islands, Samoa, Norfolk Island and Australia.
323. Youth Richard Middleton (1922-2006); U.S.A. This hymn was written after the funeral of a 20-year-old girl who was killed while walking to a gospel meeting in 1970.
324. Live for Others R. McNaughton
325. Not unto Men I Labour Mrs. Elma Wiebe Milton (1907-1997); U.S.A. Elma went into the work in 1927 and laboured on the west coast of the U.S.A.
326. When Sore Afflictions Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Sept. 1916, in Sandringham, Victoria, Australia.
327. He Who Hath Led Frances R. Havergal (1836-1879); Eng. The author wrote over 50 hymns.
328. Ere We Part Jack Annand (1891-1957); Aust. Jack went into the work in 1913 and labored in Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Poland and Latvia.
329. Bind Me in Thy Yoke Harry V. Savage (1887-1986); Eng. Harry labored in Canada and U.S.A. before going to Chile in 1926.
330. Go, Labour On Horatius Bonar (1808-1889); Scot. This hymn was written in 1836.
331. Evermore Consider Jesus Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
332. Lord, How Good [see Ps. 133] Ken Paginton (1923-1997); Eng. Ken wrote this hymn in 1970 in Madagascar as he was thinking of convention beginning in England.
333. May They All Be One Garrett Hughes (1895-1991); U.S.A. The thought of this hymn is based on Jesus’ prayer in Jn. 17.
334. Through the Night Bernard S. Ingemann (1789-1862); Den. The author composed many hymns. Translated by Savine Baring-Gould (1834-1924).
335. No East or West Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
336. Saviour, Keep Me True Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Nov. 1917, in Snug Cove, Kangaroo Island, S. Australia.
337. Counted in Mrs. C. H. Morris (1842-1925); U.S.A. The author also wrote the music to this hymn.
338. Loose Not Thine Hold Mrs. Mabel Reid Smith (1883-1968); Ire. This hymn was written in hopes of helping one who was having a difficult struggle.
339. Steady and True Glenn Smith (1880-1968); U.S.A. Glenn wrote the music to his hymns. He labored in the eastern U.S.A. and South America.
340. Let Not My Soul Robert Marshall (1899-1961); Ire. Robert wrote this as a poem while in Italy. He labored in Europe and North Africa.
341. In the Shadow of the Highest Glenn Smith (1880-1968); U.S.A. Glenn wrote the music to his hymns. He labored in the eastern U.S.A. and South America.
342. I Would Be True Jack Price (1922-2015); Can. Jack wrote the words and music in 1962 as a result of a struggle and victory his sister experienced.
343. Never Let Your Courage Falter Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
344. Leave Me Not Alone Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
345. I Will Journey All the Way Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1916.
346. I Cannot Now Go Back [see Judges 11:35] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
347. Once We Were Wandering James Fawcett (1886-1958); Ire. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Ireland and eastern U.S.A.
348. Seeking for a Better Country [see Heb. 11:13-14] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam also wrote the music to this hymn.
349. My Pilgrim Way Ken Paginton (1923-1997); Eng. Hymn written in 1969 during Ken’s early years in Madagascar.
350. Just Cling Glenn Smith (1880-1968); U.S.A. Glenn wrote the music to his hymns. He labored in the eastern U.S.A. and South America.
351. God in Heaven [see II Cor. 4:7] Paulus Gerhardt (1607-1676); Ger. This hymn was translated from German into English by F. Bevan (1827-1909).
352. I’ve Vowed to Be True Mary McGregor (1884-1970); Scot. Mary wrote this hymn upon hearing she was to labor in U.S.A. (She went to the eastern U.S.A.)
353. Mine the Privilege Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1915.
354. ’Tis Not in Vain [see I Cor. 15:58] Mrs. Mabel Reid Smith (1883-1968); Ire. This hymn came to Mabel following the death of a sister, considering what her message from eternity might be.
355. Jesus Lives in Me Mary McGregor (1884-1970); Scot. Mary wrote this hymn to help a couple who had recently professed.
356. How Blessed Are the Undefiled [see Ps. 119:1] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
357. Fret Not Thy Soul [see Ps. 37] James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and laboured in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
358. My Heart Has One Desire Robert Blair (1874-1942); N.Z. Robert labored in England, N.Z., Fiji Islands, Samoa, Norfolk Island and Australia.
359. So Strange it Seems Mary McGregor (1884-1970); Scot. Mary labored in southeastern U.S.A.
360. I Have Overcome [see Jn. 16:33] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
361. When First We Heard Mary McGregor (1884-1970); Scot. Mary labored in southeastern U.S.A.
362. Longings Ada R. Habershon (1861-1918); Eng. The author wrote hundreds of hymns.
363. Jesus Trod the Pathway Adam Hutchison (1873-1925); Scot. Adam went into the work in 1902. He labored in England and Australia, and pioneered the work in India and Burma.
364. Let Us Consider Jesus [see Heb. 3:1] James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James went into the work in 1904 and laboured in Scotland, Germany and midwestern U.S.A.
365. Approved and Faithful Thomas Turner (1878-1959); Ire. Thomas labored in Australia. This hymn was written on the thought of the approval of God.
366. Pressing on Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Jan. 1918.
367. Hold Fast [see Rev. 3:11] Blanche Chappell (1884-1978); Eng. Blanche went into the work in 1907 and came to eastern Canada in 1908.
368. I Am Satisfied Indeed Winnie Adams (1890-1939); Canada. Winnie labored in the Maritime Provinces of eastern Canada. Later became Mrs. Will Cresswell (1924).
369. Where Others Conquered Thomas Turner (1878-1959); Ire. Tom went into the work in Ireland in 1900 and in 1905 he went to Australia.
370. Till Breaking of the Day Mrs. May Schulz (1902-1991); Ire. May lived in Victoria, Australia.
371. My Life Is Hid [see Col. 3:3] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
372. May the Lord Depend on You? Wĭlliam Clark Martin (1864-1914); U.S.A.
373. Clad in Your Armour [see Eph. 6:11] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
374. Stronger than the Strong Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
375. In Every Part Mrs. Elma Wiebe Milton (1907-1997); U.S.A. Elma wrote this hymn in 1938 near the outbreak of World War II.
376. Be Ye Immovable [see Judges 8:4] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
377. How Real to Know Adam Hutchison (1873-1925); Scot. Adam went into the work in 1902. He labored in England and Australia, and pioneered the work in India and Burma.
378. In All My Vast Concerns King David (1000 B.C.); Judea. This hymn is a paraphrase of Ps. 139 by Isaac Watts of England (1674-1748).
379. Search Me, O God [see Ps. 139:23] Francis Bottome (1823-1894); Eng. The author lived in U.S.A. He wrote and published many hymns.
380. Search Me, O Lord [see Ps. 139] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia. (Two verses of this hymn were written by Fanny J. Crosby.)
381. Heart and Purpose [See Ps. 51:17] Glenn Smith (1880-1968); U.S.A. Glenn wrote the music to his hymns. He labored in the eastern U.S.A. and South America.
382. A Broken, Contrite Heart Glenn Smith (1880-1968); U.S.A. Glenn wrote the music to his hymns. He labored in the eastern U.S.A. and South America.
383. He Knows Our Hearts James Fawcett (1886-1958); Ire. James went into the work in 1904 and labored in Ireland and eastern U.S.A.
384. Cleansing for Me [see Jn. 1:7] Herbert H. Booth (1842-1926); Eng.
385. Thou Art Worthy Mrs. Elma Wiebe Milton (1907-1997); U.S.A. Elma wrote this hymn in 1942. She laboured on the west coast of the U.S.A.
386. Christ for Us Gladys Porteous (1897-1999); U.S.A. Gladys wrote this hymn in San Diego, California, U.S.A. in 1946.
387. Bravely Tread the Path [see Is. 63:3] Blanche Chappell (1884-1978); Eng. Blanche went into the work in 1907 and came to eastern Canada in 1908.
388. In Lowliness the Saviour Came Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
389. The Way to Calvary H. C. Berrett (1885-1955); Aust. Cliff lived in Australia.
390. I Need the Mind of Christ [see Phil. 2:5] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
391. Calvary Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in 1918, in Port MacDonnell, South Australia.
392. We Would See Jesus [see Jn. 12:21] Anna B. Warner (1821-1915); U.S.A. The author wrote many hymns. This hymn was written in 1851.
393. I Am Now a Child of God Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam went into the work in 1902 and laboured in Ireland and Australia.
394. Abide in Him [see Jn. 2:28] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Dec. 1916.
395. Can Ye Not Watch? [see Matt. 26:40] Jessie H. Brown Pounds (1861-1921); U.S.A.
396. A Little While Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Jan. 1920, in Bethel, South Australia.
397. Only Remembered Horatius Bonar (1808-1889); Scot. The author wrote hundreds of hymns.
398. Christ Is Coming Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
399. In Vain Do the Wise Willie Hughes (1880-1966); Ire. Willie went into the work in 1906 and labored in Australia, eastern Canada and N.Z.
400. When Jesus Comes Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915); U.S.A. The author was a blind lady who wrote thousands of hymns.
401. Art Thou Waiting [see Lk. 21:28] Jack Annand (1891-1957); Aust. Jack went into the work in 1913 and labored in Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Poland and Latvia.
402. Lord, Grant My Life [see Jn. 12:24] Mrs. May Schulz (1902-1991); Ire. May lived in Victoria, Australia.
403. Impelled by Love Kenneth Dissmore (1916-1993); U.S.A. An inspiring thought for Kenneth; he wrote this hymn in 1971. He labored in the midwestern U.S.A.
404. There Is No Gain [see Jn. 12:24] Catherine Booth-Clibborn (1858- 1955); U.S.A.
405. The Call to Labour Ken Paginton (1923-1997); Eng. Ken wrote this hymn in 1961 while in London. He labored in England and Madagascar.
406. Forget Them Not Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy wrote this hymn in Italy in the early 1920’s.
407. O Say Not Ye [see Jn. 4:35] Mrs. Mary Luella (Fontaine) Todd (1934-2002); U.S.A.
408. No Reputation [see Phil 2:5-7] Sam Jones (1877-1946); Ire. Sam wrote this hymn in Aug. 1914 in Bethel, South Australia.
409. Alone with God Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856-1930); U.S.A. The author wrote over 2,000 hymns.
410. Called Home to Rest Sandy Scott (1886-1968); Scot. Sandy went into the work in 1909 and labored in Scotland, U.S.A., Italy, Spain and Canada.
411. Sweet, Sweet Release [see Rev. 6:11] James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. James wrote this expressly for the funeral of one of the friends.
412. When Life Is Ended James Jardine (1884-1969); Scot. This hymn was sung at James’ funeral.